Zurich Insurance Company Ltd
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Êtes-vous à la recherche d’un milieu de travail à dimension humaine, collaboratif et axé sur les valeurs avec des collègues et des dirigeants inspirants ? Avez-vous l’ambition et le désir d’être le meilleur et de vous épanouir chez l’assureur le plus influent au monde ? Ne cherchez pas plus loin.
Si vous avez de l’expérience en tant qu’avocat(e) spécialisé(e) en assurance et que vous êtes à la recherche d’un nouveau défi, nous aimerions avoir de vos nouvelles.
Zurich Canada actuellement à la recherche d’un avocat ou d’une avocate-conseil en souscription qui fournira directement un soutien juridique et de souscription. Le ou la titulaire de ce poste fera partie de l’équipe de droit de l’entreprise et relèvera de la première vice-présidente et avocate générale. Il ou elle fera partie intégrante du développement des produits nouveaux et existants de l’entreprise.
Il s’agit d’une occasion unique de développer vos connaissances et votre expérience pour l’avenir dans un environnement favorable où votre voix compte.
Il s’agit d’une occasion de travail hybride.
Ce que vous ferez
Fournir des conseils juridiques et réglementaires sur le développement de produits nouveaux et existants.
Travailler directement avec l’entreprise pour comprendre le libellé de la police et l’intention de la couverture et aider à la rédaction et à l’élaboration de la police.
Assurer la liaison avec les avocats et les avocats-conseils en couverture internes et externes pour comprendre les questions de couverture et suivre l’évolution de la jurisprudence afin de proposer à l’entreprise des recommandations sur le libellé des polices.
Fournir des perspectives proactives et des conseils juridiques en identifiant les occasions d’excellence technique, y compris en développant et en dispensant une formation ciblée aux employés.
Maintenir ses connaissances professionnelles et techniques en participant à des formations, en se tenant au courant des tendances du secteur, en établissant des réseaux personnels, en participant à des sociétés professionnelles et en conservant tous les permis nécessaires.
Qualifications professionnelles
Ce que vous offrez
LL.B./J.D. et membre en règle d’un barreau canadien.
Plus de 7 ans d’expérience juridique acquise au sein d’un cabinet d’avocats ou d’une équipe juridique interne.
Connaissance des lois et règlements fédéraux et provinciaux en matière d’assurance et expérience de la révision et de la rédaction de polices.
Excellentes aptitudes à la communication orale et écrite, avec la capacité de présenter les problèmes, les options et les recommandations à des publics techniques et non techniques.
Solides compétences interpersonnelles et capacité à travailler efficacement avec des personnes à tous les niveaux et dans tous les secteurs d’activité.
Être capable de travailler de manière autonome et en équipe
Capacité à gérer des missions multiples et à en établir l’ordre de priorité de manière indépendante.
Capacité à travailler dans un environnement en croissance et en constante évolution.
La maîtrise du français est considérée comme un atout.
Pour les candidats et les candidates du Québec
La maîtrise de l’anglais, tant à l’oral qu’à l’écrit, est requise pour faciliter la communication avec les parties intéressées internes et externes situées à l’extérieur du Québec.
Informations supplémentaires — Zurich s’engage à mettre en place un environnement inclusif, exempt d’obstacles et favorisant la diversité, afin d’offrir une organisation accessible aux employés, aux clients et aux autres parties qui interagissent avec la société ou en son nom. Nous nous efforçons de créer un milieu de travail exempt de discrimination de tout genre, y compris la discrimination fondée sur tout problème de santé ou sur toute incapacité physique ou mentale. Si une offre d’emploi vous intéresse et que vous avez besoin d’accommodement, veuillez nous en aviser afin que nous prenions des dispositions pour rendre le processus plus accessible.
Notre culture
Chez Zurich, nous sommes fiers de notre culture. Nous sommes passionnés par la diversité, l’inclusion, l’équité et l’appartenance (DIEA). Nous vous encourageons à vous montrer sous votre vrai jour au travail et nous voulons que nos employés soient le reflet des communautés dans lesquelles nous vivons et travaillons. Nos initiatives DIEA créent un environnement où chacun se sent bienvenu.
Notre culture favorise la collaboration et valorise la diversité de pensée. Nous apprécions votre contribution et nous nous efforçons de donner à nos employés les outils dont ils ont besoin pour avoir un impact.
Nous nous soucions du bien-être de nos employés et offrons un régime complet de soins de santé et d’avantages sociaux, avec différents niveaux de couverture pour répondre à vos besoins particuliers ainsi qu’une rémunération globale compétitive.
Nous comprenons l’importance de se reposer, de se ressourcer et de faire ce que l’on aime. Chez Zurich, tous les employés bénéficient d’un minimum de quatre semaines de vacances par an à cette fin.
Nous comprenons également que les employés ont besoin de s’absenter pour des raisons personnelles. Il peut s’agir d’un rendez-vous pendant votre journée de travail, d’une fête culturelle ou religieuse que vous souhaitez observer ou de temps libre pour vous concentrer sur votre santé mentale. Les employés de Zurich bénéficient de quatre jours de congé personnels par an qu’ils peuvent utiliser à leur gré.
Nous accordons une grande importance à l’amélioration continue et offrons l’accès à une vaste gamme d’occasions de formation et de perfectionnement.
Nous nous soucions de nos communautés, soit où nos clients, nos collaborateurs et nos actionnaires vivent et travaillent. Si nous pouvons être fiers de la contribution que Zurich apporte à la société par le biais de nos activités principales d’assurance, nous devons également redonner à la communauté par le biais de notre talent, de notre temps et de nos ressources.
Nous avons remporté de nombreux prix pour notre culture d’entreprise. Nous sommes fiers d’être l’un des meilleurs employeurs du Grand Toronto et d’avoir obtenu le prix 5 étoiles de Diversité, équité et inclusion d’Insurance Business Canada.
Faites bouger les choses. Relevez le défi. Soyez inspiré. Soyez soutenu. Aimez ce que vous faites. Travaillez pour nous.
À propos de nous
Zurich Canada fait partie de Zurich Insurance Group, un assureur multisectoriel de premier plan comptant près de 55 000 employés à l’échelle mondiale qui servent ses clients sur les marchés internationaux et locaux. Depuis 100 ans, Zurich Canada est un assureur important au service de moyennes et grandes entreprises, dont des sociétés multinationales, dans le marché commercial canadien. Avec plus de 500 employés dans des bureaux partout au pays, Zurich offre la force mondiale d’un fournisseur d’assurance de premier plan, combinée à une connaissance approfondie des industries et des marchés locaux. Zurich Canada aspire à être le premier choix des spécialistes de la gestion des risques en tant que partenaire de premier plan pour les aider à relever les défis d’aujourd’hui et de demain en matière de risques. Pour de plus amples renseignements, consultez www.zurichcanada.com.
Corporate Legal – Regulatory, Governance and Company Secretariat
Support the development by management of open and transparent relationships with insurance regulators consistent with the organization values and compliant with the spirit and the letter of the law.
Guide and advise the organization on developing and maintaining an adequate and transparent corporate governance system of principles, policies, procedures, and clearly defined responsibilities and accountabilities to ensure they are in line with applicable laws and regulations and enable effective and timely decision making.
Actively monitor and report on legal trends and laws allowing for timely anticipation of new requirements and their potential impact on the organization as well as the preparation of appropriate responses. Ensure alignment with Compliance to prevent activity overlaps.
Corporate Legal – Corporate Transactions
Apply legal function strategy for structuring, negotiating and resolving local legal issues of corporate transactions to enable the transaction while protecting Zurich’s assets.
In collaboration with the Mergers & Acquisitions legal team provide legal advice to address and manage local legal issues and regulatory requirements in relation to a proposed corporate transaction.
Commercial Legal - Insurance
Guide the business in relation to insurance laws and regulation along the business value chain, from licensing, product development through to re-insurance, hereby supporting the business to achieve its strategic and commercial goals
Stakeholder Management
Keep abreast of industry developments and actively monitor legal trends, so as to anticipate the business impact of regulatory changes, prepare appropriate responses and support the business in defining actions as seen fit.
Identify and interact with internal stakeholders to further the comprehension of the functional mandates and ensure functional involvement in matters of relevance.
Project Management
In conjunction with line manager, contribute towards the organization and delivery of functional projects within the defined scope and time frame and in accordance with agreed cost and quality targets to deliver the define project value add.
Participate in project steering committees/working groups for projects with no dedicated legal sub project, ensuring that legal requirements and considerations are taken into account.
A future with Zurich
Now is the time to move forward and make a difference. At Zurich, we want you to share your unique perspectives, experiences and ideas so we can grow and drive sustainable change together. As part of a leading global organization, Zurich North America has over 148 years of experience managing risk and supporting resilience. We are a leading provider of commercial property-casualty insurance solutions and a wide range of risk management products and services for businesses and individuals. Today, we serve more than 25 industries, from agriculture to technology and insure 90% of the Fortune 500®. Our growth strategy is not limited to our business. As an employer, Zurich strives to provide ongoing career development opportunities and foster an environment where voices are diverse, behaviors are inclusive, actions drive equity, and our people feel a sense of belonging. Be a part of the next evolution of the insurance industry. Join us in building a brighter future for our people, our customers and the communities we serve.
As a global company, Zurich recognizes the diversity of our workforce as an asset. We recruit talented people from a variety of backgrounds with unique perspectives that are truly welcome here. Taken together, diversity and inclusion bring us closer to our common goal: exceeding our customers’ expectations. Zurich is committed to providing a diverse, inclusive and barrier-free environment resulting in an accessible organization for employees, customers, and other parties who interact with, or on behalf of, Zurich. We strive to achieve a workplace free of discrimination of all forms, including discrimination on the basis of physical or mental disability, or medical condition. If you are interested in a job opportunity, please advise if you require an accommodation, so we can work with you to provide a more accessible process.
Zurich does not accept unsolicited resumes from search firms or employment agencies. Any unsolicited resume will become the property of Zurich Canadian Holdings Limited. If you are a preferred vendor, please use our Recruiting Agency Portal for resume submission.
Only applicable for Canada: For Zurich Canada's commitment to diversity and accessibility please click here. If you would prefer to not receive future electronic messages from Zurich Insurance Company Ltd's recruitment management system, please email your request to have your job profile deleted from the system by clicking here. Zurich Insurance Company Ltd 100 King St., W., Suite 5500, Toronto, ON, M5X 1C9. www.zurichcanada.com
Êtes-vous à la recherche d’un milieu de travail à dimension humaine, collaboratif et axé sur les valeurs avec des collègues et des dirigeants inspirants ? Avez-vous l’ambition et le désir d’être le meilleur et de vous épanouir chez l’assureur le plus influent au monde ? Ne cherchez pas plus loin.
Si vous avez de l’expérience en tant qu’avocat(e) spécialisé(e) en assurance et que vous êtes à la recherche d’un nouveau défi, nous aimerions avoir de vos nouvelles.
Zurich Canada actuellement à la recherche d’un avocat ou d’une avocate-conseil en souscription qui fournira directement un soutien juridique et de souscription. Le ou la titulaire de ce poste fera partie de l’équipe de droit de l’entreprise et relèvera de la première vice-présidente et avocate générale. Il ou elle fera partie intégrante du développement des produits nouveaux et existants de l’entreprise.
Il s’agit d’une occasion unique de développer vos connaissances et votre expérience pour l’avenir dans un environnement favorable où votre voix compte.
Il s’agit d’une occasion de travail hybride.
Ce que vous ferez
Fournir des conseils juridiques et réglementaires sur le développement de produits nouveaux et existants.
Travailler directement avec l’entreprise pour comprendre le libellé de la police et l’intention de la couverture et aider à la rédaction et à l’élaboration de la police.
Assurer la liaison avec les avocats et les avocats-conseils en couverture internes et externes pour comprendre les questions de couverture et suivre l’évolution de la jurisprudence afin de proposer à l’entreprise des recommandations sur le libellé des polices.
Fournir des perspectives proactives et des conseils juridiques en identifiant les occasions d’excellence technique, y compris en développant et en dispensant une formation ciblée aux employés.
Maintenir ses connaissances professionnelles et techniques en participant à des formations, en se tenant au courant des tendances du secteur, en établissant des réseaux personnels, en participant à des sociétés professionnelles et en conservant tous les permis nécessaires.
Qualifications professionnelles
Ce que vous offrez
LL.B./J.D. et membre en règle d’un barreau canadien.
Plus de 7 ans d’expérience juridique acquise au sein d’un cabinet d’avocats ou d’une équipe juridique interne.
Connaissance des lois et règlements fédéraux et provinciaux en matière d’assurance et expérience de la révision et de la rédaction de polices.
Excellentes aptitudes à la communication orale et écrite, avec la capacité de présenter les problèmes, les options et les recommandations à des publics techniques et non techniques.
Solides compétences interpersonnelles et capacité à travailler efficacement avec des personnes à tous les niveaux et dans tous les secteurs d’activité.
Être capable de travailler de manière autonome et en équipe
Capacité à gérer des missions multiples et à en établir l’ordre de priorité de manière indépendante.
Capacité à travailler dans un environnement en croissance et en constante évolution.
La maîtrise du français est considérée comme un atout.
Pour les candidats et les candidates du Québec
La maîtrise de l’anglais, tant à l’oral qu’à l’écrit, est requise pour faciliter la communication avec les parties intéressées internes et externes situées à l’extérieur du Québec.
Informations supplémentaires — Zurich s’engage à mettre en place un environnement inclusif, exempt d’obstacles et favorisant la diversité, afin d’offrir une organisation accessible aux employés, aux clients et aux autres parties qui interagissent avec la société ou en son nom. Nous nous efforçons de créer un milieu de travail exempt de discrimination de tout genre, y compris la discrimination fondée sur tout problème de santé ou sur toute incapacité physique ou mentale. Si une offre d’emploi vous intéresse et que vous avez besoin d’accommodement, veuillez nous en aviser afin que nous prenions des dispositions pour rendre le processus plus accessible.
Notre culture
Chez Zurich, nous sommes fiers de notre culture. Nous sommes passionnés par la diversité, l’inclusion, l’équité et l’appartenance (DIEA). Nous vous encourageons à vous montrer sous votre vrai jour au travail et nous voulons que nos employés soient le reflet des communautés dans lesquelles nous vivons et travaillons. Nos initiatives DIEA créent un environnement où chacun se sent bienvenu.
Notre culture favorise la collaboration et valorise la diversité de pensée. Nous apprécions votre contribution et nous nous efforçons de donner à nos employés les outils dont ils ont besoin pour avoir un impact.
Nous nous soucions du bien-être de nos employés et offrons un régime complet de soins de santé et d’avantages sociaux, avec différents niveaux de couverture pour répondre à vos besoins particuliers ainsi qu’une rémunération globale compétitive.
Nous comprenons l’importance de se reposer, de se ressourcer et de faire ce que l’on aime. Chez Zurich, tous les employés bénéficient d’un minimum de quatre semaines de vacances par an à cette fin.
Nous comprenons également que les employés ont besoin de s’absenter pour des raisons personnelles. Il peut s’agir d’un rendez-vous pendant votre journée de travail, d’une fête culturelle ou religieuse que vous souhaitez observer ou de temps libre pour vous concentrer sur votre santé mentale. Les employés de Zurich bénéficient de quatre jours de congé personnels par an qu’ils peuvent utiliser à leur gré.
Nous accordons une grande importance à l’amélioration continue et offrons l’accès à une vaste gamme d’occasions de formation et de perfectionnement.
Nous nous soucions de nos communautés, soit où nos clients, nos collaborateurs et nos actionnaires vivent et travaillent. Si nous pouvons être fiers de la contribution que Zurich apporte à la société par le biais de nos activités principales d’assurance, nous devons également redonner à la communauté par le biais de notre talent, de notre temps et de nos ressources.
Nous avons remporté de nombreux prix pour notre culture d’entreprise. Nous sommes fiers d’être l’un des meilleurs employeurs du Grand Toronto et d’avoir obtenu le prix 5 étoiles de Diversité, équité et inclusion d’Insurance Business Canada.
Faites bouger les choses. Relevez le défi. Soyez inspiré. Soyez soutenu. Aimez ce que vous faites. Travaillez pour nous.
À propos de nous
Zurich Canada fait partie de Zurich Insurance Group, un assureur multisectoriel de premier plan comptant près de 55 000 employés à l’échelle mondiale qui servent ses clients sur les marchés internationaux et locaux. Depuis 100 ans, Zurich Canada est un assureur important au service de moyennes et grandes entreprises, dont des sociétés multinationales, dans le marché commercial canadien. Avec plus de 500 employés dans des bureaux partout au pays, Zurich offre la force mondiale d’un fournisseur d’assurance de premier plan, combinée à une connaissance approfondie des industries et des marchés locaux. Zurich Canada aspire à être le premier choix des spécialistes de la gestion des risques en tant que partenaire de premier plan pour les aider à relever les défis d’aujourd’hui et de demain en matière de risques. Pour de plus amples renseignements, consultez www.zurichcanada.com.
Corporate Legal – Regulatory, Governance and Company Secretariat
Support the development by management of open and transparent relationships with insurance regulators consistent with the organization values and compliant with the spirit and the letter of the law.
Guide and advise the organization on developing and maintaining an adequate and transparent corporate governance system of principles, policies, procedures, and clearly defined responsibilities and accountabilities to ensure they are in line with applicable laws and regulations and enable effective and timely decision making.
Actively monitor and report on legal trends and laws allowing for timely anticipation of new requirements and their potential impact on the organization as well as the preparation of appropriate responses. Ensure alignment with Compliance to prevent activity overlaps.
Corporate Legal – Corporate Transactions
Apply legal function strategy for structuring, negotiating and resolving local legal issues of corporate transactions to enable the transaction while protecting Zurich’s assets.
In collaboration with the Mergers & Acquisitions legal team provide legal advice to address and manage local legal issues and regulatory requirements in relation to a proposed corporate transaction.
Commercial Legal - Insurance
Guide the business in relation to insurance laws and regulation along the business value chain, from licensing, product development through to re-insurance, hereby supporting the business to achieve its strategic and commercial goals
Stakeholder Management
Keep abreast of industry developments and actively monitor legal trends, so as to anticipate the business impact of regulatory changes, prepare appropriate responses and support the business in defining actions as seen fit.
Identify and interact with internal stakeholders to further the comprehension of the functional mandates and ensure functional involvement in matters of relevance.
Project Management
In conjunction with line manager, contribute towards the organization and delivery of functional projects within the defined scope and time frame and in accordance with agreed cost and quality targets to deliver the define project value add.
Participate in project steering committees/working groups for projects with no dedicated legal sub project, ensuring that legal requirements and considerations are taken into account.
A future with Zurich
Now is the time to move forward and make a difference. At Zurich, we want you to share your unique perspectives, experiences and ideas so we can grow and drive sustainable change together. As part of a leading global organization, Zurich North America has over 148 years of experience managing risk and supporting resilience. We are a leading provider of commercial property-casualty insurance solutions and a wide range of risk management products and services for businesses and individuals. Today, we serve more than 25 industries, from agriculture to technology and insure 90% of the Fortune 500®. Our growth strategy is not limited to our business. As an employer, Zurich strives to provide ongoing career development opportunities and foster an environment where voices are diverse, behaviors are inclusive, actions drive equity, and our people feel a sense of belonging. Be a part of the next evolution of the insurance industry. Join us in building a brighter future for our people, our customers and the communities we serve.
As a global company, Zurich recognizes the diversity of our workforce as an asset. We recruit talented people from a variety of backgrounds with unique perspectives that are truly welcome here. Taken together, diversity and inclusion bring us closer to our common goal: exceeding our customers’ expectations. Zurich is committed to providing a diverse, inclusive and barrier-free environment resulting in an accessible organization for employees, customers, and other parties who interact with, or on behalf of, Zurich. We strive to achieve a workplace free of discrimination of all forms, including discrimination on the basis of physical or mental disability, or medical condition. If you are interested in a job opportunity, please advise if you require an accommodation, so we can work with you to provide a more accessible process.
Zurich does not accept unsolicited resumes from search firms or employment agencies. Any unsolicited resume will become the property of Zurich Canadian Holdings Limited. If you are a preferred vendor, please use our Recruiting Agency Portal for resume submission.
Only applicable for Canada: For Zurich Canada's commitment to diversity and accessibility please click here. If you would prefer to not receive future electronic messages from Zurich Insurance Company Ltd's recruitment management system, please email your request to have your job profile deleted from the system by clicking here. Zurich Insurance Company Ltd 100 King St., W., Suite 5500, Toronto, ON, M5X 1C9. www.zurichcanada.com
Zurich Insurance Company Ltd
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
The Opportunity
What you will do
Work towards timely resolution of unique coverage issues and potential litigation by developing, preparing and implementing coverage and/or extra-contractual litigation strategies for medium to high complexity assignments requiring specialized expertise.
Manage and oversee all aspects of coverage litigation matters by assigning cases to outside counsel, partnering to establish litigation strategies and budget; coordinating activities; overseeing progress; negotiating settlement in accordance with granted authority; reviewing litigation expenses, authorizing payments and evaluating outside counsel performance with a high level of discretion.
Resolves technical coverage issues within claims or underwriting units by providing legal advice and counsel.
Resolves technical coverage issues and provides legal counsel and training to claims professionals and underwriters on coverage issues, product development, product refresh, policy language and specials endorsements to address coverage matters.
Ensure legal compliance by following regional, country and/or local laws and regulations and internal control requirements.
Provide proactive insights and legal guidance by identifying opportunities for technical excellence, developing and delivering targeted training to the organization.
May serve as a technical resource by mentoring others and sharing technical knowledge related to specific Line of business expertise.
Protect Zurich’s reputation by keeping claims information confidential.
Maintain professional and technical knowledge by participating in educational opportunities, staying current with industry trends, establishing personal networks, participating in professional societies and maintaining all necessary licenses.
Contribute to the team effort by accomplishing related results and participating on projects as needed.
Job Qualifications - What you bring to the table
Juris Doctor / LL.B., and / or LL.C. and 6 or more years of experience in insurance coverage and / or defense;
Member in good standing of a Canadian provincial bar association;
Experience in insurance industry claims or underwriting
Experience with Microsoft Office, Lexis or Westlaw
Strong organizational and time management skills
Negotiation skills
Advanced knowledge of the insurance industry, claims and the insurance legal and regulatory environment
Analytical skills
Excellent oral and written communication skills
Ability to multi-task and adapt to a changing environment
Experience in a work environment that required collaboration across work groups
Ability to effectively present information to LOB manager, claimants and customers
Must be fluent in French, as well as English
Compensation for roles at Zurich varies depending on a wide array of factors including but not limited to the specific office location, role, skill set, and level of experience. The salary range provided is a nationwide market range and has not been adjusted for the applicable geographic differential associated with the location where the position may be filled. As required by local law, Zurich provides in good faith a reasonable range of compensation for roles. Compensation may exceed the range listed based on the evaluation of skillset and experience. The starting salary range for this position is $117,200 - $191,900.
For Quebec candidates: Fluency in both spoken and written English is required to facilitate communication with internal and external stakeholders outside Quebec. Civil Law Degree would be an asset
Our Culture
At Zurich, we are proud of our culture. We are passionate about Diversity, Inclusion, Equity and Belonging (DIEB). We want you to bring your whole self to work, and we want our employees to be reflective of the communities in which we live and work. Our DIEB initiatives are creating an environment where everyone feels welcome.
We have a collaborative culture where diversity of thought is valued. We value your input and strive to give our employees the tools they need to make an impact.
We care about our employees’ well-being and offer a comprehensive health/benefits plan with varying levels of coverage to suit your specific needs and a competitive total compensation package.
We understand how important it is to rest, recharge and do the things you love. At Zurich, all employees receive a minimum of four weeks of vacation per year to do just that.
We also understand that employees require time off for personal reasons. Maybe you have an appointment during a workday, a cultural or religious holiday you would like to observe, or you need time off to focus on your mental health. Zurich employees receive four personal days per year to be used at their discretion.
We are committed to continuous improvement, and offer access to a comprehensive range of training and development opportunities.
We care about our communities. Our communities are where our customers, people, and shareholders live and work. While we can be proud of the contribution to society Zurich makes through our core business of insurance, we must also give back to our communities through our talent, time and resources.
We have won numerous awards for our workplace culture. We are proud to be one of Greater Toronto’s Top Employers and to have received Insurance Business Canada’s 5-Star Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Award.
Make a difference. Be challenged. Be inspired. Be supported. Love what you do. Work for us.
About Us
Zurich Canada is part of the Zurich Insurance Group, a multi-line insurer with approximately 55,000 employees worldwide serving customers in global and local markets. Zurich Canada has been a leading insurance provider serving mid-sized and large companies, including multinational corporations, in the Canadian commercial market for 100 years. With over 500 employees in offices across the country, Zurich offers the global strength of a top insurance provider combined with in-depth knowledge of industries and local markets. Zurich Canada aspires to be risk management professionals’ first choice as their premier partner to help meet the risk challenges of today and tomorrow. Read more at www.zurichcanada.com.
A future with Zurich
Now is the time to move forward and make a difference. At Zurich, we want you to share your unique perspectives, experiences and ideas so we can grow and drive sustainable change together. As part of a leading global organization, Zurich North America has over 148 years of experience managing risk and supporting resilience. We are a leading provider of commercial property-casualty insurance solutions and a wide range of risk management products and services for businesses and individuals. Today, we serve more than 25 industries, from agriculture to technology and insure 90% of the Fortune 500®. Our growth strategy is not limited to our business. As an employer, Zurich strives to provide ongoing career development opportunities and foster an environment where voices are diverse, behaviors are inclusive, actions drive equity, and our people feel a sense of belonging. Be a part of the next evolution of the insurance industry. Join us in building a brighter future for our people, our customers and the communities we serve.
As a global company, Zurich recognizes the diversity of our workforce as an asset. We recruit talented people from a variety of backgrounds with unique perspectives that are truly welcome here. Taken together, diversity and inclusion bring us closer to our common goal: exceeding our customers’ expectations. Zurich is committed to providing a diverse, inclusive and barrier-free environment resulting in an accessible organization for employees, customers, and other parties who interact with, or on behalf of, Zurich. We strive to achieve a workplace free of discrimination of all forms, including discrimination on the basis of physical or mental disability, or medical condition. If you are interested in a job opportunity, please advise if you require an accommodation, so we can work with you to provide a more accessible process.
Zurich does not accept unsolicited resumes from search firms or employment agencies. Any unsolicited resume will become the property of Zurich Canadian Holdings Limited. If you are a preferred vendor, please use our Recruiting Agency Portal for resume submission.
Only applicable for Canada: For Zurich Canada's commitment to diversity and accessibility please click here. If you would prefer to not receive future electronic messages from Zurich Insurance Company Ltd's recruitment management system, please email your request to have your job profile deleted from the system by clicking here. Zurich Insurance Company Ltd 100 King St., W., Suite 5500, Toronto, ON, M5X 1C9. www.zurichcanada.com
The Opportunity
What you will do
Work towards timely resolution of unique coverage issues and potential litigation by developing, preparing and implementing coverage and/or extra-contractual litigation strategies for medium to high complexity assignments requiring specialized expertise.
Manage and oversee all aspects of coverage litigation matters by assigning cases to outside counsel, partnering to establish litigation strategies and budget; coordinating activities; overseeing progress; negotiating settlement in accordance with granted authority; reviewing litigation expenses, authorizing payments and evaluating outside counsel performance with a high level of discretion.
Resolves technical coverage issues within claims or underwriting units by providing legal advice and counsel.
Resolves technical coverage issues and provides legal counsel and training to claims professionals and underwriters on coverage issues, product development, product refresh, policy language and specials endorsements to address coverage matters.
Ensure legal compliance by following regional, country and/or local laws and regulations and internal control requirements.
Provide proactive insights and legal guidance by identifying opportunities for technical excellence, developing and delivering targeted training to the organization.
May serve as a technical resource by mentoring others and sharing technical knowledge related to specific Line of business expertise.
Protect Zurich’s reputation by keeping claims information confidential.
Maintain professional and technical knowledge by participating in educational opportunities, staying current with industry trends, establishing personal networks, participating in professional societies and maintaining all necessary licenses.
Contribute to the team effort by accomplishing related results and participating on projects as needed.
Job Qualifications - What you bring to the table
Juris Doctor / LL.B., and / or LL.C. and 6 or more years of experience in insurance coverage and / or defense;
Member in good standing of a Canadian provincial bar association;
Experience in insurance industry claims or underwriting
Experience with Microsoft Office, Lexis or Westlaw
Strong organizational and time management skills
Negotiation skills
Advanced knowledge of the insurance industry, claims and the insurance legal and regulatory environment
Analytical skills
Excellent oral and written communication skills
Ability to multi-task and adapt to a changing environment
Experience in a work environment that required collaboration across work groups
Ability to effectively present information to LOB manager, claimants and customers
Must be fluent in French, as well as English
Compensation for roles at Zurich varies depending on a wide array of factors including but not limited to the specific office location, role, skill set, and level of experience. The salary range provided is a nationwide market range and has not been adjusted for the applicable geographic differential associated with the location where the position may be filled. As required by local law, Zurich provides in good faith a reasonable range of compensation for roles. Compensation may exceed the range listed based on the evaluation of skillset and experience. The starting salary range for this position is $117,200 - $191,900.
For Quebec candidates: Fluency in both spoken and written English is required to facilitate communication with internal and external stakeholders outside Quebec. Civil Law Degree would be an asset
Our Culture
At Zurich, we are proud of our culture. We are passionate about Diversity, Inclusion, Equity and Belonging (DIEB). We want you to bring your whole self to work, and we want our employees to be reflective of the communities in which we live and work. Our DIEB initiatives are creating an environment where everyone feels welcome.
We have a collaborative culture where diversity of thought is valued. We value your input and strive to give our employees the tools they need to make an impact.
We care about our employees’ well-being and offer a comprehensive health/benefits plan with varying levels of coverage to suit your specific needs and a competitive total compensation package.
We understand how important it is to rest, recharge and do the things you love. At Zurich, all employees receive a minimum of four weeks of vacation per year to do just that.
We also understand that employees require time off for personal reasons. Maybe you have an appointment during a workday, a cultural or religious holiday you would like to observe, or you need time off to focus on your mental health. Zurich employees receive four personal days per year to be used at their discretion.
We are committed to continuous improvement, and offer access to a comprehensive range of training and development opportunities.
We care about our communities. Our communities are where our customers, people, and shareholders live and work. While we can be proud of the contribution to society Zurich makes through our core business of insurance, we must also give back to our communities through our talent, time and resources.
We have won numerous awards for our workplace culture. We are proud to be one of Greater Toronto’s Top Employers and to have received Insurance Business Canada’s 5-Star Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Award.
Make a difference. Be challenged. Be inspired. Be supported. Love what you do. Work for us.
About Us
Zurich Canada is part of the Zurich Insurance Group, a multi-line insurer with approximately 55,000 employees worldwide serving customers in global and local markets. Zurich Canada has been a leading insurance provider serving mid-sized and large companies, including multinational corporations, in the Canadian commercial market for 100 years. With over 500 employees in offices across the country, Zurich offers the global strength of a top insurance provider combined with in-depth knowledge of industries and local markets. Zurich Canada aspires to be risk management professionals’ first choice as their premier partner to help meet the risk challenges of today and tomorrow. Read more at www.zurichcanada.com.
A future with Zurich
Now is the time to move forward and make a difference. At Zurich, we want you to share your unique perspectives, experiences and ideas so we can grow and drive sustainable change together. As part of a leading global organization, Zurich North America has over 148 years of experience managing risk and supporting resilience. We are a leading provider of commercial property-casualty insurance solutions and a wide range of risk management products and services for businesses and individuals. Today, we serve more than 25 industries, from agriculture to technology and insure 90% of the Fortune 500®. Our growth strategy is not limited to our business. As an employer, Zurich strives to provide ongoing career development opportunities and foster an environment where voices are diverse, behaviors are inclusive, actions drive equity, and our people feel a sense of belonging. Be a part of the next evolution of the insurance industry. Join us in building a brighter future for our people, our customers and the communities we serve.
As a global company, Zurich recognizes the diversity of our workforce as an asset. We recruit talented people from a variety of backgrounds with unique perspectives that are truly welcome here. Taken together, diversity and inclusion bring us closer to our common goal: exceeding our customers’ expectations. Zurich is committed to providing a diverse, inclusive and barrier-free environment resulting in an accessible organization for employees, customers, and other parties who interact with, or on behalf of, Zurich. We strive to achieve a workplace free of discrimination of all forms, including discrimination on the basis of physical or mental disability, or medical condition. If you are interested in a job opportunity, please advise if you require an accommodation, so we can work with you to provide a more accessible process.
Zurich does not accept unsolicited resumes from search firms or employment agencies. Any unsolicited resume will become the property of Zurich Canadian Holdings Limited. If you are a preferred vendor, please use our Recruiting Agency Portal for resume submission.
Only applicable for Canada: For Zurich Canada's commitment to diversity and accessibility please click here. If you would prefer to not receive future electronic messages from Zurich Insurance Company Ltd's recruitment management system, please email your request to have your job profile deleted from the system by clicking here. Zurich Insurance Company Ltd 100 King St., W., Suite 5500, Toronto, ON, M5X 1C9. www.zurichcanada.com