Numéro de demande : 187207 Groupe de carrière : Carrières dans les bureaux Catégorie d'emplois : Juridique, entreprises connexes Exigences en matière de voyage : 0 à 10 % Type d'emploi : Temps plein Pays : Canada (CA) Province : Québec Ville : Montréal-Nord Entamez une carrière enrichissante avec Sobeys inc., célébrée parmi les 100 meilleurs employeurs au Canada, où vos talents contribuent à notre engagement envers l'excellence et l'impact communautaire.
Notre équipe de 128 000 employés, affiliés et franchisés nourrit une passion collective : offrir des expériences de magasinage exceptionnelles et des aliments de première qualité à tous nos clients. Notre mission est d’embellir la vie des familles, des communautés et de nos employés. Nous sommes une famille qui nourrit l’esprit de famille. Nous sommes une fière entreprise canadienne ayant pris naissance dans une petite ville de la Nouvelle-Écosse. Aujourd’hui, nous sommes établis dans des communautés de toutes tailles d’un bout à l’autre de notre merveilleux pays. Nous comptons plus de 1 600 magasins répartis dans les dix provinces. Que vous nous connaissiez sous le nom de Sobeys, Safeway, IGA, Foodland, FreshCo, Thrifty Foods ou les pharmacies Lawtons ou une autre de nos bannières, nous formons une seule et même grande famille.
Prêt à avoir un impact?
Sous la supervision du Directeur, le titulaire du poste sera responsable de fournir une vaste gamme de services juridiques aux dirigeants de Sobeys afin d'atteindre les objectifs fixés et/ou de minimiser les risques juridiques pour l'entreprise.
Voici où vous allez vous concentrer
Fournir une vaste gamme de services juridiques sur des questions dans lesquelles Sobeys peut être engagée afin d'atteindre les objectifs de Sobeys ou de minimiser les risques juridiques
Fournir des services juridiques fonctionnels aux chefs d'entreprise et aux autres employés, notamment en ce qui a trait à l'essence, à la location de biens immobiliers, aux dépanneurs et aux groupes commerciaux de vente en gros
Rédiger des documents juridiques concernant les secteurs nationaux de l'essence et du dépanneur et les groupes d'affaires de la vente en gros
Superviser la résolution de questions juridiques complexes, délicates et parfois ambiguës, comportant habituellement des risques commerciaux
Conseiller l'entreprise sur les questions juridiques ayant un impact sur l'activité, y compris la rédaction et la négociation pratique de divers accords avec des clients internes et externes
Examiner, rédiger et négocier des ententes commerciales
Diriger certaines actions en justice dans lesquelles Sobeys est impliquée, soit directement, soit par l'intermédiaire d'un conseiller juridique externe, y compris la gestion et la supervision d'un conseiller juridique externe
Gérer, diriger ou assigner le travail à des parajuristes et à du personnel de soutien pour des dossiers particuliers ou fournir une orientation au jour le jour
Soutenir le service juridique en ce qui a trait à notre code de conduite, aux questions de litige et aux politiques internes en matière d'éthique et de conflits
Ce que vous avez à offrir
Un Baccalauréat ainsi qu'un minimum de 3 ans d'expérience pertinente acquise tant en pratique privée ou en entreprise
Une solide expérience dans la gestion d'un large éventail de questions juridiques et dans l'interaction étroite avec les chefs d'entreprise
Une expérience avec le domaine du carburant, des dépanneurs et de la vente en gros
Diplôme en droit civil (L.LB) et membre en règle du Barreau du Québec
Un "Juris Doctor" en Common Law serait considéré comme un atout
Compétences exceptionnelles en matière de communication et d'établissement de relations
Capacité à se sentir à l'aise dans un environnement de vente au détail et à traiter avec tous les niveaux de l'organisation
Vous êtes bilingue tant à l'oral qu'à l'écrit (La personne devra travailler avec ses pairs des autres provinces dans l’élaboration, le développement et la mise en place d’outils et de processus à l’échelle du Canada, et également offrir un soutien aux employés de Sobeys à travers le Canada)
Chez Sobeys, les membres de nos équipes doivent être en mesure de respecter un modèle de travail hybride qui exige leur présence dans l’un de nos bureaux au moins trois jours par semaine. Cette exigence fait partie intégrante de notre engagement à favoriser la collaboration au sein des équipes de bureau et le succès global de notre culture d’entreprise.
Nous offrons une enveloppe de rémunération globale complète, qui varie en fonction du poste occupé, conçue pour permettre à nos employés de vivre mieux d'un point de vue physique, financier et émotionnel.
Certains sites web qui affichent nos offres d'emploi peuvent fournir des estimations salariales à notre insu. Ces estimations sont fondées sur des emplois et des offres similaires à des fins de comparaison générale et elles ne sont pas fournies par notre organisation ni surveillées pour en assurer l’exactitude. Nous prendrons en considération le lieu de travail, l'expérience professionnelle et les compétences de la personne sélectionnée, de même que l'équité interne et les conditions du marché, pour nous assurer que cette dernière soit rémunérée de manière équitable et concurrentielle. Nous discuterons avec plaisir des détails de la rémunération propre à ce poste avec les candidats sélectionnés dans le cadre du processus de recrutement.
Nos programmes de rémunération globale pour les employés à temps plein vont bien au-delà du chèque de paie :
Un programme d'avantages sociaux compétitif et adapté à vos besoins, comprenant une couverture de soins de santé et dentaires, une assurance vie de même qu'une assurance invalidité de courte et longue durée.
Accès à la plateforme de soins de santé virtuelle et au programme d'aide aux employés et à leur famille.
Un régime d'épargne-retraite pour vous aider à épargner et faire fructifier vos économies.
Un rabais de 10 % en magasin dans nos bannières participantes et l'accès à une vaste gamme d'autres programmes de rabais, ce qui rend vos achats plus abordables.
Des ressources de formation et de développement pour soutenir votre progression de carrière.
Des prestations complémentaires pendant un congé parental
Des vacances et jours de congé payés
Sobeys s’est engagée à répondre aux besoins des candidats handicapés durant tout le processus d’embauche. L’entreprise collaborera donc avec les candidats qui demanderont des mesures d’adaptation à n’importe quelle étape de ce processus.
Jan 19, 2025
Full time
Numéro de demande : 187207 Groupe de carrière : Carrières dans les bureaux Catégorie d'emplois : Juridique, entreprises connexes Exigences en matière de voyage : 0 à 10 % Type d'emploi : Temps plein Pays : Canada (CA) Province : Québec Ville : Montréal-Nord Entamez une carrière enrichissante avec Sobeys inc., célébrée parmi les 100 meilleurs employeurs au Canada, où vos talents contribuent à notre engagement envers l'excellence et l'impact communautaire.
Notre équipe de 128 000 employés, affiliés et franchisés nourrit une passion collective : offrir des expériences de magasinage exceptionnelles et des aliments de première qualité à tous nos clients. Notre mission est d’embellir la vie des familles, des communautés et de nos employés. Nous sommes une famille qui nourrit l’esprit de famille. Nous sommes une fière entreprise canadienne ayant pris naissance dans une petite ville de la Nouvelle-Écosse. Aujourd’hui, nous sommes établis dans des communautés de toutes tailles d’un bout à l’autre de notre merveilleux pays. Nous comptons plus de 1 600 magasins répartis dans les dix provinces. Que vous nous connaissiez sous le nom de Sobeys, Safeway, IGA, Foodland, FreshCo, Thrifty Foods ou les pharmacies Lawtons ou une autre de nos bannières, nous formons une seule et même grande famille.
Prêt à avoir un impact?
Sous la supervision du Directeur, le titulaire du poste sera responsable de fournir une vaste gamme de services juridiques aux dirigeants de Sobeys afin d'atteindre les objectifs fixés et/ou de minimiser les risques juridiques pour l'entreprise.
Voici où vous allez vous concentrer
Fournir une vaste gamme de services juridiques sur des questions dans lesquelles Sobeys peut être engagée afin d'atteindre les objectifs de Sobeys ou de minimiser les risques juridiques
Fournir des services juridiques fonctionnels aux chefs d'entreprise et aux autres employés, notamment en ce qui a trait à l'essence, à la location de biens immobiliers, aux dépanneurs et aux groupes commerciaux de vente en gros
Rédiger des documents juridiques concernant les secteurs nationaux de l'essence et du dépanneur et les groupes d'affaires de la vente en gros
Superviser la résolution de questions juridiques complexes, délicates et parfois ambiguës, comportant habituellement des risques commerciaux
Conseiller l'entreprise sur les questions juridiques ayant un impact sur l'activité, y compris la rédaction et la négociation pratique de divers accords avec des clients internes et externes
Examiner, rédiger et négocier des ententes commerciales
Diriger certaines actions en justice dans lesquelles Sobeys est impliquée, soit directement, soit par l'intermédiaire d'un conseiller juridique externe, y compris la gestion et la supervision d'un conseiller juridique externe
Gérer, diriger ou assigner le travail à des parajuristes et à du personnel de soutien pour des dossiers particuliers ou fournir une orientation au jour le jour
Soutenir le service juridique en ce qui a trait à notre code de conduite, aux questions de litige et aux politiques internes en matière d'éthique et de conflits
Ce que vous avez à offrir
Un Baccalauréat ainsi qu'un minimum de 3 ans d'expérience pertinente acquise tant en pratique privée ou en entreprise
Une solide expérience dans la gestion d'un large éventail de questions juridiques et dans l'interaction étroite avec les chefs d'entreprise
Une expérience avec le domaine du carburant, des dépanneurs et de la vente en gros
Diplôme en droit civil (L.LB) et membre en règle du Barreau du Québec
Un "Juris Doctor" en Common Law serait considéré comme un atout
Compétences exceptionnelles en matière de communication et d'établissement de relations
Capacité à se sentir à l'aise dans un environnement de vente au détail et à traiter avec tous les niveaux de l'organisation
Vous êtes bilingue tant à l'oral qu'à l'écrit (La personne devra travailler avec ses pairs des autres provinces dans l’élaboration, le développement et la mise en place d’outils et de processus à l’échelle du Canada, et également offrir un soutien aux employés de Sobeys à travers le Canada)
Chez Sobeys, les membres de nos équipes doivent être en mesure de respecter un modèle de travail hybride qui exige leur présence dans l’un de nos bureaux au moins trois jours par semaine. Cette exigence fait partie intégrante de notre engagement à favoriser la collaboration au sein des équipes de bureau et le succès global de notre culture d’entreprise.
Nous offrons une enveloppe de rémunération globale complète, qui varie en fonction du poste occupé, conçue pour permettre à nos employés de vivre mieux d'un point de vue physique, financier et émotionnel.
Certains sites web qui affichent nos offres d'emploi peuvent fournir des estimations salariales à notre insu. Ces estimations sont fondées sur des emplois et des offres similaires à des fins de comparaison générale et elles ne sont pas fournies par notre organisation ni surveillées pour en assurer l’exactitude. Nous prendrons en considération le lieu de travail, l'expérience professionnelle et les compétences de la personne sélectionnée, de même que l'équité interne et les conditions du marché, pour nous assurer que cette dernière soit rémunérée de manière équitable et concurrentielle. Nous discuterons avec plaisir des détails de la rémunération propre à ce poste avec les candidats sélectionnés dans le cadre du processus de recrutement.
Nos programmes de rémunération globale pour les employés à temps plein vont bien au-delà du chèque de paie :
Un programme d'avantages sociaux compétitif et adapté à vos besoins, comprenant une couverture de soins de santé et dentaires, une assurance vie de même qu'une assurance invalidité de courte et longue durée.
Accès à la plateforme de soins de santé virtuelle et au programme d'aide aux employés et à leur famille.
Un régime d'épargne-retraite pour vous aider à épargner et faire fructifier vos économies.
Un rabais de 10 % en magasin dans nos bannières participantes et l'accès à une vaste gamme d'autres programmes de rabais, ce qui rend vos achats plus abordables.
Des ressources de formation et de développement pour soutenir votre progression de carrière.
Des prestations complémentaires pendant un congé parental
Des vacances et jours de congé payés
Sobeys s’est engagée à répondre aux besoins des candidats handicapés durant tout le processus d’embauche. L’entreprise collaborera donc avec les candidats qui demanderont des mesures d’adaptation à n’importe quelle étape de ce processus.
Bienvenue chez toi!
Prendre note que ce poste relève de nos bureaux de Candiac , télétravail 2-3 jours/semaine possible
Chez Cascades, développer durablement c’est surtout respecter la nature de nos 10 000 talents. Nous prenons soin de toi:
Rémunération progressive entre 21,5 et 29$/h, selon ton parcours scolaire
Bonus si tu reviens travailler chez nous la session suivante
Remboursement de tes frais de scolarité si tu restes chez nous en emploi permanent
Frais d’examens et d’adhésion à un ordre professionnel payés
Beaucoup de perspectives d’évolution chez Cascades
Développe tes talents avec nous
Être stagiaire ou étudiant chez Cascades, c’est l’occasion unique de définir tes intérêts et de découvrir ta passion au sein de l’équipe de SANDY CARON, dans un Stagiaire en droit - Été 2025. Tu auras comme principales responsabilités:
Effectuer des recherches juridiques et rédiger des notes de services.
Participer à la rédaction, la révision et à la mise à jour de contrats conformément aux lois et règlements applicables ainsi qu’à la jurisprudence récente.
Supporter les avocats dans divers projets stratégiques en collaboration avec les différentes unités d’affaires de l’organisation.
Préparer des formations en soutien à l’optimisation des procédés internes.
Collaborer au développement des meilleures pratiques de gouvernance d’entreprise.
Collaborer à la conduite de certains dossiers de litige, notamment dans la collecte et l’analyse de la preuve.
Participer à des réunions de l’équipe juridique.
Préparer et mettre à jour divers documents, procédés et systèmes utilisés par l’équipe juridique.
Il est à noter qu'il s'agit d'un poste d'étudiant en droit. Il ne s'agit pas d'un poste de stagiaire du Barreau.
Y’en a pas deux comme toi!
Chaque jour, nos Cascadeurs et Cascadeuses choisissent de respecter leur nature en contribuant avec passion à notre mission. Toi aussi, mets en avant tes forces:
Tu es disponible du 5 mai au 15 août 2025, pour un stage à temps plein (40h/semaine) dans le cadre de ta formation universitaire en droit.
Tu maitrises autant le français que l'anglais, pour communiquer aisément avec nos unités et partenaires du Québec, des provinces anglophones et des États-Unis.
Tu as déjà effectué un ou deux stages en droit.
Tu as de l'expérience en rédaction de contrats (un atout).
Tu es connu(e) pour ta rigueur et ta capacité à travailler efficacement en équipe.
Tu sais être à l’écoute et tu as un bon sens du jugement.
Tu as des aptitudes à communiquer efficacement, tant à l’oral qu’à l’écrit.
Tu as d’excellentes capacités rédactionnelles.
Tu es dynamique et proactif.
Tu as de très bonnes connaissances de la suite Microsoft Office.
Nous avons bien hâte de te rencontrer!
#respectezvotrenature #révélezvotrepotentiel #laviechezCascades
Cascades croit au succès d'une organisation inclusive qui valorise la diversité au sein de son équipe. Elle considérera avec équité toutes les personnes qualifiées pour ce poste.
À propos de Cascades
Faire partie de Cascades, c’est révéler le plein potentiel de la matière, des gens et des idées. Nous sommes source de possibilités depuis 1964. Cascades propose des solutions durables, innovantes et créatrices de valeur en matière d’emballage, d’hygiène et de récupération. Rejoignez 10 000 talents travaillant dans un réseau de près de 75 unités d’exploitation situées en Amérique du Nord.
Jan 18, 2025
Full time
Bienvenue chez toi!
Prendre note que ce poste relève de nos bureaux de Candiac , télétravail 2-3 jours/semaine possible
Chez Cascades, développer durablement c’est surtout respecter la nature de nos 10 000 talents. Nous prenons soin de toi:
Rémunération progressive entre 21,5 et 29$/h, selon ton parcours scolaire
Bonus si tu reviens travailler chez nous la session suivante
Remboursement de tes frais de scolarité si tu restes chez nous en emploi permanent
Frais d’examens et d’adhésion à un ordre professionnel payés
Beaucoup de perspectives d’évolution chez Cascades
Développe tes talents avec nous
Être stagiaire ou étudiant chez Cascades, c’est l’occasion unique de définir tes intérêts et de découvrir ta passion au sein de l’équipe de SANDY CARON, dans un Stagiaire en droit - Été 2025. Tu auras comme principales responsabilités:
Effectuer des recherches juridiques et rédiger des notes de services.
Participer à la rédaction, la révision et à la mise à jour de contrats conformément aux lois et règlements applicables ainsi qu’à la jurisprudence récente.
Supporter les avocats dans divers projets stratégiques en collaboration avec les différentes unités d’affaires de l’organisation.
Préparer des formations en soutien à l’optimisation des procédés internes.
Collaborer au développement des meilleures pratiques de gouvernance d’entreprise.
Collaborer à la conduite de certains dossiers de litige, notamment dans la collecte et l’analyse de la preuve.
Participer à des réunions de l’équipe juridique.
Préparer et mettre à jour divers documents, procédés et systèmes utilisés par l’équipe juridique.
Il est à noter qu'il s'agit d'un poste d'étudiant en droit. Il ne s'agit pas d'un poste de stagiaire du Barreau.
Y’en a pas deux comme toi!
Chaque jour, nos Cascadeurs et Cascadeuses choisissent de respecter leur nature en contribuant avec passion à notre mission. Toi aussi, mets en avant tes forces:
Tu es disponible du 5 mai au 15 août 2025, pour un stage à temps plein (40h/semaine) dans le cadre de ta formation universitaire en droit.
Tu maitrises autant le français que l'anglais, pour communiquer aisément avec nos unités et partenaires du Québec, des provinces anglophones et des États-Unis.
Tu as déjà effectué un ou deux stages en droit.
Tu as de l'expérience en rédaction de contrats (un atout).
Tu es connu(e) pour ta rigueur et ta capacité à travailler efficacement en équipe.
Tu sais être à l’écoute et tu as un bon sens du jugement.
Tu as des aptitudes à communiquer efficacement, tant à l’oral qu’à l’écrit.
Tu as d’excellentes capacités rédactionnelles.
Tu es dynamique et proactif.
Tu as de très bonnes connaissances de la suite Microsoft Office.
Nous avons bien hâte de te rencontrer!
#respectezvotrenature #révélezvotrepotentiel #laviechezCascades
Cascades croit au succès d'une organisation inclusive qui valorise la diversité au sein de son équipe. Elle considérera avec équité toutes les personnes qualifiées pour ce poste.
À propos de Cascades
Faire partie de Cascades, c’est révéler le plein potentiel de la matière, des gens et des idées. Nous sommes source de possibilités depuis 1964. Cascades propose des solutions durables, innovantes et créatrices de valeur en matière d’emballage, d’hygiène et de récupération. Rejoignez 10 000 talents travaillant dans un réseau de près de 75 unités d’exploitation situées en Amérique du Nord.
Entamez une carrière enrichissante avec Sobeys inc., célébrée parmi les 100 meilleurs employeurs au Canada, où vos talents contribuent à notre engagement envers l'excellence et l'impact communautaire.
Notre équipe de 128 000 employés, affiliés et franchisés nourrit une passion collective : offrir des expériences de magasinage exceptionnelles et des aliments de première qualité à tous nos clients. Notre mission est d’embellir la vie des familles, des communautés et de nos employés. Nous sommes une famille qui nourrit l’esprit de famille. Nous sommes une fière entreprise canadienne ayant pris naissance dans une petite ville de la Nouvelle-Écosse. Aujourd’hui, nous sommes établis dans des communautés de toutes tailles d’un bout à l’autre de notre merveilleux pays. Nous comptons plus de 1 600 magasins répartis dans les dix provinces. Que vous nous connaissiez sous le nom de Sobeys, Safeway, IGA, Foodland, FreshCo, Thrifty Foods ou les pharmacies Lawtons ou une autre de nos bannières, nous formons une seule et même grande famille.
Prêt à avoir un impact?
Sous la supervision du Directeur, le titulaire du poste sera responsable de fournir une vaste gamme de services juridiques aux dirigeants de Sobeys afin d'atteindre les objectifs fixés et/ou de minimiser les risques juridiques pour l'entreprise.
Voici où vous allez vous concentrer
Fournir une vaste gamme de services juridiques sur des questions dans lesquelles Sobeys peut être engagée afin d'atteindre les objectifs de Sobeys ou de minimiser les risques juridiques
Fournir des services juridiques fonctionnels aux chefs d'entreprise et aux autres employés, notamment en ce qui a trait à l'essence, à la location de biens immobiliers, aux dépanneurs et aux groupes commerciaux de vente en gros
Rédiger des documents juridiques concernant les secteurs nationaux de l'essence et du dépanneur et les groupes d'affaires de la vente en gros
Superviser la résolution de questions juridiques complexes, délicates et parfois ambiguës, comportant habituellement des risques commerciaux
Conseiller l'entreprise sur les questions juridiques ayant un impact sur l'activité, y compris la rédaction et la négociation pratique de divers accords avec des clients internes et externes
Examiner, rédiger et négocier des ententes commerciales
Diriger certaines actions en justice dans lesquelles Sobeys est impliquée, soit directement, soit par l'intermédiaire d'un conseiller juridique externe, y compris la gestion et la supervision d'un conseiller juridique externe
Gérer, diriger ou assigner le travail à des parajuristes et à du personnel de soutien pour des dossiers particuliers ou fournir une orientation au jour le jour
Soutenir le service juridique en ce qui a trait à notre code de conduite, aux questions de litige et aux politiques internes en matière d'éthique et de conflits
Ce que vous avez à offrir
Un Baccalauréat ainsi qu'un minimum de 3 ans d'expérience pertinente acquise tant en pratique privée ou en entreprise
Une solide expérience dans la gestion d'un large éventail de questions juridiques et dans l'interaction étroite avec les chefs d'entreprise
Une expérience avec le domaine du carburant, des dépanneurs et de la vente en gros
Diplôme en droit civil (L.LB) et membre en règle du Barreau du Québec
Un "Juris Doctor" en Common Law serait considéré comme un atout
Compétences exceptionnelles en matière de communication et d'établissement de relations
Capacité à se sentir à l'aise dans un environnement de vente au détail et à traiter avec tous les niveaux de l'organisation
Vous êtes bilingue tant à l'oral qu'à l'écrit (La personne devra travailler avec ses pairs des autres provinces dans l’élaboration, le développement et la mise en place d’outils et de processus à l’échelle du Canada, et également offrir un soutien aux employés de Sobeys à travers le Canada)
Chez Sobeys, les membres de nos équipes doivent être en mesure de respecter un modèle de travail hybride qui exige leur présence dans l’un de nos bureaux au moins trois jours par semaine. Cette exigence fait partie intégrante de notre engagement à favoriser la collaboration au sein des équipes de bureau et le succès global de notre culture d’entreprise.
Nous offrons une enveloppe de rémunération globale complète, qui varie en fonction du poste occupé, conçue pour permettre à nos employés de vivre mieux d'un point de vue physique, financier et émotionnel.
Certains sites web qui affichent nos offres d'emploi peuvent fournir des estimations salariales à notre insu. Ces estimations sont fondées sur des emplois et des offres similaires à des fins de comparaison générale et elles ne sont pas fournies par notre organisation ni surveillées pour en assurer l’exactitude. Nous prendrons en considération le lieu de travail, l'expérience professionnelle et les compétences de la personne sélectionnée, de même que l'équité interne et les conditions du marché, pour nous assurer que cette dernière soit rémunérée de manière équitable et concurrentielle. Nous discuterons avec plaisir des détails de la rémunération propre à ce poste avec les candidats sélectionnés dans le cadre du processus de recrutement.
Nos programmes de rémunération globale pour les employés à temps plein vont bien au-delà du chèque de paie :
Un programme d'avantages sociaux compétitif et adapté à vos besoins, comprenant une couverture de soins de santé et dentaires, une assurance vie de même qu'une assurance invalidité de courte et longue durée.
Accès à la plateforme de soins de santé virtuelle et au programme d'aide aux employés et à leur famille.
Un régime d'épargne-retraite pour vous aider à épargner et faire fructifier vos économies.
Un rabais de 10 % en magasin dans nos bannières participantes et l'accès à une vaste gamme d'autres programmes de rabais, ce qui rend vos achats plus abordables.
Des ressources de formation et de développement pour soutenir votre progression de carrière.
Des prestations complémentaires pendant un congé parental
Des vacances et jours de congé payés
Sobeys s’est engagée à répondre aux besoins des candidats handicapés durant tout le processus d’embauche. L’entreprise collaborera donc avec les candidats qui demanderont des mesures d’adaptation à n’importe quelle étape de ce processus.
Jan 15, 2025
Full time
Entamez une carrière enrichissante avec Sobeys inc., célébrée parmi les 100 meilleurs employeurs au Canada, où vos talents contribuent à notre engagement envers l'excellence et l'impact communautaire.
Notre équipe de 128 000 employés, affiliés et franchisés nourrit une passion collective : offrir des expériences de magasinage exceptionnelles et des aliments de première qualité à tous nos clients. Notre mission est d’embellir la vie des familles, des communautés et de nos employés. Nous sommes une famille qui nourrit l’esprit de famille. Nous sommes une fière entreprise canadienne ayant pris naissance dans une petite ville de la Nouvelle-Écosse. Aujourd’hui, nous sommes établis dans des communautés de toutes tailles d’un bout à l’autre de notre merveilleux pays. Nous comptons plus de 1 600 magasins répartis dans les dix provinces. Que vous nous connaissiez sous le nom de Sobeys, Safeway, IGA, Foodland, FreshCo, Thrifty Foods ou les pharmacies Lawtons ou une autre de nos bannières, nous formons une seule et même grande famille.
Prêt à avoir un impact?
Sous la supervision du Directeur, le titulaire du poste sera responsable de fournir une vaste gamme de services juridiques aux dirigeants de Sobeys afin d'atteindre les objectifs fixés et/ou de minimiser les risques juridiques pour l'entreprise.
Voici où vous allez vous concentrer
Fournir une vaste gamme de services juridiques sur des questions dans lesquelles Sobeys peut être engagée afin d'atteindre les objectifs de Sobeys ou de minimiser les risques juridiques
Fournir des services juridiques fonctionnels aux chefs d'entreprise et aux autres employés, notamment en ce qui a trait à l'essence, à la location de biens immobiliers, aux dépanneurs et aux groupes commerciaux de vente en gros
Rédiger des documents juridiques concernant les secteurs nationaux de l'essence et du dépanneur et les groupes d'affaires de la vente en gros
Superviser la résolution de questions juridiques complexes, délicates et parfois ambiguës, comportant habituellement des risques commerciaux
Conseiller l'entreprise sur les questions juridiques ayant un impact sur l'activité, y compris la rédaction et la négociation pratique de divers accords avec des clients internes et externes
Examiner, rédiger et négocier des ententes commerciales
Diriger certaines actions en justice dans lesquelles Sobeys est impliquée, soit directement, soit par l'intermédiaire d'un conseiller juridique externe, y compris la gestion et la supervision d'un conseiller juridique externe
Gérer, diriger ou assigner le travail à des parajuristes et à du personnel de soutien pour des dossiers particuliers ou fournir une orientation au jour le jour
Soutenir le service juridique en ce qui a trait à notre code de conduite, aux questions de litige et aux politiques internes en matière d'éthique et de conflits
Ce que vous avez à offrir
Un Baccalauréat ainsi qu'un minimum de 3 ans d'expérience pertinente acquise tant en pratique privée ou en entreprise
Une solide expérience dans la gestion d'un large éventail de questions juridiques et dans l'interaction étroite avec les chefs d'entreprise
Une expérience avec le domaine du carburant, des dépanneurs et de la vente en gros
Diplôme en droit civil (L.LB) et membre en règle du Barreau du Québec
Un "Juris Doctor" en Common Law serait considéré comme un atout
Compétences exceptionnelles en matière de communication et d'établissement de relations
Capacité à se sentir à l'aise dans un environnement de vente au détail et à traiter avec tous les niveaux de l'organisation
Vous êtes bilingue tant à l'oral qu'à l'écrit (La personne devra travailler avec ses pairs des autres provinces dans l’élaboration, le développement et la mise en place d’outils et de processus à l’échelle du Canada, et également offrir un soutien aux employés de Sobeys à travers le Canada)
Chez Sobeys, les membres de nos équipes doivent être en mesure de respecter un modèle de travail hybride qui exige leur présence dans l’un de nos bureaux au moins trois jours par semaine. Cette exigence fait partie intégrante de notre engagement à favoriser la collaboration au sein des équipes de bureau et le succès global de notre culture d’entreprise.
Nous offrons une enveloppe de rémunération globale complète, qui varie en fonction du poste occupé, conçue pour permettre à nos employés de vivre mieux d'un point de vue physique, financier et émotionnel.
Certains sites web qui affichent nos offres d'emploi peuvent fournir des estimations salariales à notre insu. Ces estimations sont fondées sur des emplois et des offres similaires à des fins de comparaison générale et elles ne sont pas fournies par notre organisation ni surveillées pour en assurer l’exactitude. Nous prendrons en considération le lieu de travail, l'expérience professionnelle et les compétences de la personne sélectionnée, de même que l'équité interne et les conditions du marché, pour nous assurer que cette dernière soit rémunérée de manière équitable et concurrentielle. Nous discuterons avec plaisir des détails de la rémunération propre à ce poste avec les candidats sélectionnés dans le cadre du processus de recrutement.
Nos programmes de rémunération globale pour les employés à temps plein vont bien au-delà du chèque de paie :
Un programme d'avantages sociaux compétitif et adapté à vos besoins, comprenant une couverture de soins de santé et dentaires, une assurance vie de même qu'une assurance invalidité de courte et longue durée.
Accès à la plateforme de soins de santé virtuelle et au programme d'aide aux employés et à leur famille.
Un régime d'épargne-retraite pour vous aider à épargner et faire fructifier vos économies.
Un rabais de 10 % en magasin dans nos bannières participantes et l'accès à une vaste gamme d'autres programmes de rabais, ce qui rend vos achats plus abordables.
Des ressources de formation et de développement pour soutenir votre progression de carrière.
Des prestations complémentaires pendant un congé parental
Des vacances et jours de congé payés
Sobeys s’est engagée à répondre aux besoins des candidats handicapés durant tout le processus d’embauche. L’entreprise collaborera donc avec les candidats qui demanderont des mesures d’adaptation à n’importe quelle étape de ce processus.
Contributes to the overall success of Strategic Services, providing primary support to their designated executive and general support to Corporate Security, Legal & Corporate Affairs, ensuring specific individual goals, plans, initiatives are executed / delivered in support of the team’s business strategies and objectives. Ensures all activities conducted are in compliance with governing regulations, internal policies and procedures
Is this role right for you? In this role you will:
Champions a customer focused culture to deepen client relationships and leverage broader Bankrelationships, systems and knowledge.
Operational support to the CSO & VP’s including the coordination of day-to-day schedule activities;meetings, events, finance, and travel with the ability to anticipate conflicts and provide alternatives.
Lead the development and distribution of strategic department communications in English & Spanish toensure the strategy, goals and department initiatives are understood globally.
Provide support to the maintenance and upkeep of the department specific information platformsincluding SharePoint & Scotiabank Live.
Strategic support to the department through database maintenance including HR tracking sheets, BCPcontact lists, learning development and skills matrix.
Strategic document development and distribution including procedures, presentations, letters, attestations, and business plans.
Planning support and execution of department events including town halls, strategy sessions, conferences, and celebrations.
Managing the onboarding and offboarding activities of employees within the department as well as facilities and telephony related support.
Monitor, review, and approve standard expenditures to ensure the activities of the office are conducted within established budgets. Manage the variance analysis and ensure it aligns on a monthly basis.
Understand how the Bank’s risk appetite and risk culture should be considered in day-to-day activitiesand decisions.
Actively pursues effective and efficient operations of their respective areas in accordance with
Scotiabank’s Values, its Code of Conduct and the Global Sales Principles, while ensuring the adequacy, adherence to and effectiveness of day-to-day business controls to meet obligations with respect to operational, compliance, AML/ATF/sanctions and conduct risk.
Champions a high performance environment and contributes to an inclusive work environment.
Do you have the skills that will enable you to succeed in this role? We'd love to work with you if you have:
This position deals with numerous sensitive issues, requiring strict confidentiality and accuracy. The incumbent is expected to troubleshoot and make independent decisions within defined parameters on day to day assignments and seek guidance/clarity on policy and objectives.
Bilingual in Spanish
Degree in Business Administration or equivalent experience.
Excellent interpersonal and written skills to communicate with management, business lines as well as working in a team environment.
3+ years of general communications experience.
Advanced knowledge of MS Office suite and software tools as applied to the position.
Strong understanding of Scotiabank’s organizational structure and adaptability to the operational environment.
What's in it for you:
Is guided by Bank policy and receives general direction from the Director.
Functions independently to ensure that the assigned tasks and project objectives are met.
Participates in ad hoc projects in consideration and to align with department budgets.
Build effective working relationships to collaborate with and help team members and managers.
Actively participating and contributing to touch bases and team meetings
Encouraging the generation of new ideas and approaches
Actively share knowledge and experience to enhance the development of all team members
Location(s): Canada : Ontario : Toronto Scotiabank is a leading bank in the Americas. Guided by our purpose: "for every future", we help our customers, their families and their communities achieve success through a broad range of advice, products and services, including personal and commercial banking, wealth management and private banking, corporate and investment banking, and capital markets. At Scotiabank, we value the unique skills and experiences each individual brings to the Bank, and are committed to creating and maintaining an inclusive and accessible environment for everyone. If you require accommodation (including, but not limited to, an accessible interview site, alternate format documents, ASL Interpreter, or Assistive Technology) during the recruitment and selection process, please let our Recruitment team know. Candidates must apply directly online to be considered for this role. We thank all applicants for their interest in a career at Scotiabank; however, only those candidates who are selected for an interview will be contacted.
Jan 15, 2025
Full time
Contributes to the overall success of Strategic Services, providing primary support to their designated executive and general support to Corporate Security, Legal & Corporate Affairs, ensuring specific individual goals, plans, initiatives are executed / delivered in support of the team’s business strategies and objectives. Ensures all activities conducted are in compliance with governing regulations, internal policies and procedures
Is this role right for you? In this role you will:
Champions a customer focused culture to deepen client relationships and leverage broader Bankrelationships, systems and knowledge.
Operational support to the CSO & VP’s including the coordination of day-to-day schedule activities;meetings, events, finance, and travel with the ability to anticipate conflicts and provide alternatives.
Lead the development and distribution of strategic department communications in English & Spanish toensure the strategy, goals and department initiatives are understood globally.
Provide support to the maintenance and upkeep of the department specific information platformsincluding SharePoint & Scotiabank Live.
Strategic support to the department through database maintenance including HR tracking sheets, BCPcontact lists, learning development and skills matrix.
Strategic document development and distribution including procedures, presentations, letters, attestations, and business plans.
Planning support and execution of department events including town halls, strategy sessions, conferences, and celebrations.
Managing the onboarding and offboarding activities of employees within the department as well as facilities and telephony related support.
Monitor, review, and approve standard expenditures to ensure the activities of the office are conducted within established budgets. Manage the variance analysis and ensure it aligns on a monthly basis.
Understand how the Bank’s risk appetite and risk culture should be considered in day-to-day activitiesand decisions.
Actively pursues effective and efficient operations of their respective areas in accordance with
Scotiabank’s Values, its Code of Conduct and the Global Sales Principles, while ensuring the adequacy, adherence to and effectiveness of day-to-day business controls to meet obligations with respect to operational, compliance, AML/ATF/sanctions and conduct risk.
Champions a high performance environment and contributes to an inclusive work environment.
Do you have the skills that will enable you to succeed in this role? We'd love to work with you if you have:
This position deals with numerous sensitive issues, requiring strict confidentiality and accuracy. The incumbent is expected to troubleshoot and make independent decisions within defined parameters on day to day assignments and seek guidance/clarity on policy and objectives.
Bilingual in Spanish
Degree in Business Administration or equivalent experience.
Excellent interpersonal and written skills to communicate with management, business lines as well as working in a team environment.
3+ years of general communications experience.
Advanced knowledge of MS Office suite and software tools as applied to the position.
Strong understanding of Scotiabank’s organizational structure and adaptability to the operational environment.
What's in it for you:
Is guided by Bank policy and receives general direction from the Director.
Functions independently to ensure that the assigned tasks and project objectives are met.
Participates in ad hoc projects in consideration and to align with department budgets.
Build effective working relationships to collaborate with and help team members and managers.
Actively participating and contributing to touch bases and team meetings
Encouraging the generation of new ideas and approaches
Actively share knowledge and experience to enhance the development of all team members
Location(s): Canada : Ontario : Toronto Scotiabank is a leading bank in the Americas. Guided by our purpose: "for every future", we help our customers, their families and their communities achieve success through a broad range of advice, products and services, including personal and commercial banking, wealth management and private banking, corporate and investment banking, and capital markets. At Scotiabank, we value the unique skills and experiences each individual brings to the Bank, and are committed to creating and maintaining an inclusive and accessible environment for everyone. If you require accommodation (including, but not limited to, an accessible interview site, alternate format documents, ASL Interpreter, or Assistive Technology) during the recruitment and selection process, please let our Recruitment team know. Candidates must apply directly online to be considered for this role. We thank all applicants for their interest in a career at Scotiabank; however, only those candidates who are selected for an interview will be contacted.
161 Bay Street (93021), Canada, Toronto,Toronto, Ontario,
Director, Assistant General Counsel
Our Capital One Legal Team.
At Capital One, we dare to dream, disrupt and deliver a better way. Our goal is simple — bring ingenuity, simplicity and humanity to an industry ripe for change. We are seeking a financial services product lawyer to advise on Capital One’s credit card products and business operations.
Being part of Capital One’s legal team will allow you to showcase your talents in a fast paced, fun environment. If you enjoy working with a high performing team who thrive on providing creative solutions to an innovative business team, Capital One is the place for you! We foster a collaborative environment where everyone’s voice is heard.
Working with us
How do we do things at Capital One Canada? We listen — to our people, and to our customers. We change with the times and have adopted a flexible hybrid model. Associates working in the hybrid model are expected to come into the office 3 days a week across Tuesdays and Thursdays, reserving Mondays and Fridays as company-wide virtual days. As was true before the pandemic, expectations of being in the office will be balanced with personal life flexibility. We recognize that everyone has a unique working pattern so we’re open to discussing flexible working arrangements that will best accommodate you.
At Capital One we’re committed to diversity, inclusion and belonging. We strive to build a culture where diverse perspectives are valued, innovative ideas are encouraged and inclusive behaviours are embedded in everything we do to positively impact associates. Strive to build a culture where diverse perspectives are valued, innovative ideas are encouraged and to help challenge the status quo and create the best outcomes for everyone.
We’re focused on helping associates live well—physically, financially and emotionally. When you join us, we support you and those who are most important to you, offering full coverage for spouses, domestic partners, and dependents. We’ve designed our benefits program to be flexible, comprehensive and consistent across our organization. From health and fitness center discounts, to training and professional development programs—and much more—you’ll discover that Capital One is committed to helping you live your best life.
A day in the life of a Capital One Director, Assistant General Counsel.
In this role, you report to the Vice President, Canada Chief Counsel and have a broad range of responsibilities in providing legal guidance on current credit card products and new business strategies. You will partner closely with business teams and stakeholders in the customer acquisition, product development, marketing, and fraud space not only to support new initiatives but ensure our current offerings are well managed. You will have the opportunity to be innovative while ensuring that we manage risk to meet legal and regulatory requirements and continue to provide and enhance a seamless and frictionless customer experience.
Provide legal advice and support business partners on current products and business strategies.
Advise on new and upcoming legislation and regulatory expectations.
Build and maintain effective and engaging working relationships with legal colleagues, business partners, and outside counsel.
Assist and/or lead in responding to regulatory, government, or audit requests.
Perform other responsibilities as requested.
Manage a team of legal professionals.
A law degree (LLB or JD) from an accredited law school and license to practice in Ontario.
At least 15 years experience in private practice, in-house legal department, or other work setting supporting business teams in the financial services industry.
Knowledge of the business and regulatory environment in which Capital One (Canada Branch) operates in particular, significant experience in advising on the Bank Act , including the Financial Consumer Protection Framework, OSFI Guidelines, Provincial Consumer Protection Laws, FCAC Guidance, marketing and credit bureau regulations.
Experience advising on fraud, complaints, and recoveries.
Knowledge of payments and commercial contracting, privacy and data protection laws.
Fluency translating legal advice into actionable guidance for business teams.
Ability to manage a large volume of work, including complex legal issues with minimal supervision.
Ability and willingness to work as a team player, and comfort interacting with associates across departments and job levels.
Proficiency in French is an asset.
We may use your information for automated decision making. We may, for certain purposes, render a decision based exclusively on automated processing of your personal information as a part of the candidate screening process.
Capital One Canada is an equal opportunity employer committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment. We consider all qualified applicants and will meet the needs of those requiring reasonable accommodations.
If you have visited our website in search of information on employment opportunities or to apply for a position, and you require an accommodation, please contact Capital One Recruiting at 1-800-304-9102 or via email at All information you provide will be kept confidential and will be used only to the extent required to provide needed reasonable accommodations.
For technical support or questions about Capital One's recruiting process, please send an email to
Capital One does not provide, endorse nor guarantee and is not liable for third-party products, services, educational tools or other information available through this site.
Capital One Financial is made up of several different entities. Please note that any position posted in Canada is for Capital One Canada, any position posted in the United Kingdom is for Capital One Europe and any position posted in the Philippines is for Capital One Philippines Service Corp. (COPSSC).
Jan 13, 2025
Full time
161 Bay Street (93021), Canada, Toronto,Toronto, Ontario,
Director, Assistant General Counsel
Our Capital One Legal Team.
At Capital One, we dare to dream, disrupt and deliver a better way. Our goal is simple — bring ingenuity, simplicity and humanity to an industry ripe for change. We are seeking a financial services product lawyer to advise on Capital One’s credit card products and business operations.
Being part of Capital One’s legal team will allow you to showcase your talents in a fast paced, fun environment. If you enjoy working with a high performing team who thrive on providing creative solutions to an innovative business team, Capital One is the place for you! We foster a collaborative environment where everyone’s voice is heard.
Working with us
How do we do things at Capital One Canada? We listen — to our people, and to our customers. We change with the times and have adopted a flexible hybrid model. Associates working in the hybrid model are expected to come into the office 3 days a week across Tuesdays and Thursdays, reserving Mondays and Fridays as company-wide virtual days. As was true before the pandemic, expectations of being in the office will be balanced with personal life flexibility. We recognize that everyone has a unique working pattern so we’re open to discussing flexible working arrangements that will best accommodate you.
At Capital One we’re committed to diversity, inclusion and belonging. We strive to build a culture where diverse perspectives are valued, innovative ideas are encouraged and inclusive behaviours are embedded in everything we do to positively impact associates. Strive to build a culture where diverse perspectives are valued, innovative ideas are encouraged and to help challenge the status quo and create the best outcomes for everyone.
We’re focused on helping associates live well—physically, financially and emotionally. When you join us, we support you and those who are most important to you, offering full coverage for spouses, domestic partners, and dependents. We’ve designed our benefits program to be flexible, comprehensive and consistent across our organization. From health and fitness center discounts, to training and professional development programs—and much more—you’ll discover that Capital One is committed to helping you live your best life.
A day in the life of a Capital One Director, Assistant General Counsel.
In this role, you report to the Vice President, Canada Chief Counsel and have a broad range of responsibilities in providing legal guidance on current credit card products and new business strategies. You will partner closely with business teams and stakeholders in the customer acquisition, product development, marketing, and fraud space not only to support new initiatives but ensure our current offerings are well managed. You will have the opportunity to be innovative while ensuring that we manage risk to meet legal and regulatory requirements and continue to provide and enhance a seamless and frictionless customer experience.
Provide legal advice and support business partners on current products and business strategies.
Advise on new and upcoming legislation and regulatory expectations.
Build and maintain effective and engaging working relationships with legal colleagues, business partners, and outside counsel.
Assist and/or lead in responding to regulatory, government, or audit requests.
Perform other responsibilities as requested.
Manage a team of legal professionals.
A law degree (LLB or JD) from an accredited law school and license to practice in Ontario.
At least 15 years experience in private practice, in-house legal department, or other work setting supporting business teams in the financial services industry.
Knowledge of the business and regulatory environment in which Capital One (Canada Branch) operates in particular, significant experience in advising on the Bank Act , including the Financial Consumer Protection Framework, OSFI Guidelines, Provincial Consumer Protection Laws, FCAC Guidance, marketing and credit bureau regulations.
Experience advising on fraud, complaints, and recoveries.
Knowledge of payments and commercial contracting, privacy and data protection laws.
Fluency translating legal advice into actionable guidance for business teams.
Ability to manage a large volume of work, including complex legal issues with minimal supervision.
Ability and willingness to work as a team player, and comfort interacting with associates across departments and job levels.
Proficiency in French is an asset.
We may use your information for automated decision making. We may, for certain purposes, render a decision based exclusively on automated processing of your personal information as a part of the candidate screening process.
Capital One Canada is an equal opportunity employer committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment. We consider all qualified applicants and will meet the needs of those requiring reasonable accommodations.
If you have visited our website in search of information on employment opportunities or to apply for a position, and you require an accommodation, please contact Capital One Recruiting at 1-800-304-9102 or via email at All information you provide will be kept confidential and will be used only to the extent required to provide needed reasonable accommodations.
For technical support or questions about Capital One's recruiting process, please send an email to
Capital One does not provide, endorse nor guarantee and is not liable for third-party products, services, educational tools or other information available through this site.
Capital One Financial is made up of several different entities. Please note that any position posted in Canada is for Capital One Canada, any position posted in the United Kingdom is for Capital One Europe and any position posted in the Philippines is for Capital One Philippines Service Corp. (COPSSC).
Requisition ID: 210832 Join a purpose driven winning team, committed to results, in an inclusive and high-performing culture.
Provides advice and counsel to a broad range of bank stakeholders on matters relating to (i) Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorist Financing and Sanctions, and Anti-Bribery & Corruption (ii) manage regulatory matters and investigations regarding the above, and (iii) monitor and instructing external counsel. The primary focus is on operations in Canadian jurisdictions but coordinates with international jurisdictions as required. This position reports to the Director, Strategic Initiatives
Is this role right for you? In this role you will:
Provides legal analysis, documentation, negotiation, preparation, review, research and advice and counsel to bank stakeholders (including across stakeholder groups and on multi-fucntional teams) on complex matters in relation to new and existing programs, sometimes with little or no precedent.
Researches legal issues of substantial complexity on a national or regional basis and proposed federal and provincial legislation to evaluate impact on the Bank; informs management on developing legal trends and their impact on operations and recommends courses of action.
Represents the Bank at meetings or on committees with government, public and private organizations; researches and prepares submissions to government bodies on legislation and other issues affecting the organization.
Directs the activity of outside counsel.
Recommends and/or carries out the course of action to be taken regarding ongoing matters.
Superintends the work of counsel and staff within a group, including setting work standards, methods and procedures within the Department in accordance with company-wide policies and appraising work performance.
Helps to promote a customer focused culture to deepen client relationships and leverage broader Bank relationships, systems and knowledge.
Do you have the skills that will enable you to succeed in this role? We'd love to work with you if you have:
Graduated from a recognized Canadian law school and a member in good standing of the Bar in a Canadian common law jurisdiction.
A broad experience acquired either at the Bank or another financial institution or large law firm in commercial law with emphasis on the legal structure around retail banking, commercial banking and insurance.
Specific knowledge of the legal issues of each of the subject areas.
Experience in dealing with regulators and industry associations.
Superior negotiation skills
What's in it for you:
The legal assignments and supervision cover a broad range of Bank related matters or specialized areas of law. The applicable laws and regulations are varied and numerous, varied and complex.
The incumbent is required to:
Demonstrate excellent management, relationship building and communication skills
Work confidently with senior management and provide advice and counsel on a broad range of legal issues
Obtain consensus support for initiatives and achieve successful outcomes
Location(s): Canada : Ontario : Toronto Scotiabank is a leading bank in the Americas. Guided by our purpose: "for every future", we help our customers, their families and their communities achieve success through a broad range of advice, products and services, including personal and commercial banking, wealth management and private banking, corporate and investment banking, and capital markets. At Scotiabank, we value the unique skills and experiences each individual brings to the Bank, and are committed to creating and maintaining an inclusive and accessible environment for everyone. If you require accommodation (including, but not limited to, an accessible interview site, alternate format documents, ASL Interpreter, or Assistive Technology) during the recruitment and selection process, please let our Recruitment team know. Candidates must apply directly online to be considered for this role. We thank all applicants for their interest in a career at Scotiabank; however, only those candidates who are selected for an interview will be contacted.
Jan 13, 2025
Requisition ID: 210832 Join a purpose driven winning team, committed to results, in an inclusive and high-performing culture.
Provides advice and counsel to a broad range of bank stakeholders on matters relating to (i) Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorist Financing and Sanctions, and Anti-Bribery & Corruption (ii) manage regulatory matters and investigations regarding the above, and (iii) monitor and instructing external counsel. The primary focus is on operations in Canadian jurisdictions but coordinates with international jurisdictions as required. This position reports to the Director, Strategic Initiatives
Is this role right for you? In this role you will:
Provides legal analysis, documentation, negotiation, preparation, review, research and advice and counsel to bank stakeholders (including across stakeholder groups and on multi-fucntional teams) on complex matters in relation to new and existing programs, sometimes with little or no precedent.
Researches legal issues of substantial complexity on a national or regional basis and proposed federal and provincial legislation to evaluate impact on the Bank; informs management on developing legal trends and their impact on operations and recommends courses of action.
Represents the Bank at meetings or on committees with government, public and private organizations; researches and prepares submissions to government bodies on legislation and other issues affecting the organization.
Directs the activity of outside counsel.
Recommends and/or carries out the course of action to be taken regarding ongoing matters.
Superintends the work of counsel and staff within a group, including setting work standards, methods and procedures within the Department in accordance with company-wide policies and appraising work performance.
Helps to promote a customer focused culture to deepen client relationships and leverage broader Bank relationships, systems and knowledge.
Do you have the skills that will enable you to succeed in this role? We'd love to work with you if you have:
Graduated from a recognized Canadian law school and a member in good standing of the Bar in a Canadian common law jurisdiction.
A broad experience acquired either at the Bank or another financial institution or large law firm in commercial law with emphasis on the legal structure around retail banking, commercial banking and insurance.
Specific knowledge of the legal issues of each of the subject areas.
Experience in dealing with regulators and industry associations.
Superior negotiation skills
What's in it for you:
The legal assignments and supervision cover a broad range of Bank related matters or specialized areas of law. The applicable laws and regulations are varied and numerous, varied and complex.
The incumbent is required to:
Demonstrate excellent management, relationship building and communication skills
Work confidently with senior management and provide advice and counsel on a broad range of legal issues
Obtain consensus support for initiatives and achieve successful outcomes
Location(s): Canada : Ontario : Toronto Scotiabank is a leading bank in the Americas. Guided by our purpose: "for every future", we help our customers, their families and their communities achieve success through a broad range of advice, products and services, including personal and commercial banking, wealth management and private banking, corporate and investment banking, and capital markets. At Scotiabank, we value the unique skills and experiences each individual brings to the Bank, and are committed to creating and maintaining an inclusive and accessible environment for everyone. If you require accommodation (including, but not limited to, an accessible interview site, alternate format documents, ASL Interpreter, or Assistive Technology) during the recruitment and selection process, please let our Recruitment team know. Candidates must apply directly online to be considered for this role. We thank all applicants for their interest in a career at Scotiabank; however, only those candidates who are selected for an interview will be contacted.
The pay details posted reflect a temporary market premium specific to this role that is reassessed annually.
TD is committed to providing fair and equitable compensation opportunities to all colleagues. Growth opportunities and skill development are defining features of the colleague experience at TD. Our compensation policies and practices have been designed to allow colleagues to progress through the salary range over time as they progress in their role. The base pay actually offered may vary based upon the candidate's skills and experience, job-related knowledge, geographic location, and other specific business and organizational needs.
As a candidate, you are encouraged to ask compensation related questions and have an open dialogue with your recruiter who can provide you more specific details for this role.
Job Description:
Reporting to the AVP Claims Litigation Services, handles assigned P&C insurance legal matters, represents TD Insurance or its policyholders in civil litigation and no fault/accident benefits matters involving claims for monetary damages or compensation for personal injury or property damage.
Main Responsibilities
Develops and revises appropriate legal strategy for discovery, investigation, handling and trial/hearing of cases or matters; advises, communicates and develops those strategies with TD Insurance claims representatives and insured clients, as appropriate.
Conducts necessary and appropriate discovery, hearings, trials, oral arguments, settlement negotiations, mediations, arbitrations and similar proceedings. Researches the law applicable to cases or matters. Drafts legal documents, pleadings, motions, legal factums and opinions as required.
Advises, communicates and consults with Claims Representatives and Insured Clients, rendering clear, unambiguous legal opinions and advice. Personally meets with, and maintains good relations and communications with claims representatives and insured clients.
Remains current with developments in the law; understands medical, scientific, construction, product liability, engineering issues and defences involved with such cases.
Job Requirements
Completion of law school with LLB or JD and admission to the Bar in Ontario.
Minimum of 1 year post-call experience as a lawyer in Ontario.
Background in insurance defence litigation, including personal injury and accident benefit claims (preferred), and/or general litigation experience. Experience with subrogation matters is considered a strong asset.
Knowledge of legal and court documents and procedures.
Knowledge of standard office equipment and word processing.
Excellent oral and written communication skills.
Ability to communicate effectively with insured clients, claims representative, judges and tribunal members.
Excellent legal drafting skills and eye for detail.
Motivated self-starter with ability to work productively under pressure and deliver business results.
Strong interpersonal & client service skills; professional and positive demeanor.
Superior organization & priority setting skills, strong work ethic and ability to multi-task.
Conceptual and creative problem solving skills
Additional Information
We wish to thank all applicants however, only successful candidates will be contacted for interviews
#LI and #IN
Who We Are:
As part of TD Bank Group, one of Canada's largest financial institutions, at TD Insurance, we care for Canadian families, making it easy to get the best advice, protection, and support in their moments of need, always.
TD Insurance offers a wide range of products, including General Insurance and Life and Health. More than four million customers count on us.
As the largest direct to consumer insurer in Canada, we are always innovating and providing exciting and rewarding career opportunities for our Canada-wide workforce.
Our Total Rewards Package Our Total Rewards package reflects the investments we make in our colleagues to help them and their families achieve their financial, physical, and mental well-being goals. Total Rewards at TD includes a base salary, variable compensation, and several other key plans such as health and well-being benefits, savings and retirement programs, paid time off, banking benefits and discounts, career development, and reward and recognition programs. Learn more
Additional Information: We’re delighted that you’re considering building a career with TD. Through regular development conversations, training programs, and a competitive benefits plan, we’re committed to providing the support our colleagues need to thrive both at work and at home.
Please be advised that this job opportunity is subject to provincial regulation for employment purposes. It is imperative to acknowledge that each province or territory within the jurisdiction of Canada may have its own set of regulations, requirements.
Colleague Development If you’re interested in a specific career path or are looking to build certain skills, we want to help you succeed. You’ll have regular career, development, and performance conversations with your manager, as well as access to an online learning platform and a variety of mentoring programs to help you unlock future opportunities. Whether you have a passion for helping customers and want to expand your experience, or you want to coach and inspire your colleagues, there are many different career paths within our organization at TD – and we’re committed to helping you identify opportunities that support your goals.
Training & Onboarding We will provide training and onboarding sessions to ensure that you’ve got everything you need to succeed in your new role.
Interview Process We’ll reach out to candidates of interest to schedule an interview. We do our best to communicate outcomes to all applicants by email or phone call.
Accommodation Your accessibility is important to us. Please let us know if you’d like accommodations (including accessible meeting rooms, captioning for virtual interviews, etc.) to help us remove barriers so that you can participate throughout the interview process. We look forward to hearing from you!
Jan 07, 2025
Full time
The pay details posted reflect a temporary market premium specific to this role that is reassessed annually.
TD is committed to providing fair and equitable compensation opportunities to all colleagues. Growth opportunities and skill development are defining features of the colleague experience at TD. Our compensation policies and practices have been designed to allow colleagues to progress through the salary range over time as they progress in their role. The base pay actually offered may vary based upon the candidate's skills and experience, job-related knowledge, geographic location, and other specific business and organizational needs.
As a candidate, you are encouraged to ask compensation related questions and have an open dialogue with your recruiter who can provide you more specific details for this role.
Job Description:
Reporting to the AVP Claims Litigation Services, handles assigned P&C insurance legal matters, represents TD Insurance or its policyholders in civil litigation and no fault/accident benefits matters involving claims for monetary damages or compensation for personal injury or property damage.
Main Responsibilities
Develops and revises appropriate legal strategy for discovery, investigation, handling and trial/hearing of cases or matters; advises, communicates and develops those strategies with TD Insurance claims representatives and insured clients, as appropriate.
Conducts necessary and appropriate discovery, hearings, trials, oral arguments, settlement negotiations, mediations, arbitrations and similar proceedings. Researches the law applicable to cases or matters. Drafts legal documents, pleadings, motions, legal factums and opinions as required.
Advises, communicates and consults with Claims Representatives and Insured Clients, rendering clear, unambiguous legal opinions and advice. Personally meets with, and maintains good relations and communications with claims representatives and insured clients.
Remains current with developments in the law; understands medical, scientific, construction, product liability, engineering issues and defences involved with such cases.
Job Requirements
Completion of law school with LLB or JD and admission to the Bar in Ontario.
Minimum of 1 year post-call experience as a lawyer in Ontario.
Background in insurance defence litigation, including personal injury and accident benefit claims (preferred), and/or general litigation experience. Experience with subrogation matters is considered a strong asset.
Knowledge of legal and court documents and procedures.
Knowledge of standard office equipment and word processing.
Excellent oral and written communication skills.
Ability to communicate effectively with insured clients, claims representative, judges and tribunal members.
Excellent legal drafting skills and eye for detail.
Motivated self-starter with ability to work productively under pressure and deliver business results.
Strong interpersonal & client service skills; professional and positive demeanor.
Superior organization & priority setting skills, strong work ethic and ability to multi-task.
Conceptual and creative problem solving skills
Additional Information
We wish to thank all applicants however, only successful candidates will be contacted for interviews
#LI and #IN
Who We Are:
As part of TD Bank Group, one of Canada's largest financial institutions, at TD Insurance, we care for Canadian families, making it easy to get the best advice, protection, and support in their moments of need, always.
TD Insurance offers a wide range of products, including General Insurance and Life and Health. More than four million customers count on us.
As the largest direct to consumer insurer in Canada, we are always innovating and providing exciting and rewarding career opportunities for our Canada-wide workforce.
Our Total Rewards Package Our Total Rewards package reflects the investments we make in our colleagues to help them and their families achieve their financial, physical, and mental well-being goals. Total Rewards at TD includes a base salary, variable compensation, and several other key plans such as health and well-being benefits, savings and retirement programs, paid time off, banking benefits and discounts, career development, and reward and recognition programs. Learn more
Additional Information: We’re delighted that you’re considering building a career with TD. Through regular development conversations, training programs, and a competitive benefits plan, we’re committed to providing the support our colleagues need to thrive both at work and at home.
Please be advised that this job opportunity is subject to provincial regulation for employment purposes. It is imperative to acknowledge that each province or territory within the jurisdiction of Canada may have its own set of regulations, requirements.
Colleague Development If you’re interested in a specific career path or are looking to build certain skills, we want to help you succeed. You’ll have regular career, development, and performance conversations with your manager, as well as access to an online learning platform and a variety of mentoring programs to help you unlock future opportunities. Whether you have a passion for helping customers and want to expand your experience, or you want to coach and inspire your colleagues, there are many different career paths within our organization at TD – and we’re committed to helping you identify opportunities that support your goals.
Training & Onboarding We will provide training and onboarding sessions to ensure that you’ve got everything you need to succeed in your new role.
Interview Process We’ll reach out to candidates of interest to schedule an interview. We do our best to communicate outcomes to all applicants by email or phone call.
Accommodation Your accessibility is important to us. Please let us know if you’d like accommodations (including accessible meeting rooms, captioning for virtual interviews, etc.) to help us remove barriers so that you can participate throughout the interview process. We look forward to hearing from you!
Are you a litigation lawyer with experience conducting trials in the civil courts of British Columbia? Do you have an interest in workers’ compensation or occupational health and safety? Apply your skills to contribute to our goals of maintaining the effectiveness and integrity of the services we deliver.
As a Legal Officer III, you’ll conduct litigation on behalf of WorkSafeBC, including drafting pleadings and other documents, and preparing for and appearing in civil courts on behalf of WorkSafeBC. Consider joining a strong, committed team that values work but understands the need for a healthy lifestyle. Do work that matters, supporting an organization mandated to improve the health and safety of workplaces across the province.
How you’ll make a difference: You’ll ensure WorkSafeBC is serving stakeholders across B.C. effectively.
At WorkSafeBC, we offer a hybrid work model that combines the convenience of working remotely with the dynamism of working in one of our offices based on the operational needs of the position.
In this role, you’ll work partly from home and partly in our Richmond, B.C. office.
What you'll do
Prepare reasoned and persuasive written submissions and correspondence
Conduct trials in the civil courts in BC
Represent WorkSafeBC in hearings before administrative or regulatory tribunals, and proceedings before government agencies
Provide direction and advice, and generally act as counsel, relative to the Workers Compensation Act and regulations under that statute
Provide advice in the form of opinions on legislation, WorkSafeBC activities, evidentiary, legal, and policy matters
Is this a good fit for you?
We’re looking for people who can:
Provide client-focused services to internal personnel
Manage your time and caseload effectively in an environment of frequently evolving priorities
Clearly and concisely present oral information, advice, and persuasive arguments
Effectively gather and solicit information from a wide variety of people
Identify, define, and analyze issues and facts in a systematic way, through the use of appropriate research, interview, and investigative techniques
Exercise sound judgment and apply law and policy in making decisions and recommendations
Independently and flexibly plan and organize a demanding workload
Your background and experience
A member in good standing with the Law Society of BC
A minimum of three years of recent, related experience, within the last five years, litigating and practicing law in various courts and other tribunals in BC
Important to know
Before we can finalize any offer of employment, you must:
Successfully meet the legal requirements under the Criminal Records Review Act to work with children and/or vulnerable adults.
Confirm you’re legally entitled to work in Canada
WorkSafeBC’s COVID-19 Employee Mandatory Vaccine Policy is suspended effective January 9, 2023; however, we reserve the right to re-implement it in response to changes in the public health landscape, including public health orders. We are committed to the protection, health, and safety of our employees and our Communicable Disease Prevention Program and related protocols remain in effect.
Who we are
At WorkSafeBC, we promote safe and healthy workplaces across British Columbia. We partner with workers and employers to save lives and prevent injury, disease, and disability. When work-related injuries or diseases occur, we provide compensation and support injured workers in their recovery, rehabilitation, and safe return to work. We’re honoured to serve the 2.49 million workers and 263,000 registered employers in our province.
What’s it like to work at WorkSafeBC?
It’s challenging, stimulating, and rewarding. Our positions offer diversity and opportunities for professional growth. Every day, the work we do impacts people and changes lives. What we do is important, and so are the people we do it for.
Our ability to make a difference relies on building a team with a rich variety of skills, knowledge, backgrounds, abilities, and experiences that reflect the diversity of the people we serve. We are committed to fostering a welcoming, inclusive, and supportive work culture where everyone can contribute as their best, authentic self.
Learn more: Discover who we are.
Our benefits
As a member of our team, you’ll have access to services and benefits that help you get the most out of work — and life. Along with a competitive salary, your total compensation package includes:
Defined benefit pension plan that provides you with a lifetime monthly pension when you retire
3 weeks of vacation in your first year, with regular increases based on years of service
Extensive health care and dental benefits
Optional leave and earned-time-off arrangements
Development opportunities (tuition reimbursement, leadership development, and more)
Learn more: Find out what we offer.
Salary: $53.08 - $68.61/hourly
Any additional application materials must be received by email to HR Talent Acquisition (SM) by 4:30 p.m. PST on the closing date of the competition.
Want to apply?
You must apply by 4:30 p.m. PST on the closing date.
We encourage all qualified applicants to apply.
If you require accommodation during the assessment process, please email Recruitment Testing Accommodation (SM) when you submit your application.
Application requirements:
In addition to your resume, please submit:
Written submission
Please provide a written sample you have self-authored – either a written submission, legal opinion, or factum. Place your sample in the same document as your resume or cover letter and submit with your online application.
Any additional application materials must be received by email to HR Talent Acquisition (SM) by 4:30 p.m. PST on the closing date of the competition.
Jan 06, 2025
Full time
Are you a litigation lawyer with experience conducting trials in the civil courts of British Columbia? Do you have an interest in workers’ compensation or occupational health and safety? Apply your skills to contribute to our goals of maintaining the effectiveness and integrity of the services we deliver.
As a Legal Officer III, you’ll conduct litigation on behalf of WorkSafeBC, including drafting pleadings and other documents, and preparing for and appearing in civil courts on behalf of WorkSafeBC. Consider joining a strong, committed team that values work but understands the need for a healthy lifestyle. Do work that matters, supporting an organization mandated to improve the health and safety of workplaces across the province.
How you’ll make a difference: You’ll ensure WorkSafeBC is serving stakeholders across B.C. effectively.
At WorkSafeBC, we offer a hybrid work model that combines the convenience of working remotely with the dynamism of working in one of our offices based on the operational needs of the position.
In this role, you’ll work partly from home and partly in our Richmond, B.C. office.
What you'll do
Prepare reasoned and persuasive written submissions and correspondence
Conduct trials in the civil courts in BC
Represent WorkSafeBC in hearings before administrative or regulatory tribunals, and proceedings before government agencies
Provide direction and advice, and generally act as counsel, relative to the Workers Compensation Act and regulations under that statute
Provide advice in the form of opinions on legislation, WorkSafeBC activities, evidentiary, legal, and policy matters
Is this a good fit for you?
We’re looking for people who can:
Provide client-focused services to internal personnel
Manage your time and caseload effectively in an environment of frequently evolving priorities
Clearly and concisely present oral information, advice, and persuasive arguments
Effectively gather and solicit information from a wide variety of people
Identify, define, and analyze issues and facts in a systematic way, through the use of appropriate research, interview, and investigative techniques
Exercise sound judgment and apply law and policy in making decisions and recommendations
Independently and flexibly plan and organize a demanding workload
Your background and experience
A member in good standing with the Law Society of BC
A minimum of three years of recent, related experience, within the last five years, litigating and practicing law in various courts and other tribunals in BC
Important to know
Before we can finalize any offer of employment, you must:
Successfully meet the legal requirements under the Criminal Records Review Act to work with children and/or vulnerable adults.
Confirm you’re legally entitled to work in Canada
WorkSafeBC’s COVID-19 Employee Mandatory Vaccine Policy is suspended effective January 9, 2023; however, we reserve the right to re-implement it in response to changes in the public health landscape, including public health orders. We are committed to the protection, health, and safety of our employees and our Communicable Disease Prevention Program and related protocols remain in effect.
Who we are
At WorkSafeBC, we promote safe and healthy workplaces across British Columbia. We partner with workers and employers to save lives and prevent injury, disease, and disability. When work-related injuries or diseases occur, we provide compensation and support injured workers in their recovery, rehabilitation, and safe return to work. We’re honoured to serve the 2.49 million workers and 263,000 registered employers in our province.
What’s it like to work at WorkSafeBC?
It’s challenging, stimulating, and rewarding. Our positions offer diversity and opportunities for professional growth. Every day, the work we do impacts people and changes lives. What we do is important, and so are the people we do it for.
Our ability to make a difference relies on building a team with a rich variety of skills, knowledge, backgrounds, abilities, and experiences that reflect the diversity of the people we serve. We are committed to fostering a welcoming, inclusive, and supportive work culture where everyone can contribute as their best, authentic self.
Learn more: Discover who we are.
Our benefits
As a member of our team, you’ll have access to services and benefits that help you get the most out of work — and life. Along with a competitive salary, your total compensation package includes:
Defined benefit pension plan that provides you with a lifetime monthly pension when you retire
3 weeks of vacation in your first year, with regular increases based on years of service
Extensive health care and dental benefits
Optional leave and earned-time-off arrangements
Development opportunities (tuition reimbursement, leadership development, and more)
Learn more: Find out what we offer.
Salary: $53.08 - $68.61/hourly
Any additional application materials must be received by email to HR Talent Acquisition (SM) by 4:30 p.m. PST on the closing date of the competition.
Want to apply?
You must apply by 4:30 p.m. PST on the closing date.
We encourage all qualified applicants to apply.
If you require accommodation during the assessment process, please email Recruitment Testing Accommodation (SM) when you submit your application.
Application requirements:
In addition to your resume, please submit:
Written submission
Please provide a written sample you have self-authored – either a written submission, legal opinion, or factum. Place your sample in the same document as your resume or cover letter and submit with your online application.
Any additional application materials must be received by email to HR Talent Acquisition (SM) by 4:30 p.m. PST on the closing date of the competition.
First Canadian Title (FCT)
Oakville, Ontario, Canada
Sommaire de la compagnie
Venez travailler pour une entreprise qui est engagée dans la réussite de chacun de ses employés. C’est un milieu de travail où les innovateurs et les collaborateurs se rencontrent et tirent parti des talents de chacun. Un endroit où la diversité est accueillie et célébrée.
FCT offre la meilleure assurance titres de l’industrie et fournit des solutions de recouvrement et d’autres produits et services aux professionnels juridiques, du crédit, de l’évaluation et de l’immobilier partout au Canada. Chez FCT, vous aurez l’occasion de bâtir une carrière intéressante. Joignez-vous à nous pour nous aider à poursuivre notre travail excitant et à exercer une grande influence sur nos collègues, nos clients et les collectivités.
Sommaire du poste
Nous sommes toujours à la recherche d’excellents talents; de personnes qui font preuve d’engagement profond envers la clientèle et le marché que nous desservons. Si vous désirez vous joindre à une entreprise qui s'est engagée envers le succès de chacun de ses employés et qui offre des défis, des objectifs et des occasions de croître, tant au niveau personnel que professionnel, dans un environnement axé sur le travail d'équipe, vous aimerez travailler avec nous! Nous comprenons que la promotion d’un environnement diversifié et inclusif est essentielle au succès de nos activités, et nous y travaillons activement chaque jour.
The Director, Lawyer Services leads development of Products and Businesses designed to grow Share of Wallet, and also support Title Insurance growth. They will strive towards the North Star goal (profitable revenue on every Real Estate Transaction). The Director will lead the key in-flight Service Businesses (IDV, Search Assist, E&O) as well as find and develop new Service opportunities. They will be the company expert on Service businesses and mentor/lead product managers/specialists where appropriate.
Own Share of Wallet / Revenue growth of Lawyer Service businesses – these are the metrics that will drive you.
Actively participate in strategic planning, as well as ongoing tracking/adjustments to business plans. On an ongoing basis you will identify opportunities/risks as well as recommend ideas and solutions.
Translate ideas into concrete strategies, product enhancements and/or processes. Manage the execution and delivery and monitor success of product initiatives and track ongoing success against market share, revenue and customer experience targets.
Support product managers and specialists to help understand the business and mentor them to effectively deliver on business objectives.
Champion Lawyer Services business across FCT. Build relationships with internal partners and provide guidance to them as they support the businesses in achieving business goals. Spend significant time with revenue-driving partners (Sales and Marketing) ensuring they are meeting targets.
Continually increase your expertise though analysis of key metrics, discussions with internal and external stakeholders, competitive analysis.
Manage day-to-day situations, challenges, and opportunities on the Lawyer Services businesses.
Proven track record in the insurance or financial services industry, over 10 years experience
In-depth knowledge of title insurance, real estate transactions.
Demonstrated ability to launch new products and grow existing products.
Bachelor’s degree required preferably in business or marketing
Strong analytical skills and the ability to develop and execute strategic plans and turn ideas into solutions. Project management skills, Product management skills.
In-depth understanding of insurance market dynamics, trends, and competitive landscape.
Excellent interpersonal skills to establish and maintain relationships with clients, lawyers, clerks and industry and internal stakeholders.
Grâce au mentorat, à des outils novateurs et à une variété de programmes qui mobilisent et récompensent les employés, nous donnons à chacun d’eux les moyens d’exceller et d’obtenir des résultats.
Une gamme complète d’avantages sociaux comprenant des soins de santé virtuels et un programme d’aide aux employés et à la famille.
Un régime d’épargne-retraite collectif assorti d’une cotisation patronale de contrepartie.
Des congés payés généreux.
Des modalités de travail hybrides.
Des occasions de bénévolat rémunéré et des programmes de dons de bienfaisance jumelés.
Des programmes de reconnaissance des employés assortis de primes de recommandation.
D’éventuels incitatifs fondés sur le rendement.
La possibilité de participer à notre régime d’actionnariat.
Et plus encore!
Conformément aux dispositions du contrat de travail.
L’Institut Great Place to Work ® a nommé FCT parmi l'un des 50 Meilleurs lieux de travail au Canada, Meilleurs lieux de travail au Canada pour les services financiers et l'assurance, Meilleurs lieux de travail au Canada pour les femmes, Meilleurs lieux de travail au Canada pour l’inclusion et Meilleurs lieux de travail au Canada pour le bien-être mental. Nous avons également été reconnus par Achievers comme l’un des 50 milieux de travail les plus impliqués en Amérique du Nord.
En vous joignant à nous, vous ferez non seulement partie d’une entreprise primée, mais également d’un effectif engagé et habilité à réussir.
Merci d’avoir pris FCT en considération. Nous avons hâte de vous rencontrer.
En conformité avec le Code des droits de la personne en Ontario et la Loi sur l’accessibilité des personnes handicapées de l’Ontario, une demande d’accommodement sera acceptée dans le cadre du processus d’embauche de FCT.
Afin d’éviter tout délai dans le processus d’embauche, si vous avez besoin d’un accommodement pour postuler, veuillez nous faire part de vos besoins à l’avance. Vous pourriez devoir fournir une preuve médicale ou autre aux Ressources humaines lors de votre demande d’accommodation.
FCT est un employeur souscrivant au principe de l’égalité d’accès à l’emploi et a mis en place un programme antidiscriminatoire actif. Tous les processus de recrutement, d’embauche, de placement, de transfert, de promotion, de formation, de rémunération, d’avantage, de discipline et toutes autres modalités et stipulations liées à l’emploi se feront sur la base des qualifications de la personne sans égard à sa race, sa couleur, son lieu d’origine, son origine ethnique, sa citoyenneté, son handicap (y compris les handicaps mentaux et physiques), son sexe, son orientation sexuelle, son identité et son expression sexuelles, son appartenance (la religion), son état civil, son statut familial (la famille monoparentale), son âge, ou toute autre discrimination interdite par les lois sur les droits de la personne applicables au niveau fédéral et provincial.
Jan 06, 2025
Full time
Sommaire de la compagnie
Venez travailler pour une entreprise qui est engagée dans la réussite de chacun de ses employés. C’est un milieu de travail où les innovateurs et les collaborateurs se rencontrent et tirent parti des talents de chacun. Un endroit où la diversité est accueillie et célébrée.
FCT offre la meilleure assurance titres de l’industrie et fournit des solutions de recouvrement et d’autres produits et services aux professionnels juridiques, du crédit, de l’évaluation et de l’immobilier partout au Canada. Chez FCT, vous aurez l’occasion de bâtir une carrière intéressante. Joignez-vous à nous pour nous aider à poursuivre notre travail excitant et à exercer une grande influence sur nos collègues, nos clients et les collectivités.
Sommaire du poste
Nous sommes toujours à la recherche d’excellents talents; de personnes qui font preuve d’engagement profond envers la clientèle et le marché que nous desservons. Si vous désirez vous joindre à une entreprise qui s'est engagée envers le succès de chacun de ses employés et qui offre des défis, des objectifs et des occasions de croître, tant au niveau personnel que professionnel, dans un environnement axé sur le travail d'équipe, vous aimerez travailler avec nous! Nous comprenons que la promotion d’un environnement diversifié et inclusif est essentielle au succès de nos activités, et nous y travaillons activement chaque jour.
The Director, Lawyer Services leads development of Products and Businesses designed to grow Share of Wallet, and also support Title Insurance growth. They will strive towards the North Star goal (profitable revenue on every Real Estate Transaction). The Director will lead the key in-flight Service Businesses (IDV, Search Assist, E&O) as well as find and develop new Service opportunities. They will be the company expert on Service businesses and mentor/lead product managers/specialists where appropriate.
Own Share of Wallet / Revenue growth of Lawyer Service businesses – these are the metrics that will drive you.
Actively participate in strategic planning, as well as ongoing tracking/adjustments to business plans. On an ongoing basis you will identify opportunities/risks as well as recommend ideas and solutions.
Translate ideas into concrete strategies, product enhancements and/or processes. Manage the execution and delivery and monitor success of product initiatives and track ongoing success against market share, revenue and customer experience targets.
Support product managers and specialists to help understand the business and mentor them to effectively deliver on business objectives.
Champion Lawyer Services business across FCT. Build relationships with internal partners and provide guidance to them as they support the businesses in achieving business goals. Spend significant time with revenue-driving partners (Sales and Marketing) ensuring they are meeting targets.
Continually increase your expertise though analysis of key metrics, discussions with internal and external stakeholders, competitive analysis.
Manage day-to-day situations, challenges, and opportunities on the Lawyer Services businesses.
Proven track record in the insurance or financial services industry, over 10 years experience
In-depth knowledge of title insurance, real estate transactions.
Demonstrated ability to launch new products and grow existing products.
Bachelor’s degree required preferably in business or marketing
Strong analytical skills and the ability to develop and execute strategic plans and turn ideas into solutions. Project management skills, Product management skills.
In-depth understanding of insurance market dynamics, trends, and competitive landscape.
Excellent interpersonal skills to establish and maintain relationships with clients, lawyers, clerks and industry and internal stakeholders.
Grâce au mentorat, à des outils novateurs et à une variété de programmes qui mobilisent et récompensent les employés, nous donnons à chacun d’eux les moyens d’exceller et d’obtenir des résultats.
Une gamme complète d’avantages sociaux comprenant des soins de santé virtuels et un programme d’aide aux employés et à la famille.
Un régime d’épargne-retraite collectif assorti d’une cotisation patronale de contrepartie.
Des congés payés généreux.
Des modalités de travail hybrides.
Des occasions de bénévolat rémunéré et des programmes de dons de bienfaisance jumelés.
Des programmes de reconnaissance des employés assortis de primes de recommandation.
D’éventuels incitatifs fondés sur le rendement.
La possibilité de participer à notre régime d’actionnariat.
Et plus encore!
Conformément aux dispositions du contrat de travail.
L’Institut Great Place to Work ® a nommé FCT parmi l'un des 50 Meilleurs lieux de travail au Canada, Meilleurs lieux de travail au Canada pour les services financiers et l'assurance, Meilleurs lieux de travail au Canada pour les femmes, Meilleurs lieux de travail au Canada pour l’inclusion et Meilleurs lieux de travail au Canada pour le bien-être mental. Nous avons également été reconnus par Achievers comme l’un des 50 milieux de travail les plus impliqués en Amérique du Nord.
En vous joignant à nous, vous ferez non seulement partie d’une entreprise primée, mais également d’un effectif engagé et habilité à réussir.
Merci d’avoir pris FCT en considération. Nous avons hâte de vous rencontrer.
En conformité avec le Code des droits de la personne en Ontario et la Loi sur l’accessibilité des personnes handicapées de l’Ontario, une demande d’accommodement sera acceptée dans le cadre du processus d’embauche de FCT.
Afin d’éviter tout délai dans le processus d’embauche, si vous avez besoin d’un accommodement pour postuler, veuillez nous faire part de vos besoins à l’avance. Vous pourriez devoir fournir une preuve médicale ou autre aux Ressources humaines lors de votre demande d’accommodation.
FCT est un employeur souscrivant au principe de l’égalité d’accès à l’emploi et a mis en place un programme antidiscriminatoire actif. Tous les processus de recrutement, d’embauche, de placement, de transfert, de promotion, de formation, de rémunération, d’avantage, de discipline et toutes autres modalités et stipulations liées à l’emploi se feront sur la base des qualifications de la personne sans égard à sa race, sa couleur, son lieu d’origine, son origine ethnique, sa citoyenneté, son handicap (y compris les handicaps mentaux et physiques), son sexe, son orientation sexuelle, son identité et son expression sexuelles, son appartenance (la religion), son état civil, son statut familial (la famille monoparentale), son âge, ou toute autre discrimination interdite par les lois sur les droits de la personne applicables au niveau fédéral et provincial.
Pourquoi vous joindre à nous ?
Chez Bombardier, nous concevons, construisons, modifions et entretenons les avions les plus performants du monde pour les individus, les entreprises, les gouvernements et les entités militaires les plus avisés. Nous réussissons à établir les normes les plus élevées grâce à notre approche centrée sur les personnes, et toujours en définissant l'excellence, ensemble.
Travailler chez Bombardier signifie offrir ce qu’il se fait de mieux. Chaque jour, vous faites partie d’une équipe qui offre des expériences et des produits de qualité supérieure, repoussant les limites du possible dans notre industrie et au-delà. En priorisant la croissance et le développement des employées, nous permettons à chacune d'atteindre son plein potentiel à sa manière, parce que le meilleur travail se produit lorsque vous êtes libre d'être vous-même et de partager votre expertise unique.
Nos avantages sociaux
En veillant au bien-être de nos employés, nous proposons un programme d'avantages sociaux complet et compétitif, qui comprend les éléments suivants :
Régimes d'assurance ( Soins dentaires, soins médicaux, assurance-vie, assurance-invalidité, et plus encore)
Salaire de base compétitif
Régime d'épargne retraite
Programme d'aide aux employés
Programme de télésanté
Quelles sont vos contributions envers l’équipe?
Fournir un support juridique aux différents départements internes, tels que le département des contrats, des ventes, du marketing, des finances, du financement structuré, de la défense, de la gestion des comptes de flotte, et des opérations de vol.
Appuyer ou diriger la négociation d’accords transfrontaliers pour la vente de jets privés valant plusieurs millions de dollars. Vous serez responsable de la rédaction de termes et conditions complexes et spécialisés visant un équilibre entre la gestion des risques encourus par Bombardier et les besoins uniques de nos clients.
Rédiger et négocier un éventail d’accords commerciaux tels que : des lettres d’intention, des baux de location d’avions, des instruments de financement garanti, et des ententes commerciales.
Gérer des conflits grâce à votre sens des affaires et vos capacités de mettre en œuvre des stratégies d’atténuation et de gestion des risques.
Former les intervenants internes dans le but d’améliorer leur compréhension de concepts légaux afin d’éviter d’éventuels litiges.
Collaborer avec une équipe composée d’experts accomplis dans les milieux du droit et des affaires afin d’obtenir les meilleurs résultats pour Bombardier.
Obtenir des opportunités de voyager vers de prestigieuses destinations.
Contribuer à des réunions avec les membres de la haute direction de Bombardier ainsi qu’avec des particuliers à valeur nette élevée.
Mener activement l’élaboration et l’amélioration de nos contrats types.
Comment vous épanouir dans ce rôle? Compétences, connaissances et expérience requises:
Vous êtes un membre en règle du barreau d’une province ou d’un territoire du Canada ou d’un état des États Unis d’Amérique, préférablement du Québec et/ou de New-York.
Détenir un diplôme en droit civil et en common law serait considéré comme un atout.
Vous avez un minimum de 10 ans d’expérience de pratique du droit commercial ou du droit transactionnel ou en litige commercial complexe, ainsi qu’un minimum de 3 ans de pratique dans un bureau d’avocats renommé.
Vous êtes un leader et vous possédez un excellent sens du droit et des affaires.
Vous avez de solides compétences interpersonnelles et une excellente capacité de persuasion.
Vous avez de fortes habilités rédactionnelles en anglais.
Vous pouvez travailler de façon flexible et prolongée et/ou selon des horaires de travail irréguliers en fonction des besoins de la compagnie, et vous êtes en mesure de voyager sous court préavis.
Vous savez travailler de façon autonome.
Vous êtes bilingue en français et en anglais.
Posséder de l’expérience dans, ou des connaissances sur, l’industrie de l’aviation est un atout.
Maintenant que vous vous projetez dans ce rôle, postulez et rejoignez la famille Bombardier!
Veuillez noter: Vous n'avez pas besoin de toutes les compétences, connaissances et expériences requises pour ce poste ! Nous ne sommes pas à la recherche du candidat(e) parfait, mais une personne talentueuse et passionnée.
Bombardier est un employeur qui souscrit au principe de l'égalité d'accès à l'emploi et encourage les personnes de toute race, religion, origine ethnique, identité sexuelle, orientation sexuelle, âge, statut d'immigrant, handicap ou autres caractéristiques protégées par la loi à postuler.
Emploi Conseiller·ère juridique Principal·e
Site principal Administrative Centre (CA)
Organisation Aerospace Canada
Quart de travail
Statut de l'employé Régulier
Réquisition 5507 Conseiller·ère juridique Principal·e
Jan 02, 2025
Pourquoi vous joindre à nous ?
Chez Bombardier, nous concevons, construisons, modifions et entretenons les avions les plus performants du monde pour les individus, les entreprises, les gouvernements et les entités militaires les plus avisés. Nous réussissons à établir les normes les plus élevées grâce à notre approche centrée sur les personnes, et toujours en définissant l'excellence, ensemble.
Travailler chez Bombardier signifie offrir ce qu’il se fait de mieux. Chaque jour, vous faites partie d’une équipe qui offre des expériences et des produits de qualité supérieure, repoussant les limites du possible dans notre industrie et au-delà. En priorisant la croissance et le développement des employées, nous permettons à chacune d'atteindre son plein potentiel à sa manière, parce que le meilleur travail se produit lorsque vous êtes libre d'être vous-même et de partager votre expertise unique.
Nos avantages sociaux
En veillant au bien-être de nos employés, nous proposons un programme d'avantages sociaux complet et compétitif, qui comprend les éléments suivants :
Régimes d'assurance ( Soins dentaires, soins médicaux, assurance-vie, assurance-invalidité, et plus encore)
Salaire de base compétitif
Régime d'épargne retraite
Programme d'aide aux employés
Programme de télésanté
Quelles sont vos contributions envers l’équipe?
Fournir un support juridique aux différents départements internes, tels que le département des contrats, des ventes, du marketing, des finances, du financement structuré, de la défense, de la gestion des comptes de flotte, et des opérations de vol.
Appuyer ou diriger la négociation d’accords transfrontaliers pour la vente de jets privés valant plusieurs millions de dollars. Vous serez responsable de la rédaction de termes et conditions complexes et spécialisés visant un équilibre entre la gestion des risques encourus par Bombardier et les besoins uniques de nos clients.
Rédiger et négocier un éventail d’accords commerciaux tels que : des lettres d’intention, des baux de location d’avions, des instruments de financement garanti, et des ententes commerciales.
Gérer des conflits grâce à votre sens des affaires et vos capacités de mettre en œuvre des stratégies d’atténuation et de gestion des risques.
Former les intervenants internes dans le but d’améliorer leur compréhension de concepts légaux afin d’éviter d’éventuels litiges.
Collaborer avec une équipe composée d’experts accomplis dans les milieux du droit et des affaires afin d’obtenir les meilleurs résultats pour Bombardier.
Obtenir des opportunités de voyager vers de prestigieuses destinations.
Contribuer à des réunions avec les membres de la haute direction de Bombardier ainsi qu’avec des particuliers à valeur nette élevée.
Mener activement l’élaboration et l’amélioration de nos contrats types.
Comment vous épanouir dans ce rôle? Compétences, connaissances et expérience requises:
Vous êtes un membre en règle du barreau d’une province ou d’un territoire du Canada ou d’un état des États Unis d’Amérique, préférablement du Québec et/ou de New-York.
Détenir un diplôme en droit civil et en common law serait considéré comme un atout.
Vous avez un minimum de 10 ans d’expérience de pratique du droit commercial ou du droit transactionnel ou en litige commercial complexe, ainsi qu’un minimum de 3 ans de pratique dans un bureau d’avocats renommé.
Vous êtes un leader et vous possédez un excellent sens du droit et des affaires.
Vous avez de solides compétences interpersonnelles et une excellente capacité de persuasion.
Vous avez de fortes habilités rédactionnelles en anglais.
Vous pouvez travailler de façon flexible et prolongée et/ou selon des horaires de travail irréguliers en fonction des besoins de la compagnie, et vous êtes en mesure de voyager sous court préavis.
Vous savez travailler de façon autonome.
Vous êtes bilingue en français et en anglais.
Posséder de l’expérience dans, ou des connaissances sur, l’industrie de l’aviation est un atout.
Maintenant que vous vous projetez dans ce rôle, postulez et rejoignez la famille Bombardier!
Veuillez noter: Vous n'avez pas besoin de toutes les compétences, connaissances et expériences requises pour ce poste ! Nous ne sommes pas à la recherche du candidat(e) parfait, mais une personne talentueuse et passionnée.
Bombardier est un employeur qui souscrit au principe de l'égalité d'accès à l'emploi et encourage les personnes de toute race, religion, origine ethnique, identité sexuelle, orientation sexuelle, âge, statut d'immigrant, handicap ou autres caractéristiques protégées par la loi à postuler.
Emploi Conseiller·ère juridique Principal·e
Site principal Administrative Centre (CA)
Organisation Aerospace Canada
Quart de travail
Statut de l'employé Régulier
Réquisition 5507 Conseiller·ère juridique Principal·e
The Law Society of Ontario
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Job Title: Team Manager, Investigations – Professional Regulation
Location: Toronto, Ontario
About the Role: We are seeking an experienced and dedicated professional to join our team as a Team Manager, Investigations within our Professional Regulation division. In this role, you will lead a multidisciplinary team responsible for the investigation and resolution of complex cases involving breaches of professional conduct, competence, or capacity by licensees. Your leadership will ensure that investigations are conducted thoroughly, efficiently, and in compliance with regulatory standards.
This position will focus on managing investigations related to financial and real estate issues, including mortgage fraud, syndicated mortgages, trust fund mismanagement, and other matters under the organization’s regulatory scope. Candidates with a professional accounting designation and membership in a recognized Canadian professional accounting body are strongly preferred.
Key Responsibilities:
Investigation Leadership and Oversight
Plan and direct the team’s investigative processes, ensuring timely and evidence-based outcomes.
Assign caseloads strategically, aligning team skills with case requirements, and oversee complex, high-profile investigations.
Monitor progress, provide guidance, and ensure investigations meet quality standards and regulatory requirements.
Collaborate with external experts as needed to enhance case-specific competencies.
Team Management and Development
Lead, mentor, and support a diverse team, including Forensic Auditors, Investigation Counsel, and Investigators.
Manage all aspects of staffing, including recruitment, development, performance reviews, and disciplinary actions.
Foster a collaborative and high-performing team environment.
Strategic Operations
Establish and maintain fair and consistent investigative policies and procedures.
Contribute to the division's strategic objectives by setting and monitoring performance goals and standards.
Identify opportunities for continuous improvement in processes, tools, and resources to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.
Stakeholder Collaboration and Policy Development
Work closely with senior management to address operational issues and align departmental goals with organizational objectives.
Provide input on policy development and ensure alignment with regulatory and legal standards.
Represent the division at internal and external meetings as required.
A LLB/JD and membership in good standing with the Law Society of Ontario , or a university degree combined with a professional accounting designation .
Minimum 10 years’ experience in investigations within a complex regulatory environment, with at least 5 years in a leadership role .
Strong knowledge of investigative processes, legal and regulatory standards, and evidentiary requirements.
Expertise in financial, real estate, and regulatory matters, with preferred experience in real estate and estates law, criminal law, or small private practice.
Excellent communication, analytical, and problem-solving skills.
Proficiency with technology in a regulatory/legal setting.
Working Arrangement: This position offers a hybrid work model , allowing flexibility between office and remote work. Specific arrangements will be discussed during the recruitment process.
Why Join Us? We are committed to fostering a diverse, inclusive, and accessible workplace. Our organization values collaboration, continuous improvement, and professional growth, providing meaningful opportunities to make a lasting impact in the field of professional regulation.
Application Process: Interested candidates are encouraged to submit their cover letter, resume, and any required supporting documentation . If you require accommodations during the application process, please contact us at [insert contact information].
Join our team and help uphold the highest standards of professional conduct and integrity. Apply today!
Dec 31, 2024
Job Title: Team Manager, Investigations – Professional Regulation
Location: Toronto, Ontario
About the Role: We are seeking an experienced and dedicated professional to join our team as a Team Manager, Investigations within our Professional Regulation division. In this role, you will lead a multidisciplinary team responsible for the investigation and resolution of complex cases involving breaches of professional conduct, competence, or capacity by licensees. Your leadership will ensure that investigations are conducted thoroughly, efficiently, and in compliance with regulatory standards.
This position will focus on managing investigations related to financial and real estate issues, including mortgage fraud, syndicated mortgages, trust fund mismanagement, and other matters under the organization’s regulatory scope. Candidates with a professional accounting designation and membership in a recognized Canadian professional accounting body are strongly preferred.
Key Responsibilities:
Investigation Leadership and Oversight
Plan and direct the team’s investigative processes, ensuring timely and evidence-based outcomes.
Assign caseloads strategically, aligning team skills with case requirements, and oversee complex, high-profile investigations.
Monitor progress, provide guidance, and ensure investigations meet quality standards and regulatory requirements.
Collaborate with external experts as needed to enhance case-specific competencies.
Team Management and Development
Lead, mentor, and support a diverse team, including Forensic Auditors, Investigation Counsel, and Investigators.
Manage all aspects of staffing, including recruitment, development, performance reviews, and disciplinary actions.
Foster a collaborative and high-performing team environment.
Strategic Operations
Establish and maintain fair and consistent investigative policies and procedures.
Contribute to the division's strategic objectives by setting and monitoring performance goals and standards.
Identify opportunities for continuous improvement in processes, tools, and resources to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.
Stakeholder Collaboration and Policy Development
Work closely with senior management to address operational issues and align departmental goals with organizational objectives.
Provide input on policy development and ensure alignment with regulatory and legal standards.
Represent the division at internal and external meetings as required.
A LLB/JD and membership in good standing with the Law Society of Ontario , or a university degree combined with a professional accounting designation .
Minimum 10 years’ experience in investigations within a complex regulatory environment, with at least 5 years in a leadership role .
Strong knowledge of investigative processes, legal and regulatory standards, and evidentiary requirements.
Expertise in financial, real estate, and regulatory matters, with preferred experience in real estate and estates law, criminal law, or small private practice.
Excellent communication, analytical, and problem-solving skills.
Proficiency with technology in a regulatory/legal setting.
Working Arrangement: This position offers a hybrid work model , allowing flexibility between office and remote work. Specific arrangements will be discussed during the recruitment process.
Why Join Us? We are committed to fostering a diverse, inclusive, and accessible workplace. Our organization values collaboration, continuous improvement, and professional growth, providing meaningful opportunities to make a lasting impact in the field of professional regulation.
Application Process: Interested candidates are encouraged to submit their cover letter, resume, and any required supporting documentation . If you require accommodations during the application process, please contact us at [insert contact information].
Join our team and help uphold the highest standards of professional conduct and integrity. Apply today!
Requisition ID: 210832 Join a purpose driven winning team, committed to results, in an inclusive and high-performing culture. Provides advice and counsel to a broad range of bank stakeholders on matters relating to (i) Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorist Financing and Sanctions, and Anti-Bribery & Corruption (ii) manage regulatory matters and investigations regarding the above, and (iii) monitor and instructing external counsel. The primary focus is on operations in Canadian jurisdictions but coordinates with international jurisdictions as required. This position reports to the Director, Strategic Initiatives Is this role right for you? In this role you will:
Provides legal analysis, documentation, negotiation, preparation, review, research and advice and counsel to bank stakeholders (including across stakeholder groups and on multi-fucntional teams) on complex matters in relation to new and existing programs, sometimes with little or no precedent.
Researches legal issues of substantial complexity on a national or regional basis and proposed federal and provincial legislation to evaluate impact on the Bank; informs management on developing legal trends and their impact on operations and recommends courses of action.
Represents the Bank at meetings or on committees with government, public and private organizations; researches and prepares submissions to government bodies on legislation and other issues affecting the organization.
Directs the activity of outside counsel.
Recommends and/or carries out the course of action to be taken regarding ongoing matters.
Superintends the work of counsel and staff within a group, including setting work standards, methods and procedures within the Department in accordance with company-wide policies and appraising work performance.
Helps to promote a customer focused culture to deepen client relationships and leverage broader Bank relationships, systems and knowledge.
Skills Do you have the skills that will enable you to succeed in this role? We'd love to work with you if you have:
Graduated from a recognized Canadian law school and a member in good standing of the Bar in a Canadian common law jurisdiction.
A broad experience acquired either at the Bank or another financial institution or large law firm in commercial law with emphasis on the legal structure around retail banking, commercial banking and insurance.
Specific knowledge of the legal issues of each of the subject areas.
Experience in dealing with regulators and industry associations.
Superior negotiation skills
What's In It For You
The legal assignments and supervision cover a broad range of Bank related matters or specialized areas of law. The applicable laws and regulations are varied and numerous, varied and complex.
The incumbent is required to:
Demonstrate excellent management, relationship building and communication skills
Work confidently with senior management and provide advice and counsel on a broad range of legal issues
Obtain consensus support for initiatives and achieve successful outcomes
Location(s): Canada : Ontario : Toronto Scotiabank is a leading bank in the Americas. Guided by our purpose: "for every future", we help our customers, their families and their communities achieve success through a broad range of advice, products and services, including personal and commercial banking, wealth management and private banking, corporate and investment banking, and capital markets. At Scotiabank, we value the unique skills and experiences each individual brings to the Bank, and are committed to creating and maintaining an inclusive and accessible environment for everyone. If you require accommodation (including, but not limited to, an accessible interview site, alternate format documents, ASL Interpreter, or Assistive Technology) during the recruitment and selection process, please let our Recruitment team know. If you require technical assistance, please click here . Candidates must apply directly online to be considered for this role. We thank all applicants for their interest in a career at Scotiabank; however, only those candidates who are selected for an interview will be contacted.
Dec 29, 2024
Full time
Requisition ID: 210832 Join a purpose driven winning team, committed to results, in an inclusive and high-performing culture. Provides advice and counsel to a broad range of bank stakeholders on matters relating to (i) Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorist Financing and Sanctions, and Anti-Bribery & Corruption (ii) manage regulatory matters and investigations regarding the above, and (iii) monitor and instructing external counsel. The primary focus is on operations in Canadian jurisdictions but coordinates with international jurisdictions as required. This position reports to the Director, Strategic Initiatives Is this role right for you? In this role you will:
Provides legal analysis, documentation, negotiation, preparation, review, research and advice and counsel to bank stakeholders (including across stakeholder groups and on multi-fucntional teams) on complex matters in relation to new and existing programs, sometimes with little or no precedent.
Researches legal issues of substantial complexity on a national or regional basis and proposed federal and provincial legislation to evaluate impact on the Bank; informs management on developing legal trends and their impact on operations and recommends courses of action.
Represents the Bank at meetings or on committees with government, public and private organizations; researches and prepares submissions to government bodies on legislation and other issues affecting the organization.
Directs the activity of outside counsel.
Recommends and/or carries out the course of action to be taken regarding ongoing matters.
Superintends the work of counsel and staff within a group, including setting work standards, methods and procedures within the Department in accordance with company-wide policies and appraising work performance.
Helps to promote a customer focused culture to deepen client relationships and leverage broader Bank relationships, systems and knowledge.
Skills Do you have the skills that will enable you to succeed in this role? We'd love to work with you if you have:
Graduated from a recognized Canadian law school and a member in good standing of the Bar in a Canadian common law jurisdiction.
A broad experience acquired either at the Bank or another financial institution or large law firm in commercial law with emphasis on the legal structure around retail banking, commercial banking and insurance.
Specific knowledge of the legal issues of each of the subject areas.
Experience in dealing with regulators and industry associations.
Superior negotiation skills
What's In It For You
The legal assignments and supervision cover a broad range of Bank related matters or specialized areas of law. The applicable laws and regulations are varied and numerous, varied and complex.
The incumbent is required to:
Demonstrate excellent management, relationship building and communication skills
Work confidently with senior management and provide advice and counsel on a broad range of legal issues
Obtain consensus support for initiatives and achieve successful outcomes
Location(s): Canada : Ontario : Toronto Scotiabank is a leading bank in the Americas. Guided by our purpose: "for every future", we help our customers, their families and their communities achieve success through a broad range of advice, products and services, including personal and commercial banking, wealth management and private banking, corporate and investment banking, and capital markets. At Scotiabank, we value the unique skills and experiences each individual brings to the Bank, and are committed to creating and maintaining an inclusive and accessible environment for everyone. If you require accommodation (including, but not limited to, an accessible interview site, alternate format documents, ASL Interpreter, or Assistive Technology) during the recruitment and selection process, please let our Recruitment team know. If you require technical assistance, please click here . Candidates must apply directly online to be considered for this role. We thank all applicants for their interest in a career at Scotiabank; however, only those candidates who are selected for an interview will be contacted.
Join a purpose driven winning team, committed to results, in an inclusive and high-performing culture.
The Legal Counsel contributes to the overall success of the Legal Department in Canada ensuring specific goals are executed / delivered in support of the team’s business strategies and objectives. The incumbent is responsible for the provision and co-ordination of legal services and advice to the Bank and subsidiaries with respect to a range of Bank matters and specialized areas of law. Ensures all activities conducted are in compliance with governing regulations, internal policies and procedures. You will be involved in handling a significant workload each year, inclusive of inquiries and assignments from various Bank and subsidiary departments. Many of the files involve substantial legal analysis and drafting. As well, the incumbent will respond to verbal and written questions from internal stakeholders.
Is this role right for you? In this role you will:
Champion a customer-focused culture to deepen client relationships and leverage broader Bank relationships, systems and knowledge.
Assist in directly providing legal analysis, documentation, negotiation, preparation, review, research and advice and counsel to management and internal partners in the development of new services or products.
Provide legal advice, analysis and support to the Bank’s Global Banking and Markets multi-channel business across jurisdictions.
Advise on the structuring of lending, trade finance and certain structured finance products and drafts and negotiates related legal agreements.
Assist in reviewing legal work being performed by outside counsel and preparing general correspondence to such counsel.
Assist in research of proposed legislation to evaluate impact on the Bank and writes reports and prepares general correspondence involving general interpretation and terminology.
Understand how the Bank’s risk appetite and risk culture should be considered in day-to-day activities and decisions.
Actively pursue effective and efficient operations of their respective areas in accordance with Scotiabank’s Values, its Code of Conduct and the Global Sales Principles, while ensuring the adequacy, adherence to and effectiveness of day-to-day business controls to meet obligations with respect to operational, compliance, AML/ATF/sanctions and conduct risk.
Champion a high performance environment and contributes to an inclusive work environment
Do you have the skills that will enable you to succeed in this role? We'd love to work with you if you have
Graduate of a recognized law school with 2-5 years practical in-house or private practice experience.
Membership in a Law Society in Canada.
Under general supervision of a Senior Legal Counsel or an Assistant General Counsel, the incumbent will research and analyze complex legal issues with the aid of established precedents, principles and procedures.
The position requires a high level of analytical, human relations and communications skills.
Established problem solving skills.
Sophisticated drafting and writing skills
Location(s): Canada : Ontario : Toronto Scotiabank is a leading bank in the Americas. Guided by our purpose: "for every future", we help our customers, their families and their communities achieve success through a broad range of advice, products and services, including personal and commercial banking, wealth management and private banking, corporate and investment banking, and capital markets. At Scotiabank, we value the unique skills and experiences each individual brings to the Bank, and are committed to creating and maintaining an inclusive and accessible environment for everyone. If you require accommodation (including, but not limited to, an accessible interview site, alternate format documents, ASL Interpreter, or Assistive Technology) during the recruitment and selection process, please let our Recruitment team know. Candidates must apply directly online to be considered for this role. We thank all applicants for their interest in a career at Scotiabank; however, only those candidates who are selected for an interview will be contacted.
Dec 28, 2024
Full time
Join a purpose driven winning team, committed to results, in an inclusive and high-performing culture.
The Legal Counsel contributes to the overall success of the Legal Department in Canada ensuring specific goals are executed / delivered in support of the team’s business strategies and objectives. The incumbent is responsible for the provision and co-ordination of legal services and advice to the Bank and subsidiaries with respect to a range of Bank matters and specialized areas of law. Ensures all activities conducted are in compliance with governing regulations, internal policies and procedures. You will be involved in handling a significant workload each year, inclusive of inquiries and assignments from various Bank and subsidiary departments. Many of the files involve substantial legal analysis and drafting. As well, the incumbent will respond to verbal and written questions from internal stakeholders.
Is this role right for you? In this role you will:
Champion a customer-focused culture to deepen client relationships and leverage broader Bank relationships, systems and knowledge.
Assist in directly providing legal analysis, documentation, negotiation, preparation, review, research and advice and counsel to management and internal partners in the development of new services or products.
Provide legal advice, analysis and support to the Bank’s Global Banking and Markets multi-channel business across jurisdictions.
Advise on the structuring of lending, trade finance and certain structured finance products and drafts and negotiates related legal agreements.
Assist in reviewing legal work being performed by outside counsel and preparing general correspondence to such counsel.
Assist in research of proposed legislation to evaluate impact on the Bank and writes reports and prepares general correspondence involving general interpretation and terminology.
Understand how the Bank’s risk appetite and risk culture should be considered in day-to-day activities and decisions.
Actively pursue effective and efficient operations of their respective areas in accordance with Scotiabank’s Values, its Code of Conduct and the Global Sales Principles, while ensuring the adequacy, adherence to and effectiveness of day-to-day business controls to meet obligations with respect to operational, compliance, AML/ATF/sanctions and conduct risk.
Champion a high performance environment and contributes to an inclusive work environment
Do you have the skills that will enable you to succeed in this role? We'd love to work with you if you have
Graduate of a recognized law school with 2-5 years practical in-house or private practice experience.
Membership in a Law Society in Canada.
Under general supervision of a Senior Legal Counsel or an Assistant General Counsel, the incumbent will research and analyze complex legal issues with the aid of established precedents, principles and procedures.
The position requires a high level of analytical, human relations and communications skills.
Established problem solving skills.
Sophisticated drafting and writing skills
Location(s): Canada : Ontario : Toronto Scotiabank is a leading bank in the Americas. Guided by our purpose: "for every future", we help our customers, their families and their communities achieve success through a broad range of advice, products and services, including personal and commercial banking, wealth management and private banking, corporate and investment banking, and capital markets. At Scotiabank, we value the unique skills and experiences each individual brings to the Bank, and are committed to creating and maintaining an inclusive and accessible environment for everyone. If you require accommodation (including, but not limited to, an accessible interview site, alternate format documents, ASL Interpreter, or Assistive Technology) during the recruitment and selection process, please let our Recruitment team know. Candidates must apply directly online to be considered for this role. We thank all applicants for their interest in a career at Scotiabank; however, only those candidates who are selected for an interview will be contacted.
BC Public Service
Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada
The Team
The BC Prosecution Service contributes to the protection of society by preparing for and conducting prosecutions diligently and fairly, and by striving to develop the most effective methods to administer justice in the Province. The Service prosecutes offences under the Criminal Code of Canada, the Youth Criminal Justice Act, and provincial statutes in the Provincial, Supreme and Appeal Courts of British Columbia and in the Supreme Court of Canada. The Service provides legal advice to government and police on criminal law matters and develops policies and procedures on issues relating to the prosecution of criminal justice. The Assistant Deputy Attorney General is responsible for the administration of the Service, which is divided into the BC Prosecution Services Headquarters Office, Criminal Appeals & Special Prosecutions and five regions which are headed by a Regional Crown Counsel.
The Role As Crown Counsel, you are responsible for the prosecution of offences under the Criminal Code, provincial statutes and regulations, and certain other federal statutes from inception to conclusion, as assigned. The decision to lay charges, which charges to lay, and the conduct of proceedings in court through to their conclusion are made by Crown Counsel in accordance with BC Prosecution Service policies and the Crown Counsel Act. Crown Counsel are responsible for ensuring that witnesses, victims and families are dealt with in a considerate and courteous manner and that victims and their families are adequately prepared for court proceedings. Qualifications: Education and Experience Requirements
Membership in good standing with the Law Society of British Columbia, or immediate eligibility for call to the British Columbia Bar.
Crown Counsel Level 1: Counsel in their 1st to 5th year of call.
Preferences may be given to the following:
Lawyers with criminal prosecution experience.
Criminal prosecution experience with the BC Prosecution Service, or equivalent provincial employer.
Lawyers who speak and are competent to conduct trials in French.
Travel is a requirement of this position.
IMPORTANT: Where there is a difference between the qualifications reflected in the posting and the Job Profile, those stated on the job posting will be used for screening purposes. For questions regarding this position, please contact About this Position: This position is included in the Crown Counsel Association. Under the Public Service Labour Relations Act, this position is excluded from union membership. The terms and conditions of employment for union excluded positions are outlined in the Terms and Conditions of Employment for Excluded Employees available through the following website: Terms & Conditions of Employment for Excluded Employees / Appointees. Flexible work options are available; this position may be able to work from home a few days a week subject to an approved telework agreement. There are currently two (2) temporary appointment until February 27, 2026 in Kelowna and an eligibility list may be established for future temporary appointments in the following locations: Kelowna, Vernon, Penticton, Kamloops, Salmon Arm, Cranbrook & Nelson. Located in the Okanagan Valley, Kelowna is known for its spectacular selection of wineries. On the shores of Okanagan Lake, Kelowna also has easy access to swimming, paddling, windsurfing and fishing. Big White, the ski mountain in Kelowna, provides skiing and snowboarding adventure.. A Criminal Record Review Act Check (CRRA) and Enhanced Security Screening will be required. Employees of the BC Public Service must be located in BC at the time of employment.
Working for the BC Public Service: The BC Public Service is committed to creating a diverse workplace to represent the population we serve and to better meet the needs of our citizens. Consider joining our team and being part of an innovative, inclusive and rewarding workplace.
We are committed to ensuring that reasonable accommodations are available throughout the hiring process, including the assessment and selection stages. Please email the individual or contact listed on the posting if you require an accommodation to fully participate in the hiring process. The Indigenous Applicant Advisory Service is available to Canadian Indigenous (First Nations [status or non-status], Métis, or Inuit) applicants. Indigenous applicants can contact this service for personalized guidance on the BC Public Service hiring process including job applications and interviews. How to Apply: Your application must clearly demonstrate how you meet the job requirements listed above. Applicants who are selected to move forward in the hiring process may be assessed on their knowledge, skills, abilities, competencies and other position related requirements as outlined in the Job Profile at the bottom of the posting. Cover Letter: YES - A cover letter is required as part of your application. The content and/or format of your cover letter may be evaluated as part of the assessment process. Resume: YES - Ensure your resume includes your educational accomplishments, employment history including start and end dates (month and year) of your employment, and any relevant information that relates to the job to which you are applying.
Questionnaire: YES - You will need to complete a standard questionnaire (current employment status, eligibility to apply, etc.). Find more information on the recruitment process, including helpful tips and videos about the application process, visit the Your Job Application page of MyHR. Gain insights into the hiring journey by joining a Career Conversation. Applications will be accepted until 11:00 pm Pacific Time on the closing date of the competition. If you are experiencing technical difficulty applying, visit the Technical Assistance page of MyHR.
Dec 28, 2024
Full time
The Team
The BC Prosecution Service contributes to the protection of society by preparing for and conducting prosecutions diligently and fairly, and by striving to develop the most effective methods to administer justice in the Province. The Service prosecutes offences under the Criminal Code of Canada, the Youth Criminal Justice Act, and provincial statutes in the Provincial, Supreme and Appeal Courts of British Columbia and in the Supreme Court of Canada. The Service provides legal advice to government and police on criminal law matters and develops policies and procedures on issues relating to the prosecution of criminal justice. The Assistant Deputy Attorney General is responsible for the administration of the Service, which is divided into the BC Prosecution Services Headquarters Office, Criminal Appeals & Special Prosecutions and five regions which are headed by a Regional Crown Counsel.
The Role As Crown Counsel, you are responsible for the prosecution of offences under the Criminal Code, provincial statutes and regulations, and certain other federal statutes from inception to conclusion, as assigned. The decision to lay charges, which charges to lay, and the conduct of proceedings in court through to their conclusion are made by Crown Counsel in accordance with BC Prosecution Service policies and the Crown Counsel Act. Crown Counsel are responsible for ensuring that witnesses, victims and families are dealt with in a considerate and courteous manner and that victims and their families are adequately prepared for court proceedings. Qualifications: Education and Experience Requirements
Membership in good standing with the Law Society of British Columbia, or immediate eligibility for call to the British Columbia Bar.
Crown Counsel Level 1: Counsel in their 1st to 5th year of call.
Preferences may be given to the following:
Lawyers with criminal prosecution experience.
Criminal prosecution experience with the BC Prosecution Service, or equivalent provincial employer.
Lawyers who speak and are competent to conduct trials in French.
Travel is a requirement of this position.
IMPORTANT: Where there is a difference between the qualifications reflected in the posting and the Job Profile, those stated on the job posting will be used for screening purposes. For questions regarding this position, please contact About this Position: This position is included in the Crown Counsel Association. Under the Public Service Labour Relations Act, this position is excluded from union membership. The terms and conditions of employment for union excluded positions are outlined in the Terms and Conditions of Employment for Excluded Employees available through the following website: Terms & Conditions of Employment for Excluded Employees / Appointees. Flexible work options are available; this position may be able to work from home a few days a week subject to an approved telework agreement. There are currently two (2) temporary appointment until February 27, 2026 in Kelowna and an eligibility list may be established for future temporary appointments in the following locations: Kelowna, Vernon, Penticton, Kamloops, Salmon Arm, Cranbrook & Nelson. Located in the Okanagan Valley, Kelowna is known for its spectacular selection of wineries. On the shores of Okanagan Lake, Kelowna also has easy access to swimming, paddling, windsurfing and fishing. Big White, the ski mountain in Kelowna, provides skiing and snowboarding adventure.. A Criminal Record Review Act Check (CRRA) and Enhanced Security Screening will be required. Employees of the BC Public Service must be located in BC at the time of employment.
Working for the BC Public Service: The BC Public Service is committed to creating a diverse workplace to represent the population we serve and to better meet the needs of our citizens. Consider joining our team and being part of an innovative, inclusive and rewarding workplace.
We are committed to ensuring that reasonable accommodations are available throughout the hiring process, including the assessment and selection stages. Please email the individual or contact listed on the posting if you require an accommodation to fully participate in the hiring process. The Indigenous Applicant Advisory Service is available to Canadian Indigenous (First Nations [status or non-status], Métis, or Inuit) applicants. Indigenous applicants can contact this service for personalized guidance on the BC Public Service hiring process including job applications and interviews. How to Apply: Your application must clearly demonstrate how you meet the job requirements listed above. Applicants who are selected to move forward in the hiring process may be assessed on their knowledge, skills, abilities, competencies and other position related requirements as outlined in the Job Profile at the bottom of the posting. Cover Letter: YES - A cover letter is required as part of your application. The content and/or format of your cover letter may be evaluated as part of the assessment process. Resume: YES - Ensure your resume includes your educational accomplishments, employment history including start and end dates (month and year) of your employment, and any relevant information that relates to the job to which you are applying.
Questionnaire: YES - You will need to complete a standard questionnaire (current employment status, eligibility to apply, etc.). Find more information on the recruitment process, including helpful tips and videos about the application process, visit the Your Job Application page of MyHR. Gain insights into the hiring journey by joining a Career Conversation. Applications will be accepted until 11:00 pm Pacific Time on the closing date of the competition. If you are experiencing technical difficulty applying, visit the Technical Assistance page of MyHR.
College of Nurses of Ontario
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Location: Toronto or Port Hope, ON Canada
Type: Permanent
Group/Grade: Management
Date: December 2, 2024
The Ontario Nurses’ Association (ONA) is Canada’s largest nurses’ union. We are powered by our members — 68,000 nurses and health-care professionals, and 18,000 nursing student affiliates — who provide care in hospitals, long-term care, public health, the community, clinics and industry.
Our mission is to defend the rights of and advocate for nurses and health-care professionals who care for the health of Ontarians. We empower members and fight against unfair and unsafe treatment, negotiate and enforce our contracts, offer benefits and insurance, provide tailored education and development opportunities and much more. We confront governments, administrations and other policymakers head on to fight for high-quality public health care.
ONA is seeking to hire a Senior Legal Advisor to join our Legal Department. The successful candidate will act as senior counsel for ONA in complex litigation, support the delivery of legal services across the organization, and provide legal advice and opinions to the leadership team; act as a lead on behalf of the legal department in designated specialty area(s).
This is what else you can expect from this dynamic role:
Advisory, Research, Opinion Work, and Reports
Provide strategic and legal advice to ONA, the CLO, the CEO, the senior executive team, the management team, staff, the Board of Directors, and Local and Bargaining Unit Leaders.
Work with the CLO and the Manager of Litigation to coordinate, support, and assist in delivering and supporting legal services to ONA.
Conduct legal research on legal issues as required. Provide legal advice, prepare written legal opinions, and memoranda on a broad range of issues that arise across the organization.
Prepare and litigate a range of cases including judicial reviews/court matters, significant /complex arbitration cases or cases with provincial implications, overflow arbitration cases, labour board matters ( Public Sector Labour Relations Transition Act , Labour Relations Act : certification/decertification applications, successor employer/related employer applications, unfair labour practice, jurisdictional disputes, duty of fair representation complaints), appeals under the Occupational Health & Safety Act , proceedings before the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, overflow cases before the College of Nurses and other regulatory bodies, and other special proceedings including public inquiries, coroner’s inquest, and commissions.
Acts as co-counsel with junior counsel and in doing so, mentor other counsel in their litigation skills and practice development.
Leadership: Education, Direction, and Lead
Prepare and provide educational presentations to staff, leaders, and membership.
Develop litigation and labour relations directions in relation to ongoing issues and drive optimal resolution of provincial litigation as assigned in conjunction with the CLO and Manager of Litigation through strategy formation, direction & advice.
Act as the lead in a specialty area or issue as assigned.
Support to the Litigation Team
Provide substantive legal advice and support to the Manager of Litigation.
Provide substantive legal advice to the Legal Coordinators as needed.
Lead the litigation team in professional development matters in coordination with the Manager of Litigation.
What we are looking for:
The successful candidate will possess -
LL.B/Juris Doctor (J.D) is required.
Called to the Bar of Ontario. A member in good standing with the Law Society of Ontario.
A minimum of eight (8) to ten (10) years of relevant experience including demonstrated knowledge and practice in labour law and related areas including in the courts, rights arbitration, labour board, human rights, privacy, health & safety, and other areas.
Demonstrated litigation and oral advocacy skills as well as drafting of legal opinions, pleadings, submissions, and factum.
Demonstrated knowledge and experience in labour relations issues in health care relevant to Registered Nurses and other Regulated Health Care Professionals.
Demonstrated experience with teaching, educating, and mentoring staff.
Demonstrated inter-personal skills and proven success in relationship building.
Must have good judgement, strong analytical, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills.
The successful candidate must be able to travel, possess a valid driver’s license and have access to an automobile for business use.
All interested candidates may apply via ONA Jobs by 4:30 p.m. on December 16, 2024.
The Ontario Nurses’ Association is committed to employment and pay equity within its staff. Applications are encouraged from equity groups including individuals of Indigenous descent, racialized individuals, individuals with disabilities, and LGBTQ+ persons. We also provide accessible employment practices that are in compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (‘AODA’). If you require accommodation for a disability during any stage of the recruitment process, please notify Human Resources.
Thank you for your interest in joining us. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
Dec 26, 2024
Location: Toronto or Port Hope, ON Canada
Type: Permanent
Group/Grade: Management
Date: December 2, 2024
The Ontario Nurses’ Association (ONA) is Canada’s largest nurses’ union. We are powered by our members — 68,000 nurses and health-care professionals, and 18,000 nursing student affiliates — who provide care in hospitals, long-term care, public health, the community, clinics and industry.
Our mission is to defend the rights of and advocate for nurses and health-care professionals who care for the health of Ontarians. We empower members and fight against unfair and unsafe treatment, negotiate and enforce our contracts, offer benefits and insurance, provide tailored education and development opportunities and much more. We confront governments, administrations and other policymakers head on to fight for high-quality public health care.
ONA is seeking to hire a Senior Legal Advisor to join our Legal Department. The successful candidate will act as senior counsel for ONA in complex litigation, support the delivery of legal services across the organization, and provide legal advice and opinions to the leadership team; act as a lead on behalf of the legal department in designated specialty area(s).
This is what else you can expect from this dynamic role:
Advisory, Research, Opinion Work, and Reports
Provide strategic and legal advice to ONA, the CLO, the CEO, the senior executive team, the management team, staff, the Board of Directors, and Local and Bargaining Unit Leaders.
Work with the CLO and the Manager of Litigation to coordinate, support, and assist in delivering and supporting legal services to ONA.
Conduct legal research on legal issues as required. Provide legal advice, prepare written legal opinions, and memoranda on a broad range of issues that arise across the organization.
Prepare and litigate a range of cases including judicial reviews/court matters, significant /complex arbitration cases or cases with provincial implications, overflow arbitration cases, labour board matters ( Public Sector Labour Relations Transition Act , Labour Relations Act : certification/decertification applications, successor employer/related employer applications, unfair labour practice, jurisdictional disputes, duty of fair representation complaints), appeals under the Occupational Health & Safety Act , proceedings before the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, overflow cases before the College of Nurses and other regulatory bodies, and other special proceedings including public inquiries, coroner’s inquest, and commissions.
Acts as co-counsel with junior counsel and in doing so, mentor other counsel in their litigation skills and practice development.
Leadership: Education, Direction, and Lead
Prepare and provide educational presentations to staff, leaders, and membership.
Develop litigation and labour relations directions in relation to ongoing issues and drive optimal resolution of provincial litigation as assigned in conjunction with the CLO and Manager of Litigation through strategy formation, direction & advice.
Act as the lead in a specialty area or issue as assigned.
Support to the Litigation Team
Provide substantive legal advice and support to the Manager of Litigation.
Provide substantive legal advice to the Legal Coordinators as needed.
Lead the litigation team in professional development matters in coordination with the Manager of Litigation.
What we are looking for:
The successful candidate will possess -
LL.B/Juris Doctor (J.D) is required.
Called to the Bar of Ontario. A member in good standing with the Law Society of Ontario.
A minimum of eight (8) to ten (10) years of relevant experience including demonstrated knowledge and practice in labour law and related areas including in the courts, rights arbitration, labour board, human rights, privacy, health & safety, and other areas.
Demonstrated litigation and oral advocacy skills as well as drafting of legal opinions, pleadings, submissions, and factum.
Demonstrated knowledge and experience in labour relations issues in health care relevant to Registered Nurses and other Regulated Health Care Professionals.
Demonstrated experience with teaching, educating, and mentoring staff.
Demonstrated inter-personal skills and proven success in relationship building.
Must have good judgement, strong analytical, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills.
The successful candidate must be able to travel, possess a valid driver’s license and have access to an automobile for business use.
All interested candidates may apply via ONA Jobs by 4:30 p.m. on December 16, 2024.
The Ontario Nurses’ Association is committed to employment and pay equity within its staff. Applications are encouraged from equity groups including individuals of Indigenous descent, racialized individuals, individuals with disabilities, and LGBTQ+ persons. We also provide accessible employment practices that are in compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (‘AODA’). If you require accommodation for a disability during any stage of the recruitment process, please notify Human Resources.
Thank you for your interest in joining us. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
Putting People First, Every Day at BDO Canada
BDO Canada is dedicated to fostering a people-first culture that emphasizes exceptional client service, personal and professional growth, and a supportive work environment. With a foundation built on strong relationships, our team is committed to helping clients navigate complex challenges, offering trusted insights and advice. In turn, BDO provides its employees with an award-winning workplace that prioritizes individual growth and well-being.
Exciting Opportunity: Commercial Lawyer
Our Toronto National Office is seeking a Corporate Counsel to join the Office of the General Counsel. This role is ideal for a business-minded lawyer looking to join a dynamic firm and contribute to its growth. Reporting to Senior Legal Counsel, Corporate & Commercial, the Corporate Counsel will:
Provide legal support to various BDO service lines across Canada, drafting and negotiating commercial contracts and transactional documents.
Advise on key contract terms, balancing legal and business risk in line with firm policies.
Innovate and improve contracting processes through digital tools, enhancing overall efficiency.
Assist with legal matters for BDO Canada’s operations.
Success in Your Role
At BDO, we define success through:
Demonstrating our core values of integrity, respect, and collaboration.
Building strong industry understanding and delivering quality work.
Contributing to an inclusive environment that attracts and retains talent.
Embracing digital tools to support an innovative work culture.
Growing expertise through professional development opportunities.
Experience and Education
The ideal candidate:
Is a member in good standing with the Law Society of Ontario.
Has 2-4 years of experience in corporate and commercial law, ideally with strong drafting and negotiation skills.
Is fluent in French (an asset) and has an interest in leasing.
Demonstrates strong analytical skills, excellent communication abilities, and effective time management.
Why Choose BDO?
BDO’s people-first philosophy has earned it recognition as one of Canada’s Top 100 Employers. This approach ensures an environment that supports success through:
Opportunities for growth and active participation in the firm’s success.
A commitment to community engagement, with various volunteer initiatives.
A competitive rewards package with flexible benefits, wellness reimbursement, and ample time off.
A flexible work model, combining in-office, client site, and virtual work based on individual needs.
A dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusion, fostering a respectful, inclusive workplace.
Ready to Join Us?
If you're ready to make an impact at BDO, apply now by submitting your resume to one of our Talent Acquisition Specialists. For more exciting opportunities, explore our careers page.
Dec 24, 2024
Full time
Putting People First, Every Day at BDO Canada
BDO Canada is dedicated to fostering a people-first culture that emphasizes exceptional client service, personal and professional growth, and a supportive work environment. With a foundation built on strong relationships, our team is committed to helping clients navigate complex challenges, offering trusted insights and advice. In turn, BDO provides its employees with an award-winning workplace that prioritizes individual growth and well-being.
Exciting Opportunity: Commercial Lawyer
Our Toronto National Office is seeking a Corporate Counsel to join the Office of the General Counsel. This role is ideal for a business-minded lawyer looking to join a dynamic firm and contribute to its growth. Reporting to Senior Legal Counsel, Corporate & Commercial, the Corporate Counsel will:
Provide legal support to various BDO service lines across Canada, drafting and negotiating commercial contracts and transactional documents.
Advise on key contract terms, balancing legal and business risk in line with firm policies.
Innovate and improve contracting processes through digital tools, enhancing overall efficiency.
Assist with legal matters for BDO Canada’s operations.
Success in Your Role
At BDO, we define success through:
Demonstrating our core values of integrity, respect, and collaboration.
Building strong industry understanding and delivering quality work.
Contributing to an inclusive environment that attracts and retains talent.
Embracing digital tools to support an innovative work culture.
Growing expertise through professional development opportunities.
Experience and Education
The ideal candidate:
Is a member in good standing with the Law Society of Ontario.
Has 2-4 years of experience in corporate and commercial law, ideally with strong drafting and negotiation skills.
Is fluent in French (an asset) and has an interest in leasing.
Demonstrates strong analytical skills, excellent communication abilities, and effective time management.
Why Choose BDO?
BDO’s people-first philosophy has earned it recognition as one of Canada’s Top 100 Employers. This approach ensures an environment that supports success through:
Opportunities for growth and active participation in the firm’s success.
A commitment to community engagement, with various volunteer initiatives.
A competitive rewards package with flexible benefits, wellness reimbursement, and ample time off.
A flexible work model, combining in-office, client site, and virtual work based on individual needs.
A dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusion, fostering a respectful, inclusive workplace.
Ready to Join Us?
If you're ready to make an impact at BDO, apply now by submitting your resume to one of our Talent Acquisition Specialists. For more exciting opportunities, explore our careers page.
The Law Society of British Columbia
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Come join our team! If you are looking for a career that is both challenging and rewarding, with an organization that values diversity, equity and a shared sense of purpose, look no further. We are proud to say that we’ve been recognized as one of BC’s Top Employers since 2022! The Law Society of BC offers work/life balance, a collegial atmosphere, and an excellent benefits package, including: extended health benefits, a dental plan and more. The Law Society of BC is seeking a permanent, full-time Assistant, Claims Counsel in our Lawyers Indemnity Fund. The Assistant, Claims Counsel provides an intermediate to senior level of legal and administrative support to Claims Counsel in their management and defense of malpractice claims against lawyers. The duties of this position include:
Litigation services in all levels of court in BC, including drafting pleadings and other court documents, and preparing Releases.
Word processing for correspondence and reports to covered lawyers, external counsel and excess insurers, and organizing and filing litigation documents.
Ensuring complete and accurate claims information in the database by entering claim data, and reviewing files for accuracy.
Ensuring that time-sensitive materials such as Offers to Settle, and other deadlines and litigation dates are met by Claims Counsel.
Communicating with law firm staff, court registries and various service providers, including responding to requests for information.
Maintaining and updating lists to track excess insurers and running exception reports to ensure accuracy, and acting as backup for the Senior and Administrative Assistants to take on critical responsibilities during any absences.
Conducting QuickLaw, BC Online, LTSA and Court Services Online searches, and preparing PowerPoint slides for risk management presentations.
Opening, maintaining and closing electronic claim files, including entering data relating to file reserves and payments and initiating reserve adjustments.
Reviewing and analyzing data entries by Claims Counsel and generally ensuring that critical claims data and information in the electronic files is completed and accurate by adding, modifying and deleting as required.
Processing payments and receivables on claim files (defence and indemnity), as well as administrative expenses, including ensuring audit and other requirements are met and accurately captured in the database and assisting and acting as backup for the Administrative Assistant to take on critical responsibilities during any absences.
Such other duties as the Director, Risk Management may require.
Grade 12 and a post-secondary diploma as a legal secretary.
Proficiency in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
A minimum of five years of legal secretarial experience, with particular emphasis on litigation, including drafting of court and other legal documents with little supervision, and drafting of form and routine letters. Basic accounting would be an asset.
Well-developed organizational and time-management skills and attention to detail.
The ability to cite case law is an asset.
The salary range for this position is $64,713 to $70,340. The Law Society of BC is dedicated to promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion in all aspects of our work. We welcome individuals from diverse backgrounds and experiences to contribute to the future of our organization. In accordance with the Law Society of B.C.’s commitment to reconciliation, we seek to create a culturally safe space and to continue further improving relationships with Indigenous peoples. To apply, please email a resume and cover letter to with the subject “Assistant, Claims Counsel”. The closing date for this competition is November 29, 2024. We thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. This position is located at the Law Society of British Columbia office in the Yaletown area of Vancouver, BC. 845 Cambie Street Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 4Z9
Dec 24, 2024
Full time
Come join our team! If you are looking for a career that is both challenging and rewarding, with an organization that values diversity, equity and a shared sense of purpose, look no further. We are proud to say that we’ve been recognized as one of BC’s Top Employers since 2022! The Law Society of BC offers work/life balance, a collegial atmosphere, and an excellent benefits package, including: extended health benefits, a dental plan and more. The Law Society of BC is seeking a permanent, full-time Assistant, Claims Counsel in our Lawyers Indemnity Fund. The Assistant, Claims Counsel provides an intermediate to senior level of legal and administrative support to Claims Counsel in their management and defense of malpractice claims against lawyers. The duties of this position include:
Litigation services in all levels of court in BC, including drafting pleadings and other court documents, and preparing Releases.
Word processing for correspondence and reports to covered lawyers, external counsel and excess insurers, and organizing and filing litigation documents.
Ensuring complete and accurate claims information in the database by entering claim data, and reviewing files for accuracy.
Ensuring that time-sensitive materials such as Offers to Settle, and other deadlines and litigation dates are met by Claims Counsel.
Communicating with law firm staff, court registries and various service providers, including responding to requests for information.
Maintaining and updating lists to track excess insurers and running exception reports to ensure accuracy, and acting as backup for the Senior and Administrative Assistants to take on critical responsibilities during any absences.
Conducting QuickLaw, BC Online, LTSA and Court Services Online searches, and preparing PowerPoint slides for risk management presentations.
Opening, maintaining and closing electronic claim files, including entering data relating to file reserves and payments and initiating reserve adjustments.
Reviewing and analyzing data entries by Claims Counsel and generally ensuring that critical claims data and information in the electronic files is completed and accurate by adding, modifying and deleting as required.
Processing payments and receivables on claim files (defence and indemnity), as well as administrative expenses, including ensuring audit and other requirements are met and accurately captured in the database and assisting and acting as backup for the Administrative Assistant to take on critical responsibilities during any absences.
Such other duties as the Director, Risk Management may require.
Grade 12 and a post-secondary diploma as a legal secretary.
Proficiency in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
A minimum of five years of legal secretarial experience, with particular emphasis on litigation, including drafting of court and other legal documents with little supervision, and drafting of form and routine letters. Basic accounting would be an asset.
Well-developed organizational and time-management skills and attention to detail.
The ability to cite case law is an asset.
The salary range for this position is $64,713 to $70,340. The Law Society of BC is dedicated to promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion in all aspects of our work. We welcome individuals from diverse backgrounds and experiences to contribute to the future of our organization. In accordance with the Law Society of B.C.’s commitment to reconciliation, we seek to create a culturally safe space and to continue further improving relationships with Indigenous peoples. To apply, please email a resume and cover letter to with the subject “Assistant, Claims Counsel”. The closing date for this competition is November 29, 2024. We thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. This position is located at the Law Society of British Columbia office in the Yaletown area of Vancouver, BC. 845 Cambie Street Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 4Z9
Reporting to the Head of Legal Affairs & General Counsel Canada the incumbent shall be responsible for providing legal advice in the fields of law critical to promoting, protecting and defending the company’s rights and interests, and ensure that the company complies with the applicable laws and regulations. Additionally, the incumbent shall be expected to anticipate and alert the Leadership team and relevant business groups to any significant legal concerns or exposure and potential corresponding liability or risk.
Key responsibilities and duties for this job
Revise, draft, interpret, approve and negotiate the company’s contracts and various contract clauses, as well as other legal documents.
Provide legal advice on all legal aspects relevant to the company’s operations, such as, healthcare law, commercial law, corporate law, labor and employment law, compliance (competition, Industry practices and Codes, etc.), product liability, clinical and regulatory matters, intellectual property (including PMPRB) and privacy law.
Responsible for the review and preparation of Product Listing Agreements.
Review and advise on media relations materials, promotional materials as applicable.
Support corporate work as needed, such as resolutions, minute books and provincial registrations.
Subject to approval by the General Counsel, manage and supervise certain company files entrusted to external lawyers.
Ensure that the company's everyday activities comply with the applicable laws, regulations, guidelines and company policies.
Assist the Ethics and Business Integrity for Canada concerning the interpretation and application of the relevant Company, Industry Codes and relevant regulations.
Assist the Privacy Officer concerning the interpretation and application of federal and provincial legislation relating to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information (particularly in clinical studies).
Key requirements for this job
Bachelor of Laws, member of the Ontario or Quebec Bar.
Minimum of 2-5 years’ experience in private practice or as in-house counsel.
In-depth knowledge of the pharmaceutical sector would be an asset.
Strong Interpersonal skills and ability to work collaboratively.
Sense of initiative and organization.
Ability to manage several projects simultaneously.
Ability to engage in thoughtful risk taking.
Strong business acumen with strategic ability.
Strong specific/concise communication skills (spoken and written).
Time and priority management skills.
Ability to function effectively in a highly dynamic environment with aggressive timelines and evolving priorities.
Self-motivated, able to work independently, reliable, responsive and accountable.
Team player
Microsoft Outlook, Word and PowerPoint
Languages - Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English. French language is welcome but not required.
Dec 23, 2024
Reporting to the Head of Legal Affairs & General Counsel Canada the incumbent shall be responsible for providing legal advice in the fields of law critical to promoting, protecting and defending the company’s rights and interests, and ensure that the company complies with the applicable laws and regulations. Additionally, the incumbent shall be expected to anticipate and alert the Leadership team and relevant business groups to any significant legal concerns or exposure and potential corresponding liability or risk.
Key responsibilities and duties for this job
Revise, draft, interpret, approve and negotiate the company’s contracts and various contract clauses, as well as other legal documents.
Provide legal advice on all legal aspects relevant to the company’s operations, such as, healthcare law, commercial law, corporate law, labor and employment law, compliance (competition, Industry practices and Codes, etc.), product liability, clinical and regulatory matters, intellectual property (including PMPRB) and privacy law.
Responsible for the review and preparation of Product Listing Agreements.
Review and advise on media relations materials, promotional materials as applicable.
Support corporate work as needed, such as resolutions, minute books and provincial registrations.
Subject to approval by the General Counsel, manage and supervise certain company files entrusted to external lawyers.
Ensure that the company's everyday activities comply with the applicable laws, regulations, guidelines and company policies.
Assist the Ethics and Business Integrity for Canada concerning the interpretation and application of the relevant Company, Industry Codes and relevant regulations.
Assist the Privacy Officer concerning the interpretation and application of federal and provincial legislation relating to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information (particularly in clinical studies).
Key requirements for this job
Bachelor of Laws, member of the Ontario or Quebec Bar.
Minimum of 2-5 years’ experience in private practice or as in-house counsel.
In-depth knowledge of the pharmaceutical sector would be an asset.
Strong Interpersonal skills and ability to work collaboratively.
Sense of initiative and organization.
Ability to manage several projects simultaneously.
Ability to engage in thoughtful risk taking.
Strong business acumen with strategic ability.
Strong specific/concise communication skills (spoken and written).
Time and priority management skills.
Ability to function effectively in a highly dynamic environment with aggressive timelines and evolving priorities.
Self-motivated, able to work independently, reliable, responsive and accountable.
Team player
Microsoft Outlook, Word and PowerPoint
Languages - Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English. French language is welcome but not required.
Now hiring! Legal Counsel (12-months Fixed Term Contract)
Mississauga, ON (Hybrid) - (12 months Fixed Term Contract)
We are looking for a Legal Counsel (12-months Fixed Term Contract) to join our Legal team in Mississauga, ON.
Come create chemistry with us!
At BASF, we create chemistry for a sustainable future. We combine economic success with environmental protection and social responsibility.
BASF Canada is seeking a practical and results-driven Legal Counsel with strong business acumen to join its team at the corporate headquarters in Mississauga. You will have the opportunity to provide strategic legal advice and support on issues, including in the areas of corporate/commercial law, competition law, mergers & acquisitions and litigation.
Located in Mississauga and reporting to the General Counsel & Chief Compliance Officer, you will provide legal support to several business units at BASF Canada. This is a one-year full-time contract position.
If you have...
A J.D. or LL.B. degree.
An active and in good standing membership with the Law Society of Ontario.
Minimum of 7 years legal experience, in-house and/or private practice, that includes proficiency with a vast array of corporate/commercial matters.
Excellent communication, organizational and interpersonal skills.
Strong business acumen; exemplary issue management skills.
Considerable skill and ability to handle many projects simultaneously, to manage multiple tight deadlines, and to prioritize effectively.
Strong analytical and negotiation skills.
Proficiency in French is not required but considered an asset.
About us
As the world’s leading chemical company, we have been finding solutions for your everyday needs and addressing the most complex economic, environmental, and sustainability challenges for more than 150 years!
We constantly strive to become an even better workplace. As a result of our commitment to our employees, BASF has earned various awards, including being recognized by Mediacorp in 2025 as one of Canada's Top Employers for eleventh consecutive year, one of the Greater Toronto Area's Top Employers for the twelfth year in a row, and twice being named one of Canada's Top Employers for Young People and Best Diversity Employers.
We provide a fulfilling work environment with a strong emphasis on the physical and psychological safety of our employees and the communities we operate in. We are always working to form the best team with an emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion and through lifelong learning and development.
Belong to Something Bigger. #belongatBASF
Privacy Statement
BASF takes security & data privacy very seriously. We will never request personal or financial information of any kind via either text message or direct message on any social media platform or job board. Furthermore, we will never offer a candidate a position and request a cheque for equipment or any other type of payment during the job application process. If you have experienced any of the above, please contact to report fraud.
Inclusion and Equal Opportunity Employment
BASF is dedicated to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace where our employees can be their authentic selves. We are an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, age, citizenship, place of origin, ethnic origin, colour, religion/creed, sex/pregnancy, marital status, family status, disability status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other characteristic protected by law.
We seek to make our recruitment process accessible for applicants with disabilities. If you require accommodations or support throughout the recruitment process, please contact with the subject line “Recruitment Accommodation Request”.
Dec 22, 2024
Now hiring! Legal Counsel (12-months Fixed Term Contract)
Mississauga, ON (Hybrid) - (12 months Fixed Term Contract)
We are looking for a Legal Counsel (12-months Fixed Term Contract) to join our Legal team in Mississauga, ON.
Come create chemistry with us!
At BASF, we create chemistry for a sustainable future. We combine economic success with environmental protection and social responsibility.
BASF Canada is seeking a practical and results-driven Legal Counsel with strong business acumen to join its team at the corporate headquarters in Mississauga. You will have the opportunity to provide strategic legal advice and support on issues, including in the areas of corporate/commercial law, competition law, mergers & acquisitions and litigation.
Located in Mississauga and reporting to the General Counsel & Chief Compliance Officer, you will provide legal support to several business units at BASF Canada. This is a one-year full-time contract position.
If you have...
A J.D. or LL.B. degree.
An active and in good standing membership with the Law Society of Ontario.
Minimum of 7 years legal experience, in-house and/or private practice, that includes proficiency with a vast array of corporate/commercial matters.
Excellent communication, organizational and interpersonal skills.
Strong business acumen; exemplary issue management skills.
Considerable skill and ability to handle many projects simultaneously, to manage multiple tight deadlines, and to prioritize effectively.
Strong analytical and negotiation skills.
Proficiency in French is not required but considered an asset.
About us
As the world’s leading chemical company, we have been finding solutions for your everyday needs and addressing the most complex economic, environmental, and sustainability challenges for more than 150 years!
We constantly strive to become an even better workplace. As a result of our commitment to our employees, BASF has earned various awards, including being recognized by Mediacorp in 2025 as one of Canada's Top Employers for eleventh consecutive year, one of the Greater Toronto Area's Top Employers for the twelfth year in a row, and twice being named one of Canada's Top Employers for Young People and Best Diversity Employers.
We provide a fulfilling work environment with a strong emphasis on the physical and psychological safety of our employees and the communities we operate in. We are always working to form the best team with an emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion and through lifelong learning and development.
Belong to Something Bigger. #belongatBASF
Privacy Statement
BASF takes security & data privacy very seriously. We will never request personal or financial information of any kind via either text message or direct message on any social media platform or job board. Furthermore, we will never offer a candidate a position and request a cheque for equipment or any other type of payment during the job application process. If you have experienced any of the above, please contact to report fraud.
Inclusion and Equal Opportunity Employment
BASF is dedicated to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace where our employees can be their authentic selves. We are an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, age, citizenship, place of origin, ethnic origin, colour, religion/creed, sex/pregnancy, marital status, family status, disability status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other characteristic protected by law.
We seek to make our recruitment process accessible for applicants with disabilities. If you require accommodations or support throughout the recruitment process, please contact with the subject line “Recruitment Accommodation Request”.
Our Purpose
At Deloitte, we are driven to inspire and help our people, organization, communities, and country to thrive. Our Purpose is to build a better future by accelerating and expanding access to knowledge. Purpose defines who we are and gives us reason to exist as an organization.
By living our Purpose, we will make an impact that matters.
Enjoy flexible, proactive, and practical benefits that foster a culture of well-being and connectedness.
Experience a firm where wellness matters.
Be expected to share your ideas and to make them a reality.
Deloitte Global is the engine of the Deloitte network. Our professionals reach across disciplines and borders to develop and lead global initiatives. We deliver strategic programs and services that unite our organization.
What will your typical day look like?
As a Contract Manager, you will be part of the Legal Operations portfolio which serves the Global OGC organization and includes professionals with contract management, paralegal and operational skillsets. In this role, you will team with a small group of contract managers to primarily support the attorneys in the Technology and Business Solutions group with a wide variety of contracting and other legal matters. In this role you will:
Analyzing, reviewing and/or revising confidentiality agreements, subscription agreements, business associate agreements, subcontracting agreements, online terms and conditions, and various other documents.
Designing contracting workflow, including managing contracting inbox, contract data entry, and contract reporting and analysis
Serving as first-level point of contact for contracting queries and working with practitioners in Deloitte Global to analyze issues, provide possible approaches for addressing issues or obtain additional relevant information.
Negotiating various agreements with Deloitte member firms, vendors, other third parties, and their respective representatives.
Reviewing materials related to contests and sweepstakes. Drafting documents and correspondence.
Performing legal research utilizing legal reference publications, computer databases and other tools.
Performing other functions such as proofreading, redlining, preparing indices for documents, maintaining and updating form files, and organizing and maintaining reference materials and databases.
About the team
Global General Counsel provides legal guidance and expertise to Deloitte Global, the broader Deloitte organization, and our business leaders. We advise on regulatory, claims, and corporate legal matters, as well as additional issues that may pose novel or unique situations.
Enough about us, let’s talk about you
Bachelor’s degree
Minimum of 5 years’ experience at a law firm or in-house legal department.
Experience supporting vendor management/third party governance programs.
Experience implementing and using contract lifecycle management and workflow tools (e.g., Service Now)
Strong project management skills.
Experience reviewing and negotiating contracts and managing contracting processes.
Experience improving contracting processes and making them more efficient.
Expert in Word, PowerPoint, SharePoint, Excel and contract lifecycle management tools.
Total Rewards
The salary range for this position is $85,000 - $156,000, and individuals may be eligible to participate in our bonus program. Deloitte is fair and competitive when it comes to the salaries of our people. We regularly benchmark across a variety of positions, industries, sectors, targets, and levels. Our approach is grounded on recognizing people's unique strengths and contributions and rewarding the value that they deliver. Our Total Rewards Package extends well beyond traditional compensation and benefit programs and is designed to recognize employee contributions, encourage personal wellness, and support firm growth. Along with a competitive base salary and variable pay opportunities, we offer a wide array of initiatives that differentiate us as a people-first organization. Some representative examples include: $4,000 per year for mental health support benefits, a $1,300 flexible benefit spending account, 38+ days off (including 10 firm-wide closures known as "Deloitte Days"), flexible work arrangements and a hybrid work structure.
Our promise to our people: Deloitte is where potential comes to life.
Be yourself, and more.
We are a group of talented people who want to learn, gain experience, and develop skills. Wherever you are in your career, we want you to advance.
You shape how we make impact.
Diverse perspectives and life experiences make us better. Whoever you are and wherever you’re from, we want you to feel like you belong here. We provide flexible working options to support you and how you can contribute.
Be the leader you want to be
Some guide teams, some change culture, some build essential expertise. We offer opportunities and experiences that support your continuing growth as a leader.
Have as many careers as you want.
We are uniquely able to offer you new challenges and roles – and prepare you for them. We bring together people with unique experiences and talents, and we are the place to develop a lasting network of friends, peers, and mentors. The next step is yours
At Deloitte, we are all about doing business inclusively – that starts with having diverse colleagues of all abilities. Deloitte encourages applications from all qualified candidates who represent the full diversity of communities across Canada. This includes, but is not limited to, people with disabilities, candidates from Indigenous communities, and candidates from the Black community in support of living our values, creating a culture of Diversity Equity and Inclusion and our commitment to our AccessAbility Action Plan, Reconciliation Action Plan and the BlackNorth Initiative.
We encourage you to connect with us at if you require an accommodation for the recruitment process (including alternate formats of materials, accessible meeting rooms or other accommodations) or for any questions relating to careers for Indigenous peoples at Deloitte (First Nations, Inuit, Métis).
By applying to this job you will be assessed against the Deloitte Global Talent Standards. We’ve designed these standards to provide our clients with a consistent and exceptional Deloitte experience globally.
Deloitte Canada has 20 offices with representation across most of the country. We acknowledge that Deloitte offices stand on traditional, treaty, and unceded territories in what is now known as Canada. We recognize that Indigenous Peoples have been the caretakers of this land since time immemorial, nurturing its resources and preserving its natural beauty. We acknowledge this land is still home to many First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Peoples, who continue to maintain their deep connection to the land and its sacred teachings. We humbly acknowledge that we are all Treaty people, and we commit to fostering a relationship of respect, collaboration, and stewardship with Indigenous communities in our shared goal of reconciliation and environmental sustainability.
Dec 22, 2024
Full time
Our Purpose
At Deloitte, we are driven to inspire and help our people, organization, communities, and country to thrive. Our Purpose is to build a better future by accelerating and expanding access to knowledge. Purpose defines who we are and gives us reason to exist as an organization.
By living our Purpose, we will make an impact that matters.
Enjoy flexible, proactive, and practical benefits that foster a culture of well-being and connectedness.
Experience a firm where wellness matters.
Be expected to share your ideas and to make them a reality.
Deloitte Global is the engine of the Deloitte network. Our professionals reach across disciplines and borders to develop and lead global initiatives. We deliver strategic programs and services that unite our organization.
What will your typical day look like?
As a Contract Manager, you will be part of the Legal Operations portfolio which serves the Global OGC organization and includes professionals with contract management, paralegal and operational skillsets. In this role, you will team with a small group of contract managers to primarily support the attorneys in the Technology and Business Solutions group with a wide variety of contracting and other legal matters. In this role you will:
Analyzing, reviewing and/or revising confidentiality agreements, subscription agreements, business associate agreements, subcontracting agreements, online terms and conditions, and various other documents.
Designing contracting workflow, including managing contracting inbox, contract data entry, and contract reporting and analysis
Serving as first-level point of contact for contracting queries and working with practitioners in Deloitte Global to analyze issues, provide possible approaches for addressing issues or obtain additional relevant information.
Negotiating various agreements with Deloitte member firms, vendors, other third parties, and their respective representatives.
Reviewing materials related to contests and sweepstakes. Drafting documents and correspondence.
Performing legal research utilizing legal reference publications, computer databases and other tools.
Performing other functions such as proofreading, redlining, preparing indices for documents, maintaining and updating form files, and organizing and maintaining reference materials and databases.
About the team
Global General Counsel provides legal guidance and expertise to Deloitte Global, the broader Deloitte organization, and our business leaders. We advise on regulatory, claims, and corporate legal matters, as well as additional issues that may pose novel or unique situations.
Enough about us, let’s talk about you
Bachelor’s degree
Minimum of 5 years’ experience at a law firm or in-house legal department.
Experience supporting vendor management/third party governance programs.
Experience implementing and using contract lifecycle management and workflow tools (e.g., Service Now)
Strong project management skills.
Experience reviewing and negotiating contracts and managing contracting processes.
Experience improving contracting processes and making them more efficient.
Expert in Word, PowerPoint, SharePoint, Excel and contract lifecycle management tools.
Total Rewards
The salary range for this position is $85,000 - $156,000, and individuals may be eligible to participate in our bonus program. Deloitte is fair and competitive when it comes to the salaries of our people. We regularly benchmark across a variety of positions, industries, sectors, targets, and levels. Our approach is grounded on recognizing people's unique strengths and contributions and rewarding the value that they deliver. Our Total Rewards Package extends well beyond traditional compensation and benefit programs and is designed to recognize employee contributions, encourage personal wellness, and support firm growth. Along with a competitive base salary and variable pay opportunities, we offer a wide array of initiatives that differentiate us as a people-first organization. Some representative examples include: $4,000 per year for mental health support benefits, a $1,300 flexible benefit spending account, 38+ days off (including 10 firm-wide closures known as "Deloitte Days"), flexible work arrangements and a hybrid work structure.
Our promise to our people: Deloitte is where potential comes to life.
Be yourself, and more.
We are a group of talented people who want to learn, gain experience, and develop skills. Wherever you are in your career, we want you to advance.
You shape how we make impact.
Diverse perspectives and life experiences make us better. Whoever you are and wherever you’re from, we want you to feel like you belong here. We provide flexible working options to support you and how you can contribute.
Be the leader you want to be
Some guide teams, some change culture, some build essential expertise. We offer opportunities and experiences that support your continuing growth as a leader.
Have as many careers as you want.
We are uniquely able to offer you new challenges and roles – and prepare you for them. We bring together people with unique experiences and talents, and we are the place to develop a lasting network of friends, peers, and mentors. The next step is yours
At Deloitte, we are all about doing business inclusively – that starts with having diverse colleagues of all abilities. Deloitte encourages applications from all qualified candidates who represent the full diversity of communities across Canada. This includes, but is not limited to, people with disabilities, candidates from Indigenous communities, and candidates from the Black community in support of living our values, creating a culture of Diversity Equity and Inclusion and our commitment to our AccessAbility Action Plan, Reconciliation Action Plan and the BlackNorth Initiative.
We encourage you to connect with us at if you require an accommodation for the recruitment process (including alternate formats of materials, accessible meeting rooms or other accommodations) or for any questions relating to careers for Indigenous peoples at Deloitte (First Nations, Inuit, Métis).
By applying to this job you will be assessed against the Deloitte Global Talent Standards. We’ve designed these standards to provide our clients with a consistent and exceptional Deloitte experience globally.
Deloitte Canada has 20 offices with representation across most of the country. We acknowledge that Deloitte offices stand on traditional, treaty, and unceded territories in what is now known as Canada. We recognize that Indigenous Peoples have been the caretakers of this land since time immemorial, nurturing its resources and preserving its natural beauty. We acknowledge this land is still home to many First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Peoples, who continue to maintain their deep connection to the land and its sacred teachings. We humbly acknowledge that we are all Treaty people, and we commit to fostering a relationship of respect, collaboration, and stewardship with Indigenous communities in our shared goal of reconciliation and environmental sustainability.