Légiste et conseiller parlementaire
Direction : Bureau du légiste et conseiller parlementaire
Classification : SLA 3B: 205 986 $ - 246 584 $
Type d’emploi : Nomination pour une durée indéterminée (permanent, à temps plein)
Lieu de travail : Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Date de clôture : vendredi 10 janvier 2025
À propos du Sénat
Le Sénat joue un rôle unique dans le façonnement de la démocratie canadienne. En tant que membres de la Chambre haute du Parlement, les sénateurs étudient des projets de loi, examinent des politiques d’intérêt public, défendent des causes et participent à la diplomatie interparlementaire. Le Sénat est un lieu de travail formé de gens dynamiques qui représentent la diversité des talents, des parcours et des perspectives au Canada. Nous nous engageons à créer et à maintenir un lieu de travail diversifié et inclusif où chacun a le plein accès à l’égalité en emploi, au perfectionnement et à l’avancement. Vous serez un cadre supérieur à la tête d’une équipe de professionnels dévoués qui s’engagent à atteindre l’excellence dans le soutien aux sénateurs et à l’institution.
Votre contribution
En tant que conseiller juridique en chef du Sénat du Canada, le légiste et conseiller parlementaire est chargé de fournir des conseils juridiques et des services législatifs complets et non partisans au Sénat et à ses comités, y compris le Comité permanent de la régie interne, des budgets et de l’administration (CIBA), à la Présidence et à tous les sénateurs, au greffier du Sénat et à l’Administration du Sénat.
En tant que cadre supérieur de l’Administration du Sénat, vous relevez du greffier du Sénat et, en tant que membre clé du comité des plans et des priorités du greffier, vous devez contribuer à établir et à réaliser les priorités et les objectifs stratégiques de l’institution.
En tant que chef du Bureau du légiste et conseiller parlementaire, vous dirigez une équipe de juristes qui sont collectivement responsables de la prestation d’une gamme de services juridiques, Identifier et atténuer les risques institutionnels et résoudre les problèmes.
Vous êtes l’un des principaux greffiers au Bureau du Sénat, ce qui vous permet de rester informé des activités liées au progrès de la législation et des questions de privilège et de procédure parlementaires.
En tant qu’avocat général du Sénat, votre équipe fournit des conseils juridiques sur des questions administratives et de gestion à CIBA et à l’Administration. Il peut également vous être demandé d’intervenir dans des actions en justice au nom de la Présidence du Sénat ou de sénateurs, afin de garantir le respect des privilèges, des immunités et des pouvoirs du Parlement.
Enfin, vous devez superviser, mener et orienter les recherches sur l’application du droit parlementaire, constitutionnel, administratif et du travail, vous tenir au courant de la législation et de la jurisprudence récentes, et veiller à ce que les conseils et avis juridiques donnés soient fondés sur des précédents juridiques solides.
Ce processus de sélection est ouvert au grand publique pour doter un (1) poste à durée indéterminée au sein du Bureau du légiste et conseiller parlementaire.
Le Sénat du Canada est déterminé à mettre en place une main-d’œuvre qualifiée, reflétant la diversité des Canadiens que nous servons, en commençant par un processus d'embauche inclusif et sans obstacle. Vous pouvez présenter votre candidature dans la langue officielle de votre choix (anglais ou français) et demander des mesures d’adaptation à n'importe quelle étape du processus d'évaluation. Toutes les informations reçues à ce sujet resteront confidentielles. Nous encourageons l'équité en matière d'emploi et vous encourageons à indiquer si vous appartenez à l'un des groupes désignés lorsque vous posez votre candidature.
Le recrutement pour ce poste est géré par Boyden au nom du Sénat du Canada. Veuillez noter que les candidats qualifiés seront contactés par des représentants de Boyden et non par l'équipe d'acquisition de talents du Sénat
Conditions préalables
Diplôme de droit délivré par une université reconnue;
Être membre en règle depuis au moins 10 ans du barreau d’une province ou d’un territoire du Canada ou de la Chambre des notaires du Québec;
Expérience en tant que cadre supérieur dans une organisation du secteur privé ou public, avec une grande expérience de la prestation de conseils stratégiques en matière de droit ou de gestion sur un large éventail d’enjeux;
Excellentes compétences en communication écrite et orale dans les deux langues officielles;
Excellentes compétences en matière d’interprétation, d’analyse, de réflexion critique et de résolution de problèmes;
Connaissance approfondie du cadre législatif régissant le Sénat, en particulier la Loi constitutionnelle de 1867, la Loi constitutionnelle de 1982, y compris la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés, la Loi sur le Parlement du Canada, la Loi sur les relations de travail au Parlement, la Loi sur les langues officielles et d’autres lois fédérales applicables au Sénat du Canada;
Connaissance des rôles, des responsabilités et des pratiques constitutionnels de la Couronne, du Parlement du Canada et du gouvernement du Canada, avec un accent particulier sur la relation bicamérale entre le Sénat et la Chambre des communes, et le droit du privilège parlementaire;
Vaste expérience de l’interprétation et de la prestation d’avis juridiques sur des questions de droit constitutionnel, parlementaire, administratif et du travail;
Connaissance approfondie de tous les aspects du processus législatif;
Capacité à négocier, à persuader et à influencer diverses parties prenantes ayant des objectifs concurrents et à dégager un consensus sur des questions complexes ou sensibles;
Décideur avisé, équitable et impartial;
Expérience du développement et du maintien de relations constructives et efficaces;
Capacité à répondre à des délais serrés et à des priorités changeantes et à les concilier.
Qualifications constituant un atout
Expérience dans un domaine juridique ou judiciaire;
Expérience de la préparation, de la rédaction et de la modification de textes de loi;
Expérience de l’interaction avec des parlementaires;
Connaissance des politiques, des pratiques et des principes de bonne gestion;
Connaissance du programme politique actuel, des initiatives législatives en cours et des questions nationales d’actualité.
Exigences linguistiques
Compréhension de l’anglais écrit : C
Expression de l’anglais à l’écrit : C
Intéraction orale en anglais : C
Compréhension du français écrit : C
Expression du français à l’écrit : C
French Oral Interaction: C
Dec 12, 2024
Full time
Légiste et conseiller parlementaire
Direction : Bureau du légiste et conseiller parlementaire
Classification : SLA 3B: 205 986 $ - 246 584 $
Type d’emploi : Nomination pour une durée indéterminée (permanent, à temps plein)
Lieu de travail : Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Date de clôture : vendredi 10 janvier 2025
À propos du Sénat
Le Sénat joue un rôle unique dans le façonnement de la démocratie canadienne. En tant que membres de la Chambre haute du Parlement, les sénateurs étudient des projets de loi, examinent des politiques d’intérêt public, défendent des causes et participent à la diplomatie interparlementaire. Le Sénat est un lieu de travail formé de gens dynamiques qui représentent la diversité des talents, des parcours et des perspectives au Canada. Nous nous engageons à créer et à maintenir un lieu de travail diversifié et inclusif où chacun a le plein accès à l’égalité en emploi, au perfectionnement et à l’avancement. Vous serez un cadre supérieur à la tête d’une équipe de professionnels dévoués qui s’engagent à atteindre l’excellence dans le soutien aux sénateurs et à l’institution.
Votre contribution
En tant que conseiller juridique en chef du Sénat du Canada, le légiste et conseiller parlementaire est chargé de fournir des conseils juridiques et des services législatifs complets et non partisans au Sénat et à ses comités, y compris le Comité permanent de la régie interne, des budgets et de l’administration (CIBA), à la Présidence et à tous les sénateurs, au greffier du Sénat et à l’Administration du Sénat.
En tant que cadre supérieur de l’Administration du Sénat, vous relevez du greffier du Sénat et, en tant que membre clé du comité des plans et des priorités du greffier, vous devez contribuer à établir et à réaliser les priorités et les objectifs stratégiques de l’institution.
En tant que chef du Bureau du légiste et conseiller parlementaire, vous dirigez une équipe de juristes qui sont collectivement responsables de la prestation d’une gamme de services juridiques, Identifier et atténuer les risques institutionnels et résoudre les problèmes.
Vous êtes l’un des principaux greffiers au Bureau du Sénat, ce qui vous permet de rester informé des activités liées au progrès de la législation et des questions de privilège et de procédure parlementaires.
En tant qu’avocat général du Sénat, votre équipe fournit des conseils juridiques sur des questions administratives et de gestion à CIBA et à l’Administration. Il peut également vous être demandé d’intervenir dans des actions en justice au nom de la Présidence du Sénat ou de sénateurs, afin de garantir le respect des privilèges, des immunités et des pouvoirs du Parlement.
Enfin, vous devez superviser, mener et orienter les recherches sur l’application du droit parlementaire, constitutionnel, administratif et du travail, vous tenir au courant de la législation et de la jurisprudence récentes, et veiller à ce que les conseils et avis juridiques donnés soient fondés sur des précédents juridiques solides.
Ce processus de sélection est ouvert au grand publique pour doter un (1) poste à durée indéterminée au sein du Bureau du légiste et conseiller parlementaire.
Le Sénat du Canada est déterminé à mettre en place une main-d’œuvre qualifiée, reflétant la diversité des Canadiens que nous servons, en commençant par un processus d'embauche inclusif et sans obstacle. Vous pouvez présenter votre candidature dans la langue officielle de votre choix (anglais ou français) et demander des mesures d’adaptation à n'importe quelle étape du processus d'évaluation. Toutes les informations reçues à ce sujet resteront confidentielles. Nous encourageons l'équité en matière d'emploi et vous encourageons à indiquer si vous appartenez à l'un des groupes désignés lorsque vous posez votre candidature.
Le recrutement pour ce poste est géré par Boyden au nom du Sénat du Canada. Veuillez noter que les candidats qualifiés seront contactés par des représentants de Boyden et non par l'équipe d'acquisition de talents du Sénat
Conditions préalables
Diplôme de droit délivré par une université reconnue;
Être membre en règle depuis au moins 10 ans du barreau d’une province ou d’un territoire du Canada ou de la Chambre des notaires du Québec;
Expérience en tant que cadre supérieur dans une organisation du secteur privé ou public, avec une grande expérience de la prestation de conseils stratégiques en matière de droit ou de gestion sur un large éventail d’enjeux;
Excellentes compétences en communication écrite et orale dans les deux langues officielles;
Excellentes compétences en matière d’interprétation, d’analyse, de réflexion critique et de résolution de problèmes;
Connaissance approfondie du cadre législatif régissant le Sénat, en particulier la Loi constitutionnelle de 1867, la Loi constitutionnelle de 1982, y compris la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés, la Loi sur le Parlement du Canada, la Loi sur les relations de travail au Parlement, la Loi sur les langues officielles et d’autres lois fédérales applicables au Sénat du Canada;
Connaissance des rôles, des responsabilités et des pratiques constitutionnels de la Couronne, du Parlement du Canada et du gouvernement du Canada, avec un accent particulier sur la relation bicamérale entre le Sénat et la Chambre des communes, et le droit du privilège parlementaire;
Vaste expérience de l’interprétation et de la prestation d’avis juridiques sur des questions de droit constitutionnel, parlementaire, administratif et du travail;
Connaissance approfondie de tous les aspects du processus législatif;
Capacité à négocier, à persuader et à influencer diverses parties prenantes ayant des objectifs concurrents et à dégager un consensus sur des questions complexes ou sensibles;
Décideur avisé, équitable et impartial;
Expérience du développement et du maintien de relations constructives et efficaces;
Capacité à répondre à des délais serrés et à des priorités changeantes et à les concilier.
Qualifications constituant un atout
Expérience dans un domaine juridique ou judiciaire;
Expérience de la préparation, de la rédaction et de la modification de textes de loi;
Expérience de l’interaction avec des parlementaires;
Connaissance des politiques, des pratiques et des principes de bonne gestion;
Connaissance du programme politique actuel, des initiatives législatives en cours et des questions nationales d’actualité.
Exigences linguistiques
Compréhension de l’anglais écrit : C
Expression de l’anglais à l’écrit : C
Intéraction orale en anglais : C
Compréhension du français écrit : C
Expression du français à l’écrit : C
French Oral Interaction: C
First Canadian Title (FCT)
Oakville, Ontario, Canada
Sommaire de la compagnie
Venez travailler pour une entreprise qui est engagée dans la réussite de chacun de ses employés. C’est un milieu de travail où les innovateurs et les collaborateurs se rencontrent et tirent parti des talents de chacun. Un endroit où la diversité est accueillie et célébrée.
FCT offre la meilleure assurance titres de l’industrie et fournit des solutions de recouvrement et d’autres produits et services aux professionnels juridiques, du crédit, de l’évaluation et de l’immobilier partout au Canada. Chez FCT, vous aurez l’occasion de bâtir une carrière intéressante. Joignez-vous à nous pour nous aider à poursuivre notre travail excitant et à exercer une grande influence sur nos collègues, nos clients et les collectivités.
Sommaire du poste
Nous sommes toujours à la recherche d’excellents talents; de personnes qui font preuve d’engagement profond envers la clientèle et le marché que nous desservons. Si vous désirez vous joindre à une entreprise qui s'est engagée envers le succès de chacun de ses employés et qui offre des défis, des objectifs et des occasions de croître, tant au niveau personnel que professionnel, dans un environnement axé sur le travail d'équipe, vous aimerez travailler avec nous! Nous comprenons que la promotion d’un environnement diversifié et inclusif est essentielle au succès de nos activités, et nous y travaillons activement chaque jour.
The Director, Lawyer Services leads development of Products and Businesses designed to grow Share of Wallet, and also support Title Insurance growth. They will strive towards the North Star goal (profitable revenue on every Real Estate Transaction). The Director will lead the key in-flight Service Businesses (IDV, Search Assist, E&O) as well as find and develop new Service opportunities. They will be the company expert on Service businesses and mentor/lead product managers/specialists where appropriate.
Own Share of Wallet / Revenue growth of Lawyer Service businesses – these are the metrics that will drive you.
Actively participate in strategic planning, as well as ongoing tracking/adjustments to business plans. On an ongoing basis you will identify opportunities/risks as well as recommend ideas and solutions.
Translate ideas into concrete strategies, product enhancements and/or processes. Manage the execution and delivery and monitor success of product initiatives and track ongoing success against market share, revenue and customer experience targets.
Support product managers and specialists to help understand the business and mentor them to effectively deliver on business objectives.
Champion Lawyer Services business across FCT. Build relationships with internal partners and provide guidance to them as they support the businesses in achieving business goals. Spend significant time with revenue-driving partners (Sales and Marketing) ensuring they are meeting targets.
Continually increase your expertise though analysis of key metrics, discussions with internal and external stakeholders, competitive analysis.
Manage day-to-day situations, challenges, and opportunities on the Lawyer Services businesses.
Proven track record in the insurance or financial services industry, over 10 years experience
In-depth knowledge of title insurance, real estate transactions.
Demonstrated ability to launch new products and grow existing products.
Bachelor’s degree required preferably in business or marketing
Strong analytical skills and the ability to develop and execute strategic plans and turn ideas into solutions. Project management skills, Product management skills.
In-depth understanding of insurance market dynamics, trends, and competitive landscape.
Excellent interpersonal skills to establish and maintain relationships with clients, lawyers, clerks and industry and internal stakeholders.
Grâce au mentorat, à des outils novateurs et à une variété de programmes qui mobilisent et récompensent les employés, nous donnons à chacun d’eux les moyens d’exceller et d’obtenir des résultats.
Une gamme complète d’avantages sociaux comprenant des soins de santé virtuels et un programme d’aide aux employés et à la famille.
Un régime d’épargne-retraite collectif assorti d’une cotisation patronale de contrepartie.
Des congés payés généreux.
Des modalités de travail hybrides.
Des occasions de bénévolat rémunéré et des programmes de dons de bienfaisance jumelés.
Des programmes de reconnaissance des employés assortis de primes de recommandation.
D’éventuels incitatifs fondés sur le rendement.
La possibilité de participer à notre régime d’actionnariat.
Et plus encore!
Conformément aux dispositions du contrat de travail.
L’Institut Great Place to Work ® a nommé FCT parmi l'un des 50 Meilleurs lieux de travail au Canada, Meilleurs lieux de travail au Canada pour les services financiers et l'assurance, Meilleurs lieux de travail au Canada pour les femmes, Meilleurs lieux de travail au Canada pour l’inclusion et Meilleurs lieux de travail au Canada pour le bien-être mental. Nous avons également été reconnus par Achievers comme l’un des 50 milieux de travail les plus impliqués en Amérique du Nord.
En vous joignant à nous, vous ferez non seulement partie d’une entreprise primée, mais également d’un effectif engagé et habilité à réussir.
Merci d’avoir pris FCT en considération. Nous avons hâte de vous rencontrer.
En conformité avec le Code des droits de la personne en Ontario et la Loi sur l’accessibilité des personnes handicapées de l’Ontario, une demande d’accommodement sera acceptée dans le cadre du processus d’embauche de FCT.
Afin d’éviter tout délai dans le processus d’embauche, si vous avez besoin d’un accommodement pour postuler, veuillez nous faire part de vos besoins à l’avance. Vous pourriez devoir fournir une preuve médicale ou autre aux Ressources humaines lors de votre demande d’accommodation.
FCT est un employeur souscrivant au principe de l’égalité d’accès à l’emploi et a mis en place un programme antidiscriminatoire actif. Tous les processus de recrutement, d’embauche, de placement, de transfert, de promotion, de formation, de rémunération, d’avantage, de discipline et toutes autres modalités et stipulations liées à l’emploi se feront sur la base des qualifications de la personne sans égard à sa race, sa couleur, son lieu d’origine, son origine ethnique, sa citoyenneté, son handicap (y compris les handicaps mentaux et physiques), son sexe, son orientation sexuelle, son identité et son expression sexuelles, son appartenance (la religion), son état civil, son statut familial (la famille monoparentale), son âge, ou toute autre discrimination interdite par les lois sur les droits de la personne applicables au niveau fédéral et provincial.
Dec 11, 2024
Full time
Sommaire de la compagnie
Venez travailler pour une entreprise qui est engagée dans la réussite de chacun de ses employés. C’est un milieu de travail où les innovateurs et les collaborateurs se rencontrent et tirent parti des talents de chacun. Un endroit où la diversité est accueillie et célébrée.
FCT offre la meilleure assurance titres de l’industrie et fournit des solutions de recouvrement et d’autres produits et services aux professionnels juridiques, du crédit, de l’évaluation et de l’immobilier partout au Canada. Chez FCT, vous aurez l’occasion de bâtir une carrière intéressante. Joignez-vous à nous pour nous aider à poursuivre notre travail excitant et à exercer une grande influence sur nos collègues, nos clients et les collectivités.
Sommaire du poste
Nous sommes toujours à la recherche d’excellents talents; de personnes qui font preuve d’engagement profond envers la clientèle et le marché que nous desservons. Si vous désirez vous joindre à une entreprise qui s'est engagée envers le succès de chacun de ses employés et qui offre des défis, des objectifs et des occasions de croître, tant au niveau personnel que professionnel, dans un environnement axé sur le travail d'équipe, vous aimerez travailler avec nous! Nous comprenons que la promotion d’un environnement diversifié et inclusif est essentielle au succès de nos activités, et nous y travaillons activement chaque jour.
The Director, Lawyer Services leads development of Products and Businesses designed to grow Share of Wallet, and also support Title Insurance growth. They will strive towards the North Star goal (profitable revenue on every Real Estate Transaction). The Director will lead the key in-flight Service Businesses (IDV, Search Assist, E&O) as well as find and develop new Service opportunities. They will be the company expert on Service businesses and mentor/lead product managers/specialists where appropriate.
Own Share of Wallet / Revenue growth of Lawyer Service businesses – these are the metrics that will drive you.
Actively participate in strategic planning, as well as ongoing tracking/adjustments to business plans. On an ongoing basis you will identify opportunities/risks as well as recommend ideas and solutions.
Translate ideas into concrete strategies, product enhancements and/or processes. Manage the execution and delivery and monitor success of product initiatives and track ongoing success against market share, revenue and customer experience targets.
Support product managers and specialists to help understand the business and mentor them to effectively deliver on business objectives.
Champion Lawyer Services business across FCT. Build relationships with internal partners and provide guidance to them as they support the businesses in achieving business goals. Spend significant time with revenue-driving partners (Sales and Marketing) ensuring they are meeting targets.
Continually increase your expertise though analysis of key metrics, discussions with internal and external stakeholders, competitive analysis.
Manage day-to-day situations, challenges, and opportunities on the Lawyer Services businesses.
Proven track record in the insurance or financial services industry, over 10 years experience
In-depth knowledge of title insurance, real estate transactions.
Demonstrated ability to launch new products and grow existing products.
Bachelor’s degree required preferably in business or marketing
Strong analytical skills and the ability to develop and execute strategic plans and turn ideas into solutions. Project management skills, Product management skills.
In-depth understanding of insurance market dynamics, trends, and competitive landscape.
Excellent interpersonal skills to establish and maintain relationships with clients, lawyers, clerks and industry and internal stakeholders.
Grâce au mentorat, à des outils novateurs et à une variété de programmes qui mobilisent et récompensent les employés, nous donnons à chacun d’eux les moyens d’exceller et d’obtenir des résultats.
Une gamme complète d’avantages sociaux comprenant des soins de santé virtuels et un programme d’aide aux employés et à la famille.
Un régime d’épargne-retraite collectif assorti d’une cotisation patronale de contrepartie.
Des congés payés généreux.
Des modalités de travail hybrides.
Des occasions de bénévolat rémunéré et des programmes de dons de bienfaisance jumelés.
Des programmes de reconnaissance des employés assortis de primes de recommandation.
D’éventuels incitatifs fondés sur le rendement.
La possibilité de participer à notre régime d’actionnariat.
Et plus encore!
Conformément aux dispositions du contrat de travail.
L’Institut Great Place to Work ® a nommé FCT parmi l'un des 50 Meilleurs lieux de travail au Canada, Meilleurs lieux de travail au Canada pour les services financiers et l'assurance, Meilleurs lieux de travail au Canada pour les femmes, Meilleurs lieux de travail au Canada pour l’inclusion et Meilleurs lieux de travail au Canada pour le bien-être mental. Nous avons également été reconnus par Achievers comme l’un des 50 milieux de travail les plus impliqués en Amérique du Nord.
En vous joignant à nous, vous ferez non seulement partie d’une entreprise primée, mais également d’un effectif engagé et habilité à réussir.
Merci d’avoir pris FCT en considération. Nous avons hâte de vous rencontrer.
En conformité avec le Code des droits de la personne en Ontario et la Loi sur l’accessibilité des personnes handicapées de l’Ontario, une demande d’accommodement sera acceptée dans le cadre du processus d’embauche de FCT.
Afin d’éviter tout délai dans le processus d’embauche, si vous avez besoin d’un accommodement pour postuler, veuillez nous faire part de vos besoins à l’avance. Vous pourriez devoir fournir une preuve médicale ou autre aux Ressources humaines lors de votre demande d’accommodation.
FCT est un employeur souscrivant au principe de l’égalité d’accès à l’emploi et a mis en place un programme antidiscriminatoire actif. Tous les processus de recrutement, d’embauche, de placement, de transfert, de promotion, de formation, de rémunération, d’avantage, de discipline et toutes autres modalités et stipulations liées à l’emploi se feront sur la base des qualifications de la personne sans égard à sa race, sa couleur, son lieu d’origine, son origine ethnique, sa citoyenneté, son handicap (y compris les handicaps mentaux et physiques), son sexe, son orientation sexuelle, son identité et son expression sexuelles, son appartenance (la religion), son état civil, son statut familial (la famille monoparentale), son âge, ou toute autre discrimination interdite par les lois sur les droits de la personne applicables au niveau fédéral et provincial.
Résumé du travail
Description du poste
En quoi consiste l’occasion d’emploi ?
À titre de professionnel(le) de RBC Trust Royal, le (la) conseiller(-ère), Testaments et successions, est responsable de l’acquisition de nouveaux testaments, procurations ou mandats qui désignent Trust Royal à titre de fiduciaire. Vous établirez et entretiendrez de solides relations avec la clientèle fortunée et les principaux partenaires internes et externes pour cibler les occasions appropriées, et s’assurer d’offrir une expérience supérieure en matière de services de fiducie et de succession. Ce poste peut être pourvu à Québec, Montréal ou Sherbrooke.
Quelles seront vos tâches ?
Générer de façon autonome de nouvelles désignations pour des testaments, des procurations et des mandats, ainsi que de nouvelles occasions d’affaires en établissant des relations avec des personnes d’influence (comptables, avocat[e]s, fiduciaires, conseiller(-ère)s en placement, etc.).
Fournir une orientation sur les questions de succession et de planification testamentaire, s’assurer que les nouveaux documents respectent les normes et les politiques internes, et veiller à ce que les politiques touchant aux testaments soient suivies.
Agir comme personne-ressource auprès du Trust Royal en formulant des conseils à propos de questions juridiques précises qui concernent les successions et les fiducies et comme personne-ressource aux partenaires à l'interne et aux clients par le biais de présentations sur les questions de succession et de planification testamentaire.
Se tenir au courant des changements apportés aux lois des ressorts applicables qui sont en lien avec les questions successorales et fiduciaires.
Fournir un service rapide et efficace aux clients actuels en ce qui concerne les documents relatifs à leurs testaments, à leurs procurations et à leurs mandats.
Offrir un service à la clientèle de qualité supérieure aux clients existants et aux partenaires pour s’assurer de les fidéliser.
Participer activement aux activités portant sur le secteur bancaire et le secteur des services financiers pour confirmer toujours davantage l’expertise sectorielle et professionnelle.
Servir comme ambassadeur(-drice) de RBC Trust Royal dans le segment de marché à titre de professionnel(le) des successions et des fiducies.
De quoi avez-vous besoin pour réussir ?
Avocat(e) (membre du Barreau du Québec) ou notaire (membre de la Chambre des notaires du Québec)
Excellente connaissance des testaments, des fiducies, de l’administration successorale et fiduciaire, des règles fiscales applicables et des concepts de planification
Excellente connaissance du droit en ce qui concerne les testaments, les successions et les fiducies
Expérience dans les domaines des testaments, du droit des successions et des fiducies, de la planification financière et de l’administration de fiducies et de successions, ainsi que des questions fiscales, environnementales, familiales et d’assurance pertinentes
Bilinguisme (anglais et français) requis, car vous servirez une clientèle, et ferez affaire avec des collègues et des partenaires, francophones et anglophones à l’échelle du Canada
Solides compétences en présentation
Aptitudes pour la gestion relationnelle, le marketing et l’expansion des affaires
Réseau d’affaires interne et externe bien établi
Titre de TEP (Trust and Estate Practitioner)
Diplôme de planificateur(-trice) financier(-ière) décerné par l’Institut de planification financière
Les avantages pour vous
Donner notre pleine mesure, penser autrement pour poursuivre notre croissance et travailler en équipe afin d’offrir des conseils fiables qui contribueront à la réussite des clients et à la prospérité des collectivités, voilà un défi que nous relevons avec brio. Nous nous soucions du bien-être de chacun et nous sommes déterminés à réaliser notre plein potentiel, à favoriser l’essor des collectivités et à contribuer à la réussite de tous.
Programme de rémunération globale comprenant des primes et des avantages sociaux à la carte, rémunération concurrentielle, commissions et actions, s’il y a lieu
Capacité d’apporter une contribution importante et d’avoir une influence durable
Équipe dynamique, évolutive, axée sur la collaboration et à rendement élevé
Occasions de relever des défis
Compétences professionnelles
Détails supplémentaires de l’emploi
Adresse :
Ville :
Dec 11, 2024
Full time
Résumé du travail
Description du poste
En quoi consiste l’occasion d’emploi ?
À titre de professionnel(le) de RBC Trust Royal, le (la) conseiller(-ère), Testaments et successions, est responsable de l’acquisition de nouveaux testaments, procurations ou mandats qui désignent Trust Royal à titre de fiduciaire. Vous établirez et entretiendrez de solides relations avec la clientèle fortunée et les principaux partenaires internes et externes pour cibler les occasions appropriées, et s’assurer d’offrir une expérience supérieure en matière de services de fiducie et de succession. Ce poste peut être pourvu à Québec, Montréal ou Sherbrooke.
Quelles seront vos tâches ?
Générer de façon autonome de nouvelles désignations pour des testaments, des procurations et des mandats, ainsi que de nouvelles occasions d’affaires en établissant des relations avec des personnes d’influence (comptables, avocat[e]s, fiduciaires, conseiller(-ère)s en placement, etc.).
Fournir une orientation sur les questions de succession et de planification testamentaire, s’assurer que les nouveaux documents respectent les normes et les politiques internes, et veiller à ce que les politiques touchant aux testaments soient suivies.
Agir comme personne-ressource auprès du Trust Royal en formulant des conseils à propos de questions juridiques précises qui concernent les successions et les fiducies et comme personne-ressource aux partenaires à l'interne et aux clients par le biais de présentations sur les questions de succession et de planification testamentaire.
Se tenir au courant des changements apportés aux lois des ressorts applicables qui sont en lien avec les questions successorales et fiduciaires.
Fournir un service rapide et efficace aux clients actuels en ce qui concerne les documents relatifs à leurs testaments, à leurs procurations et à leurs mandats.
Offrir un service à la clientèle de qualité supérieure aux clients existants et aux partenaires pour s’assurer de les fidéliser.
Participer activement aux activités portant sur le secteur bancaire et le secteur des services financiers pour confirmer toujours davantage l’expertise sectorielle et professionnelle.
Servir comme ambassadeur(-drice) de RBC Trust Royal dans le segment de marché à titre de professionnel(le) des successions et des fiducies.
De quoi avez-vous besoin pour réussir ?
Avocat(e) (membre du Barreau du Québec) ou notaire (membre de la Chambre des notaires du Québec)
Excellente connaissance des testaments, des fiducies, de l’administration successorale et fiduciaire, des règles fiscales applicables et des concepts de planification
Excellente connaissance du droit en ce qui concerne les testaments, les successions et les fiducies
Expérience dans les domaines des testaments, du droit des successions et des fiducies, de la planification financière et de l’administration de fiducies et de successions, ainsi que des questions fiscales, environnementales, familiales et d’assurance pertinentes
Bilinguisme (anglais et français) requis, car vous servirez une clientèle, et ferez affaire avec des collègues et des partenaires, francophones et anglophones à l’échelle du Canada
Solides compétences en présentation
Aptitudes pour la gestion relationnelle, le marketing et l’expansion des affaires
Réseau d’affaires interne et externe bien établi
Titre de TEP (Trust and Estate Practitioner)
Diplôme de planificateur(-trice) financier(-ière) décerné par l’Institut de planification financière
Les avantages pour vous
Donner notre pleine mesure, penser autrement pour poursuivre notre croissance et travailler en équipe afin d’offrir des conseils fiables qui contribueront à la réussite des clients et à la prospérité des collectivités, voilà un défi que nous relevons avec brio. Nous nous soucions du bien-être de chacun et nous sommes déterminés à réaliser notre plein potentiel, à favoriser l’essor des collectivités et à contribuer à la réussite de tous.
Programme de rémunération globale comprenant des primes et des avantages sociaux à la carte, rémunération concurrentielle, commissions et actions, s’il y a lieu
Capacité d’apporter une contribution importante et d’avoir une influence durable
Équipe dynamique, évolutive, axée sur la collaboration et à rendement élevé
Occasions de relever des défis
Compétences professionnelles
Détails supplémentaires de l’emploi
Adresse :
Ville :
The Role
Reporting to the Senior Manager, Contract & Compliance, the Privacy Specialist will build, implement, and operate the T&T Canada & US privacy programs. The Privacy Specialist will act as a subject matter expert and will provide guidance in addition to performing risk assessments and ensuring that those business groups privacy maturity is in-line with that of the overall enterprise privacy program. The overall objective of the Privacy Specialist is to ensure that all existing and future privacy related policies, rules and procedures are following the legislation of applicable jurisdictions.
Major Responsibilities
Execute the enterprise privacy program components (e.g. content development, privacy training, privacy assessments and reporting) to fit for purpose for retail and shared service business units.
Provide timely, ongoing, and accurate privacy advice on privacy, CASL, US related legislation and regulations and data ethics risks and the identifying the appropriate mitigating controls.
Perform risk assessments on new initiatives that involve a new collection, use and disclosures of personal information and on new suppliers / vendors entering the parent company environment.
Support the development and implementation, on-going maintenance of privacy policies, standards, procedures, guidelines and tools based on laws, industry standards, and business objectives.
Identify and manage privacy risks in day-to-day operations, including within new and existing projects.
Support the development, implementation, training, and management of privacy awareness, and compliance program working in collaboration with inside and outside stakeholders.
Tracks and report privacy risks, remediation activities, and status of key program activities.
Manage privacy breach activities from intake, escalation, investigation, to resolution.
Stay abreast of Canadian and the US privacy developments and monitor advancements in technology including data protection technologies to ensure organizational adaptation and compliance.
Any other tasks as needed and assigned.
Knowledge, Skills and Ability Requirements
Post-secondary college or university graduate with certificate in CIPP.
2-3 years of working experience in a risk management or related functions.
Well versed with Canadian and US privacy laws.
Working knowledge of risk management governance and practices with a particular focus on private sector privacy laws.
An understanding of Generally Accepted Privacy Principles and able to apply principles to the operation of the business.
Excellent communication skills in English (written and verbal) and interpersonal skills.
Strong analytical capabilities, ability to work under pressure and think outside of the box.
Strong time management, organization, and collaboration skills.
Able to communicate in French and/or Chinese is an asset.
Travel may be required.
Accommodation is available upon requests for applicants with disabilities.
Quarterly discretionary bonus
Life / AD&D insurance
Extended health/dental/vision care
Retirement benefit
Paid annual/sick/marriage/bereavement leave
Subsidized staff meal
In-store staff purchase discount
5-day work week (Monday to Friday), 9:00am – 5:30pm
Safety Statement
Safety continues to be T&T Supermarket’s top priority. We’ve established health and safety policies and measures to ensure our Stores, Food Processing & Production Centres and Warehouse & Distribution are as safe as possible.
Dec 10, 2024
Full time
The Role
Reporting to the Senior Manager, Contract & Compliance, the Privacy Specialist will build, implement, and operate the T&T Canada & US privacy programs. The Privacy Specialist will act as a subject matter expert and will provide guidance in addition to performing risk assessments and ensuring that those business groups privacy maturity is in-line with that of the overall enterprise privacy program. The overall objective of the Privacy Specialist is to ensure that all existing and future privacy related policies, rules and procedures are following the legislation of applicable jurisdictions.
Major Responsibilities
Execute the enterprise privacy program components (e.g. content development, privacy training, privacy assessments and reporting) to fit for purpose for retail and shared service business units.
Provide timely, ongoing, and accurate privacy advice on privacy, CASL, US related legislation and regulations and data ethics risks and the identifying the appropriate mitigating controls.
Perform risk assessments on new initiatives that involve a new collection, use and disclosures of personal information and on new suppliers / vendors entering the parent company environment.
Support the development and implementation, on-going maintenance of privacy policies, standards, procedures, guidelines and tools based on laws, industry standards, and business objectives.
Identify and manage privacy risks in day-to-day operations, including within new and existing projects.
Support the development, implementation, training, and management of privacy awareness, and compliance program working in collaboration with inside and outside stakeholders.
Tracks and report privacy risks, remediation activities, and status of key program activities.
Manage privacy breach activities from intake, escalation, investigation, to resolution.
Stay abreast of Canadian and the US privacy developments and monitor advancements in technology including data protection technologies to ensure organizational adaptation and compliance.
Any other tasks as needed and assigned.
Knowledge, Skills and Ability Requirements
Post-secondary college or university graduate with certificate in CIPP.
2-3 years of working experience in a risk management or related functions.
Well versed with Canadian and US privacy laws.
Working knowledge of risk management governance and practices with a particular focus on private sector privacy laws.
An understanding of Generally Accepted Privacy Principles and able to apply principles to the operation of the business.
Excellent communication skills in English (written and verbal) and interpersonal skills.
Strong analytical capabilities, ability to work under pressure and think outside of the box.
Strong time management, organization, and collaboration skills.
Able to communicate in French and/or Chinese is an asset.
Travel may be required.
Accommodation is available upon requests for applicants with disabilities.
Quarterly discretionary bonus
Life / AD&D insurance
Extended health/dental/vision care
Retirement benefit
Paid annual/sick/marriage/bereavement leave
Subsidized staff meal
In-store staff purchase discount
5-day work week (Monday to Friday), 9:00am – 5:30pm
Safety Statement
Safety continues to be T&T Supermarket’s top priority. We’ve established health and safety policies and measures to ensure our Stores, Food Processing & Production Centres and Warehouse & Distribution are as safe as possible.
Cohen Highley LLP is currently recruiting a Legal/Administrative Assistant for our London office.
This position requires the successful candidate to be in office full-time.
Demonstrated experience providing strong administrative support in a fast-paced environment
Exceptional organizational and administrative skills with the ability to prioritize tasks effectively
Strong verbal and written communication skills
Commitment to excellent client service
Ability to work independently and as part of a team
Proficient with Microsoft Suite with emphasis on Outlook
Ability to manage multiple priorities while maintaining attention to detail
What you can expect in this position:
Calendar management
Co-ordinate and schedule meetings and appointments
Tracking deadlines and maintaining a strong “bring forward” system
Preparing Correspondence
Opening and Closing Files
Cohen Highley LLP provides a unique private practice culture that encourages professional growth in a collaborative, innovative and familial environment. Cohen Highley provides the opportunity to be part of a dynamic team of knowledgeable lawyers and staff. We are looking for candidates who share our values of exceptional client service and mutual respect.
Deadline for submissions is Monday, January 6th, 2025.
For more information about Cohen Highley, please visit our website at
Cohen Highley LLP is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
Job Types: Full-time, Permanent
Dec 10, 2024
Full time
Cohen Highley LLP is currently recruiting a Legal/Administrative Assistant for our London office.
This position requires the successful candidate to be in office full-time.
Demonstrated experience providing strong administrative support in a fast-paced environment
Exceptional organizational and administrative skills with the ability to prioritize tasks effectively
Strong verbal and written communication skills
Commitment to excellent client service
Ability to work independently and as part of a team
Proficient with Microsoft Suite with emphasis on Outlook
Ability to manage multiple priorities while maintaining attention to detail
What you can expect in this position:
Calendar management
Co-ordinate and schedule meetings and appointments
Tracking deadlines and maintaining a strong “bring forward” system
Preparing Correspondence
Opening and Closing Files
Cohen Highley LLP provides a unique private practice culture that encourages professional growth in a collaborative, innovative and familial environment. Cohen Highley provides the opportunity to be part of a dynamic team of knowledgeable lawyers and staff. We are looking for candidates who share our values of exceptional client service and mutual respect.
Deadline for submissions is Monday, January 6th, 2025.
For more information about Cohen Highley, please visit our website at
Cohen Highley LLP is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
Job Types: Full-time, Permanent
Definity is the parent company to some of Canada’s most long-standing and innovative insurance brands, including Economical Insurance, Sonnet Insurance, Family Insurance Solutions, and Petline Insurance. Our ambition is to be one of Canada’s leading and most innovative property and casualty insurers. We can’t do that without our people, so we embrace and encourage a culture that’s collaborative, ambitious, rewarding, and empowering.
We offer a flexible, hybrid work experience where employees work from the office and virtually depending on the type of work they are doing and who they are working with. Bring your true self and be a part of our journey. It’s better here.
What can you expect in this role?
General file handling and practice management for Civil Litigation Matters
Review documents and prepare summaries
Prepare and compile documents/briefs as assigned
Prepare Affidavit of Documents and other documents as assigned
Draft correspondence to clients, third parties, experts
Request and manage productions and undertakings and correspond with legal counsel
Support file work by identifying, obtaining, and organizing documents from the clients and from other parties to the litigation
All aspects of arranging Independent Examinations including retaining experts and preparing medical briefs for experts
Provide input into the procedures and practices
Work within a paperless environment
Perform other duties as required of a Legal Clerk
What do you bring to the role?
Minimum 2 years of experience as a Law Clerk as part of a team practicing insurance litigation in Ontario
Knowledge of the Rules of Civil Procedure
Strong document management skills with the ability to learn Definity’s various software programs
Demonstrated proficiency with Outlook and all MS Office applications
Ability to prioritize, organize and execute tasks in a quality manner with strong turnaround time
Excellent document management skills with ability to utilize the various software systems such as TeamConnect and ACL
High degree of personal ethics, integrity and responsibility with an ability to deal with sensitive issues and safeguard privileged and confidential information
Great attention to detail
Ability to perform under pressure, meet deadlines and handle multiple, yet sometimes conflicting priorities
Team player, adaptable to a changing environment
Salary Range is $55,800 - $102,800.
Interested in this role, but don’t meet every requirement? We encourage you to apply! We know from experience that a candidate doesn’t need 100% of the qualifications listed to bring incredible value to our team. We’re actively seeking diverse backgrounds and perspectives to help us make insurance better. At Definity, inclusion, diversity, and equity aren’t just “nice to have” — they’re essential to our success.
What’s in it for you?
Hybrid work schedule for most roles
Company share ownership program
Pension and savings programs, with company-matched RRSP contributions
Paid volunteer days and company matching on charitable donations
Educational resources, tuition assistance, and paid time off to study for exams
Focus on inclusion with employee groups, support for gender affirmation surgery, access to BIPOC counsellors, access to programs for working parents
Wellness and recognition programs
Discounts on products and services
Actual salary for the role may vary depending on work location of the successful candidate and other factors including but not limited to, skills, education, experience, working conditions and the local labour market. In addition to base pay, eligible employees may participate in various incentive plans which are paid out at the discretion of the company and subject to individual and company performance.
Go ahead and expect a lot — you deserve it.
It’s better here — but don’t take our word for it. Definity was named by Great Place to Work ® as one of the Best Workplaces™ in Canada for women, for youth, and for inclusion.
Our inclusive work environment welcomes diversity and supports accessibility. If you require accommodation at any time during the recruitment process, please let us know by contacting .
Background checks
This role requires successful clearance of background checks (including criminal checks and leadership referenc
Dec 10, 2024
Full time
Definity is the parent company to some of Canada’s most long-standing and innovative insurance brands, including Economical Insurance, Sonnet Insurance, Family Insurance Solutions, and Petline Insurance. Our ambition is to be one of Canada’s leading and most innovative property and casualty insurers. We can’t do that without our people, so we embrace and encourage a culture that’s collaborative, ambitious, rewarding, and empowering.
We offer a flexible, hybrid work experience where employees work from the office and virtually depending on the type of work they are doing and who they are working with. Bring your true self and be a part of our journey. It’s better here.
What can you expect in this role?
General file handling and practice management for Civil Litigation Matters
Review documents and prepare summaries
Prepare and compile documents/briefs as assigned
Prepare Affidavit of Documents and other documents as assigned
Draft correspondence to clients, third parties, experts
Request and manage productions and undertakings and correspond with legal counsel
Support file work by identifying, obtaining, and organizing documents from the clients and from other parties to the litigation
All aspects of arranging Independent Examinations including retaining experts and preparing medical briefs for experts
Provide input into the procedures and practices
Work within a paperless environment
Perform other duties as required of a Legal Clerk
What do you bring to the role?
Minimum 2 years of experience as a Law Clerk as part of a team practicing insurance litigation in Ontario
Knowledge of the Rules of Civil Procedure
Strong document management skills with the ability to learn Definity’s various software programs
Demonstrated proficiency with Outlook and all MS Office applications
Ability to prioritize, organize and execute tasks in a quality manner with strong turnaround time
Excellent document management skills with ability to utilize the various software systems such as TeamConnect and ACL
High degree of personal ethics, integrity and responsibility with an ability to deal with sensitive issues and safeguard privileged and confidential information
Great attention to detail
Ability to perform under pressure, meet deadlines and handle multiple, yet sometimes conflicting priorities
Team player, adaptable to a changing environment
Salary Range is $55,800 - $102,800.
Interested in this role, but don’t meet every requirement? We encourage you to apply! We know from experience that a candidate doesn’t need 100% of the qualifications listed to bring incredible value to our team. We’re actively seeking diverse backgrounds and perspectives to help us make insurance better. At Definity, inclusion, diversity, and equity aren’t just “nice to have” — they’re essential to our success.
What’s in it for you?
Hybrid work schedule for most roles
Company share ownership program
Pension and savings programs, with company-matched RRSP contributions
Paid volunteer days and company matching on charitable donations
Educational resources, tuition assistance, and paid time off to study for exams
Focus on inclusion with employee groups, support for gender affirmation surgery, access to BIPOC counsellors, access to programs for working parents
Wellness and recognition programs
Discounts on products and services
Actual salary for the role may vary depending on work location of the successful candidate and other factors including but not limited to, skills, education, experience, working conditions and the local labour market. In addition to base pay, eligible employees may participate in various incentive plans which are paid out at the discretion of the company and subject to individual and company performance.
Go ahead and expect a lot — you deserve it.
It’s better here — but don’t take our word for it. Definity was named by Great Place to Work ® as one of the Best Workplaces™ in Canada for women, for youth, and for inclusion.
Our inclusive work environment welcomes diversity and supports accessibility. If you require accommodation at any time during the recruitment process, please let us know by contacting .
Background checks
This role requires successful clearance of background checks (including criminal checks and leadership referenc
Remote Personal Injury Lawyer
Are you an accomplished personal injury lawyer seeking a remote opportunity that will elevate your career? This exclusive, six-month contract is available for experienced legal professionals with backgrounds in top-tier law firms.
As one of Toronto’s leading employment agencies with over 35 years of expertise, Cartel Inc. specializes in connecting legal talent with top firms. Our commitment to integrity and transparency makes us the go-to agency for legal career advancements. Registering with Cartel is free, and we offer an unmatched track record in helping professionals like you find the perfect opportunity.
Role Overview:
Our prestigious client is looking for an exceptional lawyer to join their Personal Injury Litigation team on a six-month contract. You will lead cases on behalf of plaintiffs, representing them against regulated health professionals and healthcare institutions. From initial client screenings to trial representation, this position demands a high level of legal expertise, compassion, and determination.
Key Responsibilities:
Lead personal injury cases from start to finish.
Screen potential clients and assess case merits.
Represent plaintiffs in litigation, including negotiations and trial.
Provide strategic advice and support to clients throughout the process.
Excellent academic credentials.
Proven experience in fast-paced legal environments.
Strong commitment to delivering outstanding client service.
Member in good standing of the Ontario Bar.
You’ll use your legal expertise to advocate for clients, develop compelling legal strategies, and negotiate favorable outcomes. This role is perfect for someone with a passion for helping others, exceptional communication skills, and the ability to solve complex legal problems.
What We Offer:
A flexible, remote work environment with support as needed.
Opportunities for professional growth and development.
A six-month contract with the potential for future opportunities.
Ready to take on this exciting challenge and advance your legal career? Submit your CV today to .
Ben Higham Managing Partner, Cartel Inc. Tel: 416.359.1983
Cartel Inc. is committed to diversity and welcomes highly qualified applicants of all backgrounds, regardless of race, color, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, or disability status.
Dec 09, 2024
Full time
Remote Personal Injury Lawyer
Are you an accomplished personal injury lawyer seeking a remote opportunity that will elevate your career? This exclusive, six-month contract is available for experienced legal professionals with backgrounds in top-tier law firms.
As one of Toronto’s leading employment agencies with over 35 years of expertise, Cartel Inc. specializes in connecting legal talent with top firms. Our commitment to integrity and transparency makes us the go-to agency for legal career advancements. Registering with Cartel is free, and we offer an unmatched track record in helping professionals like you find the perfect opportunity.
Role Overview:
Our prestigious client is looking for an exceptional lawyer to join their Personal Injury Litigation team on a six-month contract. You will lead cases on behalf of plaintiffs, representing them against regulated health professionals and healthcare institutions. From initial client screenings to trial representation, this position demands a high level of legal expertise, compassion, and determination.
Key Responsibilities:
Lead personal injury cases from start to finish.
Screen potential clients and assess case merits.
Represent plaintiffs in litigation, including negotiations and trial.
Provide strategic advice and support to clients throughout the process.
Excellent academic credentials.
Proven experience in fast-paced legal environments.
Strong commitment to delivering outstanding client service.
Member in good standing of the Ontario Bar.
You’ll use your legal expertise to advocate for clients, develop compelling legal strategies, and negotiate favorable outcomes. This role is perfect for someone with a passion for helping others, exceptional communication skills, and the ability to solve complex legal problems.
What We Offer:
A flexible, remote work environment with support as needed.
Opportunities for professional growth and development.
A six-month contract with the potential for future opportunities.
Ready to take on this exciting challenge and advance your legal career? Submit your CV today to .
Ben Higham Managing Partner, Cartel Inc. Tel: 416.359.1983
Cartel Inc. is committed to diversity and welcomes highly qualified applicants of all backgrounds, regardless of race, color, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, or disability status.
The Law Society of Ontario
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Discipline Counsel represent the Law Society in various regulatory proceedings, appearing before the Law Society Tribunal and in the courts.
Minimum level of education required for this position is an LLB or JD, plus a Class L1 licence with Law Society of Ontario.
Post-call litigation experience is required, with demonstrated advocacy and negotiation skills, and sound judgment.
Preference would be given to candidates with more than 5 years of litigation experience.
Experience gained in a professional regulation context would be advantageous.
May be required to travel locally to attend meetings at licensee’s offices and occasional travel within the province to interview witnesses or attend hearings outside of Toronto.
Understanding of the Law Society’s mandate, services, legislation and policies.
Extensive knowledge of investigation and prosecutorial practices.
In-depth knowledge of the rules of evidence, the rules of procedure, and the law concerning privilege and documentary disclosure.
Superior litigation skills.
Superior legal research skills, including internet research.
Ability to analyze and digest complex spoken and written information.
Ability to communicate clearly and persuasively in both spoken and written language in individual and group settings.
By submitting your application for employment, you agree to a clearance check of your regulatory history with the Law Society, and to the use of this information in assessing suitability for employment at the Law Society.
Please submit a cover letter with your application.
Client / Customer Service Delivery
Prepares for hearings, including developing case strategy, assessing evidence against required standard of proof, preparing witnesses, drafting documents as required including authorization memos, notices of application, agreed statements of fact, requests to admit, affidavits and other hearing materials including facta, negotiating narrow issues of fact and law, attending prehearings and researching law as necessary.
Represents the Law Society in hearings, appeals and judicial reviews.
Communicates with Law Society staff and complainants regarding the process and disposition of cases.
Provides advice on investigation files as directed.
Policy Development
As directed by their Manager, the Senior Manager, or the Director, Litigation Services, initiates, researches, and recommends appropriate policy changes related to the improvement of the regulatory process.
Participates on Bencher committees and working groups as requested.
Performance Goals, Targets and Standards
Discipline Counsel are assigned carriage of a high volume of cases and are expected to work independently, under the supervision of their Manager, delivering high quality work in a dynamic and fast- paced environment.
Discipline Counsel contribute to and participate in the development of standardized practices, guidelines and procedures for the prosecution of discipline files.
Discipline Counsel manage their caseload as directed by their Manager and the Senior Manager, Litigation Services, ensuring compliance with caseload priorities, performance metrics, timelines, and strategic policies.
Team Membership
Promotes the sharing and transfer of knowledge, applicable standards and information amongst members of the Litigation Services and Professional Regulation Division.
As directed, works with and shares expertise with other regulatory bodies, and other legal organizations.
The Law Society has introduced a Distributed Workforce Model to leverage flexibility and agility, and to maximize employee productivity and engagement. Work arrangements will be determined by role and departmental requirements. The working arrangement for this position has been classified as hybrid, where the employee will regularly flex their work location between home and office. The specific application of this will be communicated to applicants contacted during the recruitment process.
The Law Society of Ontario is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to diversity and inclusion. We welcome applications from persons representing the diversity of our community. We are committed to creating an accessible, barrier-free and inclusive workplace and are committed to continuing compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). Please make any requirement you may have for accommodation during the recruitment process known when contacted.
If you are unable to apply to this position due to the requirement for an accommodation of any kind, please email us at or call 416-947-3475. We appreciate all interest and will directly contact candidates under consideration.
Dec 09, 2024
Full time
Discipline Counsel represent the Law Society in various regulatory proceedings, appearing before the Law Society Tribunal and in the courts.
Minimum level of education required for this position is an LLB or JD, plus a Class L1 licence with Law Society of Ontario.
Post-call litigation experience is required, with demonstrated advocacy and negotiation skills, and sound judgment.
Preference would be given to candidates with more than 5 years of litigation experience.
Experience gained in a professional regulation context would be advantageous.
May be required to travel locally to attend meetings at licensee’s offices and occasional travel within the province to interview witnesses or attend hearings outside of Toronto.
Understanding of the Law Society’s mandate, services, legislation and policies.
Extensive knowledge of investigation and prosecutorial practices.
In-depth knowledge of the rules of evidence, the rules of procedure, and the law concerning privilege and documentary disclosure.
Superior litigation skills.
Superior legal research skills, including internet research.
Ability to analyze and digest complex spoken and written information.
Ability to communicate clearly and persuasively in both spoken and written language in individual and group settings.
By submitting your application for employment, you agree to a clearance check of your regulatory history with the Law Society, and to the use of this information in assessing suitability for employment at the Law Society.
Please submit a cover letter with your application.
Client / Customer Service Delivery
Prepares for hearings, including developing case strategy, assessing evidence against required standard of proof, preparing witnesses, drafting documents as required including authorization memos, notices of application, agreed statements of fact, requests to admit, affidavits and other hearing materials including facta, negotiating narrow issues of fact and law, attending prehearings and researching law as necessary.
Represents the Law Society in hearings, appeals and judicial reviews.
Communicates with Law Society staff and complainants regarding the process and disposition of cases.
Provides advice on investigation files as directed.
Policy Development
As directed by their Manager, the Senior Manager, or the Director, Litigation Services, initiates, researches, and recommends appropriate policy changes related to the improvement of the regulatory process.
Participates on Bencher committees and working groups as requested.
Performance Goals, Targets and Standards
Discipline Counsel are assigned carriage of a high volume of cases and are expected to work independently, under the supervision of their Manager, delivering high quality work in a dynamic and fast- paced environment.
Discipline Counsel contribute to and participate in the development of standardized practices, guidelines and procedures for the prosecution of discipline files.
Discipline Counsel manage their caseload as directed by their Manager and the Senior Manager, Litigation Services, ensuring compliance with caseload priorities, performance metrics, timelines, and strategic policies.
Team Membership
Promotes the sharing and transfer of knowledge, applicable standards and information amongst members of the Litigation Services and Professional Regulation Division.
As directed, works with and shares expertise with other regulatory bodies, and other legal organizations.
The Law Society has introduced a Distributed Workforce Model to leverage flexibility and agility, and to maximize employee productivity and engagement. Work arrangements will be determined by role and departmental requirements. The working arrangement for this position has been classified as hybrid, where the employee will regularly flex their work location between home and office. The specific application of this will be communicated to applicants contacted during the recruitment process.
The Law Society of Ontario is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to diversity and inclusion. We welcome applications from persons representing the diversity of our community. We are committed to creating an accessible, barrier-free and inclusive workplace and are committed to continuing compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). Please make any requirement you may have for accommodation during the recruitment process known when contacted.
If you are unable to apply to this position due to the requirement for an accommodation of any kind, please email us at or call 416-947-3475. We appreciate all interest and will directly contact candidates under consideration.
Job Overview We are seeking a dedicated and detail-oriented Legal Assistant to join our dynamic legal team. The ideal candidate will provide essential support to three+ lawyers and contribute to the smooth operation of our office. This role requires strong organizational skills, attention to detail, and the ability to manage multiple tasks effectively in a fast-paced environment.
Required Skills
The successful applicant must have:
Excellent Microsoft office computer skills
Word (including tables, mail merges, styles, tracking, formatting)
Excel (including creating and editing spreadsheets, researching formatting issues and formulas, troubleshooting)
PowerPoint (including formatting & editing, troubleshooting)
Excellent Adobe Acrobat Pro skills, including ability to use security features, tabs and to create pdf briefs, and other submissions for filing with labour boards and tribunals
Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail
Formal training as a legal assistant and/or experience working for a law firm or in-house legal department
Knowledge of the labour movement and unions an asset
Bilingualism (English/French) an asset
Experience with Legal Tracker or similar case management software a strong asset
The successful applicant will be part of the union’s Canadian National Office and work in a team of six lawyers, an articling student and two Legal assistants.
Duties include:
Providing legal support to three+ lawyers or up to six lawyers & articling student during times when other legal assistant is absent
Administrative and organizational support for the work of the department, including lawyers' calendars, travel bookings and filing of expenses
Using and understanding standard forms, procedural rules for filing, and related practices of various statutory tribunals such as Ontario Labour Relations Board, Human Rights Tribunals and Canada Industrial Relations Board
Finalizing documents and arranging for service and filings in accordance with strict and sometimes overlapping deadlines
Preparing and copying litigation materials precisely and on short notice
Upkeep and filing of Board Certificates – electronically and manually
Upkeep of legal library on a weekly basis, including interfiling subscription updates and tracking legal materials received and verifying accuracy of invoices from legal publishers; monitoring subscriptions for department (distribution, suspension, use & review)
Binding documents into books with electric and manual binding equipment (requires standing for extended periods)
Receiving and reviewing outside lawyers’ invoices for accuracy and compliance with USW policies and procedures (including reporting of hours and hourly rates); preparing all associated correspondence and reports and providing those to USW Lawyer and sending same to headquarters with memo from lawyer approving and requesting payment
At the request of USW Legal Department, communicating with law firms about issues associated with billing, including accuracy and rates; communicating with headquarters about outstanding accounts and payments
Drafting correspondence, editing and copy editing, formatting, finalizing
Preparing affidavits of service and arranging for Process Servers
Proofreading of legal and general documents, and documents from other departments
Effectively using Outlook calendars to communicate, schedule and organize within department
Assisting with schedules to ensure deadlines are adhered to
Setting up conference calls & videoconferences (mostly using Zoom) and booking meeting rooms using Outlook
Assisting with conference arrangements and registration (occasional travel opportunities)
Sorting & distributing incoming department mail, processing outgoing mail
Handling incoming and outgoing courier packages
Assisting with collating and stuffing bulk mailings, and occasionally with office-wide outgoing mail
Maintaining accurate and up-to-date electronic contact information
Posting department documents and information to the website
Monitoring website to ensure up-to-date info for the legal department
Preparing responses to articling applications and all subsequent correspondence and binders needed during the application process each year
Maintaining electronic and physical filing and storage system(s)
Lifting and moving bankers’ boxes containing large files, while arranging file room and archiving files
Opening new files, both electronically and manually
Maintaining electronic records in database on-line and managing storage of thousands of archived files at Iron Mountain (sending, retrieving, reviewing for shredding)
Maintaining confidentiality of files and information covered by solicitor-client privilege
Scanning documents for electronic storage
Photocopying, including occasional use of production copiers
Maintenance of stationery cupboard, including facsimile, printer, and photocopier supplies & ordering supplies as needed
Providing reception relief on a rotation basis, and as needed during absence of receptionist
Providing general office support or support for other Departments as requested by or through Office Coordinator or Administrative Assistant
The successful applicant must have a professional and courteous personality, and respond positively to members, callers and visitors at the office. Must be capable of a high level of accuracy and the ability to prioritize in this deadline-oriented department. Collaboration, cooperation and the ability to work closely with other legal support staff are key. We require a willingness and ability to discuss, evaluate, initiate, review and revise procedures in a professional manner. Demonstrate a willingness to undertake training to learn new databases, software, or processes. Must be capable of maintaining confidentiality and security of documents, files and offices. Must be able to handle occasional receptionist duties in an effective and tactful manner, and to ensure security and protocol routines are adhered to. All department support staff are expected to use initiative and organizational skills to help ensure the department's smooth running.
USW is committed to employment equity and encourages applications from members of equality seeking groups, including women, people of colour, Indigenous people, people with disabilities, as well as members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.
Dec 09, 2024
Full time
Job Overview We are seeking a dedicated and detail-oriented Legal Assistant to join our dynamic legal team. The ideal candidate will provide essential support to three+ lawyers and contribute to the smooth operation of our office. This role requires strong organizational skills, attention to detail, and the ability to manage multiple tasks effectively in a fast-paced environment.
Required Skills
The successful applicant must have:
Excellent Microsoft office computer skills
Word (including tables, mail merges, styles, tracking, formatting)
Excel (including creating and editing spreadsheets, researching formatting issues and formulas, troubleshooting)
PowerPoint (including formatting & editing, troubleshooting)
Excellent Adobe Acrobat Pro skills, including ability to use security features, tabs and to create pdf briefs, and other submissions for filing with labour boards and tribunals
Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail
Formal training as a legal assistant and/or experience working for a law firm or in-house legal department
Knowledge of the labour movement and unions an asset
Bilingualism (English/French) an asset
Experience with Legal Tracker or similar case management software a strong asset
The successful applicant will be part of the union’s Canadian National Office and work in a team of six lawyers, an articling student and two Legal assistants.
Duties include:
Providing legal support to three+ lawyers or up to six lawyers & articling student during times when other legal assistant is absent
Administrative and organizational support for the work of the department, including lawyers' calendars, travel bookings and filing of expenses
Using and understanding standard forms, procedural rules for filing, and related practices of various statutory tribunals such as Ontario Labour Relations Board, Human Rights Tribunals and Canada Industrial Relations Board
Finalizing documents and arranging for service and filings in accordance with strict and sometimes overlapping deadlines
Preparing and copying litigation materials precisely and on short notice
Upkeep and filing of Board Certificates – electronically and manually
Upkeep of legal library on a weekly basis, including interfiling subscription updates and tracking legal materials received and verifying accuracy of invoices from legal publishers; monitoring subscriptions for department (distribution, suspension, use & review)
Binding documents into books with electric and manual binding equipment (requires standing for extended periods)
Receiving and reviewing outside lawyers’ invoices for accuracy and compliance with USW policies and procedures (including reporting of hours and hourly rates); preparing all associated correspondence and reports and providing those to USW Lawyer and sending same to headquarters with memo from lawyer approving and requesting payment
At the request of USW Legal Department, communicating with law firms about issues associated with billing, including accuracy and rates; communicating with headquarters about outstanding accounts and payments
Drafting correspondence, editing and copy editing, formatting, finalizing
Preparing affidavits of service and arranging for Process Servers
Proofreading of legal and general documents, and documents from other departments
Effectively using Outlook calendars to communicate, schedule and organize within department
Assisting with schedules to ensure deadlines are adhered to
Setting up conference calls & videoconferences (mostly using Zoom) and booking meeting rooms using Outlook
Assisting with conference arrangements and registration (occasional travel opportunities)
Sorting & distributing incoming department mail, processing outgoing mail
Handling incoming and outgoing courier packages
Assisting with collating and stuffing bulk mailings, and occasionally with office-wide outgoing mail
Maintaining accurate and up-to-date electronic contact information
Posting department documents and information to the website
Monitoring website to ensure up-to-date info for the legal department
Preparing responses to articling applications and all subsequent correspondence and binders needed during the application process each year
Maintaining electronic and physical filing and storage system(s)
Lifting and moving bankers’ boxes containing large files, while arranging file room and archiving files
Opening new files, both electronically and manually
Maintaining electronic records in database on-line and managing storage of thousands of archived files at Iron Mountain (sending, retrieving, reviewing for shredding)
Maintaining confidentiality of files and information covered by solicitor-client privilege
Scanning documents for electronic storage
Photocopying, including occasional use of production copiers
Maintenance of stationery cupboard, including facsimile, printer, and photocopier supplies & ordering supplies as needed
Providing reception relief on a rotation basis, and as needed during absence of receptionist
Providing general office support or support for other Departments as requested by or through Office Coordinator or Administrative Assistant
The successful applicant must have a professional and courteous personality, and respond positively to members, callers and visitors at the office. Must be capable of a high level of accuracy and the ability to prioritize in this deadline-oriented department. Collaboration, cooperation and the ability to work closely with other legal support staff are key. We require a willingness and ability to discuss, evaluate, initiate, review and revise procedures in a professional manner. Demonstrate a willingness to undertake training to learn new databases, software, or processes. Must be capable of maintaining confidentiality and security of documents, files and offices. Must be able to handle occasional receptionist duties in an effective and tactful manner, and to ensure security and protocol routines are adhered to. All department support staff are expected to use initiative and organizational skills to help ensure the department's smooth running.
USW is committed to employment equity and encourages applications from members of equality seeking groups, including women, people of colour, Indigenous people, people with disabilities, as well as members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.
Government of Saskatchewan
Melfort, Saskatchewan, Canada
Are you seeking to practice law and make a difference? Would you like to have a great career and work-life balance? If so, you might be the perfect candidate for us! The Melfort Public Prosecutions Regional Office is seeking to fill opportunities!
As a Crown Prosecutor, you will help deliver justice through fair and effective prosecutions. Public Prosecutions prosecute those charged under the Criminal Code, Youth Criminal Justice Act , some federal statutes, and some provincial statutes. Public Prosecutions promote safe communities by just conclusion of criminal charges through various means, ranging from vigorous prosecution of trial matters to working with justice partners, individuals, and organizations to implement alternative resolutions.
The work offers an intellectual challenge, and an opportunity to make a difference in your community. Your work as a Crown Prosecutor will be important to the community you’ll call home and those throughout the region.
Eligible for membership and, on an ongoing basis, holding a membership in good standing with, the Law Society of Saskatchewan;
Satisfactorily pass a criminal record check;
Outstanding oral communication and presentation skills;
Superior written communication skills;
Excellent interpersonal skills;
Excellent analytical skills;
Effective case management and organization skills;
The ability to meet short deadlines, working independently and as part of a team;
Experience and proficiency with computer software applications including legal research applications and MS Office. Experience with CJIMS is considered an asset but is not required; and
Litigation experience in the practice of criminal law is considered an asset but is not required.
Job Duties:
Under the direction of a Regional Crown Prosecutor and Public Prosecutions’ Head Office, you will be responsible for a multitude of duties and decisions. Primary duties will be the carriage of criminal, quasi-criminal, and regulatory prosecutions in the Provincial Court for Saskatchewan and the Court of King’s Bench for Saskatchewan. Such carriage will include docket court work, trial work, and summary conviction appeals. Other duties include giving legal opinions, reviewing police reports, and advising police as appropriate. The successful candidate will be expected to participate in legal education in the areas of criminal law, ethics, and the like.
The hours of work can vary and include working evenings and weekends when duties require. Travel by road is required and possibly by air, with work possibly requiring overnight stays in other communities.
The competitive salary will be commensurate with experience and qualifications. The person hired will be entitled to at least three weeks’ annual vacation, twelve scheduled days off, and statutory holidays. The person hired will also be entitled to a full benefit package after six months of service.
We would like to thank all applicants for their interest in this position, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
We are committed to workplace diversity.
Hours of Work : M - Monthly Out of Scope
Number of Openings : 1
Closing Date : Jan 31, 2025, 11:59:00 PM
Dec 08, 2024
Full time
Are you seeking to practice law and make a difference? Would you like to have a great career and work-life balance? If so, you might be the perfect candidate for us! The Melfort Public Prosecutions Regional Office is seeking to fill opportunities!
As a Crown Prosecutor, you will help deliver justice through fair and effective prosecutions. Public Prosecutions prosecute those charged under the Criminal Code, Youth Criminal Justice Act , some federal statutes, and some provincial statutes. Public Prosecutions promote safe communities by just conclusion of criminal charges through various means, ranging from vigorous prosecution of trial matters to working with justice partners, individuals, and organizations to implement alternative resolutions.
The work offers an intellectual challenge, and an opportunity to make a difference in your community. Your work as a Crown Prosecutor will be important to the community you’ll call home and those throughout the region.
Eligible for membership and, on an ongoing basis, holding a membership in good standing with, the Law Society of Saskatchewan;
Satisfactorily pass a criminal record check;
Outstanding oral communication and presentation skills;
Superior written communication skills;
Excellent interpersonal skills;
Excellent analytical skills;
Effective case management and organization skills;
The ability to meet short deadlines, working independently and as part of a team;
Experience and proficiency with computer software applications including legal research applications and MS Office. Experience with CJIMS is considered an asset but is not required; and
Litigation experience in the practice of criminal law is considered an asset but is not required.
Job Duties:
Under the direction of a Regional Crown Prosecutor and Public Prosecutions’ Head Office, you will be responsible for a multitude of duties and decisions. Primary duties will be the carriage of criminal, quasi-criminal, and regulatory prosecutions in the Provincial Court for Saskatchewan and the Court of King’s Bench for Saskatchewan. Such carriage will include docket court work, trial work, and summary conviction appeals. Other duties include giving legal opinions, reviewing police reports, and advising police as appropriate. The successful candidate will be expected to participate in legal education in the areas of criminal law, ethics, and the like.
The hours of work can vary and include working evenings and weekends when duties require. Travel by road is required and possibly by air, with work possibly requiring overnight stays in other communities.
The competitive salary will be commensurate with experience and qualifications. The person hired will be entitled to at least three weeks’ annual vacation, twelve scheduled days off, and statutory holidays. The person hired will also be entitled to a full benefit package after six months of service.
We would like to thank all applicants for their interest in this position, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
We are committed to workplace diversity.
Hours of Work : M - Monthly Out of Scope
Number of Openings : 1
Closing Date : Jan 31, 2025, 11:59:00 PM
We are currently seeking Payments Lawyers to work with Canada’s largest in-house banking and financial institutions. This role offers the opportunity to influence major financial operations and innovate within the rapidly evolving payments sector. Ideal candidates will have 4+ years of related experience with deep understanding of regulations impacting payments systems and services. Responsibilities
Working with and advising business clients directly to provide comprehensive legal counsel on a range of regulatory and transactional matters concerning payment systems and services for large financial institutions, including card issuing, ACH payments, mobile payments, card schemes and payment networks, gift cards, B2B payments and other emerging payment systems.
Drafting, negotiating and executing cards/payments documentation, marketing client facing materials including Terms and Conditions and contracts relating to the full practical legal advice and support on business matters in a dynamic environment.
Collaborate with the internal business, legal and compliance teams to analyze and interpret proposed payment related legislation and regulations (both domestic and international) and their effect on current or pending products.
Provide counsel on payments systems and services and draft related documentation.
5+ years of experience working in-house or in-firm advising banks, financial institutions or payment related corporations.
Experience providing legal support and analysis on a range of payment related matters including: merchant acquiring, card issuing, mobile payments, ACH payments, B2B payments and other emerging payment systems.
Member in good standing with the Law Society of Ontario.
Compensation, Benefits & Location: This role offers competitive compensation and a highly competitive benefits package in the alternative legal services marketplace, that includes Medical, dental, and more. Axiomites also get access to professional development resources and learning and development programs. Axiomites predominately work remotely, with the exception that some clients require on-site presence. Axiom is the global leader in high-caliber, on-demand legal talent. Covering North America, the UK, Europe, and APAC, we enable legal departments to drive efficiency and growth and meet the demands of today’s business landscape with best in breed alterative legal services. Axiom is a leader in diversity, inclusion, and social engagement. Diversity is core to our values and we are proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We are proud to be named a best place to work for LGBTQ+ Equality, earning top marks in the 2021 Corporate Equality Index for the second consecutive year. Axiom’s legal department is Mansfield certified and is committed to considering at least 50% diverse candidates for leadership roles and outside counsel representation. Learn more about working at Axiom . Equal Opportunity Employer: Axiom ensures equal employment opportunity in recruitment and employment, without discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, nationality, national or ethnic origin, religious creed or belief, political opinion, sex, gender reassignment, pregnancy or maternity, age, disability, alienage or citizenship status, marital (or civil or other partnership recognized by law) status, genetic predisposition or carrier status, sexual orientation, military service, or any other characteristic protected by applicable law. Axiom prohibits and will not tolerate any such discrimination or harassment. Axiom will accommodate persons with disabilities in accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and in accordance with the Human Rights Code. Accommodation for applicants with disabilities can be provided at each stage of the recruitment process. If you have a disability and require accommodation to complete the application form, please contact us at . In addition, if you are invited to participate in an interview stage, please inform us if you require special accommodation at the time of your invitation for an interview. Axiom respects your privacy. For an explanation of the kind of information we collect about you and how it is used, our full privacy notice is available at . Employment with Axiom may be contingent upon successful completion of a background check, providing proof of identity, and possessing the necessary legal authorization to work. By submitting an application, you acknowledge that all information contained therein, and provided at any part of the application process, is correct and accurate to the best of your knowledge.
Dec 07, 2024
Full time
We are currently seeking Payments Lawyers to work with Canada’s largest in-house banking and financial institutions. This role offers the opportunity to influence major financial operations and innovate within the rapidly evolving payments sector. Ideal candidates will have 4+ years of related experience with deep understanding of regulations impacting payments systems and services. Responsibilities
Working with and advising business clients directly to provide comprehensive legal counsel on a range of regulatory and transactional matters concerning payment systems and services for large financial institutions, including card issuing, ACH payments, mobile payments, card schemes and payment networks, gift cards, B2B payments and other emerging payment systems.
Drafting, negotiating and executing cards/payments documentation, marketing client facing materials including Terms and Conditions and contracts relating to the full practical legal advice and support on business matters in a dynamic environment.
Collaborate with the internal business, legal and compliance teams to analyze and interpret proposed payment related legislation and regulations (both domestic and international) and their effect on current or pending products.
Provide counsel on payments systems and services and draft related documentation.
5+ years of experience working in-house or in-firm advising banks, financial institutions or payment related corporations.
Experience providing legal support and analysis on a range of payment related matters including: merchant acquiring, card issuing, mobile payments, ACH payments, B2B payments and other emerging payment systems.
Member in good standing with the Law Society of Ontario.
Compensation, Benefits & Location: This role offers competitive compensation and a highly competitive benefits package in the alternative legal services marketplace, that includes Medical, dental, and more. Axiomites also get access to professional development resources and learning and development programs. Axiomites predominately work remotely, with the exception that some clients require on-site presence. Axiom is the global leader in high-caliber, on-demand legal talent. Covering North America, the UK, Europe, and APAC, we enable legal departments to drive efficiency and growth and meet the demands of today’s business landscape with best in breed alterative legal services. Axiom is a leader in diversity, inclusion, and social engagement. Diversity is core to our values and we are proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We are proud to be named a best place to work for LGBTQ+ Equality, earning top marks in the 2021 Corporate Equality Index for the second consecutive year. Axiom’s legal department is Mansfield certified and is committed to considering at least 50% diverse candidates for leadership roles and outside counsel representation. Learn more about working at Axiom . Equal Opportunity Employer: Axiom ensures equal employment opportunity in recruitment and employment, without discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, nationality, national or ethnic origin, religious creed or belief, political opinion, sex, gender reassignment, pregnancy or maternity, age, disability, alienage or citizenship status, marital (or civil or other partnership recognized by law) status, genetic predisposition or carrier status, sexual orientation, military service, or any other characteristic protected by applicable law. Axiom prohibits and will not tolerate any such discrimination or harassment. Axiom will accommodate persons with disabilities in accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and in accordance with the Human Rights Code. Accommodation for applicants with disabilities can be provided at each stage of the recruitment process. If you have a disability and require accommodation to complete the application form, please contact us at . In addition, if you are invited to participate in an interview stage, please inform us if you require special accommodation at the time of your invitation for an interview. Axiom respects your privacy. For an explanation of the kind of information we collect about you and how it is used, our full privacy notice is available at . Employment with Axiom may be contingent upon successful completion of a background check, providing proof of identity, and possessing the necessary legal authorization to work. By submitting an application, you acknowledge that all information contained therein, and provided at any part of the application process, is correct and accurate to the best of your knowledge.
We are seeking a talented individual to join our Mercer Canada Wealth team at Marsh McLennan. This role will be based in our Montreal, Quebec City or Ottawa office. This is a hybrid role that has a requirement of working at least three days a week in the office. The Sr. Consulting Attorney will provide expert legal guidance on defined contribution and defined benefit pension plans, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards while addressing client inquiries, negotiating agreements, and facilitating effective communication. We will count on you to:
Provide expert legal advice on defined contribution (DC) and defined benefit (DB) pension plans, ensuring compliance with governance standards and regulatory bodies.
Address client inquiries regarding pension laws and regulations, offering clear and actionable guidance.
Negotiate pension agreements and prepare necessary documentation, including amendments and changes to pension plan texts.
Communicate effectively with plan members, ensuring they are informed about relevant updates and changes.
What you need to have:
A Master of Laws (LL.M.) degree or Juris Doctor (J.D.) from an accredited institution.
Proven experience working with pension plans, specifically DC and DB plans, within the Canadian legal framework.
Bilingual proficiency in French and English is highly preferred.
What makes you stand out:
Strong understanding of pension governance and regulatory compliance.
Excellent communication skills, with the ability to convey complex legal concepts to clients and plan members.
Experience in pension negotiation and documentation management.
Why join our team:
We help you be your best through professional development opportunities, interesting work and supportive leaders.
We foster a vibrant and inclusive culture where you can work with talented colleagues to create new solutions and have impact for colleagues, clients and communities.
Our scale enables us to provide a range of career opportunities, as well as benefits and rewards to enhance your well-being
Mercer, a business of Marsh McLennan (NYSE: MMC), is a global leader in helping clients realize their investment objectives, shape the future of work and enhance health and retirement outcomes for their people. Marsh McLennan is a global leader in risk, strategy and people, advising clients in 130 countries across four businesses: Marsh, Guy Carpenter, Mercer and Oliver Wyman. With annual revenue of $23 billion and more than 85,000 colleagues, Marsh McLennan helps build the confidence to thrive through the power of perspective. For more information, visit, or follow on LinkedIn and X. Marsh McLennan is committed to embracing a diverse, inclusive and flexible work environment. We aim to attract and retain the best people and embrace diversity of age background, disability, ethnic origin, family duties, gender orientation or expression, marital status, nationality, parental status, personal or social status, political affiliation, race, religion and beliefs, sex/gender, sexual orientation or expression, skin color, or any other characteristic protected by applicable law. In accordance with applicable legislation, Marsh McLennan will provide a reasonable accommodation to employees and prospective employees to the point of undue hardship upon request and as required in respect of the individual’s particular restrictions and limitations. If you require a specific accommodation because of a disability or medical need please contact Marsh McLennan is committed to hybrid work, which includes the flexibility of working remotely and the collaboration, connections and professional development benefits of working together in the office. All Marsh McLennan colleagues are expected to be in their local office or working onsite with clients at least three days per week. Office-based teams will identify at least one “anchor day” per week on which their full team will be together in person.
Dec 06, 2024
Full time
We are seeking a talented individual to join our Mercer Canada Wealth team at Marsh McLennan. This role will be based in our Montreal, Quebec City or Ottawa office. This is a hybrid role that has a requirement of working at least three days a week in the office. The Sr. Consulting Attorney will provide expert legal guidance on defined contribution and defined benefit pension plans, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards while addressing client inquiries, negotiating agreements, and facilitating effective communication. We will count on you to:
Provide expert legal advice on defined contribution (DC) and defined benefit (DB) pension plans, ensuring compliance with governance standards and regulatory bodies.
Address client inquiries regarding pension laws and regulations, offering clear and actionable guidance.
Negotiate pension agreements and prepare necessary documentation, including amendments and changes to pension plan texts.
Communicate effectively with plan members, ensuring they are informed about relevant updates and changes.
What you need to have:
A Master of Laws (LL.M.) degree or Juris Doctor (J.D.) from an accredited institution.
Proven experience working with pension plans, specifically DC and DB plans, within the Canadian legal framework.
Bilingual proficiency in French and English is highly preferred.
What makes you stand out:
Strong understanding of pension governance and regulatory compliance.
Excellent communication skills, with the ability to convey complex legal concepts to clients and plan members.
Experience in pension negotiation and documentation management.
Why join our team:
We help you be your best through professional development opportunities, interesting work and supportive leaders.
We foster a vibrant and inclusive culture where you can work with talented colleagues to create new solutions and have impact for colleagues, clients and communities.
Our scale enables us to provide a range of career opportunities, as well as benefits and rewards to enhance your well-being
Mercer, a business of Marsh McLennan (NYSE: MMC), is a global leader in helping clients realize their investment objectives, shape the future of work and enhance health and retirement outcomes for their people. Marsh McLennan is a global leader in risk, strategy and people, advising clients in 130 countries across four businesses: Marsh, Guy Carpenter, Mercer and Oliver Wyman. With annual revenue of $23 billion and more than 85,000 colleagues, Marsh McLennan helps build the confidence to thrive through the power of perspective. For more information, visit, or follow on LinkedIn and X. Marsh McLennan is committed to embracing a diverse, inclusive and flexible work environment. We aim to attract and retain the best people and embrace diversity of age background, disability, ethnic origin, family duties, gender orientation or expression, marital status, nationality, parental status, personal or social status, political affiliation, race, religion and beliefs, sex/gender, sexual orientation or expression, skin color, or any other characteristic protected by applicable law. In accordance with applicable legislation, Marsh McLennan will provide a reasonable accommodation to employees and prospective employees to the point of undue hardship upon request and as required in respect of the individual’s particular restrictions and limitations. If you require a specific accommodation because of a disability or medical need please contact Marsh McLennan is committed to hybrid work, which includes the flexibility of working remotely and the collaboration, connections and professional development benefits of working together in the office. All Marsh McLennan colleagues are expected to be in their local office or working onsite with clients at least three days per week. Office-based teams will identify at least one “anchor day” per week on which their full team will be together in person.
At Ecojustice, we build a case for a better earth every day! We fight, and win, for our planet in court.
Our Mission is why people join Ecojustice. People who choose to join us recognize that this planet is our most treasured inheritance, and it is our imperative to be good stewards for the generations who follow us. We use the power of the courts to defend what we value most. We believe in protecting the environment while having enough time off to enjoy it. If you are courageous, collaborative, and dedicated to the fight for a healthier environment, you will find your people here.
About The Role
If you are a law student who wants to work for a public interest environmental law firm next summer, followed by your 2026-27 Articles, then here is an outstanding opportunity for you to join Canada's legal champion for a healthy environment. We are currently seeking one student to work in the Halifax office for both the 2025 summer term and 2026-27 articling term. Please note that the successful candidate will be expected to be available for the full duration of both these placements.
It will be a learning experience that you will never forget! You will have the opportunity to work along with people deeply passionate about the environment and social justice and contribute to the challenge and complexity of Ecojustice’s work.
As an Ecojustice summer student, you will assist our professional staff by providing legal assistance on environmental law and policy issues by:
Conducting legal, policy and general research
Preparing legal memoranda, primarily in the areas of environmental and administrative law
Responding to inquiries from members of the public about environmental law questions and issues
Providing general litigation support (assisting in drafting pleadings and submissions, preparing briefs of authorities, etc.)
Assisting in researching and writing Ecojustice Canada reports
Assisting with requests for information and reviews under the Freedom of Information Act and Access to Information Act
Interacting with clients and non-governmental environmental organizations
Role Success
We are currently working to embed our commitment to justice, equity, diversity, inclusion, and reconciliation into all aspects of our organization. We value candidates who enjoy building meaningful, collaborative partnerships with equity-seeking groups and operationalizing JEDI-R values in day-to-day practices and operations.
Typically, we find that people who succeed in this role:
Have a demonstrated interest in environmental law and a desire to work in the public interest area
Are familiar with environmental and administrative law
Possess excellent research and writing skills
Application Process
Applications must be received on or before January 13, 2025 at 5:00pm AT. To apply, please submit the following materials through our Career page :
Cover letter and Resume, may be addressed to "Ecojustice Hiring Committee"
Law school transcripts
A writing sample, preferably a legal research memo from law school or your previous experience, 7-10 pages maximum
Three letters of recommendation.
These letters can be submitted with your application or, if your reference prefers, sent directly to the hiring team via email at (please request them to input your name into the subject line of the email).
For your reference, for this position we will be following the recruitment timeline as laid out below:
Application Deadline: January 13, 2025 at 5pm AT
Scheduling of Interviews: January 28, 2025
Interview week: February 3-6, 2025
Offers start: February 7, 2025 at 9am AT
Acceptance of offer: February 7, 2025 at 9:30am AT
Our Commitment to Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Ecojustice is committed to creating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive work environment and is responding to the calls for action to further reconciliation.
We encourage applications from people with relevant job-related skills and who come from communities that have been structurally marginalized based on race, religion, nationality, social or ethnic origin, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression. Members belonging to communities that experience marginalization can self-identify during the application process if they choose to do so.
Great Reasons to Join Us
Recognized as one of Canada’s Top 100 charities by Charity Intelligence.
Annual winter break
13 public holidays (including National Day for Truth and Reconciliation)
4 hours per month of paid personal life organization time
Additional flexible leave policies that accommodate physical and mental health leave, caregiving responsibilities, volunteering, and other life events.
100% employer-paid extended health benefits package, including up to $1500 per year of mental health coverage and employee and family assistance program (during the articling term)
$500 per year wellness spending account (pro-rated for the articling term)
Colleagues dedicated to environmental impact through their work at Ecojustice (99% mission alignment rating from internal surveys).
A culture of collaboration where employees are fostered by their managers (97% manager relationship rating from internal surveys).
Learning opportunities to further our strategic commitment towards justice, equity, diversity, inclusion, and reconciliation.
Our Commitment to Transparency and Workplace Accessibility
As a charity, our value proposition is that of a mission-based organization, offering high-value benefits and perks. We are consistently benchmarking base pay to the non-profit industry and relevant areas of expertise to ensure we are both competitive and fair. Transparency, as well as diversity, equity, and inclusion are important to us. We post predetermined salaries to ensure that the hiring process and compensation are equitable for all.
Ecojustice strives to ensure that our online application system and recruitment process are accessible to individuals with different abilities and encourages candidates to contact for any accommodation requests.
Dec 06, 2024
At Ecojustice, we build a case for a better earth every day! We fight, and win, for our planet in court.
Our Mission is why people join Ecojustice. People who choose to join us recognize that this planet is our most treasured inheritance, and it is our imperative to be good stewards for the generations who follow us. We use the power of the courts to defend what we value most. We believe in protecting the environment while having enough time off to enjoy it. If you are courageous, collaborative, and dedicated to the fight for a healthier environment, you will find your people here.
About The Role
If you are a law student who wants to work for a public interest environmental law firm next summer, followed by your 2026-27 Articles, then here is an outstanding opportunity for you to join Canada's legal champion for a healthy environment. We are currently seeking one student to work in the Halifax office for both the 2025 summer term and 2026-27 articling term. Please note that the successful candidate will be expected to be available for the full duration of both these placements.
It will be a learning experience that you will never forget! You will have the opportunity to work along with people deeply passionate about the environment and social justice and contribute to the challenge and complexity of Ecojustice’s work.
As an Ecojustice summer student, you will assist our professional staff by providing legal assistance on environmental law and policy issues by:
Conducting legal, policy and general research
Preparing legal memoranda, primarily in the areas of environmental and administrative law
Responding to inquiries from members of the public about environmental law questions and issues
Providing general litigation support (assisting in drafting pleadings and submissions, preparing briefs of authorities, etc.)
Assisting in researching and writing Ecojustice Canada reports
Assisting with requests for information and reviews under the Freedom of Information Act and Access to Information Act
Interacting with clients and non-governmental environmental organizations
Role Success
We are currently working to embed our commitment to justice, equity, diversity, inclusion, and reconciliation into all aspects of our organization. We value candidates who enjoy building meaningful, collaborative partnerships with equity-seeking groups and operationalizing JEDI-R values in day-to-day practices and operations.
Typically, we find that people who succeed in this role:
Have a demonstrated interest in environmental law and a desire to work in the public interest area
Are familiar with environmental and administrative law
Possess excellent research and writing skills
Application Process
Applications must be received on or before January 13, 2025 at 5:00pm AT. To apply, please submit the following materials through our Career page :
Cover letter and Resume, may be addressed to "Ecojustice Hiring Committee"
Law school transcripts
A writing sample, preferably a legal research memo from law school or your previous experience, 7-10 pages maximum
Three letters of recommendation.
These letters can be submitted with your application or, if your reference prefers, sent directly to the hiring team via email at (please request them to input your name into the subject line of the email).
For your reference, for this position we will be following the recruitment timeline as laid out below:
Application Deadline: January 13, 2025 at 5pm AT
Scheduling of Interviews: January 28, 2025
Interview week: February 3-6, 2025
Offers start: February 7, 2025 at 9am AT
Acceptance of offer: February 7, 2025 at 9:30am AT
Our Commitment to Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Ecojustice is committed to creating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive work environment and is responding to the calls for action to further reconciliation.
We encourage applications from people with relevant job-related skills and who come from communities that have been structurally marginalized based on race, religion, nationality, social or ethnic origin, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression. Members belonging to communities that experience marginalization can self-identify during the application process if they choose to do so.
Great Reasons to Join Us
Recognized as one of Canada’s Top 100 charities by Charity Intelligence.
Annual winter break
13 public holidays (including National Day for Truth and Reconciliation)
4 hours per month of paid personal life organization time
Additional flexible leave policies that accommodate physical and mental health leave, caregiving responsibilities, volunteering, and other life events.
100% employer-paid extended health benefits package, including up to $1500 per year of mental health coverage and employee and family assistance program (during the articling term)
$500 per year wellness spending account (pro-rated for the articling term)
Colleagues dedicated to environmental impact through their work at Ecojustice (99% mission alignment rating from internal surveys).
A culture of collaboration where employees are fostered by their managers (97% manager relationship rating from internal surveys).
Learning opportunities to further our strategic commitment towards justice, equity, diversity, inclusion, and reconciliation.
Our Commitment to Transparency and Workplace Accessibility
As a charity, our value proposition is that of a mission-based organization, offering high-value benefits and perks. We are consistently benchmarking base pay to the non-profit industry and relevant areas of expertise to ensure we are both competitive and fair. Transparency, as well as diversity, equity, and inclusion are important to us. We post predetermined salaries to ensure that the hiring process and compensation are equitable for all.
Ecojustice strives to ensure that our online application system and recruitment process are accessible to individuals with different abilities and encourages candidates to contact for any accommodation requests.
Join a team dedicated to delivering outstanding client service.
Cox & Palmer is a full-service, top-ranked Atlantic Canadian law firm with the knowledge and experience clients rely upon for solid legal solutions. The firm prides itself on a collegial work atmosphere and supportive team environment.
We hire self-motivated, team-minded individuals with a strong work ethic, integrity and a commitment to client service.
We are seeking a permanent, full-time experienced Legal Assistant to join our Fredericton office to provide legal administrative support to lawyers in the Labour and Employment practice group.
Accurate electronic and physical maintenance of client and administrative files;
Draft legal documents and correspondence;
Verbal and written communication with clients;
Meet deadlines, ability to multi-task and prioritize incoming requests;
Proofread, data entry, and document production;
Establish and maintain a calendar and reminder system; and
Other related duties, performed with a high degree of detail and accuracy.
Spoken and written proficiency in English is required;
Legal Assistant or Paralegal diploma from a recognized post-secondary institution is considered an asset;
Above average proficiency in Microsoft applications and typing skills; and
Detail oriented, strong organizational and time management skills.
Cox & Palmer provides a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits:
100% Employer paid premiums for individual or family health and dental benefits;
Pension with matching employer contribution and Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) program;
Employee & Family Assistance Program (EFAP);
Health & Wellness programs including customized online resource platforms and more;
Personal Spending Allowance (PSA)
Corporate rates on gym memberships, home/auto insurance, hotel and car rentals;
“Casual Dress” policy; and
Vacation, sick, and personal time allowances.
This position will remain posted until successfully filled.
Please click Apply Now to apply.
Please submit a resume and covering letter to:
NB Human Resources
We thank all candidates for their interest in Cox & Palmer; however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
Dec 06, 2024
Full time
Join a team dedicated to delivering outstanding client service.
Cox & Palmer is a full-service, top-ranked Atlantic Canadian law firm with the knowledge and experience clients rely upon for solid legal solutions. The firm prides itself on a collegial work atmosphere and supportive team environment.
We hire self-motivated, team-minded individuals with a strong work ethic, integrity and a commitment to client service.
We are seeking a permanent, full-time experienced Legal Assistant to join our Fredericton office to provide legal administrative support to lawyers in the Labour and Employment practice group.
Accurate electronic and physical maintenance of client and administrative files;
Draft legal documents and correspondence;
Verbal and written communication with clients;
Meet deadlines, ability to multi-task and prioritize incoming requests;
Proofread, data entry, and document production;
Establish and maintain a calendar and reminder system; and
Other related duties, performed with a high degree of detail and accuracy.
Spoken and written proficiency in English is required;
Legal Assistant or Paralegal diploma from a recognized post-secondary institution is considered an asset;
Above average proficiency in Microsoft applications and typing skills; and
Detail oriented, strong organizational and time management skills.
Cox & Palmer provides a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits:
100% Employer paid premiums for individual or family health and dental benefits;
Pension with matching employer contribution and Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) program;
Employee & Family Assistance Program (EFAP);
Health & Wellness programs including customized online resource platforms and more;
Personal Spending Allowance (PSA)
Corporate rates on gym memberships, home/auto insurance, hotel and car rentals;
“Casual Dress” policy; and
Vacation, sick, and personal time allowances.
This position will remain posted until successfully filled.
Please click Apply Now to apply.
Please submit a resume and covering letter to:
NB Human Resources
We thank all candidates for their interest in Cox & Palmer; however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
Associate Lawyer – Sexual Abuse Practice Location: Toronto, ON Agency: Cartel Inc.
Cartel Inc., Toronto’s premier legal recruitment agency, is partnering with a leading law firm to identify a passionate and dedicated Associate Lawyer to join their Sexual Abuse Practice Group. This is a rare and meaningful opportunity for legal professionals with 1-2 years of relevant experience to make a profound impact while advancing their careers in a supportive, client-focused environment.
The Role
As an Associate Lawyer in the Sexual Abuse Practice Group, you will advocate for survivors with compassion, professionalism, and integrity. Your work will involve handling sensitive cases that require trauma-informed care, excellent communication skills, and a strong commitment to justice.
Key Responsibilities
Provide trauma-informed legal counsel to clients.
Handle complex cases in the sexual abuse practice area with empathy and diligence.
Advocate effectively in court, mediation, and client negotiations.
Collaborate with a team of dedicated professionals to deliver client-focused outcomes.
Experience : 1-2 years in a similar role, with exposure to sexual abuse or trauma-related cases.
Skills : Exceptional communication, advocacy, and analytical skills.
Ethics : Demonstrated commitment to professionalism, empathy, and a strong work ethic.
Knowledge : Trauma-informed approach to client care and legal proceedings.
Why Join This Firm?
This firm believes that its people are its most valuable assets. They foster an environment that supports professional growth, personal well-being, and career fulfillment. You’ll benefit from:
Engaging and meaningful work.
Competitive compensation.
Comprehensive benefits package.
A collaborative and supportive workplace culture.
Apply Now
If you are ready to take the next step in your legal career, submit your resume in confidence to:
Ben Higham ( ) Director of Legal Recruitment, Cartel Inc.
Contact Information:
Ben Higham, JD, LL.M. Director of Legal Recruitment Cartel Inc. | First Canadian Place, Suite 2550
Make a difference in the lives of clients while growing with a firm that values you. Apply today to explore this impactful opportunity!
Dec 05, 2024
Full time
Associate Lawyer – Sexual Abuse Practice Location: Toronto, ON Agency: Cartel Inc.
Cartel Inc., Toronto’s premier legal recruitment agency, is partnering with a leading law firm to identify a passionate and dedicated Associate Lawyer to join their Sexual Abuse Practice Group. This is a rare and meaningful opportunity for legal professionals with 1-2 years of relevant experience to make a profound impact while advancing their careers in a supportive, client-focused environment.
The Role
As an Associate Lawyer in the Sexual Abuse Practice Group, you will advocate for survivors with compassion, professionalism, and integrity. Your work will involve handling sensitive cases that require trauma-informed care, excellent communication skills, and a strong commitment to justice.
Key Responsibilities
Provide trauma-informed legal counsel to clients.
Handle complex cases in the sexual abuse practice area with empathy and diligence.
Advocate effectively in court, mediation, and client negotiations.
Collaborate with a team of dedicated professionals to deliver client-focused outcomes.
Experience : 1-2 years in a similar role, with exposure to sexual abuse or trauma-related cases.
Skills : Exceptional communication, advocacy, and analytical skills.
Ethics : Demonstrated commitment to professionalism, empathy, and a strong work ethic.
Knowledge : Trauma-informed approach to client care and legal proceedings.
Why Join This Firm?
This firm believes that its people are its most valuable assets. They foster an environment that supports professional growth, personal well-being, and career fulfillment. You’ll benefit from:
Engaging and meaningful work.
Competitive compensation.
Comprehensive benefits package.
A collaborative and supportive workplace culture.
Apply Now
If you are ready to take the next step in your legal career, submit your resume in confidence to:
Ben Higham ( ) Director of Legal Recruitment, Cartel Inc.
Contact Information:
Ben Higham, JD, LL.M. Director of Legal Recruitment Cartel Inc. | First Canadian Place, Suite 2550
Make a difference in the lives of clients while growing with a firm that values you. Apply today to explore this impactful opportunity!
Requisition ID: 210832 Join a purpose driven winning team, committed to results, in an inclusive and high-performing culture. Provides advice and counsel to a broad range of bank stakeholders on matters relating to (i) Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorist Financing and Sanctions, and Anti-Bribery & Corruption (ii) manage regulatory matters and investigations regarding the above, and (iii) monitor and instructing external counsel. The primary focus is on operations in Canadian jurisdictions but coordinates with international jurisdictions as required. This position reports to the Director, Strategic Initiatives Is this role right for you? In this role you will:
Provides legal analysis, documentation, negotiation, preparation, review, research and advice and counsel to bank stakeholders (including across stakeholder groups and on multi-fucntional teams) on complex matters in relation to new and existing programs, sometimes with little or no precedent.
Researches legal issues of substantial complexity on a national or regional basis and proposed federal and provincial legislation to evaluate impact on the Bank; informs management on developing legal trends and their impact on operations and recommends courses of action.
Represents the Bank at meetings or on committees with government, public and private organizations; researches and prepares submissions to government bodies on legislation and other issues affecting the organization.
Directs the activity of outside counsel.
Recommends and/or carries out the course of action to be taken regarding ongoing matters.
Superintends the work of counsel and staff within a group, including setting work standards, methods and procedures within the Department in accordance with company-wide policies and appraising work performance.
Helps to promote a customer focused culture to deepen client relationships and leverage broader Bank relationships, systems and knowledge.
Skills Do you have the skills that will enable you to succeed in this role? We'd love to work with you if you have:
Graduated from a recognized Canadian law school and a member in good standing of the Bar in a Canadian common law jurisdiction.
A broad experience acquired either at the Bank or another financial institution or large law firm in commercial law with emphasis on the legal structure around retail banking, commercial banking and insurance.
Specific knowledge of the legal issues of each of the subject areas.
Experience in dealing with regulators and industry associations.
Superior negotiation skills
What's In It For You
The legal assignments and supervision cover a broad range of Bank related matters or specialized areas of law. The applicable laws and regulations are varied and numerous, varied and complex.
The incumbent is required to:
Demonstrate excellent management, relationship building and communication skills
Work confidently with senior management and provide advice and counsel on a broad range of legal issues
Obtain consensus support for initiatives and achieve successful outcomes
Location(s): Canada : Ontario : Toronto Scotiabank is a leading bank in the Americas. Guided by our purpose: "for every future", we help our customers, their families and their communities achieve success through a broad range of advice, products and services, including personal and commercial banking, wealth management and private banking, corporate and investment banking, and capital markets. At Scotiabank, we value the unique skills and experiences each individual brings to the Bank, and are committed to creating and maintaining an inclusive and accessible environment for everyone. If you require accommodation (including, but not limited to, an accessible interview site, alternate format documents, ASL Interpreter, or Assistive Technology) during the recruitment and selection process, please let our Recruitment team know. If you require technical assistance, please click here . Candidates must apply directly online to be considered for this role. We thank all applicants for their interest in a career at Scotiabank; however, only those candidates who are selected for an interview will be contacted.
Dec 05, 2024
Full time
Requisition ID: 210832 Join a purpose driven winning team, committed to results, in an inclusive and high-performing culture. Provides advice and counsel to a broad range of bank stakeholders on matters relating to (i) Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorist Financing and Sanctions, and Anti-Bribery & Corruption (ii) manage regulatory matters and investigations regarding the above, and (iii) monitor and instructing external counsel. The primary focus is on operations in Canadian jurisdictions but coordinates with international jurisdictions as required. This position reports to the Director, Strategic Initiatives Is this role right for you? In this role you will:
Provides legal analysis, documentation, negotiation, preparation, review, research and advice and counsel to bank stakeholders (including across stakeholder groups and on multi-fucntional teams) on complex matters in relation to new and existing programs, sometimes with little or no precedent.
Researches legal issues of substantial complexity on a national or regional basis and proposed federal and provincial legislation to evaluate impact on the Bank; informs management on developing legal trends and their impact on operations and recommends courses of action.
Represents the Bank at meetings or on committees with government, public and private organizations; researches and prepares submissions to government bodies on legislation and other issues affecting the organization.
Directs the activity of outside counsel.
Recommends and/or carries out the course of action to be taken regarding ongoing matters.
Superintends the work of counsel and staff within a group, including setting work standards, methods and procedures within the Department in accordance with company-wide policies and appraising work performance.
Helps to promote a customer focused culture to deepen client relationships and leverage broader Bank relationships, systems and knowledge.
Skills Do you have the skills that will enable you to succeed in this role? We'd love to work with you if you have:
Graduated from a recognized Canadian law school and a member in good standing of the Bar in a Canadian common law jurisdiction.
A broad experience acquired either at the Bank or another financial institution or large law firm in commercial law with emphasis on the legal structure around retail banking, commercial banking and insurance.
Specific knowledge of the legal issues of each of the subject areas.
Experience in dealing with regulators and industry associations.
Superior negotiation skills
What's In It For You
The legal assignments and supervision cover a broad range of Bank related matters or specialized areas of law. The applicable laws and regulations are varied and numerous, varied and complex.
The incumbent is required to:
Demonstrate excellent management, relationship building and communication skills
Work confidently with senior management and provide advice and counsel on a broad range of legal issues
Obtain consensus support for initiatives and achieve successful outcomes
Location(s): Canada : Ontario : Toronto Scotiabank is a leading bank in the Americas. Guided by our purpose: "for every future", we help our customers, their families and their communities achieve success through a broad range of advice, products and services, including personal and commercial banking, wealth management and private banking, corporate and investment banking, and capital markets. At Scotiabank, we value the unique skills and experiences each individual brings to the Bank, and are committed to creating and maintaining an inclusive and accessible environment for everyone. If you require accommodation (including, but not limited to, an accessible interview site, alternate format documents, ASL Interpreter, or Assistive Technology) during the recruitment and selection process, please let our Recruitment team know. If you require technical assistance, please click here . Candidates must apply directly online to be considered for this role. We thank all applicants for their interest in a career at Scotiabank; however, only those candidates who are selected for an interview will be contacted.
College of Nurses of Ontario
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Location: Toronto or Port Hope, ON Canada
Type: Permanent
Group/Grade: Management
Date: December 2, 2024
The Ontario Nurses’ Association (ONA) is Canada’s largest nurses’ union. We are powered by our members — 68,000 nurses and health-care professionals, and 18,000 nursing student affiliates — who provide care in hospitals, long-term care, public health, the community, clinics and industry.
Our mission is to defend the rights of and advocate for nurses and health-care professionals who care for the health of Ontarians. We empower members and fight against unfair and unsafe treatment, negotiate and enforce our contracts, offer benefits and insurance, provide tailored education and development opportunities and much more. We confront governments, administrations and other policymakers head on to fight for high-quality public health care.
ONA is seeking to hire a Senior Legal Advisor to join our Legal Department. The successful candidate will act as senior counsel for ONA in complex litigation, support the delivery of legal services across the organization, and provide legal advice and opinions to the leadership team; act as a lead on behalf of the legal department in designated specialty area(s).
This is what else you can expect from this dynamic role:
Advisory, Research, Opinion Work, and Reports
Provide strategic and legal advice to ONA, the CLO, the CEO, the senior executive team, the management team, staff, the Board of Directors, and Local and Bargaining Unit Leaders.
Work with the CLO and the Manager of Litigation to coordinate, support, and assist in delivering and supporting legal services to ONA.
Conduct legal research on legal issues as required. Provide legal advice, prepare written legal opinions, and memoranda on a broad range of issues that arise across the organization.
Prepare and litigate a range of cases including judicial reviews/court matters, significant /complex arbitration cases or cases with provincial implications, overflow arbitration cases, labour board matters ( Public Sector Labour Relations Transition Act , Labour Relations Act : certification/decertification applications, successor employer/related employer applications, unfair labour practice, jurisdictional disputes, duty of fair representation complaints), appeals under the Occupational Health & Safety Act , proceedings before the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, overflow cases before the College of Nurses and other regulatory bodies, and other special proceedings including public inquiries, coroner’s inquest, and commissions.
Acts as co-counsel with junior counsel and in doing so, mentor other counsel in their litigation skills and practice development.
Leadership: Education, Direction, and Lead
Prepare and provide educational presentations to staff, leaders, and membership.
Develop litigation and labour relations directions in relation to ongoing issues and drive optimal resolution of provincial litigation as assigned in conjunction with the CLO and Manager of Litigation through strategy formation, direction & advice.
Act as the lead in a specialty area or issue as assigned.
Support to the Litigation Team
Provide substantive legal advice and support to the Manager of Litigation.
Provide substantive legal advice to the Legal Coordinators as needed.
Lead the litigation team in professional development matters in coordination with the Manager of Litigation.
What we are looking for:
The successful candidate will possess -
LL.B/Juris Doctor (J.D) is required.
Called to the Bar of Ontario. A member in good standing with the Law Society of Ontario.
A minimum of eight (8) to ten (10) years of relevant experience including demonstrated knowledge and practice in labour law and related areas including in the courts, rights arbitration, labour board, human rights, privacy, health & safety, and other areas.
Demonstrated litigation and oral advocacy skills as well as drafting of legal opinions, pleadings, submissions, and factum.
Demonstrated knowledge and experience in labour relations issues in health care relevant to Registered Nurses and other Regulated Health Care Professionals.
Demonstrated experience with teaching, educating, and mentoring staff.
Demonstrated inter-personal skills and proven success in relationship building.
Must have good judgement, strong analytical, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills.
The successful candidate must be able to travel, possess a valid driver’s license and have access to an automobile for business use.
All interested candidates may apply via ONA Jobs by 4:30 p.m. on December 16, 2024.
The Ontario Nurses’ Association is committed to employment and pay equity within its staff. Applications are encouraged from equity groups including individuals of Indigenous descent, racialized individuals, individuals with disabilities, and LGBTQ+ persons. We also provide accessible employment practices that are in compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (‘AODA’). If you require accommodation for a disability during any stage of the recruitment process, please notify Human Resources.
Thank you for your interest in joining us. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
Dec 04, 2024
Location: Toronto or Port Hope, ON Canada
Type: Permanent
Group/Grade: Management
Date: December 2, 2024
The Ontario Nurses’ Association (ONA) is Canada’s largest nurses’ union. We are powered by our members — 68,000 nurses and health-care professionals, and 18,000 nursing student affiliates — who provide care in hospitals, long-term care, public health, the community, clinics and industry.
Our mission is to defend the rights of and advocate for nurses and health-care professionals who care for the health of Ontarians. We empower members and fight against unfair and unsafe treatment, negotiate and enforce our contracts, offer benefits and insurance, provide tailored education and development opportunities and much more. We confront governments, administrations and other policymakers head on to fight for high-quality public health care.
ONA is seeking to hire a Senior Legal Advisor to join our Legal Department. The successful candidate will act as senior counsel for ONA in complex litigation, support the delivery of legal services across the organization, and provide legal advice and opinions to the leadership team; act as a lead on behalf of the legal department in designated specialty area(s).
This is what else you can expect from this dynamic role:
Advisory, Research, Opinion Work, and Reports
Provide strategic and legal advice to ONA, the CLO, the CEO, the senior executive team, the management team, staff, the Board of Directors, and Local and Bargaining Unit Leaders.
Work with the CLO and the Manager of Litigation to coordinate, support, and assist in delivering and supporting legal services to ONA.
Conduct legal research on legal issues as required. Provide legal advice, prepare written legal opinions, and memoranda on a broad range of issues that arise across the organization.
Prepare and litigate a range of cases including judicial reviews/court matters, significant /complex arbitration cases or cases with provincial implications, overflow arbitration cases, labour board matters ( Public Sector Labour Relations Transition Act , Labour Relations Act : certification/decertification applications, successor employer/related employer applications, unfair labour practice, jurisdictional disputes, duty of fair representation complaints), appeals under the Occupational Health & Safety Act , proceedings before the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, overflow cases before the College of Nurses and other regulatory bodies, and other special proceedings including public inquiries, coroner’s inquest, and commissions.
Acts as co-counsel with junior counsel and in doing so, mentor other counsel in their litigation skills and practice development.
Leadership: Education, Direction, and Lead
Prepare and provide educational presentations to staff, leaders, and membership.
Develop litigation and labour relations directions in relation to ongoing issues and drive optimal resolution of provincial litigation as assigned in conjunction with the CLO and Manager of Litigation through strategy formation, direction & advice.
Act as the lead in a specialty area or issue as assigned.
Support to the Litigation Team
Provide substantive legal advice and support to the Manager of Litigation.
Provide substantive legal advice to the Legal Coordinators as needed.
Lead the litigation team in professional development matters in coordination with the Manager of Litigation.
What we are looking for:
The successful candidate will possess -
LL.B/Juris Doctor (J.D) is required.
Called to the Bar of Ontario. A member in good standing with the Law Society of Ontario.
A minimum of eight (8) to ten (10) years of relevant experience including demonstrated knowledge and practice in labour law and related areas including in the courts, rights arbitration, labour board, human rights, privacy, health & safety, and other areas.
Demonstrated litigation and oral advocacy skills as well as drafting of legal opinions, pleadings, submissions, and factum.
Demonstrated knowledge and experience in labour relations issues in health care relevant to Registered Nurses and other Regulated Health Care Professionals.
Demonstrated experience with teaching, educating, and mentoring staff.
Demonstrated inter-personal skills and proven success in relationship building.
Must have good judgement, strong analytical, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills.
The successful candidate must be able to travel, possess a valid driver’s license and have access to an automobile for business use.
All interested candidates may apply via ONA Jobs by 4:30 p.m. on December 16, 2024.
The Ontario Nurses’ Association is committed to employment and pay equity within its staff. Applications are encouraged from equity groups including individuals of Indigenous descent, racialized individuals, individuals with disabilities, and LGBTQ+ persons. We also provide accessible employment practices that are in compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (‘AODA’). If you require accommodation for a disability during any stage of the recruitment process, please notify Human Resources.
Thank you for your interest in joining us. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
En fonction du poste, Bombardier offre des politiques de travail flexibles et hybrides.
Pourquoi vous joindre à nous ?
Chez Bombardier, nous concevons, construisons, modifions et entretenons les avions les plus performants du monde pour les individus, les entreprises, les gouvernements et les entités militaires les plus avisés. Nous réussissons à établir les normes les plus élevées grâce à notre approche centrée sur les personnes, et toujours en définissant l'excellence, ensemble.
Travailler chez Bombardier signifie offrir ce qu’il se fait de mieux. Chaque jour, vous faites partie d’une équipe qui offre des expériences et des produits de qualité supérieure, repoussant les limites du possible dans notre industrie et au-delà. En priorisant la croissance et le développement des employées, nous permettons à chacune d'atteindre son plein potentiel à sa manière, parce que le meilleur travail se produit lorsque vous êtes libre d'être vous-même et de partager votre expertise unique.
Nos avantages sociaux
En veillant au bien-être de nos employés, nous proposons un programme d'avantages sociaux complet et compétitif, qui comprend les éléments suivants :
Régimes d'assurance ( Soins dentaires, soins médicaux, assurance-vie, assurance-invalidité, et plus encore)
Salaire de base compétitif
Régime d'épargne retraite
Programme d'aide aux employés
Programme de télésanté
Quelles sont vos contributions envers l’équipe?
Fournir un support juridique aux différents départements internes, tels que le département des contrats, des ventes, du marketing, des finances, du financement structuré, de la défense, de la gestion des comptes de flotte, et des opérations de vol.
Appuyer ou diriger la négociation d’accords transfrontaliers pour la vente de jets privés valant plusieurs millions de dollars. Vous serez responsable de la rédaction de termes et conditions complexes et spécialisés visant un équilibre entre la gestion des risques encourus par Bombardier et les besoins uniques de nos clients.
Rédiger et négocier un éventail d’accords commerciaux tels que : des lettres d’intention, des baux de location d’avions, des instruments de financement garanti, et des ententes commerciales.
Gérer des conflits grâce à votre sens des affaires et vos capacités de mettre en œuvre des stratégies d’atténuation et de gestion des risques.
Former les intervenants internes dans le but d’améliorer leur compréhension de concepts légaux afin d’éviter d’éventuels litiges.
Collaborer avec une équipe composée d’experts accomplis dans les milieux du droit et des affaires afin d’obtenir les meilleurs résultats pour Bombardier.
Obtenir des opportunités de voyager vers de prestigieuses destinations.
Contribuer à des réunions avec les membres de la haute direction de Bombardier ainsi qu’avec des particuliers à valeur nette élevée.
Mener activement l’élaboration et l’amélioration de nos contrats types.
Comment vous épanouir dans ce rôle? Compétences, connaissances et expérience requises:
Vous êtes un membre en règle du barreau d’une province ou d’un territoire du Canada ou d’un état des États Unis d’Amérique, préférablement du Québec et/ou de New-York.
Détenir un diplôme en droit civil et en common law serait considéré comme un atout.
Vous avez un minimum de 10 ans d’expérience de pratique du droit commercial ou du droit transactionnel ou en litige commercial complexe, ainsi qu’un minimum de 3 ans de pratique dans un bureau d’avocats renommé.
Vous êtes un leader et vous possédez un excellent sens du droit et des affaires.
Vous avez de solides compétences interpersonnelles et une excellente capacité de persuasion.
Vous avez de fortes habilités rédactionnelles en anglais.
Vous pouvez travailler de façon flexible et prolongée et/ou selon des horaires de travail irréguliers en fonction des besoins de la compagnie, et vous êtes en mesure de voyager sous court préavis.
Vous savez travailler de façon autonome.
Vous êtes bilingue en français et en anglais.
Posséder de l’expérience dans, ou des connaissances sur, l’industrie de l’aviation est un atout.
Maintenant que vous vous projetez dans ce rôle, postulez et rejoignez la famille Bombardier!
Veuillez noter: Vous n'avez pas besoin de toutes les compétences, connaissances et expériences requises pour ce poste ! Nous ne sommes pas à la recherche du candidat(e) parfait, mais une personne talentueuse et passionnée.
Bombardier est un employeur qui souscrit au principe de l'égalité d'accès à l'emploi et encourage les personnes de toute race, religion, origine ethnique, identité sexuelle, orientation sexuelle, âge, statut d'immigrant, handicap ou autres caractéristiques protégées par la loi à postuler.
Emploi Conseiller·ère juridique Principal·e
Site principal Administrative Centre (CA)
Organisation Aerospace Canada
Quart de travail
Statut de l'employé Régulier
Réquisition 5507 Conseiller·ère juridique Principal·e
Dec 04, 2024
En fonction du poste, Bombardier offre des politiques de travail flexibles et hybrides.
Pourquoi vous joindre à nous ?
Chez Bombardier, nous concevons, construisons, modifions et entretenons les avions les plus performants du monde pour les individus, les entreprises, les gouvernements et les entités militaires les plus avisés. Nous réussissons à établir les normes les plus élevées grâce à notre approche centrée sur les personnes, et toujours en définissant l'excellence, ensemble.
Travailler chez Bombardier signifie offrir ce qu’il se fait de mieux. Chaque jour, vous faites partie d’une équipe qui offre des expériences et des produits de qualité supérieure, repoussant les limites du possible dans notre industrie et au-delà. En priorisant la croissance et le développement des employées, nous permettons à chacune d'atteindre son plein potentiel à sa manière, parce que le meilleur travail se produit lorsque vous êtes libre d'être vous-même et de partager votre expertise unique.
Nos avantages sociaux
En veillant au bien-être de nos employés, nous proposons un programme d'avantages sociaux complet et compétitif, qui comprend les éléments suivants :
Régimes d'assurance ( Soins dentaires, soins médicaux, assurance-vie, assurance-invalidité, et plus encore)
Salaire de base compétitif
Régime d'épargne retraite
Programme d'aide aux employés
Programme de télésanté
Quelles sont vos contributions envers l’équipe?
Fournir un support juridique aux différents départements internes, tels que le département des contrats, des ventes, du marketing, des finances, du financement structuré, de la défense, de la gestion des comptes de flotte, et des opérations de vol.
Appuyer ou diriger la négociation d’accords transfrontaliers pour la vente de jets privés valant plusieurs millions de dollars. Vous serez responsable de la rédaction de termes et conditions complexes et spécialisés visant un équilibre entre la gestion des risques encourus par Bombardier et les besoins uniques de nos clients.
Rédiger et négocier un éventail d’accords commerciaux tels que : des lettres d’intention, des baux de location d’avions, des instruments de financement garanti, et des ententes commerciales.
Gérer des conflits grâce à votre sens des affaires et vos capacités de mettre en œuvre des stratégies d’atténuation et de gestion des risques.
Former les intervenants internes dans le but d’améliorer leur compréhension de concepts légaux afin d’éviter d’éventuels litiges.
Collaborer avec une équipe composée d’experts accomplis dans les milieux du droit et des affaires afin d’obtenir les meilleurs résultats pour Bombardier.
Obtenir des opportunités de voyager vers de prestigieuses destinations.
Contribuer à des réunions avec les membres de la haute direction de Bombardier ainsi qu’avec des particuliers à valeur nette élevée.
Mener activement l’élaboration et l’amélioration de nos contrats types.
Comment vous épanouir dans ce rôle? Compétences, connaissances et expérience requises:
Vous êtes un membre en règle du barreau d’une province ou d’un territoire du Canada ou d’un état des États Unis d’Amérique, préférablement du Québec et/ou de New-York.
Détenir un diplôme en droit civil et en common law serait considéré comme un atout.
Vous avez un minimum de 10 ans d’expérience de pratique du droit commercial ou du droit transactionnel ou en litige commercial complexe, ainsi qu’un minimum de 3 ans de pratique dans un bureau d’avocats renommé.
Vous êtes un leader et vous possédez un excellent sens du droit et des affaires.
Vous avez de solides compétences interpersonnelles et une excellente capacité de persuasion.
Vous avez de fortes habilités rédactionnelles en anglais.
Vous pouvez travailler de façon flexible et prolongée et/ou selon des horaires de travail irréguliers en fonction des besoins de la compagnie, et vous êtes en mesure de voyager sous court préavis.
Vous savez travailler de façon autonome.
Vous êtes bilingue en français et en anglais.
Posséder de l’expérience dans, ou des connaissances sur, l’industrie de l’aviation est un atout.
Maintenant que vous vous projetez dans ce rôle, postulez et rejoignez la famille Bombardier!
Veuillez noter: Vous n'avez pas besoin de toutes les compétences, connaissances et expériences requises pour ce poste ! Nous ne sommes pas à la recherche du candidat(e) parfait, mais une personne talentueuse et passionnée.
Bombardier est un employeur qui souscrit au principe de l'égalité d'accès à l'emploi et encourage les personnes de toute race, religion, origine ethnique, identité sexuelle, orientation sexuelle, âge, statut d'immigrant, handicap ou autres caractéristiques protégées par la loi à postuler.
Emploi Conseiller·ère juridique Principal·e
Site principal Administrative Centre (CA)
Organisation Aerospace Canada
Quart de travail
Statut de l'employé Régulier
Réquisition 5507 Conseiller·ère juridique Principal·e
Join Walmart Canada: Shaping the Future of Retail and Supporting Canadian Communities
Walmart Canada proudly operates over 410 stores across the country, serving more than 1.2 million customers each day. With its flagship online platform, , attracting 750,000 daily visitors, Walmart is a leader in Canada’s retail landscape. Employing over 90,000 associates, Walmart Canada ranks among the top 10 most influential brands in the country. Committed to giving back, Walmart has raised over $300 million for Canadian charities since 1994, focusing on programs that support families in need.
Career Opportunity: Assistant General Counsel, Labour & Employment
We are searching for a skilled Assistant General Counsel, Labour & Employment to join our legal team. Reporting directly to the General Counsel, this role provides a unique chance to partner with Walmart’s business leaders on complex labour and employment issues, all while guiding and inspiring a team of legal professionals.
As a member of a dynamic and supportive legal team, you will engage in Walmart Canada’s inclusive corporate culture, which emphasizes both personal and professional development.
Key Responsibilities:
Lead and mentor a team in managing a diverse array of labour and employment law matters.
Provide strategic legal guidance to business units, identifying risks and mitigation strategies to help Walmart achieve its objectives.
Form strong partnerships with leaders across the organization, guiding them through complex and unprecedented legal challenges.
Required Qualifications:
LL.B. or J.D., and active membership with the Law Society of Ontario.
10+ years of experience in both law firm and in-house settings.
Proven expertise in labour and employment law, with a track record of leadership.
Skilled in team collaboration and problem-solving, with a commitment to coaching and mentoring.
Adaptability and commitment to ongoing learning and development.
Location : 1940 Argentia Rd, Mississauga, ON L5N 1P9, Canada
At Walmart, we believe in accommodating individuals with disabilities as required by law and are committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace. Ready to grow your career with one of Canada’s top employers? Join us and make a meaningful difference.
Dec 03, 2024
Full time
Join Walmart Canada: Shaping the Future of Retail and Supporting Canadian Communities
Walmart Canada proudly operates over 410 stores across the country, serving more than 1.2 million customers each day. With its flagship online platform, , attracting 750,000 daily visitors, Walmart is a leader in Canada’s retail landscape. Employing over 90,000 associates, Walmart Canada ranks among the top 10 most influential brands in the country. Committed to giving back, Walmart has raised over $300 million for Canadian charities since 1994, focusing on programs that support families in need.
Career Opportunity: Assistant General Counsel, Labour & Employment
We are searching for a skilled Assistant General Counsel, Labour & Employment to join our legal team. Reporting directly to the General Counsel, this role provides a unique chance to partner with Walmart’s business leaders on complex labour and employment issues, all while guiding and inspiring a team of legal professionals.
As a member of a dynamic and supportive legal team, you will engage in Walmart Canada’s inclusive corporate culture, which emphasizes both personal and professional development.
Key Responsibilities:
Lead and mentor a team in managing a diverse array of labour and employment law matters.
Provide strategic legal guidance to business units, identifying risks and mitigation strategies to help Walmart achieve its objectives.
Form strong partnerships with leaders across the organization, guiding them through complex and unprecedented legal challenges.
Required Qualifications:
LL.B. or J.D., and active membership with the Law Society of Ontario.
10+ years of experience in both law firm and in-house settings.
Proven expertise in labour and employment law, with a track record of leadership.
Skilled in team collaboration and problem-solving, with a commitment to coaching and mentoring.
Adaptability and commitment to ongoing learning and development.
Location : 1940 Argentia Rd, Mississauga, ON L5N 1P9, Canada
At Walmart, we believe in accommodating individuals with disabilities as required by law and are committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace. Ready to grow your career with one of Canada’s top employers? Join us and make a meaningful difference.
Family Law Legal Assistant & Law Clerk – Blaney McMurtry LLP Location: Toronto, ON (Hybrid) Practice Group: Private Client Practice Group
Why Work at Blaney McMurtry LLP?
Blaney McMurtry LLP is a renowned full-service law firm located in downtown Toronto, with over 120 lawyers providing top-tier legal services. For more than 65 years, we’ve built a reputation for helping clients overcome challenges and seize new opportunities, grounded in a commitment to exceptional client service and results. We are looking for driven individuals who share our passion for excellence.
Our firm values diversity and inclusion, creating a supportive work environment where staff are empowered to succeed. In return for your hard work and dedication, we offer a competitive salary based on experience, paid vacation, and a comprehensive benefits package that includes health, dental, and an Employee Assistance Program (EAP). We also encourage continuous learning and development through various training and professional growth opportunities.
Position Overview:
We are seeking a Family Law Legal Assistant & Law Clerk to join our Private Client Practice Group. This role is ideal for candidates who are highly organized, detail-oriented, and capable of working independently while managing multiple tasks. If you have a strong work ethic and share our passion for providing exceptional legal services, we’d love to hear from you.
Key Responsibilities:
Draft correspondence to clients, opposing counsel, and other legal professionals.
Prepare court documents, including briefs, orders, 14B motions, and divorce applications.
Assemble bills of costs, affidavits, books of authority, and answers to undertakings.
Prepare and file Financial Statements, Certificates of Financial Disclosure, and other related documents.
Book client meetings, schedule court appearances, and manage appointments.
Handle service and filing of court documents, ensuring adherence to court rules.
Manage data using DivorceMate and the firm’s document management system (MatterSphere).
Proofread and format all legal documentation, ensuring accuracy and compliance with court requirements.
Maintain and organize physical and digital files.
Support additional administrative tasks as needed.
3+ years of experience as a Legal Assistant or Law Clerk in Family Law.
Legal Assistant or Law Clerk certification from a recognized institution.
Expertise in Family Law practices, including court filing rules and procedures across the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).
Proficiency in MS Office, DivorceMate, Adobe, and document management systems.
Strong time management and organization skills, with the ability to prioritize effectively.
Attention to detail and accuracy in document preparation and proofreading.
Knowledge of service and filing rules for court documents.
Why Join Us?
Competitive salary based on experience.
Comprehensive benefits package, including health, dental, and Employee Assistance Program.
Hybrid work model with 3 days in-office per week (potential for full-time in-office role).
Professional development opportunities for continuous growth.
If you’re ready to bring your skills to a firm that values your contributions, apply now. Only selected candidates will be contacted for an interview.
Accommodation: Blaney McMurtry LLP is committed to accommodating candidates with disabilities during the application process. If you require accommodation, please let us know, and we will work with you to meet your needs.
How to Apply: Submit your resume and cover letter via our online application portal.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Dec 03, 2024
Full time
Family Law Legal Assistant & Law Clerk – Blaney McMurtry LLP Location: Toronto, ON (Hybrid) Practice Group: Private Client Practice Group
Why Work at Blaney McMurtry LLP?
Blaney McMurtry LLP is a renowned full-service law firm located in downtown Toronto, with over 120 lawyers providing top-tier legal services. For more than 65 years, we’ve built a reputation for helping clients overcome challenges and seize new opportunities, grounded in a commitment to exceptional client service and results. We are looking for driven individuals who share our passion for excellence.
Our firm values diversity and inclusion, creating a supportive work environment where staff are empowered to succeed. In return for your hard work and dedication, we offer a competitive salary based on experience, paid vacation, and a comprehensive benefits package that includes health, dental, and an Employee Assistance Program (EAP). We also encourage continuous learning and development through various training and professional growth opportunities.
Position Overview:
We are seeking a Family Law Legal Assistant & Law Clerk to join our Private Client Practice Group. This role is ideal for candidates who are highly organized, detail-oriented, and capable of working independently while managing multiple tasks. If you have a strong work ethic and share our passion for providing exceptional legal services, we’d love to hear from you.
Key Responsibilities:
Draft correspondence to clients, opposing counsel, and other legal professionals.
Prepare court documents, including briefs, orders, 14B motions, and divorce applications.
Assemble bills of costs, affidavits, books of authority, and answers to undertakings.
Prepare and file Financial Statements, Certificates of Financial Disclosure, and other related documents.
Book client meetings, schedule court appearances, and manage appointments.
Handle service and filing of court documents, ensuring adherence to court rules.
Manage data using DivorceMate and the firm’s document management system (MatterSphere).
Proofread and format all legal documentation, ensuring accuracy and compliance with court requirements.
Maintain and organize physical and digital files.
Support additional administrative tasks as needed.
3+ years of experience as a Legal Assistant or Law Clerk in Family Law.
Legal Assistant or Law Clerk certification from a recognized institution.
Expertise in Family Law practices, including court filing rules and procedures across the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).
Proficiency in MS Office, DivorceMate, Adobe, and document management systems.
Strong time management and organization skills, with the ability to prioritize effectively.
Attention to detail and accuracy in document preparation and proofreading.
Knowledge of service and filing rules for court documents.
Why Join Us?
Competitive salary based on experience.
Comprehensive benefits package, including health, dental, and Employee Assistance Program.
Hybrid work model with 3 days in-office per week (potential for full-time in-office role).
Professional development opportunities for continuous growth.
If you’re ready to bring your skills to a firm that values your contributions, apply now. Only selected candidates will be contacted for an interview.
Accommodation: Blaney McMurtry LLP is committed to accommodating candidates with disabilities during the application process. If you require accommodation, please let us know, and we will work with you to meet your needs.
How to Apply: Submit your resume and cover letter via our online application portal.
We look forward to hearing from you!