Conseiller / Conseillère parlementaire
Direction : Bureau du légiste et conseiller parlementaire
Classification : SLA 2A: 127 825 $ - 202 339 $
Type d’emploi : Nomination pour une durée déterminée (6 mois et +)
Lieu de travail : Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Date de clôture : lundi 9 decembre 2024
À propos du Sénat
Le Sénat joue un rôle unique dans le façonnement de la démocratie canadienne. En tant que membres de la Chambre haute du Parlement, les sénateurs étudient des projets de loi, examinent des politiques d’intérêt public, défendent des causes et participent à la diplomatie interparlementaire. Le Sénat est un lieu de travail formé de gens dynamiques qui représentent la diversité des talents, des parcours et des perspectives au Canada. Nous nous engageons à créer et à maintenir un lieu de travail diversifié et inclusif où chacun a le plein accès à l’égalité en emploi, au perfectionnement et à l’avancement. Faites progresser votre carrière en vous joignant à une équipe de professionnels dévoués qui ont à cœur l’excellence des services offerts aux sénateurs et à l’institution.
Votre contribution
En tant que conseiller parlementaire, vous aiderez le légiste et conseiller parlementaire du Sénat du Canada à fournir des services juridiques au Sénat, à ses comités, aux sénateurs et à l’Administration du Sénat. Votre travail contribuera à un large éventail de projets consistant à conseiller des intervenants en matière de droit, de procédures, de pratiques et d’usages du Parlement, et au sujet des privilèges, des immunités et des pouvoirs dont jouissent le Sénat et les sénateurs.
Ce processus de sélection est ouvert au grand public pour doter un (1) poste de durée déterminée pour une période de douze (12) mois au sein du Bureau du légiste et conseiller parlementaire.
Il pourrait être utilisé pour pourvoir d’autres postes à durée déterminée ou indéterminée de même niveau et comportant des exigences similaires.
Le Sénat du Canada est déterminé à mettre en place une main-d’œuvre qualifiée, reflétant la diversité des Canadiens que nous servons, en commençant par un processus d'embauche inclusif et sans obstacle. Vous pouvez présenter votre candidature dans la langue officielle de votre choix (anglais ou français) et demander des mesures d’adaptation à n'importe quelle étape du processus d'évaluation. Toutes les informations reçues à ce sujet resteront confidentielles. Nous encourageons l'équité en matière d'emploi et vous encourageons à indiquer si vous appartenez à l'un des groupes désignés lorsque vous posez votre candidature.
Conditions préalables
Diplôme en droit d’une université reconnue;
Statut de membre en règle du barreau d’une province ou d’un territoire du Canada ou de la Chambre des notaires du Québec;
Minimum de cinq (5) années d’expérience récente* dans la rédaction de textes législatifs ou la prestation de services consultatifs dans au moins deux des domaines suivants : droit constitutionnel, droit administratif, droit parlementaire, droit du travail et de l’emploi, droit des contrats et des marchés publics, ou autres domaines du droit public;
Connaissance du rôle et du mandat du Sénat du Canada ainsi que du rôle du Bureau du légiste et conseiller parlementaire;
Connaissance approfondie du droit canadien et de ses théories, principes et concepts, et capacité de fournir des conseils juridiques et politiques stratégiques sur des questions diverses : emploi et travail, contrats et marchés publics, accès à l’information et protection de la vie privée, droits d’auteur, et autres questions juridiques;
Capacité de rédiger des avis juridiques et d’autres documents de nature juridique, dont des projets de loi et des amendements à des projets de loi;
Capacité d’effectuer des recherches juridiques, d’analyser des informations factuelles disparates et complexes, et d’interpréter la jurisprudence et les lois.
Par « expérience récente », on entend une expérience acquise au cours des sept (7) dernières années.
Exigences linguistiques
Compréhension de l’anglais écrit : C
Expression de l’anglais à l’écrit : C
Intéraction orale en anglais : C
Compréhension du français écrit : C
Expression du français à l’écrit : C
French Oral Interaction: C
Intégrité Respect Service Gestion par l'action Communication Jugement Capacité d'adaptation Travail d'équipe et esprit de collaboration
Besoins organisationnels
Le Sénat du Canada est résolu à créer et à maintenir un milieu de travail inclusif où tout le personnel a un accès complet et équitable à l’emploi, au perfectionnement professionnel et à l’avancement.
Conditions d’emploi
Les candidats doivent consentir à fournir des informations personnelles et obtenir une accréditation de sécurité pour être admissibles à une nomination.
Dec 16, 2024
Conseiller / Conseillère parlementaire
Direction : Bureau du légiste et conseiller parlementaire
Classification : SLA 2A: 127 825 $ - 202 339 $
Type d’emploi : Nomination pour une durée déterminée (6 mois et +)
Lieu de travail : Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Date de clôture : lundi 9 decembre 2024
À propos du Sénat
Le Sénat joue un rôle unique dans le façonnement de la démocratie canadienne. En tant que membres de la Chambre haute du Parlement, les sénateurs étudient des projets de loi, examinent des politiques d’intérêt public, défendent des causes et participent à la diplomatie interparlementaire. Le Sénat est un lieu de travail formé de gens dynamiques qui représentent la diversité des talents, des parcours et des perspectives au Canada. Nous nous engageons à créer et à maintenir un lieu de travail diversifié et inclusif où chacun a le plein accès à l’égalité en emploi, au perfectionnement et à l’avancement. Faites progresser votre carrière en vous joignant à une équipe de professionnels dévoués qui ont à cœur l’excellence des services offerts aux sénateurs et à l’institution.
Votre contribution
En tant que conseiller parlementaire, vous aiderez le légiste et conseiller parlementaire du Sénat du Canada à fournir des services juridiques au Sénat, à ses comités, aux sénateurs et à l’Administration du Sénat. Votre travail contribuera à un large éventail de projets consistant à conseiller des intervenants en matière de droit, de procédures, de pratiques et d’usages du Parlement, et au sujet des privilèges, des immunités et des pouvoirs dont jouissent le Sénat et les sénateurs.
Ce processus de sélection est ouvert au grand public pour doter un (1) poste de durée déterminée pour une période de douze (12) mois au sein du Bureau du légiste et conseiller parlementaire.
Il pourrait être utilisé pour pourvoir d’autres postes à durée déterminée ou indéterminée de même niveau et comportant des exigences similaires.
Le Sénat du Canada est déterminé à mettre en place une main-d’œuvre qualifiée, reflétant la diversité des Canadiens que nous servons, en commençant par un processus d'embauche inclusif et sans obstacle. Vous pouvez présenter votre candidature dans la langue officielle de votre choix (anglais ou français) et demander des mesures d’adaptation à n'importe quelle étape du processus d'évaluation. Toutes les informations reçues à ce sujet resteront confidentielles. Nous encourageons l'équité en matière d'emploi et vous encourageons à indiquer si vous appartenez à l'un des groupes désignés lorsque vous posez votre candidature.
Conditions préalables
Diplôme en droit d’une université reconnue;
Statut de membre en règle du barreau d’une province ou d’un territoire du Canada ou de la Chambre des notaires du Québec;
Minimum de cinq (5) années d’expérience récente* dans la rédaction de textes législatifs ou la prestation de services consultatifs dans au moins deux des domaines suivants : droit constitutionnel, droit administratif, droit parlementaire, droit du travail et de l’emploi, droit des contrats et des marchés publics, ou autres domaines du droit public;
Connaissance du rôle et du mandat du Sénat du Canada ainsi que du rôle du Bureau du légiste et conseiller parlementaire;
Connaissance approfondie du droit canadien et de ses théories, principes et concepts, et capacité de fournir des conseils juridiques et politiques stratégiques sur des questions diverses : emploi et travail, contrats et marchés publics, accès à l’information et protection de la vie privée, droits d’auteur, et autres questions juridiques;
Capacité de rédiger des avis juridiques et d’autres documents de nature juridique, dont des projets de loi et des amendements à des projets de loi;
Capacité d’effectuer des recherches juridiques, d’analyser des informations factuelles disparates et complexes, et d’interpréter la jurisprudence et les lois.
Par « expérience récente », on entend une expérience acquise au cours des sept (7) dernières années.
Exigences linguistiques
Compréhension de l’anglais écrit : C
Expression de l’anglais à l’écrit : C
Intéraction orale en anglais : C
Compréhension du français écrit : C
Expression du français à l’écrit : C
French Oral Interaction: C
Intégrité Respect Service Gestion par l'action Communication Jugement Capacité d'adaptation Travail d'équipe et esprit de collaboration
Besoins organisationnels
Le Sénat du Canada est résolu à créer et à maintenir un milieu de travail inclusif où tout le personnel a un accès complet et équitable à l’emploi, au perfectionnement professionnel et à l’avancement.
Conditions d’emploi
Les candidats doivent consentir à fournir des informations personnelles et obtenir une accréditation de sécurité pour être admissibles à une nomination.
Légiste et conseiller parlementaire
Direction : Bureau du légiste et conseiller parlementaire
Classification : SLA 3B: 205 986 $ - 246 584 $
Type d’emploi : Nomination pour une durée indéterminée (permanent, à temps plein)
Lieu de travail : Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Date de clôture : vendredi 10 janvier 2025
À propos du Sénat
Le Sénat joue un rôle unique dans le façonnement de la démocratie canadienne. En tant que membres de la Chambre haute du Parlement, les sénateurs étudient des projets de loi, examinent des politiques d’intérêt public, défendent des causes et participent à la diplomatie interparlementaire. Le Sénat est un lieu de travail formé de gens dynamiques qui représentent la diversité des talents, des parcours et des perspectives au Canada. Nous nous engageons à créer et à maintenir un lieu de travail diversifié et inclusif où chacun a le plein accès à l’égalité en emploi, au perfectionnement et à l’avancement. Vous serez un cadre supérieur à la tête d’une équipe de professionnels dévoués qui s’engagent à atteindre l’excellence dans le soutien aux sénateurs et à l’institution.
Votre contribution
En tant que conseiller juridique en chef du Sénat du Canada, le légiste et conseiller parlementaire est chargé de fournir des conseils juridiques et des services législatifs complets et non partisans au Sénat et à ses comités, y compris le Comité permanent de la régie interne, des budgets et de l’administration (CIBA), à la Présidence et à tous les sénateurs, au greffier du Sénat et à l’Administration du Sénat.
En tant que cadre supérieur de l’Administration du Sénat, vous relevez du greffier du Sénat et, en tant que membre clé du comité des plans et des priorités du greffier, vous devez contribuer à établir et à réaliser les priorités et les objectifs stratégiques de l’institution.
En tant que chef du Bureau du légiste et conseiller parlementaire, vous dirigez une équipe de juristes qui sont collectivement responsables de la prestation d’une gamme de services juridiques, Identifier et atténuer les risques institutionnels et résoudre les problèmes.
Vous êtes l’un des principaux greffiers au Bureau du Sénat, ce qui vous permet de rester informé des activités liées au progrès de la législation et des questions de privilège et de procédure parlementaires.
En tant qu’avocat général du Sénat, votre équipe fournit des conseils juridiques sur des questions administratives et de gestion à CIBA et à l’Administration. Il peut également vous être demandé d’intervenir dans des actions en justice au nom de la Présidence du Sénat ou de sénateurs, afin de garantir le respect des privilèges, des immunités et des pouvoirs du Parlement.
Enfin, vous devez superviser, mener et orienter les recherches sur l’application du droit parlementaire, constitutionnel, administratif et du travail, vous tenir au courant de la législation et de la jurisprudence récentes, et veiller à ce que les conseils et avis juridiques donnés soient fondés sur des précédents juridiques solides.
Ce processus de sélection est ouvert au grand publique pour doter un (1) poste à durée indéterminée au sein du Bureau du légiste et conseiller parlementaire.
Le Sénat du Canada est déterminé à mettre en place une main-d’œuvre qualifiée, reflétant la diversité des Canadiens que nous servons, en commençant par un processus d'embauche inclusif et sans obstacle. Vous pouvez présenter votre candidature dans la langue officielle de votre choix (anglais ou français) et demander des mesures d’adaptation à n'importe quelle étape du processus d'évaluation. Toutes les informations reçues à ce sujet resteront confidentielles. Nous encourageons l'équité en matière d'emploi et vous encourageons à indiquer si vous appartenez à l'un des groupes désignés lorsque vous posez votre candidature.
Le recrutement pour ce poste est géré par Boyden au nom du Sénat du Canada. Veuillez noter que les candidats qualifiés seront contactés par des représentants de Boyden et non par l'équipe d'acquisition de talents du Sénat
Conditions préalables
Diplôme de droit délivré par une université reconnue;
Être membre en règle depuis au moins 10 ans du barreau d’une province ou d’un territoire du Canada ou de la Chambre des notaires du Québec;
Expérience en tant que cadre supérieur dans une organisation du secteur privé ou public, avec une grande expérience de la prestation de conseils stratégiques en matière de droit ou de gestion sur un large éventail d’enjeux;
Excellentes compétences en communication écrite et orale dans les deux langues officielles;
Excellentes compétences en matière d’interprétation, d’analyse, de réflexion critique et de résolution de problèmes;
Connaissance approfondie du cadre législatif régissant le Sénat, en particulier la Loi constitutionnelle de 1867, la Loi constitutionnelle de 1982, y compris la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés, la Loi sur le Parlement du Canada, la Loi sur les relations de travail au Parlement, la Loi sur les langues officielles et d’autres lois fédérales applicables au Sénat du Canada;
Connaissance des rôles, des responsabilités et des pratiques constitutionnels de la Couronne, du Parlement du Canada et du gouvernement du Canada, avec un accent particulier sur la relation bicamérale entre le Sénat et la Chambre des communes, et le droit du privilège parlementaire;
Vaste expérience de l’interprétation et de la prestation d’avis juridiques sur des questions de droit constitutionnel, parlementaire, administratif et du travail;
Connaissance approfondie de tous les aspects du processus législatif;
Capacité à négocier, à persuader et à influencer diverses parties prenantes ayant des objectifs concurrents et à dégager un consensus sur des questions complexes ou sensibles;
Décideur avisé, équitable et impartial;
Expérience du développement et du maintien de relations constructives et efficaces;
Capacité à répondre à des délais serrés et à des priorités changeantes et à les concilier.
Qualifications constituant un atout
Expérience dans un domaine juridique ou judiciaire;
Expérience de la préparation, de la rédaction et de la modification de textes de loi;
Expérience de l’interaction avec des parlementaires;
Connaissance des politiques, des pratiques et des principes de bonne gestion;
Connaissance du programme politique actuel, des initiatives législatives en cours et des questions nationales d’actualité.
Exigences linguistiques
Compréhension de l’anglais écrit : C
Expression de l’anglais à l’écrit : C
Intéraction orale en anglais : C
Compréhension du français écrit : C
Expression du français à l’écrit : C
French Oral Interaction: C
Dec 12, 2024
Full time
Légiste et conseiller parlementaire
Direction : Bureau du légiste et conseiller parlementaire
Classification : SLA 3B: 205 986 $ - 246 584 $
Type d’emploi : Nomination pour une durée indéterminée (permanent, à temps plein)
Lieu de travail : Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Date de clôture : vendredi 10 janvier 2025
À propos du Sénat
Le Sénat joue un rôle unique dans le façonnement de la démocratie canadienne. En tant que membres de la Chambre haute du Parlement, les sénateurs étudient des projets de loi, examinent des politiques d’intérêt public, défendent des causes et participent à la diplomatie interparlementaire. Le Sénat est un lieu de travail formé de gens dynamiques qui représentent la diversité des talents, des parcours et des perspectives au Canada. Nous nous engageons à créer et à maintenir un lieu de travail diversifié et inclusif où chacun a le plein accès à l’égalité en emploi, au perfectionnement et à l’avancement. Vous serez un cadre supérieur à la tête d’une équipe de professionnels dévoués qui s’engagent à atteindre l’excellence dans le soutien aux sénateurs et à l’institution.
Votre contribution
En tant que conseiller juridique en chef du Sénat du Canada, le légiste et conseiller parlementaire est chargé de fournir des conseils juridiques et des services législatifs complets et non partisans au Sénat et à ses comités, y compris le Comité permanent de la régie interne, des budgets et de l’administration (CIBA), à la Présidence et à tous les sénateurs, au greffier du Sénat et à l’Administration du Sénat.
En tant que cadre supérieur de l’Administration du Sénat, vous relevez du greffier du Sénat et, en tant que membre clé du comité des plans et des priorités du greffier, vous devez contribuer à établir et à réaliser les priorités et les objectifs stratégiques de l’institution.
En tant que chef du Bureau du légiste et conseiller parlementaire, vous dirigez une équipe de juristes qui sont collectivement responsables de la prestation d’une gamme de services juridiques, Identifier et atténuer les risques institutionnels et résoudre les problèmes.
Vous êtes l’un des principaux greffiers au Bureau du Sénat, ce qui vous permet de rester informé des activités liées au progrès de la législation et des questions de privilège et de procédure parlementaires.
En tant qu’avocat général du Sénat, votre équipe fournit des conseils juridiques sur des questions administratives et de gestion à CIBA et à l’Administration. Il peut également vous être demandé d’intervenir dans des actions en justice au nom de la Présidence du Sénat ou de sénateurs, afin de garantir le respect des privilèges, des immunités et des pouvoirs du Parlement.
Enfin, vous devez superviser, mener et orienter les recherches sur l’application du droit parlementaire, constitutionnel, administratif et du travail, vous tenir au courant de la législation et de la jurisprudence récentes, et veiller à ce que les conseils et avis juridiques donnés soient fondés sur des précédents juridiques solides.
Ce processus de sélection est ouvert au grand publique pour doter un (1) poste à durée indéterminée au sein du Bureau du légiste et conseiller parlementaire.
Le Sénat du Canada est déterminé à mettre en place une main-d’œuvre qualifiée, reflétant la diversité des Canadiens que nous servons, en commençant par un processus d'embauche inclusif et sans obstacle. Vous pouvez présenter votre candidature dans la langue officielle de votre choix (anglais ou français) et demander des mesures d’adaptation à n'importe quelle étape du processus d'évaluation. Toutes les informations reçues à ce sujet resteront confidentielles. Nous encourageons l'équité en matière d'emploi et vous encourageons à indiquer si vous appartenez à l'un des groupes désignés lorsque vous posez votre candidature.
Le recrutement pour ce poste est géré par Boyden au nom du Sénat du Canada. Veuillez noter que les candidats qualifiés seront contactés par des représentants de Boyden et non par l'équipe d'acquisition de talents du Sénat
Conditions préalables
Diplôme de droit délivré par une université reconnue;
Être membre en règle depuis au moins 10 ans du barreau d’une province ou d’un territoire du Canada ou de la Chambre des notaires du Québec;
Expérience en tant que cadre supérieur dans une organisation du secteur privé ou public, avec une grande expérience de la prestation de conseils stratégiques en matière de droit ou de gestion sur un large éventail d’enjeux;
Excellentes compétences en communication écrite et orale dans les deux langues officielles;
Excellentes compétences en matière d’interprétation, d’analyse, de réflexion critique et de résolution de problèmes;
Connaissance approfondie du cadre législatif régissant le Sénat, en particulier la Loi constitutionnelle de 1867, la Loi constitutionnelle de 1982, y compris la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés, la Loi sur le Parlement du Canada, la Loi sur les relations de travail au Parlement, la Loi sur les langues officielles et d’autres lois fédérales applicables au Sénat du Canada;
Connaissance des rôles, des responsabilités et des pratiques constitutionnels de la Couronne, du Parlement du Canada et du gouvernement du Canada, avec un accent particulier sur la relation bicamérale entre le Sénat et la Chambre des communes, et le droit du privilège parlementaire;
Vaste expérience de l’interprétation et de la prestation d’avis juridiques sur des questions de droit constitutionnel, parlementaire, administratif et du travail;
Connaissance approfondie de tous les aspects du processus législatif;
Capacité à négocier, à persuader et à influencer diverses parties prenantes ayant des objectifs concurrents et à dégager un consensus sur des questions complexes ou sensibles;
Décideur avisé, équitable et impartial;
Expérience du développement et du maintien de relations constructives et efficaces;
Capacité à répondre à des délais serrés et à des priorités changeantes et à les concilier.
Qualifications constituant un atout
Expérience dans un domaine juridique ou judiciaire;
Expérience de la préparation, de la rédaction et de la modification de textes de loi;
Expérience de l’interaction avec des parlementaires;
Connaissance des politiques, des pratiques et des principes de bonne gestion;
Connaissance du programme politique actuel, des initiatives législatives en cours et des questions nationales d’actualité.
Exigences linguistiques
Compréhension de l’anglais écrit : C
Expression de l’anglais à l’écrit : C
Intéraction orale en anglais : C
Compréhension du français écrit : C
Expression du français à l’écrit : C
French Oral Interaction: C
The Ministry of the Attorney General requires a highly organized and proactive individual to provide full administrative assistance to Managers and/or Deputy Directors in the Crown Law Office-Civil Division. The Branch: Crown Law Office - Civil (CLOC) is responsible for providing litigation and advisory services to various government bodies. CLOC has close to 100 counsel and opens on average 1,300 new files a year. The members of the advisory services group act as solicitors for the ministry of the Attorney General and also provide legal advice to other ministries and agencies on a broad spectrum of legal issues with government-wide significance. Counsel in the litigation services group provide legal representation of the Crown, its ministries, agencies, boards and commissions in a wide variety of matters involving issues of public importance in all levels of courts. Note: There is one temporary position available for 12 months with possible extension. This position could entail working with Managers or Deputy Directors.
OPS Commitment to Diversity, Inclusion, Accessibility, and Anti-Racism:
We are committed to build a workforce that reflects the communities we serve and to promote a diverse, anti-racist, inclusive, accessible, merit-based, respectful and equitable workplace. We invite all interested individuals to apply and encourage applications from people with disabilities, Indigenous, Black, and racialized individuals, as well as people from a diversity of ethnic and cultural origins, sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions. Visit the OPS Anti-Racism Policy and the OPS Diversity and Inclusion Blueprint pages to learn more about the OPS commitment to advance racial equity, accessibility, diversity, and inclusion in the public service. We offer employment accommodation across the recruitment process and all aspects of employment consistent with the requirements of Ontario's Human Rights Code . Refer to the "How to apply" section if you require a disability-related accommodation.
What can I expect to do in this role?
In this position, you will:
Provide secretarial, administrative and clerical support services to Managers and/or Deputy Directors.
Prepare, update and coordinate the production, approvals and distribution of human resources, administrative and financial documents.
Provide assistance with coordination of facilities and accommodation requirements for the office.
Organize, track and schedule meetings and office events as required by management.
Track and schedule managers' schedules.
Provide backup support for the receptionist and other administrative assistants as required.
Maintain filing systems.
Respond to or redirect inquiries as required.
How do I qualify?
Essential Skills and Knowledge
You can obtain knowledge and understanding of the Crown Law Office - Civil's role, objectives and activities.
You have knowledge of and experience with secretarial functions, administrative methods and established internal office procedures.
You have knowledge of administrative, human resources and basic accounting policies, guidelines and procedures.
You are proficient with standard software applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat, and MS Forms to produce, track or create correspondence, summary reports, spreadsheets, and statistical reports.
You can operate and maintain office equipment such as photocopiers, facsimiles, printers, and binding machines to copy, fax, print and bind material/information.
Typing to 50 wpm.
Communication and Interpersonal Skills
You can:
Provide quality and timely service to internal and external clients (example: senior management, counsel, staff and vendors).
Work independently with minimal guidance.
Work with a high degree of tact, initiative and judgement when dealing with staff or handling confidential human resources information.
Draft or compose letters for managers, or emails to staff regarding administrative or procedural changes.
Organization and Problem-Solving Skills
You can:
Coordinate the activities and maintain the filing systems.
Set priorities to meet conflicting demands.
Work in a high pressure environment.
Produce work accurately and in a timely fashion.
Gather information to assess the concern and urgency of the problem.
1 English Temporary, duration up to 12 months, 720 Bay St, Toronto, Toronto Region, Criminal Record Check
Aug 27, 2024
Full time
The Ministry of the Attorney General requires a highly organized and proactive individual to provide full administrative assistance to Managers and/or Deputy Directors in the Crown Law Office-Civil Division. The Branch: Crown Law Office - Civil (CLOC) is responsible for providing litigation and advisory services to various government bodies. CLOC has close to 100 counsel and opens on average 1,300 new files a year. The members of the advisory services group act as solicitors for the ministry of the Attorney General and also provide legal advice to other ministries and agencies on a broad spectrum of legal issues with government-wide significance. Counsel in the litigation services group provide legal representation of the Crown, its ministries, agencies, boards and commissions in a wide variety of matters involving issues of public importance in all levels of courts. Note: There is one temporary position available for 12 months with possible extension. This position could entail working with Managers or Deputy Directors.
OPS Commitment to Diversity, Inclusion, Accessibility, and Anti-Racism:
We are committed to build a workforce that reflects the communities we serve and to promote a diverse, anti-racist, inclusive, accessible, merit-based, respectful and equitable workplace. We invite all interested individuals to apply and encourage applications from people with disabilities, Indigenous, Black, and racialized individuals, as well as people from a diversity of ethnic and cultural origins, sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions. Visit the OPS Anti-Racism Policy and the OPS Diversity and Inclusion Blueprint pages to learn more about the OPS commitment to advance racial equity, accessibility, diversity, and inclusion in the public service. We offer employment accommodation across the recruitment process and all aspects of employment consistent with the requirements of Ontario's Human Rights Code . Refer to the "How to apply" section if you require a disability-related accommodation.
What can I expect to do in this role?
In this position, you will:
Provide secretarial, administrative and clerical support services to Managers and/or Deputy Directors.
Prepare, update and coordinate the production, approvals and distribution of human resources, administrative and financial documents.
Provide assistance with coordination of facilities and accommodation requirements for the office.
Organize, track and schedule meetings and office events as required by management.
Track and schedule managers' schedules.
Provide backup support for the receptionist and other administrative assistants as required.
Maintain filing systems.
Respond to or redirect inquiries as required.
How do I qualify?
Essential Skills and Knowledge
You can obtain knowledge and understanding of the Crown Law Office - Civil's role, objectives and activities.
You have knowledge of and experience with secretarial functions, administrative methods and established internal office procedures.
You have knowledge of administrative, human resources and basic accounting policies, guidelines and procedures.
You are proficient with standard software applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat, and MS Forms to produce, track or create correspondence, summary reports, spreadsheets, and statistical reports.
You can operate and maintain office equipment such as photocopiers, facsimiles, printers, and binding machines to copy, fax, print and bind material/information.
Typing to 50 wpm.
Communication and Interpersonal Skills
You can:
Provide quality and timely service to internal and external clients (example: senior management, counsel, staff and vendors).
Work independently with minimal guidance.
Work with a high degree of tact, initiative and judgement when dealing with staff or handling confidential human resources information.
Draft or compose letters for managers, or emails to staff regarding administrative or procedural changes.
Organization and Problem-Solving Skills
You can:
Coordinate the activities and maintain the filing systems.
Set priorities to meet conflicting demands.
Work in a high pressure environment.
Produce work accurately and in a timely fashion.
Gather information to assess the concern and urgency of the problem.
1 English Temporary, duration up to 12 months, 720 Bay St, Toronto, Toronto Region, Criminal Record Check
Department of Justice Canada - National Litigation Sector - Prairie Regional Office Winnipeg (Manitoba) LP-02 $127,825 to $202,339
For further information on the organization, please visit Department of Justice Canada
The "Cracking the Code" video helps people who are looking for a new career with the Government of Canada to navigate the application process step by step: Cracking the Code
Closing date: 13 August 2024 - 23:59, Pacific Time
Who can apply: Persons residing in Canada, and Canadian citizens and Permanent residents abroad.
Apply online
Important messages
We are committed to providing an inclusive and barrier-free work environment, starting with the hiring process. If you need to be accommodated during any phase of the evaluation process, please use the Contact information below to request specialized accommodation. All information received in relation to accommodation will be kept confidential.
Assessment accommodation
Tips for applicants:
Please provide complete and thorough details of your occupational certification, and experience.
Do not assume that the screening board has any previous knowledge of your background, qualifications, or work history. You must be specific and provide concrete examples/details for each experience element, as applications will be screened only on the information provided.
Failure to provide sufficient information may result in your application being screened out of the process.
Your application, cover letter, and answers to the screening questions will be used to assess Written Communication, see definition below.
Work environment
The tradition of excellence at the Department of Justice is embodied in its culture, which values inclusiveness, fairness and respect for Canada's legal system. The Department of Justice is often described as Canada's largest and most prestigious law firm. The Department makes and upholds federal laws and is the guardian of the Canadian justice system. By setting for itself the highest standards of integrity, fairness and professionalism, the Department of Justice has earned a reputation as a leader within the legal community. In Winnipeg, lawyers represent the federal government in a wide variety of matters affecting departments and agencies of the Government of Canada. Our counsel regularly appear before the Federal Court, Federal Court of Appeal, and Tax Court of Canada; the provincial superior courts such as the Court of King’s Bench of Manitoba, and the Manitoba Court of Appeal; and various administrative tribunals, including the Specific Claims Tribunal, Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, and the Canadian Agricultural Review Tribunal. Justice Canada counsel are also involved in challenging and interesting solicitors’ work. A career in the Prairie Region, Winnipeg office of Justice Canada, means working alongside experienced lawyers doing groundbreaking, important work on a variety of interesting files. No matter what your expertise, you will benefit from Justice Canada's supportive atmosphere, emphasis on training and mentoring, commitment to equitable workplace policies, and the ability to balance the personal and professional aspects of your life.
Intent of the process
A pool of partially assessed or fully qualified candidates may be established to staff similar positions within the Department of Justice with various tenures, language requirements, operational requirements, organizational needs and/or conditions of employment.
Positions to be filled: Number to be determined
Information you must provide
Your résumé.
A covering letter " Please note: your application, cover letter, and answers to the screening questions will be used to assess Written Communication, see definition below."
In order to be considered, your application must clearly explain how you meet the following (essential qualifications)
- Occupational Certification - OC1: Eligibility for membership in the Bar of one of the provinces or territories of Canada or in the Chambre des notaires du Québec.
- Experience - EX1: Significant experience* providing legal services as counsel.
Significant experience is defined as the depth and breadth of experience normally associated with performance of the duties of a lawyer with conduct of civil litigation (or an acceptable combination of criminal and civil litigation) over a period of approximately four (4) years.
The following will be applied / assessed at a later date (essential for the job)
English essential
Information on language requirements
- Competencies - CO1: Oral communication CO2: Written communication
Your application, cover letter, and answers to the screening questions will be used to assess Written Communication, defined as:
Expresses complex ideas in a clear and succinct manner
Message is complete, appropriate, and contains all info required by the reader
Formats material in a manner that provides optimal impact
Organizes ideas effectively
Uses correct spelling, grammar and punctuation in written documents
Uses language, concepts and ideas appropriate to the intended audience
CO3: Demonstrating integrity and respect CO4: Thinking things through CO5: Working effectively with others CO6: Showing initiative and being action-oriented
- Abilities - A1: Ability to analyze legal issues and provide strategic advice. A2: Ability to manage the legal practice, including using digital tools.
The following may be applied / assessed at a later date (may be needed for the job)
- Asset Qualifications - AEX1: Experience conducting litigation in the Federal Court of Canada. AEX2: Experience in class actions. AEX3: Experience in Indigenous litigation. AEX4: Experience conducting matters before the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal or other tribunals.
- Organizational Needs - The Department of Justice believes that to be able to effectively serve the public, its workforce needs to reflect the diversity of the Canadian population. Diversity is a great source of strength in driving Canada’s Legal Team in ensuring that Canada’s justice system is as fair, accessible and efficient as possible. The Department is committed to a representative workforce that represents the Canadian public we serve. If you are a woman, an Indigenous person, a person with a disability, a member of a racialized group* or a member of the 2SLGBTQIA+**/ Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) community, we encourage you to self-declare in this staffing process.
Please note that this group is currently designated as members of visible minorities in the Employment Equity Act.
** 2SLGBTQIA+: Two-Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual and people who identify as being part of sexual and gender diverse communities. INFORMATION ON SELF-DECLARATION Self-declaration information can be factored into the screening, assessment, or selection decision to address our commitment to eliminate gaps and increase representation for these groups. This information will only be used in connection with this selection process. HOW TO SELF-DECLARE If you are an Indigenous person, a woman, a member of a racialized group, or a person with a disability, self-declaration information will be collected via your job application profile, under the Employment Equity section.
Please note that your self-declaration as a member of First Nations, Inuit or Métis will be verified via the Affirmation of Indigenous Identity Form to be provided later in the staffing process. For more information on this requirement, please consult the Questions and Answers page:
If you are a member of the 2SLGBTQIA+/ Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) communities, self-declaration information will be collected via a non-screening question in your job application.
- Operational Requirements - OR1: Willing and able to work extended hours including weekends. OR2: Willing and able to travel, as required.
Conditions of employment
Reliability, Secret, or Top Secret security clearance (depending on position or as required).
Remain a member in good standing of the Law Society of Manitoba*
This factor is not used at the screening stage, rather, it must be met before being appointed to a particular position, and must be maintained throughout the employment while being the incumbent of said position.
Other information
The Public Service of Canada is committed to building a skilled and diverse workforce that reflects the Canadians we serve. We promote employment equity and encourage you to indicate if you belong to one of the designated groups when you apply.
Information on employment equity
We will only accept on-line applications received via the GC Jobs site. Acknowledgment of receipt of applications will not be sent. CANDIDATES WILL NOT BE SOLICITED FOR INCOMPLETE OR MISSING INFORMATION. Proof of citizenship or permanent residency will be required. Communication for this process will be sent via e-mail. It is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure that a current and valid e-mail address is provided and updated accordingly and that it accepts messages from unknown senders. We encourage candidates to provide a second e-mail address in their application. All information obtained throughout the selection process, from the time of application to close of process, may be used to evaluate the candidates. Persons are entitled to participate in the appointment process in the official language of their choice. Applicants are asked to indicate their preferred official language in their application. Candidates may be required to meet the asset qualifications or the organizational needs, depending on the requirements of the specific position being staffed. Other considerations may be a deciding factor in choosing the person to be appointed from the pool (i.e. other qualifications deemed relevant, organizational needs, and/or operational needs). For Current Federal Public Service employees: Please identify clearly your substantive group and level, your employment status, and Personal Record Identifier (PRI) on your application.
Preference will be given to veterans first and then to Canadian citizens and permanent residents, with the exception of a job located in Nunavut, where Nunavut Inuit will be appointed first.
Information on the preference to veterans
We thank all those who apply. Only those selected for further consideration will be contacted. ;
Jul 29, 2024
Full time
Department of Justice Canada - National Litigation Sector - Prairie Regional Office Winnipeg (Manitoba) LP-02 $127,825 to $202,339
For further information on the organization, please visit Department of Justice Canada
The "Cracking the Code" video helps people who are looking for a new career with the Government of Canada to navigate the application process step by step: Cracking the Code
Closing date: 13 August 2024 - 23:59, Pacific Time
Who can apply: Persons residing in Canada, and Canadian citizens and Permanent residents abroad.
Apply online
Important messages
We are committed to providing an inclusive and barrier-free work environment, starting with the hiring process. If you need to be accommodated during any phase of the evaluation process, please use the Contact information below to request specialized accommodation. All information received in relation to accommodation will be kept confidential.
Assessment accommodation
Tips for applicants:
Please provide complete and thorough details of your occupational certification, and experience.
Do not assume that the screening board has any previous knowledge of your background, qualifications, or work history. You must be specific and provide concrete examples/details for each experience element, as applications will be screened only on the information provided.
Failure to provide sufficient information may result in your application being screened out of the process.
Your application, cover letter, and answers to the screening questions will be used to assess Written Communication, see definition below.
Work environment
The tradition of excellence at the Department of Justice is embodied in its culture, which values inclusiveness, fairness and respect for Canada's legal system. The Department of Justice is often described as Canada's largest and most prestigious law firm. The Department makes and upholds federal laws and is the guardian of the Canadian justice system. By setting for itself the highest standards of integrity, fairness and professionalism, the Department of Justice has earned a reputation as a leader within the legal community. In Winnipeg, lawyers represent the federal government in a wide variety of matters affecting departments and agencies of the Government of Canada. Our counsel regularly appear before the Federal Court, Federal Court of Appeal, and Tax Court of Canada; the provincial superior courts such as the Court of King’s Bench of Manitoba, and the Manitoba Court of Appeal; and various administrative tribunals, including the Specific Claims Tribunal, Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, and the Canadian Agricultural Review Tribunal. Justice Canada counsel are also involved in challenging and interesting solicitors’ work. A career in the Prairie Region, Winnipeg office of Justice Canada, means working alongside experienced lawyers doing groundbreaking, important work on a variety of interesting files. No matter what your expertise, you will benefit from Justice Canada's supportive atmosphere, emphasis on training and mentoring, commitment to equitable workplace policies, and the ability to balance the personal and professional aspects of your life.
Intent of the process
A pool of partially assessed or fully qualified candidates may be established to staff similar positions within the Department of Justice with various tenures, language requirements, operational requirements, organizational needs and/or conditions of employment.
Positions to be filled: Number to be determined
Information you must provide
Your résumé.
A covering letter " Please note: your application, cover letter, and answers to the screening questions will be used to assess Written Communication, see definition below."
In order to be considered, your application must clearly explain how you meet the following (essential qualifications)
- Occupational Certification - OC1: Eligibility for membership in the Bar of one of the provinces or territories of Canada or in the Chambre des notaires du Québec.
- Experience - EX1: Significant experience* providing legal services as counsel.
Significant experience is defined as the depth and breadth of experience normally associated with performance of the duties of a lawyer with conduct of civil litigation (or an acceptable combination of criminal and civil litigation) over a period of approximately four (4) years.
The following will be applied / assessed at a later date (essential for the job)
English essential
Information on language requirements
- Competencies - CO1: Oral communication CO2: Written communication
Your application, cover letter, and answers to the screening questions will be used to assess Written Communication, defined as:
Expresses complex ideas in a clear and succinct manner
Message is complete, appropriate, and contains all info required by the reader
Formats material in a manner that provides optimal impact
Organizes ideas effectively
Uses correct spelling, grammar and punctuation in written documents
Uses language, concepts and ideas appropriate to the intended audience
CO3: Demonstrating integrity and respect CO4: Thinking things through CO5: Working effectively with others CO6: Showing initiative and being action-oriented
- Abilities - A1: Ability to analyze legal issues and provide strategic advice. A2: Ability to manage the legal practice, including using digital tools.
The following may be applied / assessed at a later date (may be needed for the job)
- Asset Qualifications - AEX1: Experience conducting litigation in the Federal Court of Canada. AEX2: Experience in class actions. AEX3: Experience in Indigenous litigation. AEX4: Experience conducting matters before the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal or other tribunals.
- Organizational Needs - The Department of Justice believes that to be able to effectively serve the public, its workforce needs to reflect the diversity of the Canadian population. Diversity is a great source of strength in driving Canada’s Legal Team in ensuring that Canada’s justice system is as fair, accessible and efficient as possible. The Department is committed to a representative workforce that represents the Canadian public we serve. If you are a woman, an Indigenous person, a person with a disability, a member of a racialized group* or a member of the 2SLGBTQIA+**/ Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) community, we encourage you to self-declare in this staffing process.
Please note that this group is currently designated as members of visible minorities in the Employment Equity Act.
** 2SLGBTQIA+: Two-Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual and people who identify as being part of sexual and gender diverse communities. INFORMATION ON SELF-DECLARATION Self-declaration information can be factored into the screening, assessment, or selection decision to address our commitment to eliminate gaps and increase representation for these groups. This information will only be used in connection with this selection process. HOW TO SELF-DECLARE If you are an Indigenous person, a woman, a member of a racialized group, or a person with a disability, self-declaration information will be collected via your job application profile, under the Employment Equity section.
Please note that your self-declaration as a member of First Nations, Inuit or Métis will be verified via the Affirmation of Indigenous Identity Form to be provided later in the staffing process. For more information on this requirement, please consult the Questions and Answers page:
If you are a member of the 2SLGBTQIA+/ Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) communities, self-declaration information will be collected via a non-screening question in your job application.
- Operational Requirements - OR1: Willing and able to work extended hours including weekends. OR2: Willing and able to travel, as required.
Conditions of employment
Reliability, Secret, or Top Secret security clearance (depending on position or as required).
Remain a member in good standing of the Law Society of Manitoba*
This factor is not used at the screening stage, rather, it must be met before being appointed to a particular position, and must be maintained throughout the employment while being the incumbent of said position.
Other information
The Public Service of Canada is committed to building a skilled and diverse workforce that reflects the Canadians we serve. We promote employment equity and encourage you to indicate if you belong to one of the designated groups when you apply.
Information on employment equity
We will only accept on-line applications received via the GC Jobs site. Acknowledgment of receipt of applications will not be sent. CANDIDATES WILL NOT BE SOLICITED FOR INCOMPLETE OR MISSING INFORMATION. Proof of citizenship or permanent residency will be required. Communication for this process will be sent via e-mail. It is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure that a current and valid e-mail address is provided and updated accordingly and that it accepts messages from unknown senders. We encourage candidates to provide a second e-mail address in their application. All information obtained throughout the selection process, from the time of application to close of process, may be used to evaluate the candidates. Persons are entitled to participate in the appointment process in the official language of their choice. Applicants are asked to indicate their preferred official language in their application. Candidates may be required to meet the asset qualifications or the organizational needs, depending on the requirements of the specific position being staffed. Other considerations may be a deciding factor in choosing the person to be appointed from the pool (i.e. other qualifications deemed relevant, organizational needs, and/or operational needs). For Current Federal Public Service employees: Please identify clearly your substantive group and level, your employment status, and Personal Record Identifier (PRI) on your application.
Preference will be given to veterans first and then to Canadian citizens and permanent residents, with the exception of a job located in Nunavut, where Nunavut Inuit will be appointed first.
Information on the preference to veterans
We thank all those who apply. Only those selected for further consideration will be contacted. ;
How will you contribute?
As Parliamentary Counsel, you will assist the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel of the Senate of Canada in rendering legal services to the Senate, its committees, individual senators and the Senate Administration. Your work will help with the development of a wide variety of initiatives related to advising stakeholders on laws, procedures, customs and usages of Parliament as well as the privileges, immunities and powers of the Senate and its members.
Open to
The general public to staff one (1) determinate position for a period of 21 months in the Office of the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel.
Possess a law degree from a recognized University;
Be a member in good standing in a Law Society of one of the Provinces or Territories of Canada, or in the Chambre des notaires du Québec;
Minimum of five (5) years of recent experience in legislative drafting or advisory services in at least two of the following subject areas: constitutional law, administrative law, parliamentary law, labour and employment law, contracting and procurement law, or other areas of public law;
Knowledge of the role and mandate of the Senate of Canada and the role of the Office of the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel;
In-depth knowledge of Canadian law and its theories, principles and concepts and the ability to provide strategic legal and policy advice on employment and labour matters, contracting and procurement matters, access to information and privacy, copyright and other legal matters;
Ability to draft legal opinions and other legal documents, including bills and amendments to bills;
Ability to conduct legal research, analyze disparate and complex factual information, and interpret jurisprudence and legislation.
Linguistic Requirements : CCC
Conseiller / Conseillère parlementaire
Votre contribution
En tant que conseiller parlementaire, vous aiderez le légiste et conseiller parlementaire du Sénat du Canada à fournir des services juridiques au Sénat, à ses comités, aux sénateurs et à l’Administration du Sénat. Votre travail contribuera à un large éventail de projets consistant à conseiller des intervenants en matière de droit, de procédures, de pratiques et d’usages du Parlement, et au sujet des privilèges, des immunités et des pouvoirs dont jouissent le Sénat et les sénateurs.
Ce processus de sélection est ouvert au grand public pour doter un (1) poste de durée déterminée pour une période de 21 mois au sein du Bureau de légiste et conseiller parlementaire.
Conditions préalables
Diplôme en droit d’une université reconnue;
Statut de membre en règle du barreau d’une province ou d’un territoire du Canada ou de la Chambre des notaires du Québec;
Minimum de cinq (5) années d’expérience récente dans la rédaction de textes législatifs ou la prestation de services consultatifs dans au moins deux des domaines suivants : droit constitutionnel, droit administratif, droit parlementaire, droit du travail et de l’emploi, droit des contrats et des marchés publics, ou autres domaines du droit public;
Connaissance du rôle et du mandat du Sénat du Canada ainsi que du rôle du Bureau du légiste et conseiller parlementaire;
Connaissance approfondie du droit canadien et de ses théories, principes et concepts, et capacité de fournir des conseils juridiques et politiques stratégiques sur des questions diverses : emploi et travail, contrats et marchés publics, accès à l’information et protection de la vie privée, droits d’auteur, et autres questions juridiques;
Capacité de rédiger des avis juridiques et d’autres documents de nature juridique, dont des projets de loi et des amendements à des projets de loi;
Capacité d’effectuer des recherches juridiques, d’analyser des données factuelles variées et complexes, et d’interpréter la jurisprudence et les lois.
Mar 31, 2024
Full time
How will you contribute?
As Parliamentary Counsel, you will assist the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel of the Senate of Canada in rendering legal services to the Senate, its committees, individual senators and the Senate Administration. Your work will help with the development of a wide variety of initiatives related to advising stakeholders on laws, procedures, customs and usages of Parliament as well as the privileges, immunities and powers of the Senate and its members.
Open to
The general public to staff one (1) determinate position for a period of 21 months in the Office of the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel.
Possess a law degree from a recognized University;
Be a member in good standing in a Law Society of one of the Provinces or Territories of Canada, or in the Chambre des notaires du Québec;
Minimum of five (5) years of recent experience in legislative drafting or advisory services in at least two of the following subject areas: constitutional law, administrative law, parliamentary law, labour and employment law, contracting and procurement law, or other areas of public law;
Knowledge of the role and mandate of the Senate of Canada and the role of the Office of the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel;
In-depth knowledge of Canadian law and its theories, principles and concepts and the ability to provide strategic legal and policy advice on employment and labour matters, contracting and procurement matters, access to information and privacy, copyright and other legal matters;
Ability to draft legal opinions and other legal documents, including bills and amendments to bills;
Ability to conduct legal research, analyze disparate and complex factual information, and interpret jurisprudence and legislation.
Linguistic Requirements : CCC
Conseiller / Conseillère parlementaire
Votre contribution
En tant que conseiller parlementaire, vous aiderez le légiste et conseiller parlementaire du Sénat du Canada à fournir des services juridiques au Sénat, à ses comités, aux sénateurs et à l’Administration du Sénat. Votre travail contribuera à un large éventail de projets consistant à conseiller des intervenants en matière de droit, de procédures, de pratiques et d’usages du Parlement, et au sujet des privilèges, des immunités et des pouvoirs dont jouissent le Sénat et les sénateurs.
Ce processus de sélection est ouvert au grand public pour doter un (1) poste de durée déterminée pour une période de 21 mois au sein du Bureau de légiste et conseiller parlementaire.
Conditions préalables
Diplôme en droit d’une université reconnue;
Statut de membre en règle du barreau d’une province ou d’un territoire du Canada ou de la Chambre des notaires du Québec;
Minimum de cinq (5) années d’expérience récente dans la rédaction de textes législatifs ou la prestation de services consultatifs dans au moins deux des domaines suivants : droit constitutionnel, droit administratif, droit parlementaire, droit du travail et de l’emploi, droit des contrats et des marchés publics, ou autres domaines du droit public;
Connaissance du rôle et du mandat du Sénat du Canada ainsi que du rôle du Bureau du légiste et conseiller parlementaire;
Connaissance approfondie du droit canadien et de ses théories, principes et concepts, et capacité de fournir des conseils juridiques et politiques stratégiques sur des questions diverses : emploi et travail, contrats et marchés publics, accès à l’information et protection de la vie privée, droits d’auteur, et autres questions juridiques;
Capacité de rédiger des avis juridiques et d’autres documents de nature juridique, dont des projets de loi et des amendements à des projets de loi;
Capacité d’effectuer des recherches juridiques, d’analyser des données factuelles variées et complexes, et d’interpréter la jurisprudence et les lois.
Department of Justice Canada - National Litigation Sector - Québec Regional Office - Tax litigation Directorate Montréal Island (Québec) LP-01, LP-02 LP-01 - 82 430 to 113 687$ (under review) / LP-02 - 114 884 to 158 449$ (under review)
For further information on the organization, please visit Department of Justice Canada
Cracking the Code The "Cracking the Code" video helps people who are looking for a new career with the Government of Canada to navigate the application process step by step:
Closing date: 1 May 2024 - 23:59, Pacific Time
Who can apply: Persons residing in Canada, and Canadian citizens and Permanent residents abroad.
Apply online
Important messages
We are committed to providing an inclusive and barrier-free work environment, starting with the hiring process. If you need to be accommodated during any phase of the evaluation process, please use the Contact information below to request specialized accommodation. All information received in relation to accommodation will be kept confidential.
Assessment accommodation
When you apply to this selection process, you are not applying for a specific job, but to an inventory for future vacancies. As positions become available, applicants who meet the qualifications may be contacted for further assessment.
- Please note: we will pull applications at specified dates as noted below; therefore, earlier application may result in earlier consideration for any available position(s). Applications will be pulled from the system for consideration on :
May 1st, 2024
Subsequent pulls will be done as needed. -
A complete application must be submitted, consisting of a résumé and responses to screening questions. The responses must clearly demonstrate, with the use of concrete examples, how you meet the occupational certification and experience factors listed under the essential qualifications, as well as any of the asset experience qualifications that may apply. The following information is required for each experience criterion: 1. Name of the department or organization where the experience was acquired (WHERE); 2. Title of the position occupied and duration (including dates) for which you exercised the functions (WHEN); 3. Specific examples and details of tasks, projects, or accomplishments demonstrating how the experience was acquired (HOW). The screening questions will be used as the primary tool in the screening process and the résumé will be used to substantiate the information provided. Applications that do not clearly demonstrate how the screening criteria are met will be eliminated from consideration. ***Your ability to communicate in writing may be assessed throughout your application. Please answer the screening questions with complete sentences. ***
Work environment
The tradition of excellence at the Department of Justice is embodied in its culture, which values inclusiveness, fairness and respect for Canada's legal system. The Department of Justice is often described as Canada's largest and most prestigious law firm. The Department makes and upholds federal laws and is the guardian of the Canadian justice system. By setting for itself the highest standards of integrity, fairness and professionalism, the Department of Justice has earned a reputation as a leader within the legal community. WHAT WE ARE LOOKING FOR: We are looking for high quality candidates to join one of our teams of litigators practicing in tax law or collection litigation in the Tax Litigation Directorate in the Québec Regional Office.
Intent of the process
The immediate need is to staff various LP-01 and LP-02 positions for various tenures (term and indeterminate) at the Québec Regional Office in Montréal. A pool of partially or fully qualified candidates may be established to staff similar positions within the Department of Justice with various tenures, various language requirements, operational requirements, organizational needs and/or conditions of employment. Indeterminate appointments at the LP-01 group and level resulting from this process will be made under the Justice Canada LP-01 Training and Development Program. This program provides for the progression of participants from LP-00 (articling student) to LP-02 (counsel) over approximately 5 years. As such, it is expected that an initial indeterminate appointment to this program would ultimately result in an indeterminate non-advertised LP-02 appointment (subject to meeting all program requirements).
Positions to be filled: Number to be determined
Information you must provide
Your résumé.
Contact information for 2 references.
In order to be considered, your application must clearly explain how you meet the following (essential qualifications)
OCCUPATIONAL CERTIFICATION (LP-01 and LP-02) : Eligibility for membership in the Barreau du Québec
EXPERIENCE - LP-01 Experience gained providing legal services (i.e. working on legal and/or legal policy matters) as counsel, articling student, or law clerk to a judge. EXPERIENCE LP-02 Significant* and recent** experience conducting litigation as counsel.
Significant experience is defined as the depth and breadth of experience normally associated with the performance of duties as counsel conducting litigation before the courts or quasi-judicial administrative tribunals over a period of approximately four (4) years.
**Recent experience is defined as experience acquired within approximately the last six (6) years worked.
The following will be applied / assessed at a later date (essential for the job)
Various language requirements BILINGUAL IMPERATIVE : CBB/CBB, CCC/CCC
Information on language requirements
KNOWLEDGE - LP-01 Knowledge of recent and significant case law relevant to the position(s) to be staffed. Knowledge of litigation practices and procedures. KNOWLEDGE - LP-02 Knowledge of at least two substantive areas of law.
ABILITIES - LP-01 Ability to identify legal issues and recommend solutions. Ability to demonstrate judgment in seeking guidance on more complex issues. ABILITIES - LP-02 Ability to work effectively under pressure Ability to analyze legal issues and provide strategic advice Ability to manage the legal practice, including using digital tools. COMPETENCIES - LP-01 and LP-02 Demonstrating integrity and respect Thinking things through Working effectively with others Showing initiative and being action-oriented Oral communication Written communication
The following may be applied / assessed at a later date (may be needed for the job)
Experience in conducting tax litigation. Experience appearing before the Federal Courts. Experience in conducting litigation before Quebec provincial courts. Experience in providing legal services in tax matters. Bachelor's degree (B.A.) or higher in a specialized discipline or field of law relevant to the position to be filled.
Selection may be limited to members of the following Employment Equity groups: Aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, visible minorities, women
Information on employment equity
The Department of Justice believes that to be able to effectively serve the public, its workforce needs to reflect the diversity of the Canadian population. Diversity is a great source of strength in driving Canada’s Legal Team in ensuring that Canada’s justice system is as fair, accessible and efficient as possible. The Department is committed to a representative workforce that represents the Canadian public we serve. If you are a woman, an Indigenous person, a person with a disability, a member of a racialized group* or a member of the 2SLGBTQIA+**/ Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) community, we encourage you to self-declare in this staffing process.
Please note that this group is currently designated as members of visible minorities in the Employment Equity Act.
** 2SLGBTQIA+: Two-Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual and people who identify as being part of sexual and gender diverse communities. INFORMATION ON SELF-DECLARATION Self-declaration information can be factored into the screening, assessment, or selection decision to address our commitment to eliminate gaps and increase representation for these groups. This information will only be used in connection with this selection process. " HOW TO SELF-DECLARE If you are an Indigenous person, a woman, a member of a racialized group, or a person with a disability, self-declaration information will be collected via your job application profile, under the Employment Equity section.
Please note that your self-declaration as a member of First Nations, Inuit or Métis will be verified via the Affirmation of Indigenous Identity Form to be provided later in the staffing process. For more information on this requirement, please consult the Questions and Answers page:
If you are a member of the 2SLGBTQIA+/ Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) communities, self-declaration information will be collected via a non-screening question in your job application.
OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS OR1: Willing and able to work extended hours including weekends. OR2: Willing and able to travel, as required.
Conditions of employment
Reliability or Secret security clearance (depending on position or as required) Remain member in good standing of the law society of Québec
Other information
The Public Service of Canada is committed to building a skilled and diverse workforce that reflects the Canadians we serve. We promote employment equity and encourage you to indicate if you belong to one of the designated groups when you apply.
Information on employment equity
CANDIDATES WILL NOT BE SOLICITED FOR INCOMPLETE OR MISSING INFORMATION. Persons are entitled to participate in the appointment process in the official language of their choice. Please indicate your preferred official language(s) in your application. Communication for this process will be sent via e-mail. It is your responsibility to ensure that a current and valid e-mail address is provided and updated accordingly and that it accepts messages from unknown senders. We encourage you to provide a second e-mail address in their application. Proof of citizenship or permanent residency will be required. You must provide two (2) professional references with names, e-mail address and applicable telephone numbers of referees; your current supervisor as well as someone who is familiar with your work, who may be contacted as part of the overall assessment process. You may be required to meet the asset qualifications or the organizational needs, depending on the requirements of the specific position being staffed. Other qualifications may be taken into consideration in the selection decision.
Preference will be given to veterans first and then to Canadian citizens and permanent residents, with the exception of a job located in Nunavut, where Nunavut Inuit will be appointed first.
Information on the preference to veterans
We thank all those who apply. Only those selected for further consideration will be contacted.
Feb 23, 2024
Full time
Department of Justice Canada - National Litigation Sector - Québec Regional Office - Tax litigation Directorate Montréal Island (Québec) LP-01, LP-02 LP-01 - 82 430 to 113 687$ (under review) / LP-02 - 114 884 to 158 449$ (under review)
For further information on the organization, please visit Department of Justice Canada
Cracking the Code The "Cracking the Code" video helps people who are looking for a new career with the Government of Canada to navigate the application process step by step:
Closing date: 1 May 2024 - 23:59, Pacific Time
Who can apply: Persons residing in Canada, and Canadian citizens and Permanent residents abroad.
Apply online
Important messages
We are committed to providing an inclusive and barrier-free work environment, starting with the hiring process. If you need to be accommodated during any phase of the evaluation process, please use the Contact information below to request specialized accommodation. All information received in relation to accommodation will be kept confidential.
Assessment accommodation
When you apply to this selection process, you are not applying for a specific job, but to an inventory for future vacancies. As positions become available, applicants who meet the qualifications may be contacted for further assessment.
- Please note: we will pull applications at specified dates as noted below; therefore, earlier application may result in earlier consideration for any available position(s). Applications will be pulled from the system for consideration on :
May 1st, 2024
Subsequent pulls will be done as needed. -
A complete application must be submitted, consisting of a résumé and responses to screening questions. The responses must clearly demonstrate, with the use of concrete examples, how you meet the occupational certification and experience factors listed under the essential qualifications, as well as any of the asset experience qualifications that may apply. The following information is required for each experience criterion: 1. Name of the department or organization where the experience was acquired (WHERE); 2. Title of the position occupied and duration (including dates) for which you exercised the functions (WHEN); 3. Specific examples and details of tasks, projects, or accomplishments demonstrating how the experience was acquired (HOW). The screening questions will be used as the primary tool in the screening process and the résumé will be used to substantiate the information provided. Applications that do not clearly demonstrate how the screening criteria are met will be eliminated from consideration. ***Your ability to communicate in writing may be assessed throughout your application. Please answer the screening questions with complete sentences. ***
Work environment
The tradition of excellence at the Department of Justice is embodied in its culture, which values inclusiveness, fairness and respect for Canada's legal system. The Department of Justice is often described as Canada's largest and most prestigious law firm. The Department makes and upholds federal laws and is the guardian of the Canadian justice system. By setting for itself the highest standards of integrity, fairness and professionalism, the Department of Justice has earned a reputation as a leader within the legal community. WHAT WE ARE LOOKING FOR: We are looking for high quality candidates to join one of our teams of litigators practicing in tax law or collection litigation in the Tax Litigation Directorate in the Québec Regional Office.
Intent of the process
The immediate need is to staff various LP-01 and LP-02 positions for various tenures (term and indeterminate) at the Québec Regional Office in Montréal. A pool of partially or fully qualified candidates may be established to staff similar positions within the Department of Justice with various tenures, various language requirements, operational requirements, organizational needs and/or conditions of employment. Indeterminate appointments at the LP-01 group and level resulting from this process will be made under the Justice Canada LP-01 Training and Development Program. This program provides for the progression of participants from LP-00 (articling student) to LP-02 (counsel) over approximately 5 years. As such, it is expected that an initial indeterminate appointment to this program would ultimately result in an indeterminate non-advertised LP-02 appointment (subject to meeting all program requirements).
Positions to be filled: Number to be determined
Information you must provide
Your résumé.
Contact information for 2 references.
In order to be considered, your application must clearly explain how you meet the following (essential qualifications)
OCCUPATIONAL CERTIFICATION (LP-01 and LP-02) : Eligibility for membership in the Barreau du Québec
EXPERIENCE - LP-01 Experience gained providing legal services (i.e. working on legal and/or legal policy matters) as counsel, articling student, or law clerk to a judge. EXPERIENCE LP-02 Significant* and recent** experience conducting litigation as counsel.
Significant experience is defined as the depth and breadth of experience normally associated with the performance of duties as counsel conducting litigation before the courts or quasi-judicial administrative tribunals over a period of approximately four (4) years.
**Recent experience is defined as experience acquired within approximately the last six (6) years worked.
The following will be applied / assessed at a later date (essential for the job)
Various language requirements BILINGUAL IMPERATIVE : CBB/CBB, CCC/CCC
Information on language requirements
KNOWLEDGE - LP-01 Knowledge of recent and significant case law relevant to the position(s) to be staffed. Knowledge of litigation practices and procedures. KNOWLEDGE - LP-02 Knowledge of at least two substantive areas of law.
ABILITIES - LP-01 Ability to identify legal issues and recommend solutions. Ability to demonstrate judgment in seeking guidance on more complex issues. ABILITIES - LP-02 Ability to work effectively under pressure Ability to analyze legal issues and provide strategic advice Ability to manage the legal practice, including using digital tools. COMPETENCIES - LP-01 and LP-02 Demonstrating integrity and respect Thinking things through Working effectively with others Showing initiative and being action-oriented Oral communication Written communication
The following may be applied / assessed at a later date (may be needed for the job)
Experience in conducting tax litigation. Experience appearing before the Federal Courts. Experience in conducting litigation before Quebec provincial courts. Experience in providing legal services in tax matters. Bachelor's degree (B.A.) or higher in a specialized discipline or field of law relevant to the position to be filled.
Selection may be limited to members of the following Employment Equity groups: Aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, visible minorities, women
Information on employment equity
The Department of Justice believes that to be able to effectively serve the public, its workforce needs to reflect the diversity of the Canadian population. Diversity is a great source of strength in driving Canada’s Legal Team in ensuring that Canada’s justice system is as fair, accessible and efficient as possible. The Department is committed to a representative workforce that represents the Canadian public we serve. If you are a woman, an Indigenous person, a person with a disability, a member of a racialized group* or a member of the 2SLGBTQIA+**/ Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) community, we encourage you to self-declare in this staffing process.
Please note that this group is currently designated as members of visible minorities in the Employment Equity Act.
** 2SLGBTQIA+: Two-Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual and people who identify as being part of sexual and gender diverse communities. INFORMATION ON SELF-DECLARATION Self-declaration information can be factored into the screening, assessment, or selection decision to address our commitment to eliminate gaps and increase representation for these groups. This information will only be used in connection with this selection process. " HOW TO SELF-DECLARE If you are an Indigenous person, a woman, a member of a racialized group, or a person with a disability, self-declaration information will be collected via your job application profile, under the Employment Equity section.
Please note that your self-declaration as a member of First Nations, Inuit or Métis will be verified via the Affirmation of Indigenous Identity Form to be provided later in the staffing process. For more information on this requirement, please consult the Questions and Answers page:
If you are a member of the 2SLGBTQIA+/ Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) communities, self-declaration information will be collected via a non-screening question in your job application.
OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS OR1: Willing and able to work extended hours including weekends. OR2: Willing and able to travel, as required.
Conditions of employment
Reliability or Secret security clearance (depending on position or as required) Remain member in good standing of the law society of Québec
Other information
The Public Service of Canada is committed to building a skilled and diverse workforce that reflects the Canadians we serve. We promote employment equity and encourage you to indicate if you belong to one of the designated groups when you apply.
Information on employment equity
CANDIDATES WILL NOT BE SOLICITED FOR INCOMPLETE OR MISSING INFORMATION. Persons are entitled to participate in the appointment process in the official language of their choice. Please indicate your preferred official language(s) in your application. Communication for this process will be sent via e-mail. It is your responsibility to ensure that a current and valid e-mail address is provided and updated accordingly and that it accepts messages from unknown senders. We encourage you to provide a second e-mail address in their application. Proof of citizenship or permanent residency will be required. You must provide two (2) professional references with names, e-mail address and applicable telephone numbers of referees; your current supervisor as well as someone who is familiar with your work, who may be contacted as part of the overall assessment process. You may be required to meet the asset qualifications or the organizational needs, depending on the requirements of the specific position being staffed. Other qualifications may be taken into consideration in the selection decision.
Preference will be given to veterans first and then to Canadian citizens and permanent residents, with the exception of a job located in Nunavut, where Nunavut Inuit will be appointed first.
Information on the preference to veterans
We thank all those who apply. Only those selected for further consideration will be contacted.