Durée en mois (pour les emplois à durée déterminée) :
Famille d’emplois :
Services juridiques
Nombre de postes à pourvoir :
Faculté/Service - Département :
Services juridiques
Campus :
Campus principal
Affiliation syndicale :
Date d’affichage :
February 07, 2025
Les candidatures doivent être reçues AVANT LE :
Heures par semaine :
Classe salariale :
Personnel non syndiqué, classe NM3
Échelle salariale :
$126,119.00 - $156,525.00
Raison d’être du poste
Représenter l’Université dans les procédures judiciaires et l’appuyer dans l’exercice de ses activités en fournissant des services de nature juridique. Représenter l’Université devant les tribunaux judiciaires et administratifs et fournir des conseils et des avis sur diverses questions en lien avec les emplois et les relations de travail (griefs, arbitration, actions en justice pour renvoi injustifié, etc.) ainsi que dans divers domaines de pratique, comme les droits de la personne, les normes d’emploi, les contrats de travail, les politiques, la santé et la sécurité au travail et l’immigration. Prendre part aux négociations des conventions collectives.
Responsabilités particulières
Négocier, rédiger et analyser des documents de nature juridique comme des plaidoyers, des documents judiciaires, des ententes, des règlements et autres instruments juridiques.
Préparer, étudier et fournir des avis juridiques sur les règlements et méthodes de l’Université.
Effectuer des recherches en vue de formuler des avis et des conseils juridiques.
Rester au fait des lois, de l’évolution de la common law et des changements législatifs touchant l’Université, et fournir des conseils juridiques sur les meilleures façons de fonctionner et d’intervenir conformément à la loi et aux politiques.
Superviser au besoin les juristes de l’externe dont les services ont été retenus par l’Université ou son assureur.
Définir des objectifs à traiter en priorité en rapport avec les responsabilités particulières et les principaux domaines d’activité du poste.
Contribuer au matériel de formation destiné au personnel de l’Université sur les questions de nature juridique.
Effectuer d’autres tâches connexes placées sous sa responsabilité.
Connaissances, expérience et compétences
LL.B. ou J.D. et membre en règle du Barreau de l’Ontario.
Au moins dix ans d’expérience en pratique du droit, dont au moins huit dans les principaux domaines de pratique déjà nommés.
Connaissances et expérience dans divers domaines du droit qui concernent l’Université, comme le droit de la propriété intellectuelle, le droit des contrats et le droit administratif.
Excellentes aptitudes pour la communication orale et écrite en français et en anglais.
Capacité à gérer des dossiers juridiques complexes de façon autonome et avec un minimum de supervision.
Excellentes aptitudes pour analyser, négocier et présenter des questions de droit.
Excellent jugement, esprit lucide et critique, capacité de raisonnement et qualité de rédaction supérieures, pouvoir de persuasion, capacité à imposer le respect, intégrité et discrétion indéniables.
Compétences supérieures en planification, attitude positive et avenante, et aptitudes pour la résolution de problèmes.
Capacité à se familiariser rapidement avec divers domaines du droit et à fournir des conseils et des avis juridiques fiables.
Capacité à travailler sous pression et à respecter des échéanciers serrés.
Solides compétences en relations interpersonnelles, dans l’optique notamment de dégager des consensus sans perdre la confiance des multiples acteurs de l’Université aux points de vue divergents; tempérament nécessaire pour travailler avec des personnalités en tous genres.
Capacité à gérer son temps efficacement et, par le fait même, à gérer plusieurs dossiers à la fois.
Confiance, humilité et capacité à réagir calmement en temps de crise.
Comportement professionnel et réfléchi, capacité à faire preuve d’objectivité et de détachement lorsque la situation l’exige.
Ce poste pourrait faire l’objet d’une entente de télétravail. Consultez les lignes directrices sur le télétravail.
Compétences clés à l’Université d’Ottawa : Voici les compétences exigées de tous les membres du personnel de l’Université d’Ottawa : Planification : Mettre en place une série de mesures ou d’événements afin d’atteindre un objectif ou de réaliser un projet. Planifier et organiser son travail et ses priorités dans le cadre de ses activités quotidiennes normales. Initiative : Faire preuve d’initiative et de créativité pour suggérer des améliorations et produire des résultats positifs. Faire preuve de proactivité et de débrouillardise. Être disponible et avoir la volonté de se surpasser autant que possible. Souci du service à la clientèle : Aider ou servir les autres afin de répondre à leurs besoins. Anticiper et cibler les besoins des clients internes et externes, et trouver des solutions pour y répondre. Travail d’équipe et coopération : Coopérer et bien collaborer avec les autres membres de l’équipe afin d’atteindre les objectifs communs. Accepter et formuler des critiques constructives. Savoir modifier son comportement pour atteindre les objectifs de l’équipe. L’Université d’Ottawa s’engage à offrir un milieu de travail diversifié et inclusif. Notre personnel nous tient réellement à cœur, tout comme l’équité en emploi. Nous promouvons une culture de respect, de collaboration et d’inclusion où l’esprit d’équipe, l’innovation et la créativité nourrissent notre quête d’excellence, en recherche comme en enseignement. Bien que toutes les candidatures soient les bienvenues, nous encourageons particulièrement les personnes autochtones, racialisées et handicapées ainsi que les femmes et les membres de la communauté LGBTIAQI2S+ à postuler. La création et le maintien d’un environnement de travail totalement accessible sont d’une importance capitale pour l’Université. C’est pourquoi nous mettons tout en œuvre pour accommoder les personnes ayant besoin de mesures d’adaptation pendant le processus de recrutement, d’évaluation et de sélection. Si tel est votre cas, veuillez nous en informer en écrivant à gestiontalentsrh@uottawa.ca. Toutes les personnes qualifiées sont invitées à postuler; la priorité sera toutefois accordée à celles qui ont la citoyenneté canadienne ou la résidence permanente. Note : S’il s’agit d’un poste syndiqué : Le processus d’embauche est régi par la convention collective en vigueur pour le groupe professionnel précisé. Pour en savoir plus S’il s’agit d’un poste de première ligne comportant des interactions avec la population étudiante, les personnes candidates retenues doivent avoir un niveau de compétence intermédiaire avancé ou supérieur en compréhension orale et écrite dans leur langue seconde. Le niveau de compétence linguistique est déterminé au moyen d’un test de compétence mis au point par l’Institut des langues officielles et du bilinguisme de l’Université d’Ottawa.
Avant le 1er mai 2022, en vertu du Règlement 129 – Vaccination contre la COVID-19, les membres de la population étudiante, du corps professoral et du personnel de soutien et les personnes en visite à l’Université (y compris les entrepreneurs) étaient tenus d’être vaccinés. Ce règlement a été suspendu le 1er mai 2022, mais pourrait être remis en vigueur à tout moment en fonction des directives de la santé publique et des recommandations des spécialistes.
Feb 09, 2025
Durée en mois (pour les emplois à durée déterminée) :
Famille d’emplois :
Services juridiques
Nombre de postes à pourvoir :
Faculté/Service - Département :
Services juridiques
Campus :
Campus principal
Affiliation syndicale :
Date d’affichage :
February 07, 2025
Les candidatures doivent être reçues AVANT LE :
Heures par semaine :
Classe salariale :
Personnel non syndiqué, classe NM3
Échelle salariale :
$126,119.00 - $156,525.00
Raison d’être du poste
Représenter l’Université dans les procédures judiciaires et l’appuyer dans l’exercice de ses activités en fournissant des services de nature juridique. Représenter l’Université devant les tribunaux judiciaires et administratifs et fournir des conseils et des avis sur diverses questions en lien avec les emplois et les relations de travail (griefs, arbitration, actions en justice pour renvoi injustifié, etc.) ainsi que dans divers domaines de pratique, comme les droits de la personne, les normes d’emploi, les contrats de travail, les politiques, la santé et la sécurité au travail et l’immigration. Prendre part aux négociations des conventions collectives.
Responsabilités particulières
Négocier, rédiger et analyser des documents de nature juridique comme des plaidoyers, des documents judiciaires, des ententes, des règlements et autres instruments juridiques.
Préparer, étudier et fournir des avis juridiques sur les règlements et méthodes de l’Université.
Effectuer des recherches en vue de formuler des avis et des conseils juridiques.
Rester au fait des lois, de l’évolution de la common law et des changements législatifs touchant l’Université, et fournir des conseils juridiques sur les meilleures façons de fonctionner et d’intervenir conformément à la loi et aux politiques.
Superviser au besoin les juristes de l’externe dont les services ont été retenus par l’Université ou son assureur.
Définir des objectifs à traiter en priorité en rapport avec les responsabilités particulières et les principaux domaines d’activité du poste.
Contribuer au matériel de formation destiné au personnel de l’Université sur les questions de nature juridique.
Effectuer d’autres tâches connexes placées sous sa responsabilité.
Connaissances, expérience et compétences
LL.B. ou J.D. et membre en règle du Barreau de l’Ontario.
Au moins dix ans d’expérience en pratique du droit, dont au moins huit dans les principaux domaines de pratique déjà nommés.
Connaissances et expérience dans divers domaines du droit qui concernent l’Université, comme le droit de la propriété intellectuelle, le droit des contrats et le droit administratif.
Excellentes aptitudes pour la communication orale et écrite en français et en anglais.
Capacité à gérer des dossiers juridiques complexes de façon autonome et avec un minimum de supervision.
Excellentes aptitudes pour analyser, négocier et présenter des questions de droit.
Excellent jugement, esprit lucide et critique, capacité de raisonnement et qualité de rédaction supérieures, pouvoir de persuasion, capacité à imposer le respect, intégrité et discrétion indéniables.
Compétences supérieures en planification, attitude positive et avenante, et aptitudes pour la résolution de problèmes.
Capacité à se familiariser rapidement avec divers domaines du droit et à fournir des conseils et des avis juridiques fiables.
Capacité à travailler sous pression et à respecter des échéanciers serrés.
Solides compétences en relations interpersonnelles, dans l’optique notamment de dégager des consensus sans perdre la confiance des multiples acteurs de l’Université aux points de vue divergents; tempérament nécessaire pour travailler avec des personnalités en tous genres.
Capacité à gérer son temps efficacement et, par le fait même, à gérer plusieurs dossiers à la fois.
Confiance, humilité et capacité à réagir calmement en temps de crise.
Comportement professionnel et réfléchi, capacité à faire preuve d’objectivité et de détachement lorsque la situation l’exige.
Ce poste pourrait faire l’objet d’une entente de télétravail. Consultez les lignes directrices sur le télétravail.
Compétences clés à l’Université d’Ottawa : Voici les compétences exigées de tous les membres du personnel de l’Université d’Ottawa : Planification : Mettre en place une série de mesures ou d’événements afin d’atteindre un objectif ou de réaliser un projet. Planifier et organiser son travail et ses priorités dans le cadre de ses activités quotidiennes normales. Initiative : Faire preuve d’initiative et de créativité pour suggérer des améliorations et produire des résultats positifs. Faire preuve de proactivité et de débrouillardise. Être disponible et avoir la volonté de se surpasser autant que possible. Souci du service à la clientèle : Aider ou servir les autres afin de répondre à leurs besoins. Anticiper et cibler les besoins des clients internes et externes, et trouver des solutions pour y répondre. Travail d’équipe et coopération : Coopérer et bien collaborer avec les autres membres de l’équipe afin d’atteindre les objectifs communs. Accepter et formuler des critiques constructives. Savoir modifier son comportement pour atteindre les objectifs de l’équipe. L’Université d’Ottawa s’engage à offrir un milieu de travail diversifié et inclusif. Notre personnel nous tient réellement à cœur, tout comme l’équité en emploi. Nous promouvons une culture de respect, de collaboration et d’inclusion où l’esprit d’équipe, l’innovation et la créativité nourrissent notre quête d’excellence, en recherche comme en enseignement. Bien que toutes les candidatures soient les bienvenues, nous encourageons particulièrement les personnes autochtones, racialisées et handicapées ainsi que les femmes et les membres de la communauté LGBTIAQI2S+ à postuler. La création et le maintien d’un environnement de travail totalement accessible sont d’une importance capitale pour l’Université. C’est pourquoi nous mettons tout en œuvre pour accommoder les personnes ayant besoin de mesures d’adaptation pendant le processus de recrutement, d’évaluation et de sélection. Si tel est votre cas, veuillez nous en informer en écrivant à gestiontalentsrh@uottawa.ca. Toutes les personnes qualifiées sont invitées à postuler; la priorité sera toutefois accordée à celles qui ont la citoyenneté canadienne ou la résidence permanente. Note : S’il s’agit d’un poste syndiqué : Le processus d’embauche est régi par la convention collective en vigueur pour le groupe professionnel précisé. Pour en savoir plus S’il s’agit d’un poste de première ligne comportant des interactions avec la population étudiante, les personnes candidates retenues doivent avoir un niveau de compétence intermédiaire avancé ou supérieur en compréhension orale et écrite dans leur langue seconde. Le niveau de compétence linguistique est déterminé au moyen d’un test de compétence mis au point par l’Institut des langues officielles et du bilinguisme de l’Université d’Ottawa.
Avant le 1er mai 2022, en vertu du Règlement 129 – Vaccination contre la COVID-19, les membres de la population étudiante, du corps professoral et du personnel de soutien et les personnes en visite à l’Université (y compris les entrepreneurs) étaient tenus d’être vaccinés. Ce règlement a été suspendu le 1er mai 2022, mais pourrait être remis en vigueur à tout moment en fonction des directives de la santé publique et des recommandations des spécialistes.
Join a Top-Ranked Legal Team in Downtown Ottawa – Hybrid Work Options Available
Position Overview: Litigation Associate Lawyer
Are you ready to elevate your career with one of Ontario’s most respected law firms? Our client, a prominent firm located in Downtown Ottawa, is actively seeking a Litigation Associate Lawyer to join their esteemed insurance team. Known for their inclusive and progressive culture, this firm consistently ranks as a top workplace in the legal industry.
Why This Role Stands Out
This is an excellent opportunity for a lawyer seeking meaningful, impactful work in a supportive environment. The position provides access to high-quality litigation files, including Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) claims, along with a flexible billing structure and the benefits of a hybrid work model. You’ll gain valuable trial experience, manage a diverse caseload, and enjoy the convenience of both in-office and remote work options.
Key Qualifications
Experience : 4+ years of post-qualification experience specializing in insurance litigation defense, either in-house or with a respected law firm.
Expertise : Strong understanding of insurance litigation and conflict resolution strategies.
Innovation : Interest in advancing legal service delivery and supporting the firm’s growth.
Leadership : Initiative and readiness to take on leadership roles in projects.
Flexibility : Hybrid work options available, promoting a healthy work-life balance.
What Makes This Opportunity Unique
Opportunities like this are rare in the insurance sector, particularly with such a reputable firm. Whether you want to refine your litigation expertise or explore leadership opportunities, this position offers a clear path to advance your career while enjoying the benefits of a hybrid work environment.
Confidentially send your CV to: ben@cartelinc.com
Contact Information
Ben Higham, JD, LL.M. Director of Legal Recruitment Cartel Inc. | First Canadian Place, Suite 2550
About Cartel Inc.
At Cartel Inc., we prioritize transparency and genuine support for our candidates. We’re known for helping candidates find the right fit and making a meaningful impact on their careers. Contact us today to discover how we can assist in your legal journey!
Dec 21, 2024
Full time
Join a Top-Ranked Legal Team in Downtown Ottawa – Hybrid Work Options Available
Position Overview: Litigation Associate Lawyer
Are you ready to elevate your career with one of Ontario’s most respected law firms? Our client, a prominent firm located in Downtown Ottawa, is actively seeking a Litigation Associate Lawyer to join their esteemed insurance team. Known for their inclusive and progressive culture, this firm consistently ranks as a top workplace in the legal industry.
Why This Role Stands Out
This is an excellent opportunity for a lawyer seeking meaningful, impactful work in a supportive environment. The position provides access to high-quality litigation files, including Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) claims, along with a flexible billing structure and the benefits of a hybrid work model. You’ll gain valuable trial experience, manage a diverse caseload, and enjoy the convenience of both in-office and remote work options.
Key Qualifications
Experience : 4+ years of post-qualification experience specializing in insurance litigation defense, either in-house or with a respected law firm.
Expertise : Strong understanding of insurance litigation and conflict resolution strategies.
Innovation : Interest in advancing legal service delivery and supporting the firm’s growth.
Leadership : Initiative and readiness to take on leadership roles in projects.
Flexibility : Hybrid work options available, promoting a healthy work-life balance.
What Makes This Opportunity Unique
Opportunities like this are rare in the insurance sector, particularly with such a reputable firm. Whether you want to refine your litigation expertise or explore leadership opportunities, this position offers a clear path to advance your career while enjoying the benefits of a hybrid work environment.
Confidentially send your CV to: ben@cartelinc.com
Contact Information
Ben Higham, JD, LL.M. Director of Legal Recruitment Cartel Inc. | First Canadian Place, Suite 2550
About Cartel Inc.
At Cartel Inc., we prioritize transparency and genuine support for our candidates. We’re known for helping candidates find the right fit and making a meaningful impact on their careers. Contact us today to discover how we can assist in your legal journey!
Municipal Property Assessment Corporation
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Become a Assessment Advocacy Assistant with MPAC
The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) is made up of a team of experts who understand local communities and assess every property in Ontario. What we do provides the very foundation that municipalities use to base the property taxes needed to pay for the services we use every day.
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism
MPAC is committed to Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism. We are taking important steps towards ensuring that all voices are respected, valued and being heard. MPAC is dedicated to fostering an environment where employees can bring their full, unique and authentic selves and are inspired to do their best work.
Job Description
What makes you great for this role? You are a detailed-oriented team player who can provide administrative and legal support services to the Assessment Litigation and Dispute Resolution / Legislative Interpretation, Litigation and Strategy branch in the administration of appeals before the Assessment Review Board (ARB).
We have:
A team of highly skilled, dedicated, and collaborative staff to work with
Leadership that supports you
An enterprise that embraces change
A work environment that has flexible work locations (including remote), hours of work and overall employee wellness support
You have:
Completion of post-secondary education in legal/office administration, law clerk, paralegal or related field
The ability to read and understand legal documents
Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications including MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint
Strong communication and interpersonal skills to build effective working relationships with clients and colleagues
An understanding of the need to exercise tact and maintain confidentiality
Organization and time management skills while maintaining high quality output
A willingness to embrace collaborative sharing of ideas and solutions within a team environment
Nice to have:
Knowledge of the appeals process within the Province of Ontario and the administrative practices of the Assessment Review Board
What you will do:
Support Assessment Advocates by gathering research information and documentation for the provision and administration of advocacy and appeals services
Monitor MPAC's corporate assessment appeal system to support Assessment Advocates in resolving scheduling issues
Research and assemble background information, documents, applicable court cases, supporting claims and research data, as directed by Assessment Advocates
Assist branch staff in providing and preparing required documentation and responses with identified timelines as per legislative / policy requirements
Provide administrative services to branch staff under the direction of the Manager
Gain an understanding of the advocacy work the branch provides
Additional Information:
Requisition ID: 2284
Job Type: Union
Closing Date: December 12, 2024
Ready to apply?
Please note, only applications submitted through the Applicant Tracking System will be accepted. Successful candidates will be required to undergo a background verification with Mintz Global Screening. By applying to this job posting, you are providing your consent to MPAC to share your name, email address and phone number with Mintz, to conduct the criminal and driver abstract check and for Mintz to disclose the results to MPAC, should you be the successful incumbent. MPAC is committed to fostering an inclusive, accessible environment where all employees and members of the public feel valued, respected and supported. We are dedicated to building a workforce that reflect the diversity of the public and communities we serve. Persons with disability who need accommodation in the application process or those needing job postings in an alternative format may email their request to careers@mpac.ca. We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those selected for further consideration will be contacted.
Please note that MPAC prohibits employees from holding a current/valid real estate license and successful applicants must at least suspend their real estate licenses during their period of employment at MPAC as outlined in our Employee Code of Conduct. Job advertisements for positions that have been designated bilingual will be posted in both English and French on our website. Positions that are not designated bilingual are not translated and are only posted in English on the English version of our website.
Dec 18, 2024
Full time
Become a Assessment Advocacy Assistant with MPAC
The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) is made up of a team of experts who understand local communities and assess every property in Ontario. What we do provides the very foundation that municipalities use to base the property taxes needed to pay for the services we use every day.
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism
MPAC is committed to Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism. We are taking important steps towards ensuring that all voices are respected, valued and being heard. MPAC is dedicated to fostering an environment where employees can bring their full, unique and authentic selves and are inspired to do their best work.
Job Description
What makes you great for this role? You are a detailed-oriented team player who can provide administrative and legal support services to the Assessment Litigation and Dispute Resolution / Legislative Interpretation, Litigation and Strategy branch in the administration of appeals before the Assessment Review Board (ARB).
We have:
A team of highly skilled, dedicated, and collaborative staff to work with
Leadership that supports you
An enterprise that embraces change
A work environment that has flexible work locations (including remote), hours of work and overall employee wellness support
You have:
Completion of post-secondary education in legal/office administration, law clerk, paralegal or related field
The ability to read and understand legal documents
Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications including MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint
Strong communication and interpersonal skills to build effective working relationships with clients and colleagues
An understanding of the need to exercise tact and maintain confidentiality
Organization and time management skills while maintaining high quality output
A willingness to embrace collaborative sharing of ideas and solutions within a team environment
Nice to have:
Knowledge of the appeals process within the Province of Ontario and the administrative practices of the Assessment Review Board
What you will do:
Support Assessment Advocates by gathering research information and documentation for the provision and administration of advocacy and appeals services
Monitor MPAC's corporate assessment appeal system to support Assessment Advocates in resolving scheduling issues
Research and assemble background information, documents, applicable court cases, supporting claims and research data, as directed by Assessment Advocates
Assist branch staff in providing and preparing required documentation and responses with identified timelines as per legislative / policy requirements
Provide administrative services to branch staff under the direction of the Manager
Gain an understanding of the advocacy work the branch provides
Additional Information:
Requisition ID: 2284
Job Type: Union
Closing Date: December 12, 2024
Ready to apply?
Please note, only applications submitted through the Applicant Tracking System will be accepted. Successful candidates will be required to undergo a background verification with Mintz Global Screening. By applying to this job posting, you are providing your consent to MPAC to share your name, email address and phone number with Mintz, to conduct the criminal and driver abstract check and for Mintz to disclose the results to MPAC, should you be the successful incumbent. MPAC is committed to fostering an inclusive, accessible environment where all employees and members of the public feel valued, respected and supported. We are dedicated to building a workforce that reflect the diversity of the public and communities we serve. Persons with disability who need accommodation in the application process or those needing job postings in an alternative format may email their request to careers@mpac.ca. We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those selected for further consideration will be contacted.
Please note that MPAC prohibits employees from holding a current/valid real estate license and successful applicants must at least suspend their real estate licenses during their period of employment at MPAC as outlined in our Employee Code of Conduct. Job advertisements for positions that have been designated bilingual will be posted in both English and French on our website. Positions that are not designated bilingual are not translated and are only posted in English on the English version of our website.
Conseiller / Conseillère parlementaire
Direction : Bureau du légiste et conseiller parlementaire
Classification : SLA 2A: 127 825 $ - 202 339 $
Type d’emploi : Nomination pour une durée déterminée (6 mois et +)
Lieu de travail : Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Date de clôture : lundi 9 decembre 2024
À propos du Sénat
Le Sénat joue un rôle unique dans le façonnement de la démocratie canadienne. En tant que membres de la Chambre haute du Parlement, les sénateurs étudient des projets de loi, examinent des politiques d’intérêt public, défendent des causes et participent à la diplomatie interparlementaire. Le Sénat est un lieu de travail formé de gens dynamiques qui représentent la diversité des talents, des parcours et des perspectives au Canada. Nous nous engageons à créer et à maintenir un lieu de travail diversifié et inclusif où chacun a le plein accès à l’égalité en emploi, au perfectionnement et à l’avancement. Faites progresser votre carrière en vous joignant à une équipe de professionnels dévoués qui ont à cœur l’excellence des services offerts aux sénateurs et à l’institution.
Votre contribution
En tant que conseiller parlementaire, vous aiderez le légiste et conseiller parlementaire du Sénat du Canada à fournir des services juridiques au Sénat, à ses comités, aux sénateurs et à l’Administration du Sénat. Votre travail contribuera à un large éventail de projets consistant à conseiller des intervenants en matière de droit, de procédures, de pratiques et d’usages du Parlement, et au sujet des privilèges, des immunités et des pouvoirs dont jouissent le Sénat et les sénateurs.
Ce processus de sélection est ouvert au grand public pour doter un (1) poste de durée déterminée pour une période de douze (12) mois au sein du Bureau du légiste et conseiller parlementaire.
Il pourrait être utilisé pour pourvoir d’autres postes à durée déterminée ou indéterminée de même niveau et comportant des exigences similaires.
Le Sénat du Canada est déterminé à mettre en place une main-d’œuvre qualifiée, reflétant la diversité des Canadiens que nous servons, en commençant par un processus d'embauche inclusif et sans obstacle. Vous pouvez présenter votre candidature dans la langue officielle de votre choix (anglais ou français) et demander des mesures d’adaptation à n'importe quelle étape du processus d'évaluation. Toutes les informations reçues à ce sujet resteront confidentielles. Nous encourageons l'équité en matière d'emploi et vous encourageons à indiquer si vous appartenez à l'un des groupes désignés lorsque vous posez votre candidature.
Conditions préalables
Diplôme en droit d’une université reconnue;
Statut de membre en règle du barreau d’une province ou d’un territoire du Canada ou de la Chambre des notaires du Québec;
Minimum de cinq (5) années d’expérience récente* dans la rédaction de textes législatifs ou la prestation de services consultatifs dans au moins deux des domaines suivants : droit constitutionnel, droit administratif, droit parlementaire, droit du travail et de l’emploi, droit des contrats et des marchés publics, ou autres domaines du droit public;
Connaissance du rôle et du mandat du Sénat du Canada ainsi que du rôle du Bureau du légiste et conseiller parlementaire;
Connaissance approfondie du droit canadien et de ses théories, principes et concepts, et capacité de fournir des conseils juridiques et politiques stratégiques sur des questions diverses : emploi et travail, contrats et marchés publics, accès à l’information et protection de la vie privée, droits d’auteur, et autres questions juridiques;
Capacité de rédiger des avis juridiques et d’autres documents de nature juridique, dont des projets de loi et des amendements à des projets de loi;
Capacité d’effectuer des recherches juridiques, d’analyser des informations factuelles disparates et complexes, et d’interpréter la jurisprudence et les lois.
Par « expérience récente », on entend une expérience acquise au cours des sept (7) dernières années.
Exigences linguistiques
Compréhension de l’anglais écrit : C
Expression de l’anglais à l’écrit : C
Intéraction orale en anglais : C
Compréhension du français écrit : C
Expression du français à l’écrit : C
French Oral Interaction: C
Intégrité Respect Service Gestion par l'action Communication Jugement Capacité d'adaptation Travail d'équipe et esprit de collaboration
Besoins organisationnels
Le Sénat du Canada est résolu à créer et à maintenir un milieu de travail inclusif où tout le personnel a un accès complet et équitable à l’emploi, au perfectionnement professionnel et à l’avancement.
Conditions d’emploi
Les candidats doivent consentir à fournir des informations personnelles et obtenir une accréditation de sécurité pour être admissibles à une nomination.
Dec 16, 2024
Conseiller / Conseillère parlementaire
Direction : Bureau du légiste et conseiller parlementaire
Classification : SLA 2A: 127 825 $ - 202 339 $
Type d’emploi : Nomination pour une durée déterminée (6 mois et +)
Lieu de travail : Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Date de clôture : lundi 9 decembre 2024
À propos du Sénat
Le Sénat joue un rôle unique dans le façonnement de la démocratie canadienne. En tant que membres de la Chambre haute du Parlement, les sénateurs étudient des projets de loi, examinent des politiques d’intérêt public, défendent des causes et participent à la diplomatie interparlementaire. Le Sénat est un lieu de travail formé de gens dynamiques qui représentent la diversité des talents, des parcours et des perspectives au Canada. Nous nous engageons à créer et à maintenir un lieu de travail diversifié et inclusif où chacun a le plein accès à l’égalité en emploi, au perfectionnement et à l’avancement. Faites progresser votre carrière en vous joignant à une équipe de professionnels dévoués qui ont à cœur l’excellence des services offerts aux sénateurs et à l’institution.
Votre contribution
En tant que conseiller parlementaire, vous aiderez le légiste et conseiller parlementaire du Sénat du Canada à fournir des services juridiques au Sénat, à ses comités, aux sénateurs et à l’Administration du Sénat. Votre travail contribuera à un large éventail de projets consistant à conseiller des intervenants en matière de droit, de procédures, de pratiques et d’usages du Parlement, et au sujet des privilèges, des immunités et des pouvoirs dont jouissent le Sénat et les sénateurs.
Ce processus de sélection est ouvert au grand public pour doter un (1) poste de durée déterminée pour une période de douze (12) mois au sein du Bureau du légiste et conseiller parlementaire.
Il pourrait être utilisé pour pourvoir d’autres postes à durée déterminée ou indéterminée de même niveau et comportant des exigences similaires.
Le Sénat du Canada est déterminé à mettre en place une main-d’œuvre qualifiée, reflétant la diversité des Canadiens que nous servons, en commençant par un processus d'embauche inclusif et sans obstacle. Vous pouvez présenter votre candidature dans la langue officielle de votre choix (anglais ou français) et demander des mesures d’adaptation à n'importe quelle étape du processus d'évaluation. Toutes les informations reçues à ce sujet resteront confidentielles. Nous encourageons l'équité en matière d'emploi et vous encourageons à indiquer si vous appartenez à l'un des groupes désignés lorsque vous posez votre candidature.
Conditions préalables
Diplôme en droit d’une université reconnue;
Statut de membre en règle du barreau d’une province ou d’un territoire du Canada ou de la Chambre des notaires du Québec;
Minimum de cinq (5) années d’expérience récente* dans la rédaction de textes législatifs ou la prestation de services consultatifs dans au moins deux des domaines suivants : droit constitutionnel, droit administratif, droit parlementaire, droit du travail et de l’emploi, droit des contrats et des marchés publics, ou autres domaines du droit public;
Connaissance du rôle et du mandat du Sénat du Canada ainsi que du rôle du Bureau du légiste et conseiller parlementaire;
Connaissance approfondie du droit canadien et de ses théories, principes et concepts, et capacité de fournir des conseils juridiques et politiques stratégiques sur des questions diverses : emploi et travail, contrats et marchés publics, accès à l’information et protection de la vie privée, droits d’auteur, et autres questions juridiques;
Capacité de rédiger des avis juridiques et d’autres documents de nature juridique, dont des projets de loi et des amendements à des projets de loi;
Capacité d’effectuer des recherches juridiques, d’analyser des informations factuelles disparates et complexes, et d’interpréter la jurisprudence et les lois.
Par « expérience récente », on entend une expérience acquise au cours des sept (7) dernières années.
Exigences linguistiques
Compréhension de l’anglais écrit : C
Expression de l’anglais à l’écrit : C
Intéraction orale en anglais : C
Compréhension du français écrit : C
Expression du français à l’écrit : C
French Oral Interaction: C
Intégrité Respect Service Gestion par l'action Communication Jugement Capacité d'adaptation Travail d'équipe et esprit de collaboration
Besoins organisationnels
Le Sénat du Canada est résolu à créer et à maintenir un milieu de travail inclusif où tout le personnel a un accès complet et équitable à l’emploi, au perfectionnement professionnel et à l’avancement.
Conditions d’emploi
Les candidats doivent consentir à fournir des informations personnelles et obtenir une accréditation de sécurité pour être admissibles à une nomination.
Légiste et conseiller parlementaire
Direction : Bureau du légiste et conseiller parlementaire
Classification : SLA 3B: 205 986 $ - 246 584 $
Type d’emploi : Nomination pour une durée indéterminée (permanent, à temps plein)
Lieu de travail : Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Date de clôture : vendredi 10 janvier 2025
À propos du Sénat
Le Sénat joue un rôle unique dans le façonnement de la démocratie canadienne. En tant que membres de la Chambre haute du Parlement, les sénateurs étudient des projets de loi, examinent des politiques d’intérêt public, défendent des causes et participent à la diplomatie interparlementaire. Le Sénat est un lieu de travail formé de gens dynamiques qui représentent la diversité des talents, des parcours et des perspectives au Canada. Nous nous engageons à créer et à maintenir un lieu de travail diversifié et inclusif où chacun a le plein accès à l’égalité en emploi, au perfectionnement et à l’avancement. Vous serez un cadre supérieur à la tête d’une équipe de professionnels dévoués qui s’engagent à atteindre l’excellence dans le soutien aux sénateurs et à l’institution.
Votre contribution
En tant que conseiller juridique en chef du Sénat du Canada, le légiste et conseiller parlementaire est chargé de fournir des conseils juridiques et des services législatifs complets et non partisans au Sénat et à ses comités, y compris le Comité permanent de la régie interne, des budgets et de l’administration (CIBA), à la Présidence et à tous les sénateurs, au greffier du Sénat et à l’Administration du Sénat.
En tant que cadre supérieur de l’Administration du Sénat, vous relevez du greffier du Sénat et, en tant que membre clé du comité des plans et des priorités du greffier, vous devez contribuer à établir et à réaliser les priorités et les objectifs stratégiques de l’institution.
En tant que chef du Bureau du légiste et conseiller parlementaire, vous dirigez une équipe de juristes qui sont collectivement responsables de la prestation d’une gamme de services juridiques, Identifier et atténuer les risques institutionnels et résoudre les problèmes.
Vous êtes l’un des principaux greffiers au Bureau du Sénat, ce qui vous permet de rester informé des activités liées au progrès de la législation et des questions de privilège et de procédure parlementaires.
En tant qu’avocat général du Sénat, votre équipe fournit des conseils juridiques sur des questions administratives et de gestion à CIBA et à l’Administration. Il peut également vous être demandé d’intervenir dans des actions en justice au nom de la Présidence du Sénat ou de sénateurs, afin de garantir le respect des privilèges, des immunités et des pouvoirs du Parlement.
Enfin, vous devez superviser, mener et orienter les recherches sur l’application du droit parlementaire, constitutionnel, administratif et du travail, vous tenir au courant de la législation et de la jurisprudence récentes, et veiller à ce que les conseils et avis juridiques donnés soient fondés sur des précédents juridiques solides.
Ce processus de sélection est ouvert au grand publique pour doter un (1) poste à durée indéterminée au sein du Bureau du légiste et conseiller parlementaire.
Le Sénat du Canada est déterminé à mettre en place une main-d’œuvre qualifiée, reflétant la diversité des Canadiens que nous servons, en commençant par un processus d'embauche inclusif et sans obstacle. Vous pouvez présenter votre candidature dans la langue officielle de votre choix (anglais ou français) et demander des mesures d’adaptation à n'importe quelle étape du processus d'évaluation. Toutes les informations reçues à ce sujet resteront confidentielles. Nous encourageons l'équité en matière d'emploi et vous encourageons à indiquer si vous appartenez à l'un des groupes désignés lorsque vous posez votre candidature.
Le recrutement pour ce poste est géré par Boyden au nom du Sénat du Canada. Veuillez noter que les candidats qualifiés seront contactés par des représentants de Boyden et non par l'équipe d'acquisition de talents du Sénat
Conditions préalables
Diplôme de droit délivré par une université reconnue;
Être membre en règle depuis au moins 10 ans du barreau d’une province ou d’un territoire du Canada ou de la Chambre des notaires du Québec;
Expérience en tant que cadre supérieur dans une organisation du secteur privé ou public, avec une grande expérience de la prestation de conseils stratégiques en matière de droit ou de gestion sur un large éventail d’enjeux;
Excellentes compétences en communication écrite et orale dans les deux langues officielles;
Excellentes compétences en matière d’interprétation, d’analyse, de réflexion critique et de résolution de problèmes;
Connaissance approfondie du cadre législatif régissant le Sénat, en particulier la Loi constitutionnelle de 1867, la Loi constitutionnelle de 1982, y compris la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés, la Loi sur le Parlement du Canada, la Loi sur les relations de travail au Parlement, la Loi sur les langues officielles et d’autres lois fédérales applicables au Sénat du Canada;
Connaissance des rôles, des responsabilités et des pratiques constitutionnels de la Couronne, du Parlement du Canada et du gouvernement du Canada, avec un accent particulier sur la relation bicamérale entre le Sénat et la Chambre des communes, et le droit du privilège parlementaire;
Vaste expérience de l’interprétation et de la prestation d’avis juridiques sur des questions de droit constitutionnel, parlementaire, administratif et du travail;
Connaissance approfondie de tous les aspects du processus législatif;
Capacité à négocier, à persuader et à influencer diverses parties prenantes ayant des objectifs concurrents et à dégager un consensus sur des questions complexes ou sensibles;
Décideur avisé, équitable et impartial;
Expérience du développement et du maintien de relations constructives et efficaces;
Capacité à répondre à des délais serrés et à des priorités changeantes et à les concilier.
Qualifications constituant un atout
Expérience dans un domaine juridique ou judiciaire;
Expérience de la préparation, de la rédaction et de la modification de textes de loi;
Expérience de l’interaction avec des parlementaires;
Connaissance des politiques, des pratiques et des principes de bonne gestion;
Connaissance du programme politique actuel, des initiatives législatives en cours et des questions nationales d’actualité.
Exigences linguistiques
Compréhension de l’anglais écrit : C
Expression de l’anglais à l’écrit : C
Intéraction orale en anglais : C
Compréhension du français écrit : C
Expression du français à l’écrit : C
French Oral Interaction: C
Dec 12, 2024
Full time
Légiste et conseiller parlementaire
Direction : Bureau du légiste et conseiller parlementaire
Classification : SLA 3B: 205 986 $ - 246 584 $
Type d’emploi : Nomination pour une durée indéterminée (permanent, à temps plein)
Lieu de travail : Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Date de clôture : vendredi 10 janvier 2025
À propos du Sénat
Le Sénat joue un rôle unique dans le façonnement de la démocratie canadienne. En tant que membres de la Chambre haute du Parlement, les sénateurs étudient des projets de loi, examinent des politiques d’intérêt public, défendent des causes et participent à la diplomatie interparlementaire. Le Sénat est un lieu de travail formé de gens dynamiques qui représentent la diversité des talents, des parcours et des perspectives au Canada. Nous nous engageons à créer et à maintenir un lieu de travail diversifié et inclusif où chacun a le plein accès à l’égalité en emploi, au perfectionnement et à l’avancement. Vous serez un cadre supérieur à la tête d’une équipe de professionnels dévoués qui s’engagent à atteindre l’excellence dans le soutien aux sénateurs et à l’institution.
Votre contribution
En tant que conseiller juridique en chef du Sénat du Canada, le légiste et conseiller parlementaire est chargé de fournir des conseils juridiques et des services législatifs complets et non partisans au Sénat et à ses comités, y compris le Comité permanent de la régie interne, des budgets et de l’administration (CIBA), à la Présidence et à tous les sénateurs, au greffier du Sénat et à l’Administration du Sénat.
En tant que cadre supérieur de l’Administration du Sénat, vous relevez du greffier du Sénat et, en tant que membre clé du comité des plans et des priorités du greffier, vous devez contribuer à établir et à réaliser les priorités et les objectifs stratégiques de l’institution.
En tant que chef du Bureau du légiste et conseiller parlementaire, vous dirigez une équipe de juristes qui sont collectivement responsables de la prestation d’une gamme de services juridiques, Identifier et atténuer les risques institutionnels et résoudre les problèmes.
Vous êtes l’un des principaux greffiers au Bureau du Sénat, ce qui vous permet de rester informé des activités liées au progrès de la législation et des questions de privilège et de procédure parlementaires.
En tant qu’avocat général du Sénat, votre équipe fournit des conseils juridiques sur des questions administratives et de gestion à CIBA et à l’Administration. Il peut également vous être demandé d’intervenir dans des actions en justice au nom de la Présidence du Sénat ou de sénateurs, afin de garantir le respect des privilèges, des immunités et des pouvoirs du Parlement.
Enfin, vous devez superviser, mener et orienter les recherches sur l’application du droit parlementaire, constitutionnel, administratif et du travail, vous tenir au courant de la législation et de la jurisprudence récentes, et veiller à ce que les conseils et avis juridiques donnés soient fondés sur des précédents juridiques solides.
Ce processus de sélection est ouvert au grand publique pour doter un (1) poste à durée indéterminée au sein du Bureau du légiste et conseiller parlementaire.
Le Sénat du Canada est déterminé à mettre en place une main-d’œuvre qualifiée, reflétant la diversité des Canadiens que nous servons, en commençant par un processus d'embauche inclusif et sans obstacle. Vous pouvez présenter votre candidature dans la langue officielle de votre choix (anglais ou français) et demander des mesures d’adaptation à n'importe quelle étape du processus d'évaluation. Toutes les informations reçues à ce sujet resteront confidentielles. Nous encourageons l'équité en matière d'emploi et vous encourageons à indiquer si vous appartenez à l'un des groupes désignés lorsque vous posez votre candidature.
Le recrutement pour ce poste est géré par Boyden au nom du Sénat du Canada. Veuillez noter que les candidats qualifiés seront contactés par des représentants de Boyden et non par l'équipe d'acquisition de talents du Sénat
Conditions préalables
Diplôme de droit délivré par une université reconnue;
Être membre en règle depuis au moins 10 ans du barreau d’une province ou d’un territoire du Canada ou de la Chambre des notaires du Québec;
Expérience en tant que cadre supérieur dans une organisation du secteur privé ou public, avec une grande expérience de la prestation de conseils stratégiques en matière de droit ou de gestion sur un large éventail d’enjeux;
Excellentes compétences en communication écrite et orale dans les deux langues officielles;
Excellentes compétences en matière d’interprétation, d’analyse, de réflexion critique et de résolution de problèmes;
Connaissance approfondie du cadre législatif régissant le Sénat, en particulier la Loi constitutionnelle de 1867, la Loi constitutionnelle de 1982, y compris la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés, la Loi sur le Parlement du Canada, la Loi sur les relations de travail au Parlement, la Loi sur les langues officielles et d’autres lois fédérales applicables au Sénat du Canada;
Connaissance des rôles, des responsabilités et des pratiques constitutionnels de la Couronne, du Parlement du Canada et du gouvernement du Canada, avec un accent particulier sur la relation bicamérale entre le Sénat et la Chambre des communes, et le droit du privilège parlementaire;
Vaste expérience de l’interprétation et de la prestation d’avis juridiques sur des questions de droit constitutionnel, parlementaire, administratif et du travail;
Connaissance approfondie de tous les aspects du processus législatif;
Capacité à négocier, à persuader et à influencer diverses parties prenantes ayant des objectifs concurrents et à dégager un consensus sur des questions complexes ou sensibles;
Décideur avisé, équitable et impartial;
Expérience du développement et du maintien de relations constructives et efficaces;
Capacité à répondre à des délais serrés et à des priorités changeantes et à les concilier.
Qualifications constituant un atout
Expérience dans un domaine juridique ou judiciaire;
Expérience de la préparation, de la rédaction et de la modification de textes de loi;
Expérience de l’interaction avec des parlementaires;
Connaissance des politiques, des pratiques et des principes de bonne gestion;
Connaissance du programme politique actuel, des initiatives législatives en cours et des questions nationales d’actualité.
Exigences linguistiques
Compréhension de l’anglais écrit : C
Expression de l’anglais à l’écrit : C
Intéraction orale en anglais : C
Compréhension du français écrit : C
Expression du français à l’écrit : C
French Oral Interaction: C
We are seeking a talented individual to join our Mercer Canada Wealth team at Marsh McLennan. This role will be based in our Montreal, Quebec City or Ottawa office. This is a hybrid role that has a requirement of working at least three days a week in the office. The Sr. Consulting Attorney will provide expert legal guidance on defined contribution and defined benefit pension plans, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards while addressing client inquiries, negotiating agreements, and facilitating effective communication. We will count on you to:
Provide expert legal advice on defined contribution (DC) and defined benefit (DB) pension plans, ensuring compliance with governance standards and regulatory bodies.
Address client inquiries regarding pension laws and regulations, offering clear and actionable guidance.
Negotiate pension agreements and prepare necessary documentation, including amendments and changes to pension plan texts.
Communicate effectively with plan members, ensuring they are informed about relevant updates and changes.
What you need to have:
A Master of Laws (LL.M.) degree or Juris Doctor (J.D.) from an accredited institution.
Proven experience working with pension plans, specifically DC and DB plans, within the Canadian legal framework.
Bilingual proficiency in French and English is highly preferred.
What makes you stand out:
Strong understanding of pension governance and regulatory compliance.
Excellent communication skills, with the ability to convey complex legal concepts to clients and plan members.
Experience in pension negotiation and documentation management.
Why join our team:
We help you be your best through professional development opportunities, interesting work and supportive leaders.
We foster a vibrant and inclusive culture where you can work with talented colleagues to create new solutions and have impact for colleagues, clients and communities.
Our scale enables us to provide a range of career opportunities, as well as benefits and rewards to enhance your well-being
Mercer, a business of Marsh McLennan (NYSE: MMC), is a global leader in helping clients realize their investment objectives, shape the future of work and enhance health and retirement outcomes for their people. Marsh McLennan is a global leader in risk, strategy and people, advising clients in 130 countries across four businesses: Marsh, Guy Carpenter, Mercer and Oliver Wyman. With annual revenue of $23 billion and more than 85,000 colleagues, Marsh McLennan helps build the confidence to thrive through the power of perspective. For more information, visit mercer.com, or follow on LinkedIn and X. Marsh McLennan is committed to embracing a diverse, inclusive and flexible work environment. We aim to attract and retain the best people and embrace diversity of age background, disability, ethnic origin, family duties, gender orientation or expression, marital status, nationality, parental status, personal or social status, political affiliation, race, religion and beliefs, sex/gender, sexual orientation or expression, skin color, or any other characteristic protected by applicable law. In accordance with applicable legislation, Marsh McLennan will provide a reasonable accommodation to employees and prospective employees to the point of undue hardship upon request and as required in respect of the individual’s particular restrictions and limitations. If you require a specific accommodation because of a disability or medical need please contact reasonableaccommodations@mmc.com Marsh McLennan is committed to hybrid work, which includes the flexibility of working remotely and the collaboration, connections and professional development benefits of working together in the office. All Marsh McLennan colleagues are expected to be in their local office or working onsite with clients at least three days per week. Office-based teams will identify at least one “anchor day” per week on which their full team will be together in person.
Dec 06, 2024
Full time
We are seeking a talented individual to join our Mercer Canada Wealth team at Marsh McLennan. This role will be based in our Montreal, Quebec City or Ottawa office. This is a hybrid role that has a requirement of working at least three days a week in the office. The Sr. Consulting Attorney will provide expert legal guidance on defined contribution and defined benefit pension plans, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards while addressing client inquiries, negotiating agreements, and facilitating effective communication. We will count on you to:
Provide expert legal advice on defined contribution (DC) and defined benefit (DB) pension plans, ensuring compliance with governance standards and regulatory bodies.
Address client inquiries regarding pension laws and regulations, offering clear and actionable guidance.
Negotiate pension agreements and prepare necessary documentation, including amendments and changes to pension plan texts.
Communicate effectively with plan members, ensuring they are informed about relevant updates and changes.
What you need to have:
A Master of Laws (LL.M.) degree or Juris Doctor (J.D.) from an accredited institution.
Proven experience working with pension plans, specifically DC and DB plans, within the Canadian legal framework.
Bilingual proficiency in French and English is highly preferred.
What makes you stand out:
Strong understanding of pension governance and regulatory compliance.
Excellent communication skills, with the ability to convey complex legal concepts to clients and plan members.
Experience in pension negotiation and documentation management.
Why join our team:
We help you be your best through professional development opportunities, interesting work and supportive leaders.
We foster a vibrant and inclusive culture where you can work with talented colleagues to create new solutions and have impact for colleagues, clients and communities.
Our scale enables us to provide a range of career opportunities, as well as benefits and rewards to enhance your well-being
Mercer, a business of Marsh McLennan (NYSE: MMC), is a global leader in helping clients realize their investment objectives, shape the future of work and enhance health and retirement outcomes for their people. Marsh McLennan is a global leader in risk, strategy and people, advising clients in 130 countries across four businesses: Marsh, Guy Carpenter, Mercer and Oliver Wyman. With annual revenue of $23 billion and more than 85,000 colleagues, Marsh McLennan helps build the confidence to thrive through the power of perspective. For more information, visit mercer.com, or follow on LinkedIn and X. Marsh McLennan is committed to embracing a diverse, inclusive and flexible work environment. We aim to attract and retain the best people and embrace diversity of age background, disability, ethnic origin, family duties, gender orientation or expression, marital status, nationality, parental status, personal or social status, political affiliation, race, religion and beliefs, sex/gender, sexual orientation or expression, skin color, or any other characteristic protected by applicable law. In accordance with applicable legislation, Marsh McLennan will provide a reasonable accommodation to employees and prospective employees to the point of undue hardship upon request and as required in respect of the individual’s particular restrictions and limitations. If you require a specific accommodation because of a disability or medical need please contact reasonableaccommodations@mmc.com Marsh McLennan is committed to hybrid work, which includes the flexibility of working remotely and the collaboration, connections and professional development benefits of working together in the office. All Marsh McLennan colleagues are expected to be in their local office or working onsite with clients at least three days per week. Office-based teams will identify at least one “anchor day” per week on which their full team will be together in person.
Ready to build your career? We want to hear from you. As a Legal Counsel working in the operational support team at Pomerleau Construction, you will play a pivotal role in the future success of the business by providing strategic legal counsel in matters of corporate and commercial law. Supporting large-scale building and infrastructure projects – ranging from $1.5 million to upwards of $1 billion – you will have the opportunity to provide strategic legal advisory and support on day-to-day activities and operations of the company (Pomerleau and its subsidiaries). What You Will Do
Provid e strategic legal advice to the Companies executive and management teams
Providing legal advice to project teams during the course of construction on Projects across Canada and the United States, including management and preparation of claims under project contracts
Provid e general legal advice as required by the Companies’ operations in relation to disputes relating to procurement, environmental, employment, labour, real estate, and other areas of law
Managing all aspects of active litigation, arbitration, and administrative proceedings on the Companies’ behalf, including drafting pleadings, preparing document disclosure, conducting examinations, and running mediations, motions, trials , and arbitrations
Assisting in the preparation and implementation of corporate governance policies
Managing, coordinating, and collaborating with external legal counsel
This role could be for you if you have
Hold a juris doctorate, or bachelor’s degree in law, and be a member of the Law Society of Ontario or an other common law Canadian jurisdiction
The successful candidate will be required to obtain federal personal security clearance to the Level of Secret (10 years of continuous Canada residency, clear criminal record)
Have 3 to 5 years of experience in private practice, or as in-house counsel, with experience in construction law, commercial litigation and /or contract disputes
Possess excellent legal reasoning, judgement, and the ability to apply these skills in a solution-focused problem-solving manner
Be open to business travel to various regions of Canada and the United States as may be required
Additional Assets Include
Fluently bilingual in both official languages
Knowledge of the construction industry
Why you should apply For the past four years, we've proudly held the distinction of being one of Canada's Top 100 Employers. Read our entire list of benefits HERE !
Nov 15, 2024
Full time
Ready to build your career? We want to hear from you. As a Legal Counsel working in the operational support team at Pomerleau Construction, you will play a pivotal role in the future success of the business by providing strategic legal counsel in matters of corporate and commercial law. Supporting large-scale building and infrastructure projects – ranging from $1.5 million to upwards of $1 billion – you will have the opportunity to provide strategic legal advisory and support on day-to-day activities and operations of the company (Pomerleau and its subsidiaries). What You Will Do
Provid e strategic legal advice to the Companies executive and management teams
Providing legal advice to project teams during the course of construction on Projects across Canada and the United States, including management and preparation of claims under project contracts
Provid e general legal advice as required by the Companies’ operations in relation to disputes relating to procurement, environmental, employment, labour, real estate, and other areas of law
Managing all aspects of active litigation, arbitration, and administrative proceedings on the Companies’ behalf, including drafting pleadings, preparing document disclosure, conducting examinations, and running mediations, motions, trials , and arbitrations
Assisting in the preparation and implementation of corporate governance policies
Managing, coordinating, and collaborating with external legal counsel
This role could be for you if you have
Hold a juris doctorate, or bachelor’s degree in law, and be a member of the Law Society of Ontario or an other common law Canadian jurisdiction
The successful candidate will be required to obtain federal personal security clearance to the Level of Secret (10 years of continuous Canada residency, clear criminal record)
Have 3 to 5 years of experience in private practice, or as in-house counsel, with experience in construction law, commercial litigation and /or contract disputes
Possess excellent legal reasoning, judgement, and the ability to apply these skills in a solution-focused problem-solving manner
Be open to business travel to various regions of Canada and the United States as may be required
Additional Assets Include
Fluently bilingual in both official languages
Knowledge of the construction industry
Why you should apply For the past four years, we've proudly held the distinction of being one of Canada's Top 100 Employers. Read our entire list of benefits HERE !
House of Commons of Canada
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
L'Aministration de la Chambre des communes fournit aux députés et à leur personnel des services exceptionnels afin d’appuyer la démocratie parlementaire. Notre main-d'œuvre talentueuse et dévouée est au cœur de notre succès. Nous valorisons la diversité sous toutes ses formes et nous reconnaissons que chacun peut apporter une contribution et a le potentiel de s’épanouir. Si vous rêvez de vous joindre à une organisation assez petite pour que l’on vous remarque, mais assez grande pour vous offrir une belle carrière, nous voulons vous connaître !
Description du poste
Le Bureau du légiste et conseiller parlementaire cherche actuellement à pourvoir, pour une durée indéterminée, un poste d’avocate ou d’avocat dans les groupes et niveaux HLP-01 ou HLP-02, et à établir des bassins de candidat(e)s qualifié(e)s pour les postes d’avocate et d’avocat dans les groupes et niveaux HLP-01 et HLP-02.
Sous la direction de la conseillère/ le conseiller juridique principale et chef d’équipe, Affaires juridiques, l’avocate ou l’avocat fournit des conseils et des services juridiques complets et spécialisés aux député(e)s et aux haut(e)s dirigeant(e)s de la Chambre des communes de manière professionnelle, non partisane, confidentielle et opportune, sur des questions complexes liées au droit constitutionnel, au droit parlementaire, au droit administratif, aux contrats et approvisionnements, à la protection de la vie privée et au droit du travail, entre autres.
Principales raisons de se joindre à l’équipe du Bureau du légiste et conseiller parlementaire :
Il s’agit d’une occasion rare de participer au processus démocratique d’élaboration des lois. Vous interagirez régulièrement directement avec les député(e)s et leur personnel, ce qui nécessitera du tact et de la diplomatie.
Possibilités de formation et de perfectionnement
Conciliation travail-vie personnelle/semaine de travail de 35 heures
Quatre semaines de vacances au minimum
Éducation :
Diplôme en droit d’une université reconnue;
Adhésion en bonne et due forme au barreau d’une province ou d’un territoire.
Expérience :
Expérience dans la prestation de conseils juridiques spécialisés sur des questions de droit public;
Expérience dans la prestation de conseils juridiques stratégiques et opportuns (à l’oral et à l’écrit) sur des questions juridiques complexes.
Atouts :
Connaissance du droit contractuel et des lois en matière d’approvisionnement;
Connaissance du droit du travail;
Connaissance du droit parlementaire.
Informations complémentaires
Nous nous engageons à créer un milieu de travail inclusif, notamment en adoptant un processus de recrutement et de sélection sans obstacle. Si vous avez une demande d’adaptation, avez besoin de matériel dans un format accessible, ou d'un soutien supplémentaire dans le cadre du processus de candidature, veuillez communiquer avec l’équipe des Services de recrutement et de sélection à l’adresse HOCCareers-CarrieresCDC@parl.gc.ca.
À chaque poste bilingue correspond un profil linguistique établissant le niveau de compétence en langue seconde nécessaire pour la compréhension de l’écrit, l’expression écrite et l’interaction orale. Le profil de ce poste est CCC. Des candidatures avec d'autres profils linguistiques pourront être prises en considération.
Veuillez noter que nous pouvons commencer à rencontrer des candidat(e)s qualifié(e)s avant la date limite de soumission des candidatures. Toutefois, soyez assurés que toutes les candidatures soumises avant la date de clôture seront pleinement prises en considération.
Nous vous invitons de sauvegarder une copie de l’avis d’emploi. Une fois la date limite passée, ces documents ne seront plus accessibles.
Les personnes qui se qualifient pourraient être prises en compte pour des occasions d’emploi futures, de durée indéterminée ou déterminée, pour ce rôle ou des rôles semblables et/ou connexes.
Découvrez notre organisation! Visitez Noscommunes.ca.
Pour en savoir plus sur notre processus d’embauche, consulter Éligibilité et sélection.
Oct 13, 2024
Full time
L'Aministration de la Chambre des communes fournit aux députés et à leur personnel des services exceptionnels afin d’appuyer la démocratie parlementaire. Notre main-d'œuvre talentueuse et dévouée est au cœur de notre succès. Nous valorisons la diversité sous toutes ses formes et nous reconnaissons que chacun peut apporter une contribution et a le potentiel de s’épanouir. Si vous rêvez de vous joindre à une organisation assez petite pour que l’on vous remarque, mais assez grande pour vous offrir une belle carrière, nous voulons vous connaître !
Description du poste
Le Bureau du légiste et conseiller parlementaire cherche actuellement à pourvoir, pour une durée indéterminée, un poste d’avocate ou d’avocat dans les groupes et niveaux HLP-01 ou HLP-02, et à établir des bassins de candidat(e)s qualifié(e)s pour les postes d’avocate et d’avocat dans les groupes et niveaux HLP-01 et HLP-02.
Sous la direction de la conseillère/ le conseiller juridique principale et chef d’équipe, Affaires juridiques, l’avocate ou l’avocat fournit des conseils et des services juridiques complets et spécialisés aux député(e)s et aux haut(e)s dirigeant(e)s de la Chambre des communes de manière professionnelle, non partisane, confidentielle et opportune, sur des questions complexes liées au droit constitutionnel, au droit parlementaire, au droit administratif, aux contrats et approvisionnements, à la protection de la vie privée et au droit du travail, entre autres.
Principales raisons de se joindre à l’équipe du Bureau du légiste et conseiller parlementaire :
Il s’agit d’une occasion rare de participer au processus démocratique d’élaboration des lois. Vous interagirez régulièrement directement avec les député(e)s et leur personnel, ce qui nécessitera du tact et de la diplomatie.
Possibilités de formation et de perfectionnement
Conciliation travail-vie personnelle/semaine de travail de 35 heures
Quatre semaines de vacances au minimum
Éducation :
Diplôme en droit d’une université reconnue;
Adhésion en bonne et due forme au barreau d’une province ou d’un territoire.
Expérience :
Expérience dans la prestation de conseils juridiques spécialisés sur des questions de droit public;
Expérience dans la prestation de conseils juridiques stratégiques et opportuns (à l’oral et à l’écrit) sur des questions juridiques complexes.
Atouts :
Connaissance du droit contractuel et des lois en matière d’approvisionnement;
Connaissance du droit du travail;
Connaissance du droit parlementaire.
Informations complémentaires
Nous nous engageons à créer un milieu de travail inclusif, notamment en adoptant un processus de recrutement et de sélection sans obstacle. Si vous avez une demande d’adaptation, avez besoin de matériel dans un format accessible, ou d'un soutien supplémentaire dans le cadre du processus de candidature, veuillez communiquer avec l’équipe des Services de recrutement et de sélection à l’adresse HOCCareers-CarrieresCDC@parl.gc.ca.
À chaque poste bilingue correspond un profil linguistique établissant le niveau de compétence en langue seconde nécessaire pour la compréhension de l’écrit, l’expression écrite et l’interaction orale. Le profil de ce poste est CCC. Des candidatures avec d'autres profils linguistiques pourront être prises en considération.
Veuillez noter que nous pouvons commencer à rencontrer des candidat(e)s qualifié(e)s avant la date limite de soumission des candidatures. Toutefois, soyez assurés que toutes les candidatures soumises avant la date de clôture seront pleinement prises en considération.
Nous vous invitons de sauvegarder une copie de l’avis d’emploi. Une fois la date limite passée, ces documents ne seront plus accessibles.
Les personnes qui se qualifient pourraient être prises en compte pour des occasions d’emploi futures, de durée indéterminée ou déterminée, pour ce rôle ou des rôles semblables et/ou connexes.
Découvrez notre organisation! Visitez Noscommunes.ca.
Pour en savoir plus sur notre processus d’embauche, consulter Éligibilité et sélection.
Federation of Canadian Municipalities
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
La Fédération canadienne des municipalités (FCM) est la voix nationale des gouvernements municipaux, représentant les intérêts des villes et des collectivités auprès du gouvernement fédéral.
Conseillère Juridique (L'unité des Prêts)
Growth & Development - Green Municipal Fund (GMF) - Unité de prêt
Niveau 8
Échelle salariale
Notre échelle salariale se situe généralement entre 106,000$ et 144,000$, en fonction des qualifications et de l'expérience
Le bilinguisme (anglais et français) est un atout majeur / Le bilinguisme (français et anglais) est requis
Permanent plein temps
Hybride (Ottawa)/À distance (au Canada)
Pourquoi c’est l’endroit idéal pour vous
Au FMV, nous donnons à nos employés les moyens de créer des changements là où ils ont le plus d'impact : les municipalités. Le FMV est une dotation permanente de 1,6 milliard de dollars du gouvernement du Canada, gérée de façon indépendante, ce qui le rend souple et disponible pour des initiatives à plus haut risque et à plus fort impact. Un investissement supplémentaire de 530 millions de dollars dans le FMV pour soutenir la Stratégie nationale d'adaptation a été annoncé en novembre 2022. Notre équipe s'est engagée à aider les collectivités locales à adopter plus rapidement des pratiques durables. Le FMV est la pierre angulaire du programme de la Fédération canadienne des municipalités (FCM).
Notre combinaison unique de financement, de ressources et de formation donne aux municipalités les outils dont elles ont besoin pour renforcer leur résilience et améliorer la qualité de vie des Canadiens. Grâce au FMV, les municipalités ont réduit leurs émissions de carbone, construit de meilleurs moyens de transport, des bâtiments efficaces et résilients, détourné des déchets des sites d'enfouissement, rendus disponibles pour le développement des terrains auparavant inutilisables et amélioré la qualité des sols et de l'eau.
Un rôle pour vous
Relevant du gestionnaire ou de la gestionnaire principal(e) de l'unité des Prêts, le conseiller ou la conseillère juridique de l'unité des Prêts apporte son expertise juridique au fonctionnement établi du FMV et contribue ainsi à la réussite globale du processus de financement. L'objectif de ce poste est d'assurer la conformité juridique et réglementaire et d'atténuer les risques associés aux activités de prêt et de financement de la FCM auprès des municipalités et des autres entités. En outre, le mandat de la conseillère ou du conseiller juridique de l'unité des Prêts consiste à veiller à ce que les transactions soient conformes à la législation et à la réglementation, à atténuer les risques juridiques et à renforcer la réputation de la FCM en matière de fiabilité et de respect des normes juridiques.
L’avenir du travail à la FCM comprend le fait que la FCM devienne une organisation encore plus axée sur les membres qui équilibre la réalisation de ses objectifs avec une approche centrée sur les personnes. Le titulaire incarne l’engagement de la FCM à être une organisation saine, diversifiée, inclusive et qui lutte contre le racisme. En tant que membre de l’équipe, conseiller(e) travaille d’une manière qui adhère à ces valeurs, à la culture d’entreprise et à la passion pour le mandat de la FCM.
Ce que vous aurez à faire
Gérer les aspects transactionnels des contrats du FMV, y compris la négociation, la structuration, la rédaction et les modifications des contrats, en faisant appel à un(e) avocat(e) externe au besoin.
Établir et surveiller toutes les politiques et procédures de nature juridique s’adressant aux employé(e)s du FMV, dont les modèles d’ententes, les directives et les outils d’interprétations, en veillant à leur amélioration continue et en assurant leur conformité à l’entente de financement du FMV et aux lois applicables
Déterminer quand faire appel à un(e) conseiller(e) juridique externe spécialisé(e) pour les dossiers complexes et pour compléter les capacités internes lorsque le volume est élevé.
Renforcer les connaissances et les capacités internes en matière de politiques et de pratiques juridiques en organisant régulièrement des sessions de formation avec le personnel de l'unité Services à la clientèle, financement et investissement (CSFI), afin de faire connaître les exigences juridiques et les stratégies d'atténuation des risques.
Préparer des modèles de contrat en anglais et en français pour l’unité des Prêts du FMV.
Préparer des contrats personnalisés et des modifications, selon les besoins, pour l'équipe des Services à la clientèle et de financement du FMV.
Négocier les accords de financement du FMV avec les clients du FMV, le cas échéant, afin de s'assurer que le FMV est dans une position juridiquement souhaitable.
Agir en tant que représentant principal au nom du FMV pour la négociation de contrats avec certaines autorités financières municipales et sociétés financières municipales.
Conseiller la haute direction dans la définition des positions externes et internes, des politiques, des procédures, des opérations et des transactions liées aux activités de prêt du FMV, gérer les risques juridiques à des niveaux acceptables de manière efficace et rentable et veiller à ce que le FMV se conforme à ses documents directeurs (c'est-à-dire l'accord de financement du FMV) et à la législation en vigueur.
Effectuer des recherches et des analyses juridiques afin de se tenir au courant de l'évolution du droit municipal, des réglementations en matière de crédit et des changements législatifs pertinents ayant une incidence sur le mandat du FMV.
Collaborer étroitement avec les services internes, tels que les Services à la clientèle et de financement, les Finances, l'unité des Prêts et l'unité Risques et conformité, afin d'évaluer les risques juridiques et les opportunités associés aux projets municipaux et aux activités de prêt.
Travailler en collaboration pour élaborer des stratégies globales de conformité juridique et d'atténuation des risques, en veillant à ce qu'elles soient conformes aux objectifs de l'organisation et aux exigences réglementaires.
Vos compétences font toute la différence
Ce que vous possédez :
Éducation :
Baccalauréat en droit (LL.B) ou diplôme équivalent d’une université reconnue et accréditée.
Certificat de compétence.
5 à 8 ans d’expérience en droit commercial ou droit des sociétés dans un grand cabinet d’avocats ou dans une organisation au sein de laquelle le candidat ou la candidate a acquis un expérience en droit commercial comprenant des compétences en élaboration, analyse, rédaction et négociation.
Expérience avec les transactions commerciales, notamment la structuration, la rédaction et la négociation des ententes de prêts.
Une expérience des questions juridiques relatives au logement social et abordable, en particulier en ce qui concerne les différents types de structures de gouvernance, y compris les fiducies foncières, les sociétés de bienfaisance, les organisations confessionnelles et les coentreprises, serait un atout.
Des connaissances de la loi applicable aux contrats de licence et aux droits de la propriété intellectuelle, ainsi qu’à la réglementation municipale seraient des atouts.
Connaissances de la réglementation pour les organismes sans but lucratif et les organisations offrant des services.
Connaissance du financement gouvernemental et d'autres initiatives de financement structurées pour soutenir le logement abordable, les bâtiments municipaux durables, la transformation des déchets organiques en énergie, les systèmes énergétiques communautaires et les programmes d'énergie propre évalués en fonction de la propriété.
Expérience démontrée en élaboration d’ententes commerciales en anglais et en français.
De solides habiletés pour les communications écrites et orales en anglais et en français sont requises.
Pouvoir analyser et synthétiser rapidement des situations complexes, et savoir user de créativité pour résoudre les problèmes.
Doit être capable d’établir des liens avec une variété de parties prenantes, y compris la haute gestion, les employé(e)s et les tiers (consultant(e)s, contractant(e)s, partenaires, etc.).
Être capable d’effectuer plusieurs tâches à la fois dans un environnement qui évolue rapidement et de gérer efficacement les priorités multiples.
Travailler à la FCM, c'est génial!
Nous privilégions la conciliation travail-vie personnelle grâce à notre modèle de travail flexible:
Lorsque nous parlons de modèle de travail flexible, cela signifie qu'en collaboration avec votre gestionnaire et en fonction des besoins de votre équipe, vous avez la possibilité de déterminer vos horaires de travail afin de bénéficier d'un équilibre sain entre vos exigences professionnelles et personnelles. Vous devez vivre au Canada pour ce poste, mais vous pouvez travailler principalement à domicile. Des déplacements périodiques au bureau central à Ottawa peuvent être requis. La majorité de l'équipe du FMV opère depuis la région de la capitale nationale. Nous aimons visiter les régions que nous touchons, ce qui nous permet également de découvrir des endroits uniques et merveilleux de notre pays. Vous pourriez être appelé(e) à voyager à l'échelle nationale de 10 à 15 % du temps.
Nous ne nous contentons pas de parler du bien-être des employés, nous le mettons en pratique :
Horaire d’été du 1er juillet à la fête du Travail:
Des journées de travail de 7 heures au lieu de 7,5
Congé à tous les vendredis pendant l’été
Des conditions de travail flexibles pour favoriser la productivité et le bien-être.
Un engagement envers le développement des employés.
Une gamme concurrentielle d'avantages sociaux et de services aux employés.
Des bureaux situés dans le marché By et au centre-ville d'Ottawa.
Nous nous engageons à favoriser une culture organisationnelle qui prône l'équité, la diversité, l'inclusion et l'appartenance , où des personnes de diverses identités raciales et ethniques, nationalités, statuts socio-économiques, orientations sexuelles, identité/expression de genre et capacités physiques et mentales peuvent s'épanouir et contribuer à leur plein potentiel.
Nous accueillons et encourageons les candidatures de personnes handicapées. Des aménagements sont disponibles sur demande pour les candidat(e)s, et ce dans tous les aspects du processus de recrutement et de sélection.
Nous attendons de vos nouvelles Si ce poste vous interpelle et qu’il reflète l’impact que vous souhaitez avoir, nous serions ravis de vous connaître!
La date limite de présentation des candidatures est le 02 Octobre 2024. Postulez dès aujourd’hui.
L'avenir du travail ici inclut un modèle hybride de travail; par conséquent, ce poste sera une combinaison de travail virtuel et sur site. Le candidat retenu doit résider au Canada et être autorisé à travailler au Canada. Il doit également être en mesure de travailler depuis son domicile / à distance, à l'intérieur du Canada.
Pour plus d'information au sujet de ce poste ou de la FCM en général, veuillez consulter notre site Web à www.fcm.ca. Pour en savoir plus sur le Fonds municipal vert, consultez le site https://greenmunicipalfund.ca/
Nous remercions tous les candidats et toutes les candidates pour leur intérêt, mais nous ne communiquerons qu'avec ceux et celles qui auront été retenu(e)s pour une entrevue. Toutes les candidatures seront conservées pour une période de six mois après la fin du processus d'embauche.
Sep 19, 2024
Full time
La Fédération canadienne des municipalités (FCM) est la voix nationale des gouvernements municipaux, représentant les intérêts des villes et des collectivités auprès du gouvernement fédéral.
Conseillère Juridique (L'unité des Prêts)
Growth & Development - Green Municipal Fund (GMF) - Unité de prêt
Niveau 8
Échelle salariale
Notre échelle salariale se situe généralement entre 106,000$ et 144,000$, en fonction des qualifications et de l'expérience
Le bilinguisme (anglais et français) est un atout majeur / Le bilinguisme (français et anglais) est requis
Permanent plein temps
Hybride (Ottawa)/À distance (au Canada)
Pourquoi c’est l’endroit idéal pour vous
Au FMV, nous donnons à nos employés les moyens de créer des changements là où ils ont le plus d'impact : les municipalités. Le FMV est une dotation permanente de 1,6 milliard de dollars du gouvernement du Canada, gérée de façon indépendante, ce qui le rend souple et disponible pour des initiatives à plus haut risque et à plus fort impact. Un investissement supplémentaire de 530 millions de dollars dans le FMV pour soutenir la Stratégie nationale d'adaptation a été annoncé en novembre 2022. Notre équipe s'est engagée à aider les collectivités locales à adopter plus rapidement des pratiques durables. Le FMV est la pierre angulaire du programme de la Fédération canadienne des municipalités (FCM).
Notre combinaison unique de financement, de ressources et de formation donne aux municipalités les outils dont elles ont besoin pour renforcer leur résilience et améliorer la qualité de vie des Canadiens. Grâce au FMV, les municipalités ont réduit leurs émissions de carbone, construit de meilleurs moyens de transport, des bâtiments efficaces et résilients, détourné des déchets des sites d'enfouissement, rendus disponibles pour le développement des terrains auparavant inutilisables et amélioré la qualité des sols et de l'eau.
Un rôle pour vous
Relevant du gestionnaire ou de la gestionnaire principal(e) de l'unité des Prêts, le conseiller ou la conseillère juridique de l'unité des Prêts apporte son expertise juridique au fonctionnement établi du FMV et contribue ainsi à la réussite globale du processus de financement. L'objectif de ce poste est d'assurer la conformité juridique et réglementaire et d'atténuer les risques associés aux activités de prêt et de financement de la FCM auprès des municipalités et des autres entités. En outre, le mandat de la conseillère ou du conseiller juridique de l'unité des Prêts consiste à veiller à ce que les transactions soient conformes à la législation et à la réglementation, à atténuer les risques juridiques et à renforcer la réputation de la FCM en matière de fiabilité et de respect des normes juridiques.
L’avenir du travail à la FCM comprend le fait que la FCM devienne une organisation encore plus axée sur les membres qui équilibre la réalisation de ses objectifs avec une approche centrée sur les personnes. Le titulaire incarne l’engagement de la FCM à être une organisation saine, diversifiée, inclusive et qui lutte contre le racisme. En tant que membre de l’équipe, conseiller(e) travaille d’une manière qui adhère à ces valeurs, à la culture d’entreprise et à la passion pour le mandat de la FCM.
Ce que vous aurez à faire
Gérer les aspects transactionnels des contrats du FMV, y compris la négociation, la structuration, la rédaction et les modifications des contrats, en faisant appel à un(e) avocat(e) externe au besoin.
Établir et surveiller toutes les politiques et procédures de nature juridique s’adressant aux employé(e)s du FMV, dont les modèles d’ententes, les directives et les outils d’interprétations, en veillant à leur amélioration continue et en assurant leur conformité à l’entente de financement du FMV et aux lois applicables
Déterminer quand faire appel à un(e) conseiller(e) juridique externe spécialisé(e) pour les dossiers complexes et pour compléter les capacités internes lorsque le volume est élevé.
Renforcer les connaissances et les capacités internes en matière de politiques et de pratiques juridiques en organisant régulièrement des sessions de formation avec le personnel de l'unité Services à la clientèle, financement et investissement (CSFI), afin de faire connaître les exigences juridiques et les stratégies d'atténuation des risques.
Préparer des modèles de contrat en anglais et en français pour l’unité des Prêts du FMV.
Préparer des contrats personnalisés et des modifications, selon les besoins, pour l'équipe des Services à la clientèle et de financement du FMV.
Négocier les accords de financement du FMV avec les clients du FMV, le cas échéant, afin de s'assurer que le FMV est dans une position juridiquement souhaitable.
Agir en tant que représentant principal au nom du FMV pour la négociation de contrats avec certaines autorités financières municipales et sociétés financières municipales.
Conseiller la haute direction dans la définition des positions externes et internes, des politiques, des procédures, des opérations et des transactions liées aux activités de prêt du FMV, gérer les risques juridiques à des niveaux acceptables de manière efficace et rentable et veiller à ce que le FMV se conforme à ses documents directeurs (c'est-à-dire l'accord de financement du FMV) et à la législation en vigueur.
Effectuer des recherches et des analyses juridiques afin de se tenir au courant de l'évolution du droit municipal, des réglementations en matière de crédit et des changements législatifs pertinents ayant une incidence sur le mandat du FMV.
Collaborer étroitement avec les services internes, tels que les Services à la clientèle et de financement, les Finances, l'unité des Prêts et l'unité Risques et conformité, afin d'évaluer les risques juridiques et les opportunités associés aux projets municipaux et aux activités de prêt.
Travailler en collaboration pour élaborer des stratégies globales de conformité juridique et d'atténuation des risques, en veillant à ce qu'elles soient conformes aux objectifs de l'organisation et aux exigences réglementaires.
Vos compétences font toute la différence
Ce que vous possédez :
Éducation :
Baccalauréat en droit (LL.B) ou diplôme équivalent d’une université reconnue et accréditée.
Certificat de compétence.
5 à 8 ans d’expérience en droit commercial ou droit des sociétés dans un grand cabinet d’avocats ou dans une organisation au sein de laquelle le candidat ou la candidate a acquis un expérience en droit commercial comprenant des compétences en élaboration, analyse, rédaction et négociation.
Expérience avec les transactions commerciales, notamment la structuration, la rédaction et la négociation des ententes de prêts.
Une expérience des questions juridiques relatives au logement social et abordable, en particulier en ce qui concerne les différents types de structures de gouvernance, y compris les fiducies foncières, les sociétés de bienfaisance, les organisations confessionnelles et les coentreprises, serait un atout.
Des connaissances de la loi applicable aux contrats de licence et aux droits de la propriété intellectuelle, ainsi qu’à la réglementation municipale seraient des atouts.
Connaissances de la réglementation pour les organismes sans but lucratif et les organisations offrant des services.
Connaissance du financement gouvernemental et d'autres initiatives de financement structurées pour soutenir le logement abordable, les bâtiments municipaux durables, la transformation des déchets organiques en énergie, les systèmes énergétiques communautaires et les programmes d'énergie propre évalués en fonction de la propriété.
Expérience démontrée en élaboration d’ententes commerciales en anglais et en français.
De solides habiletés pour les communications écrites et orales en anglais et en français sont requises.
Pouvoir analyser et synthétiser rapidement des situations complexes, et savoir user de créativité pour résoudre les problèmes.
Doit être capable d’établir des liens avec une variété de parties prenantes, y compris la haute gestion, les employé(e)s et les tiers (consultant(e)s, contractant(e)s, partenaires, etc.).
Être capable d’effectuer plusieurs tâches à la fois dans un environnement qui évolue rapidement et de gérer efficacement les priorités multiples.
Travailler à la FCM, c'est génial!
Nous privilégions la conciliation travail-vie personnelle grâce à notre modèle de travail flexible:
Lorsque nous parlons de modèle de travail flexible, cela signifie qu'en collaboration avec votre gestionnaire et en fonction des besoins de votre équipe, vous avez la possibilité de déterminer vos horaires de travail afin de bénéficier d'un équilibre sain entre vos exigences professionnelles et personnelles. Vous devez vivre au Canada pour ce poste, mais vous pouvez travailler principalement à domicile. Des déplacements périodiques au bureau central à Ottawa peuvent être requis. La majorité de l'équipe du FMV opère depuis la région de la capitale nationale. Nous aimons visiter les régions que nous touchons, ce qui nous permet également de découvrir des endroits uniques et merveilleux de notre pays. Vous pourriez être appelé(e) à voyager à l'échelle nationale de 10 à 15 % du temps.
Nous ne nous contentons pas de parler du bien-être des employés, nous le mettons en pratique :
Horaire d’été du 1er juillet à la fête du Travail:
Des journées de travail de 7 heures au lieu de 7,5
Congé à tous les vendredis pendant l’été
Des conditions de travail flexibles pour favoriser la productivité et le bien-être.
Un engagement envers le développement des employés.
Une gamme concurrentielle d'avantages sociaux et de services aux employés.
Des bureaux situés dans le marché By et au centre-ville d'Ottawa.
Nous nous engageons à favoriser une culture organisationnelle qui prône l'équité, la diversité, l'inclusion et l'appartenance , où des personnes de diverses identités raciales et ethniques, nationalités, statuts socio-économiques, orientations sexuelles, identité/expression de genre et capacités physiques et mentales peuvent s'épanouir et contribuer à leur plein potentiel.
Nous accueillons et encourageons les candidatures de personnes handicapées. Des aménagements sont disponibles sur demande pour les candidat(e)s, et ce dans tous les aspects du processus de recrutement et de sélection.
Nous attendons de vos nouvelles Si ce poste vous interpelle et qu’il reflète l’impact que vous souhaitez avoir, nous serions ravis de vous connaître!
La date limite de présentation des candidatures est le 02 Octobre 2024. Postulez dès aujourd’hui.
L'avenir du travail ici inclut un modèle hybride de travail; par conséquent, ce poste sera une combinaison de travail virtuel et sur site. Le candidat retenu doit résider au Canada et être autorisé à travailler au Canada. Il doit également être en mesure de travailler depuis son domicile / à distance, à l'intérieur du Canada.
Pour plus d'information au sujet de ce poste ou de la FCM en général, veuillez consulter notre site Web à www.fcm.ca. Pour en savoir plus sur le Fonds municipal vert, consultez le site https://greenmunicipalfund.ca/
Nous remercions tous les candidats et toutes les candidates pour leur intérêt, mais nous ne communiquerons qu'avec ceux et celles qui auront été retenu(e)s pour une entrevue. Toutes les candidatures seront conservées pour une période de six mois après la fin du processus d'embauche.
National Judicial Institute
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
The National Judicial Institute (NJI) is an independent, bilingual, not‐for‐profit organization, based in Ottawa and Montreal, with a mandate to coordinate and deliver educational programming to members of the judiciary across Canada. Internally, a team of lawyers assists judicial education planning committees on matters of content and pedagogical design, while meeting professionals coordinate all logistical aspects of the programs. As part of its curriculum, the NJI offers over 70 judicial education programs each year. In addition, the Institute provides a number of educational resources to members of the judiciary, such as Judicial Education Guides, Electronic Bench Books, hard‐copy publications, educational modules to assist in program design, and an online judicial library. The NJI is looking to fill the permanent position of Counsel, Judicial Education. The position is based in Ottawa (hybrid work environment); however, we are open to staffing this position remotely within Canada The competition is open to all candidates, we encourage qualified candidates who self-identify as Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit, Métis) to apply. RESPONSIBILITIES Reporting to the Assistant Director, In-Person Education and Evaluation, the Counsel position is a legal professional interested in education and pedagogy. Counsel work with judicial education planning committees, court-based committees and NJI program delivery teams to produce judicial education seminars and educational materials at the national, regional, and provincial levels for judges across Canada. While most synchronous education seminars are provided in-person, some may be delivered online. Counsel, Judicial Education work closely with the In-Person Education and Evaluation management team and support the Chief Judicial Officer to provide a comprehensive curriculum of judicial education that integrates best practices in adult education design and delivery. This entails regular interaction with those responsible for education within courts in Canada and with other contributors to judicial education, including legal academics, members of the bar, and other subject-matter experts. The position allows considerable scope to engage in a wide range of projects relevant to the judiciary and that foster excellence in judicial education. Generally, Counsel, Judicial Education play a significant role in curriculum and agenda development, faculty planning and development, materials development, and program delivery but do not serve as presenters or teachers at judicial education seminars. Domestic travel to judicial education programs is part of the position. On average, counsel travel to education programs about once per month, although on occasion Counsel might be required to travel for several weeks in sequence during the peak program delivery period. There is little travel required during the months of July, August, and December. Specifically, the responsibilities of the position include: 1. Develop synchronous judicial education programs for delivery by the NJI and the courts, including preparing and conducting meetings and planning calls with judicial education planning committees and faculty members; 2. Provide expertise with respect to curriculum design, to complement subject expertise offered by members of planning committees and other external experts; 3. Work in collaboration with colleagues specializing in event planning to ensure cohesion between logistical planning processes and program content and delivery; 4. Oversee and take responsibility for the successful delivery of judicial education seminars, including travel to those events; 5. Provide research and draft input for education materials, including course materials, electronic resources, agendas, hypothetical problems, discussion questions, video scripts and facilitator notes, as necessary; 6. Develop a thorough understanding of adult pedagogical theory and the learning needs of the judiciary, and respond to education requests in collaboration with the Director of Education and the Chief Judicial Officer ; 7. Assist with the selection and onboarding processes of judicial education counsel, articling students, law students, and administrative employees, as needed; 8. From time to time, work on or assist in the development and preparation of asynchronous electronic resources for the judiciary and other projects under the primary responsibility of the Digital Education department, as needed; 9. Monitor legal and judicial developments in Canada; and 10. Represent the organization nationally. QUALIFICATIONS Essential 1. Bachelor of Laws (LL.B), Juris Doctor (JD) or equivalent legal education; 2. Experience working with professional or community organizations (including but not limited to a law firm, government, university, public legal education, not-for-profit, community organization); 3. Experience includes, but is not limited to, legal writing experience, program and project management, education administration, e-Learning development, and the use of technology in teaching or learning or research; 4. Experience in the design and delivery of adult or professional education curriculum and innovative education programming; 5. Experience in legal research; 6. Ability to write in a broad range of legal topics; 7. Fluent in English (R/W/O); 8. Working knowledge of French (R/W/O); 9. Proficiency with Office 365; 10. Membership at the Bar in a Canadian province or territory; and 11. Willing and able to travel nationally for work. Desirable 1. LL.M, SJD, DCL, or other postgraduate degree; 2. Fluent in French and English (R/W/O); 3. Experience teaching law at university; 4. Experience in distance education programming and resources; 5. Experience in project management; 6. Experience working in a non profit organization; 7. Bijural training (knowledge of common law and civil law); 8. Familiarity with Indigenous legal orders in Canada; 9. Proficiency in SharePoint; and 10. Proficiency in Project Management Software, such as Asana. SKILLS The skill set of the successful candidate must include: 1. Manage sensitive and potentially controversial information and interpersonal situations; uses effective negotiation and persuasion skills using professionalism and integrity; 2. Exhibit a positive attitude, build and maintain effective relationships with colleagues, clients and stakeholders using integrity and respect; consistently leverage effective negotiation and persuasion skills; 3. Meet deadlines, work in a dynamic, fast-paced environment and consistently demonstrate the ability to work on a team; 4. Conduct in-depth research into specific problems, concerns, or issues; develop options and make a recommendation for final decision-making; 5. Ability to remain current with legislation, adult pedagogy and judicial learning needs; ensure continued improvement of service delivery; and 6. Maintain professional ethics and discretion; protect sensitive and confidential information. COMPENSATION Compensation is to be determined at the time of hiring, based on the successful candidate’s experience and profile within the represented salary band 7 which ranges from $95,424 - $119,280 annually. What We Offer:
A hybrid work environment, with core office days - allowing you the best of both working from home and in-person, in a collaborative team environment.
A competitive salary with step increases based on experience.
Employer-paid health and dental benefits, starting on your first day with us.
A competitive vacation package, with an annual holiday closure.
Work-life balance: 35-hour work week, personal days, and schedule flexibility.
Organization-wide social events and training opportunities.
A meaningful career, supporting the development and delivery of judicial education on topics that matter for all Canadians.
We invite interested candidates to submit their application (resume and cover letter) below. We would appreciate receiving applications before July 16, 2024. However, we will continue to consider applications until the position is filled. While we appreciate all responses, only candidates under consideration will be contacted. The National Judicial Institute is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to providing employment accommodation in accordance with provincial Human Rights and Accessibility legislation. If contacted for an interview or employment testing, please advise Human Resources if you require accommodation.
Jul 23, 2024
Full time
The National Judicial Institute (NJI) is an independent, bilingual, not‐for‐profit organization, based in Ottawa and Montreal, with a mandate to coordinate and deliver educational programming to members of the judiciary across Canada. Internally, a team of lawyers assists judicial education planning committees on matters of content and pedagogical design, while meeting professionals coordinate all logistical aspects of the programs. As part of its curriculum, the NJI offers over 70 judicial education programs each year. In addition, the Institute provides a number of educational resources to members of the judiciary, such as Judicial Education Guides, Electronic Bench Books, hard‐copy publications, educational modules to assist in program design, and an online judicial library. The NJI is looking to fill the permanent position of Counsel, Judicial Education. The position is based in Ottawa (hybrid work environment); however, we are open to staffing this position remotely within Canada The competition is open to all candidates, we encourage qualified candidates who self-identify as Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit, Métis) to apply. RESPONSIBILITIES Reporting to the Assistant Director, In-Person Education and Evaluation, the Counsel position is a legal professional interested in education and pedagogy. Counsel work with judicial education planning committees, court-based committees and NJI program delivery teams to produce judicial education seminars and educational materials at the national, regional, and provincial levels for judges across Canada. While most synchronous education seminars are provided in-person, some may be delivered online. Counsel, Judicial Education work closely with the In-Person Education and Evaluation management team and support the Chief Judicial Officer to provide a comprehensive curriculum of judicial education that integrates best practices in adult education design and delivery. This entails regular interaction with those responsible for education within courts in Canada and with other contributors to judicial education, including legal academics, members of the bar, and other subject-matter experts. The position allows considerable scope to engage in a wide range of projects relevant to the judiciary and that foster excellence in judicial education. Generally, Counsel, Judicial Education play a significant role in curriculum and agenda development, faculty planning and development, materials development, and program delivery but do not serve as presenters or teachers at judicial education seminars. Domestic travel to judicial education programs is part of the position. On average, counsel travel to education programs about once per month, although on occasion Counsel might be required to travel for several weeks in sequence during the peak program delivery period. There is little travel required during the months of July, August, and December. Specifically, the responsibilities of the position include: 1. Develop synchronous judicial education programs for delivery by the NJI and the courts, including preparing and conducting meetings and planning calls with judicial education planning committees and faculty members; 2. Provide expertise with respect to curriculum design, to complement subject expertise offered by members of planning committees and other external experts; 3. Work in collaboration with colleagues specializing in event planning to ensure cohesion between logistical planning processes and program content and delivery; 4. Oversee and take responsibility for the successful delivery of judicial education seminars, including travel to those events; 5. Provide research and draft input for education materials, including course materials, electronic resources, agendas, hypothetical problems, discussion questions, video scripts and facilitator notes, as necessary; 6. Develop a thorough understanding of adult pedagogical theory and the learning needs of the judiciary, and respond to education requests in collaboration with the Director of Education and the Chief Judicial Officer ; 7. Assist with the selection and onboarding processes of judicial education counsel, articling students, law students, and administrative employees, as needed; 8. From time to time, work on or assist in the development and preparation of asynchronous electronic resources for the judiciary and other projects under the primary responsibility of the Digital Education department, as needed; 9. Monitor legal and judicial developments in Canada; and 10. Represent the organization nationally. QUALIFICATIONS Essential 1. Bachelor of Laws (LL.B), Juris Doctor (JD) or equivalent legal education; 2. Experience working with professional or community organizations (including but not limited to a law firm, government, university, public legal education, not-for-profit, community organization); 3. Experience includes, but is not limited to, legal writing experience, program and project management, education administration, e-Learning development, and the use of technology in teaching or learning or research; 4. Experience in the design and delivery of adult or professional education curriculum and innovative education programming; 5. Experience in legal research; 6. Ability to write in a broad range of legal topics; 7. Fluent in English (R/W/O); 8. Working knowledge of French (R/W/O); 9. Proficiency with Office 365; 10. Membership at the Bar in a Canadian province or territory; and 11. Willing and able to travel nationally for work. Desirable 1. LL.M, SJD, DCL, or other postgraduate degree; 2. Fluent in French and English (R/W/O); 3. Experience teaching law at university; 4. Experience in distance education programming and resources; 5. Experience in project management; 6. Experience working in a non profit organization; 7. Bijural training (knowledge of common law and civil law); 8. Familiarity with Indigenous legal orders in Canada; 9. Proficiency in SharePoint; and 10. Proficiency in Project Management Software, such as Asana. SKILLS The skill set of the successful candidate must include: 1. Manage sensitive and potentially controversial information and interpersonal situations; uses effective negotiation and persuasion skills using professionalism and integrity; 2. Exhibit a positive attitude, build and maintain effective relationships with colleagues, clients and stakeholders using integrity and respect; consistently leverage effective negotiation and persuasion skills; 3. Meet deadlines, work in a dynamic, fast-paced environment and consistently demonstrate the ability to work on a team; 4. Conduct in-depth research into specific problems, concerns, or issues; develop options and make a recommendation for final decision-making; 5. Ability to remain current with legislation, adult pedagogy and judicial learning needs; ensure continued improvement of service delivery; and 6. Maintain professional ethics and discretion; protect sensitive and confidential information. COMPENSATION Compensation is to be determined at the time of hiring, based on the successful candidate’s experience and profile within the represented salary band 7 which ranges from $95,424 - $119,280 annually. What We Offer:
A hybrid work environment, with core office days - allowing you the best of both working from home and in-person, in a collaborative team environment.
A competitive salary with step increases based on experience.
Employer-paid health and dental benefits, starting on your first day with us.
A competitive vacation package, with an annual holiday closure.
Work-life balance: 35-hour work week, personal days, and schedule flexibility.
Organization-wide social events and training opportunities.
A meaningful career, supporting the development and delivery of judicial education on topics that matter for all Canadians.
We invite interested candidates to submit their application (resume and cover letter) below. We would appreciate receiving applications before July 16, 2024. However, we will continue to consider applications until the position is filled. While we appreciate all responses, only candidates under consideration will be contacted. The National Judicial Institute is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to providing employment accommodation in accordance with provincial Human Rights and Accessibility legislation. If contacted for an interview or employment testing, please advise Human Resources if you require accommodation.
McMillan LLP , one of Canada’s leading business law firms, is currently seeking an associate to join its Financial Services Group in Ottawa focusing on insurance regulatory work.
The insurance regulatory subgroup of McMillan’s Financial Services Group advises Canadian and international insurers and intermediaries on regulatory matters, including approvals for establishing business in Canada, the regulation of insurance contracts, and ongoing general compliance matters. The Group also provides Canadian assistance on insurance M&A transactions.
Applicants should have a minimum of 2 years of financial services law experience, preferably including insurance regulatory experience, along with strong professional and academic credentials.
McMillan LLP is known for its excellent professional development, training, mentorship and support. If you have the requisite skill set and are interested in working within a collegial and forward-looking environment, please submit a resume and law school transcripts in confidence to:
Jordana Loporcaro, LL.B., J.D.
Director, Professional Resources
McMillan LLP
t. 514.987.5083
If you are a person with a disability and require accommodation in order to successfully submit an application, please contact us to submit your accommodation request.
We thank all applicants for their interest however, only those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. We regret that we are unable to respond to individual inquiries about application status.
Jul 19, 2024
Full time
McMillan LLP , one of Canada’s leading business law firms, is currently seeking an associate to join its Financial Services Group in Ottawa focusing on insurance regulatory work.
The insurance regulatory subgroup of McMillan’s Financial Services Group advises Canadian and international insurers and intermediaries on regulatory matters, including approvals for establishing business in Canada, the regulation of insurance contracts, and ongoing general compliance matters. The Group also provides Canadian assistance on insurance M&A transactions.
Applicants should have a minimum of 2 years of financial services law experience, preferably including insurance regulatory experience, along with strong professional and academic credentials.
McMillan LLP is known for its excellent professional development, training, mentorship and support. If you have the requisite skill set and are interested in working within a collegial and forward-looking environment, please submit a resume and law school transcripts in confidence to:
Jordana Loporcaro, LL.B., J.D.
Director, Professional Resources
McMillan LLP
t. 514.987.5083
If you are a person with a disability and require accommodation in order to successfully submit an application, please contact us to submit your accommodation request.
We thank all applicants for their interest however, only those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. We regret that we are unable to respond to individual inquiries about application status.
Position Summary
The Member Services team is looking for a student legal research assistant to perform data analysis and research related to the membership services in the legal profession, and various administrative and clerical tasks to support our offices. Reporting to the Manager, Membership Services, the incumbent will undertake a variety of activities in the office ranging from researching member profiles to basic database clean-up tasks, and inbox monitoring. The incumbent must be reliable and familiar with office equipment and procedures. This is a contract summer student position from May 15, 2024, to August 15, 2024.
66 Slater Street, Suite 1200 Ottawa, ON
The CBA delivers services in both of Canada’s official languages. Fluent bilingual skills, both written and oral, are considered an asset.
Annual Salary
$33,766.20 per year ($19.24 per hour)
Collect, enter, verify, manage, analyze, and report on data related to member profiles.
Collect data in various legal sectors and follow consistent research methodologies related to membership services.
Analyze data collected about its application and impacts to:
Convert findings into plain language summaries:
Compile reports, findings, and policy briefs
Share outcomes with Directors and members of leadership
Participate in remote (virtual) meetings as required.
Other duties as required.
Completion of secondary school or equivalent.
Currently enrolled in an existing post-secondary institution in a related field or a new graduate from a legal curriculum.
Skills and Abilities
Ability to research and analyze data.
Ability to scrutinize the integrity of research and data collected.
Ability to maintain confidentiality with Member Services.
Ability to work in a team-oriented environment.
Ability to take direction, work independently, and plan, organize, and prioritize workloads.
Excellent client service skills with strong interpersonal and communication skills.
Basic computer skills and applications.
Working knowledge of Word, Excel, and Outlook.
Keen eye for detail.
Interested applicants must submit a cover letter and resumé.
We sincerely thank all applicants for their interest; however, we will only contact those under consideration. All applicants are encouraged to join the CBA Talent Community which establishes a list that may be considered for similar positions of various tenures.
The CBA is committed to the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion in its learning, work environments, and in its operations. We encourage applications from traditionally marginalized groups. We believe in and promote the rights of all persons with disabilities as outlined in the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA 2005) and its related Accessibility Standards Regulations. To meet this obligation, the CBA will make appropriate accommodations available upon request. Please inform the CBA, in advance, of the need for accommodation(s) during the recruitment and selection process to ensure your equal participation. Requests can be made by email to hr (@) cba.org
No Agency Please.
Jun 16, 2024
Position Summary
The Member Services team is looking for a student legal research assistant to perform data analysis and research related to the membership services in the legal profession, and various administrative and clerical tasks to support our offices. Reporting to the Manager, Membership Services, the incumbent will undertake a variety of activities in the office ranging from researching member profiles to basic database clean-up tasks, and inbox monitoring. The incumbent must be reliable and familiar with office equipment and procedures. This is a contract summer student position from May 15, 2024, to August 15, 2024.
66 Slater Street, Suite 1200 Ottawa, ON
The CBA delivers services in both of Canada’s official languages. Fluent bilingual skills, both written and oral, are considered an asset.
Annual Salary
$33,766.20 per year ($19.24 per hour)
Collect, enter, verify, manage, analyze, and report on data related to member profiles.
Collect data in various legal sectors and follow consistent research methodologies related to membership services.
Analyze data collected about its application and impacts to:
Convert findings into plain language summaries:
Compile reports, findings, and policy briefs
Share outcomes with Directors and members of leadership
Participate in remote (virtual) meetings as required.
Other duties as required.
Completion of secondary school or equivalent.
Currently enrolled in an existing post-secondary institution in a related field or a new graduate from a legal curriculum.
Skills and Abilities
Ability to research and analyze data.
Ability to scrutinize the integrity of research and data collected.
Ability to maintain confidentiality with Member Services.
Ability to work in a team-oriented environment.
Ability to take direction, work independently, and plan, organize, and prioritize workloads.
Excellent client service skills with strong interpersonal and communication skills.
Basic computer skills and applications.
Working knowledge of Word, Excel, and Outlook.
Keen eye for detail.
Interested applicants must submit a cover letter and resumé.
We sincerely thank all applicants for their interest; however, we will only contact those under consideration. All applicants are encouraged to join the CBA Talent Community which establishes a list that may be considered for similar positions of various tenures.
The CBA is committed to the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion in its learning, work environments, and in its operations. We encourage applications from traditionally marginalized groups. We believe in and promote the rights of all persons with disabilities as outlined in the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA 2005) and its related Accessibility Standards Regulations. To meet this obligation, the CBA will make appropriate accommodations available upon request. Please inform the CBA, in advance, of the need for accommodation(s) during the recruitment and selection process to ensure your equal participation. Requests can be made by email to hr (@) cba.org
No Agency Please.
At EY, you’ll have the chance to build a career as unique as you are, with the global scale, support, inclusive culture and technology to become the best version of you. And we’re counting on your unique voice and perspective to help EY become even better, too. Join us and build an exceptional experience for yourself, and a better working world for all.
Job Description: Law Clerk – Canadian Business Immigration
The law clerk will be a professional staff member of the EY Law Business Immigration Group, working in affiliation with EY. The primary role of the law clerk is to support the team of immigration lawyers by drafting immigration applications for individuals seeking permission to work or live in Quebec and in Canada; and to coordinate tracking status expiration dates for ongoing clients.
Your key responsibilities
As a Law Clerk, you will support multiple and challenging Canadian business immigration engagements and contribute to the delivery of solutions and ideas for our diverse institutional clients.
Client contact/communication:
Speaking with HR representatives of corporate clients and employees (applicants) to obtain information to assist in drafting applications
Follow-up with applicants and HR contacts to obtain copies of visas/documents
Drafting applications:
Have basic immigration processing categories and requirements for each category
On instruction from the lawyer, research current processing requirements at service centres/consulates etc.
Collect information from HR contact and applicant
Using available resources, draft complete application packages for review by the supervising lawyer
Make revisions to drafts
Ensure that applications are filed in a timely manner
Meet with lawyers to discuss questions raised by the client and then relate information back to the HR contact/applicant
Draft emails in response to queries by clients
Delegate appropriate work to legal assistants, such as: typing of forms, copying of documents, and sending out packages
Follow up with immigration authorities on pending applications
Enter expiration dates for applicants' status in tracking system
Notify clients of upcoming extensions
Keep individual client status charts updated (where required)
Communicating with other professional and support staff at EY Law:
Ensure that lawyers are always advised of client related issues that come to the attention of the law clerk
Participate actively in meetings of the professional staff of EY Law
Professional Development:
May be required to attend seminars and professional development courses that are relevant to his/her area of specialty
To qualify for the role you must have
Undergraduate University Degree, College Diploma, or equivalent experience
0-2 years of Canadian Business Immigration experience
Must be highly organized and have the ability to communicate effectively in in Canada’s both official languages
Excellent writing skills
Strong attention to detail
What we look for
We’re interested in strong team players who support their colleagues in reaching their goals while also considering their own workload and development. If you have the confidence to speak up and influence a team that affects big businesses worldwide, this role is for you.
What we offer
At EY, our Total Rewards package supports our commitment to creating a leading people culture - built on high-performance teaming - where everyone can achieve their potential and contribute to building a better working world for our people, our clients and our communities. It's one of the many reasons we repeatedly win awards for being a great place to work.
We offer a competitive compensation package where you’ll be rewarded based on your performance and recognized for the value you bring to our business. In addition, our Total Rewards package allows you decide which benefits are right for you and which ones help you create a solid foundation for your future. Our Total Rewards package includes a comprehensive medical, prescription drug and dental coverage, a defined contribution pension plan, a great vacation policy plus firm paid days that allow you to enjoy longer long weekends throughout the year, statutory holidays and paid personal days (based on province of residence), and a range of exciting programs and benefits designed to support your physical, financial and social well-being. Plus, we offer:
Support and coaching from some of the most engaging colleagues in the industry
Learning opportunities to develop new skills and progress your career
The freedom and flexibility to handle your role in a way that’s right for you
Diversity and Inclusion at EY
Diversity and inclusiveness are at the heart of who we are and how we work. We’re committed to fostering an environment where differences are valued, policies and practices are equitable, and our people feel a sense of belonging. From our actions to combat systemic racism and our advocacy for the LGBT+ community to our innovative Neurodiversity Centre of Excellence and Accessibility initiatives, we welcome and embrace the diverse experiences, abilities, backgrounds and perspectives that make our people unique and help guide us. Because when people feel free to be their authentic selves at work, they bring their best and are empowered to build a better working world.
EY | Building a better working world EY exists to build a better working world, helping to create long-term value for clients, people and society and build trust in the capital markets. Enabled by data and technology, diverse EY teams in over 150 countries provide trust through assurance and help clients grow, transform and operate. Working across assurance, consulting, law, strategy, tax and transactions, EY teams ask better questions to find new answers for the complex issues facing our world today.
May 11, 2024
Full time
At EY, you’ll have the chance to build a career as unique as you are, with the global scale, support, inclusive culture and technology to become the best version of you. And we’re counting on your unique voice and perspective to help EY become even better, too. Join us and build an exceptional experience for yourself, and a better working world for all.
Job Description: Law Clerk – Canadian Business Immigration
The law clerk will be a professional staff member of the EY Law Business Immigration Group, working in affiliation with EY. The primary role of the law clerk is to support the team of immigration lawyers by drafting immigration applications for individuals seeking permission to work or live in Quebec and in Canada; and to coordinate tracking status expiration dates for ongoing clients.
Your key responsibilities
As a Law Clerk, you will support multiple and challenging Canadian business immigration engagements and contribute to the delivery of solutions and ideas for our diverse institutional clients.
Client contact/communication:
Speaking with HR representatives of corporate clients and employees (applicants) to obtain information to assist in drafting applications
Follow-up with applicants and HR contacts to obtain copies of visas/documents
Drafting applications:
Have basic immigration processing categories and requirements for each category
On instruction from the lawyer, research current processing requirements at service centres/consulates etc.
Collect information from HR contact and applicant
Using available resources, draft complete application packages for review by the supervising lawyer
Make revisions to drafts
Ensure that applications are filed in a timely manner
Meet with lawyers to discuss questions raised by the client and then relate information back to the HR contact/applicant
Draft emails in response to queries by clients
Delegate appropriate work to legal assistants, such as: typing of forms, copying of documents, and sending out packages
Follow up with immigration authorities on pending applications
Enter expiration dates for applicants' status in tracking system
Notify clients of upcoming extensions
Keep individual client status charts updated (where required)
Communicating with other professional and support staff at EY Law:
Ensure that lawyers are always advised of client related issues that come to the attention of the law clerk
Participate actively in meetings of the professional staff of EY Law
Professional Development:
May be required to attend seminars and professional development courses that are relevant to his/her area of specialty
To qualify for the role you must have
Undergraduate University Degree, College Diploma, or equivalent experience
0-2 years of Canadian Business Immigration experience
Must be highly organized and have the ability to communicate effectively in in Canada’s both official languages
Excellent writing skills
Strong attention to detail
What we look for
We’re interested in strong team players who support their colleagues in reaching their goals while also considering their own workload and development. If you have the confidence to speak up and influence a team that affects big businesses worldwide, this role is for you.
What we offer
At EY, our Total Rewards package supports our commitment to creating a leading people culture - built on high-performance teaming - where everyone can achieve their potential and contribute to building a better working world for our people, our clients and our communities. It's one of the many reasons we repeatedly win awards for being a great place to work.
We offer a competitive compensation package where you’ll be rewarded based on your performance and recognized for the value you bring to our business. In addition, our Total Rewards package allows you decide which benefits are right for you and which ones help you create a solid foundation for your future. Our Total Rewards package includes a comprehensive medical, prescription drug and dental coverage, a defined contribution pension plan, a great vacation policy plus firm paid days that allow you to enjoy longer long weekends throughout the year, statutory holidays and paid personal days (based on province of residence), and a range of exciting programs and benefits designed to support your physical, financial and social well-being. Plus, we offer:
Support and coaching from some of the most engaging colleagues in the industry
Learning opportunities to develop new skills and progress your career
The freedom and flexibility to handle your role in a way that’s right for you
Diversity and Inclusion at EY
Diversity and inclusiveness are at the heart of who we are and how we work. We’re committed to fostering an environment where differences are valued, policies and practices are equitable, and our people feel a sense of belonging. From our actions to combat systemic racism and our advocacy for the LGBT+ community to our innovative Neurodiversity Centre of Excellence and Accessibility initiatives, we welcome and embrace the diverse experiences, abilities, backgrounds and perspectives that make our people unique and help guide us. Because when people feel free to be their authentic selves at work, they bring their best and are empowered to build a better working world.
EY | Building a better working world EY exists to build a better working world, helping to create long-term value for clients, people and society and build trust in the capital markets. Enabled by data and technology, diverse EY teams in over 150 countries provide trust through assurance and help clients grow, transform and operate. Working across assurance, consulting, law, strategy, tax and transactions, EY teams ask better questions to find new answers for the complex issues facing our world today.
Position Summary
Reporting to the Executive Director, Advocacy, the Advocacy Lawyer monitors, identifies, and evaluates trends and issues in the legal profession. The successful candidate will liaise, develop, and manage projects with CBA constituent bodies, monitor federal legislative and policy development activities, and liaise with government officials, Parliamentary staff, and CBA members on policy initiatives. The successful candidate will coordinate cross-functionally with CBA and Branch staff for CBA responses to those initiatives.
66 Slater Street, Suite 1200, Ottawa, ON
Bilingualism is required (English and French)
Annual Salary
$123,377.83 per year ($70.30 per hour)
Monitors, identifies, and evaluates trends and issues in the legal profession and related professions
Develops, manages, coordinates, and assists on Advocacy Department projects and initiatives, and substantive issues arising from the mandate of Board Committees, Subcommittees, and Task Forces, as assigned
Monitors federal legislation and law reform initiatives
Develops and maintains effective contacts with federal officials, Parliamentary staff, and other relevant organizations
Advises CBA Sections, Subcommittees, and Task Forces on legislative and policy initiatives within their respective mandates and develops government relations plans
Coordinates CBA responses to federal government initiatives, writing and editing submissions, advising on potential political implications for the CBA, and briefing CBA members on government relations and appearances before Parliamentary Committees
Monitors outcome of submissions and advises on follow-up responses
Advises Communications staff for media relations relating to law reform initiatives
Attends meetings and represents the CBA in substantive consultations
Responds to requests from CBA members, media, and the public on an ad hoc basis
Acts as liaison to Board Subcommittees and Task Forces, as assigned
Prepares briefing materials and communications for CBA Board and Committee members
Attends Section, Committee, Subcommittee, Task Force, and Association meetings, as assigned
Other related duties as assigned
Bachelor of Laws (LLB or BCL) or Juris Doctor (JD) degree from an accredited university and membership in a provincial or territorial law society in Canada
Experience in project management, preferably in a law firm or volunteer-driven professional association
Experience in research and policy analysis and analyzing complex legal issues
Five years called to the bar
Skills, Knowledge, and Abilities
Excellent written and oral communication skills in both official languages
Knowledge of law firm or in-house legal department environment in the private, public, or voluntary sector
Knowledge of federal government legislative and policy-making processes
Knowledge of Canadian Parliamentary processes
Ability to work as a team member, with groups and partners with opposing views
Ability to multi-task and work with minimal supervision
Ability to complete tasks in a fast-paced and time-constrained environment
Highly effective interpersonal skills, including tact and diplomacy
Availability for weekend meetings and ability to travel
Interested applicants must submit a cover letter and resume.
We sincerely thank all applicants for their interest; however, we will only contact those under consideration. All applicants are encouraged to join the CBA Talent Community which establishes a list that may be considered for similar positions of various tenures.
The CBA is committed to the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion in its learning, work environments, and in its operations. We encourage applications from traditionally marginalized groups. We believe in and promote the rights of all persons with disabilities as outlined in the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA 2005) and its related Accessibility Standards Regulations. To meet this obligation, the CBA will make appropriate accommodations available upon request. Please inform the CBA, in advance, of the need for accommodation(s) during the recruitment and selection process to ensure your equal participation. Requests can be made by email to hr (@) cba.org.
No agencies, please.
Apr 27, 2024
Full time
Position Summary
Reporting to the Executive Director, Advocacy, the Advocacy Lawyer monitors, identifies, and evaluates trends and issues in the legal profession. The successful candidate will liaise, develop, and manage projects with CBA constituent bodies, monitor federal legislative and policy development activities, and liaise with government officials, Parliamentary staff, and CBA members on policy initiatives. The successful candidate will coordinate cross-functionally with CBA and Branch staff for CBA responses to those initiatives.
66 Slater Street, Suite 1200, Ottawa, ON
Bilingualism is required (English and French)
Annual Salary
$123,377.83 per year ($70.30 per hour)
Monitors, identifies, and evaluates trends and issues in the legal profession and related professions
Develops, manages, coordinates, and assists on Advocacy Department projects and initiatives, and substantive issues arising from the mandate of Board Committees, Subcommittees, and Task Forces, as assigned
Monitors federal legislation and law reform initiatives
Develops and maintains effective contacts with federal officials, Parliamentary staff, and other relevant organizations
Advises CBA Sections, Subcommittees, and Task Forces on legislative and policy initiatives within their respective mandates and develops government relations plans
Coordinates CBA responses to federal government initiatives, writing and editing submissions, advising on potential political implications for the CBA, and briefing CBA members on government relations and appearances before Parliamentary Committees
Monitors outcome of submissions and advises on follow-up responses
Advises Communications staff for media relations relating to law reform initiatives
Attends meetings and represents the CBA in substantive consultations
Responds to requests from CBA members, media, and the public on an ad hoc basis
Acts as liaison to Board Subcommittees and Task Forces, as assigned
Prepares briefing materials and communications for CBA Board and Committee members
Attends Section, Committee, Subcommittee, Task Force, and Association meetings, as assigned
Other related duties as assigned
Bachelor of Laws (LLB or BCL) or Juris Doctor (JD) degree from an accredited university and membership in a provincial or territorial law society in Canada
Experience in project management, preferably in a law firm or volunteer-driven professional association
Experience in research and policy analysis and analyzing complex legal issues
Five years called to the bar
Skills, Knowledge, and Abilities
Excellent written and oral communication skills in both official languages
Knowledge of law firm or in-house legal department environment in the private, public, or voluntary sector
Knowledge of federal government legislative and policy-making processes
Knowledge of Canadian Parliamentary processes
Ability to work as a team member, with groups and partners with opposing views
Ability to multi-task and work with minimal supervision
Ability to complete tasks in a fast-paced and time-constrained environment
Highly effective interpersonal skills, including tact and diplomacy
Availability for weekend meetings and ability to travel
Interested applicants must submit a cover letter and resume.
We sincerely thank all applicants for their interest; however, we will only contact those under consideration. All applicants are encouraged to join the CBA Talent Community which establishes a list that may be considered for similar positions of various tenures.
The CBA is committed to the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion in its learning, work environments, and in its operations. We encourage applications from traditionally marginalized groups. We believe in and promote the rights of all persons with disabilities as outlined in the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA 2005) and its related Accessibility Standards Regulations. To meet this obligation, the CBA will make appropriate accommodations available upon request. Please inform the CBA, in advance, of the need for accommodation(s) during the recruitment and selection process to ensure your equal participation. Requests can be made by email to hr (@) cba.org.
No agencies, please.
How will you contribute?
As Parliamentary Counsel, you will assist the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel of the Senate of Canada in rendering legal services to the Senate, its committees, individual senators and the Senate Administration. Your work will help with the development of a wide variety of initiatives related to advising stakeholders on laws, procedures, customs and usages of Parliament as well as the privileges, immunities and powers of the Senate and its members.
Open to
The general public to staff one (1) determinate position for a period of 21 months in the Office of the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel.
Possess a law degree from a recognized University;
Be a member in good standing in a Law Society of one of the Provinces or Territories of Canada, or in the Chambre des notaires du Québec;
Minimum of five (5) years of recent experience in legislative drafting or advisory services in at least two of the following subject areas: constitutional law, administrative law, parliamentary law, labour and employment law, contracting and procurement law, or other areas of public law;
Knowledge of the role and mandate of the Senate of Canada and the role of the Office of the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel;
In-depth knowledge of Canadian law and its theories, principles and concepts and the ability to provide strategic legal and policy advice on employment and labour matters, contracting and procurement matters, access to information and privacy, copyright and other legal matters;
Ability to draft legal opinions and other legal documents, including bills and amendments to bills;
Ability to conduct legal research, analyze disparate and complex factual information, and interpret jurisprudence and legislation.
Linguistic Requirements : CCC
Conseiller / Conseillère parlementaire
Votre contribution
En tant que conseiller parlementaire, vous aiderez le légiste et conseiller parlementaire du Sénat du Canada à fournir des services juridiques au Sénat, à ses comités, aux sénateurs et à l’Administration du Sénat. Votre travail contribuera à un large éventail de projets consistant à conseiller des intervenants en matière de droit, de procédures, de pratiques et d’usages du Parlement, et au sujet des privilèges, des immunités et des pouvoirs dont jouissent le Sénat et les sénateurs.
Ce processus de sélection est ouvert au grand public pour doter un (1) poste de durée déterminée pour une période de 21 mois au sein du Bureau de légiste et conseiller parlementaire.
Conditions préalables
Diplôme en droit d’une université reconnue;
Statut de membre en règle du barreau d’une province ou d’un territoire du Canada ou de la Chambre des notaires du Québec;
Minimum de cinq (5) années d’expérience récente dans la rédaction de textes législatifs ou la prestation de services consultatifs dans au moins deux des domaines suivants : droit constitutionnel, droit administratif, droit parlementaire, droit du travail et de l’emploi, droit des contrats et des marchés publics, ou autres domaines du droit public;
Connaissance du rôle et du mandat du Sénat du Canada ainsi que du rôle du Bureau du légiste et conseiller parlementaire;
Connaissance approfondie du droit canadien et de ses théories, principes et concepts, et capacité de fournir des conseils juridiques et politiques stratégiques sur des questions diverses : emploi et travail, contrats et marchés publics, accès à l’information et protection de la vie privée, droits d’auteur, et autres questions juridiques;
Capacité de rédiger des avis juridiques et d’autres documents de nature juridique, dont des projets de loi et des amendements à des projets de loi;
Capacité d’effectuer des recherches juridiques, d’analyser des données factuelles variées et complexes, et d’interpréter la jurisprudence et les lois.
Mar 31, 2024
Full time
How will you contribute?
As Parliamentary Counsel, you will assist the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel of the Senate of Canada in rendering legal services to the Senate, its committees, individual senators and the Senate Administration. Your work will help with the development of a wide variety of initiatives related to advising stakeholders on laws, procedures, customs and usages of Parliament as well as the privileges, immunities and powers of the Senate and its members.
Open to
The general public to staff one (1) determinate position for a period of 21 months in the Office of the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel.
Possess a law degree from a recognized University;
Be a member in good standing in a Law Society of one of the Provinces or Territories of Canada, or in the Chambre des notaires du Québec;
Minimum of five (5) years of recent experience in legislative drafting or advisory services in at least two of the following subject areas: constitutional law, administrative law, parliamentary law, labour and employment law, contracting and procurement law, or other areas of public law;
Knowledge of the role and mandate of the Senate of Canada and the role of the Office of the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel;
In-depth knowledge of Canadian law and its theories, principles and concepts and the ability to provide strategic legal and policy advice on employment and labour matters, contracting and procurement matters, access to information and privacy, copyright and other legal matters;
Ability to draft legal opinions and other legal documents, including bills and amendments to bills;
Ability to conduct legal research, analyze disparate and complex factual information, and interpret jurisprudence and legislation.
Linguistic Requirements : CCC
Conseiller / Conseillère parlementaire
Votre contribution
En tant que conseiller parlementaire, vous aiderez le légiste et conseiller parlementaire du Sénat du Canada à fournir des services juridiques au Sénat, à ses comités, aux sénateurs et à l’Administration du Sénat. Votre travail contribuera à un large éventail de projets consistant à conseiller des intervenants en matière de droit, de procédures, de pratiques et d’usages du Parlement, et au sujet des privilèges, des immunités et des pouvoirs dont jouissent le Sénat et les sénateurs.
Ce processus de sélection est ouvert au grand public pour doter un (1) poste de durée déterminée pour une période de 21 mois au sein du Bureau de légiste et conseiller parlementaire.
Conditions préalables
Diplôme en droit d’une université reconnue;
Statut de membre en règle du barreau d’une province ou d’un territoire du Canada ou de la Chambre des notaires du Québec;
Minimum de cinq (5) années d’expérience récente dans la rédaction de textes législatifs ou la prestation de services consultatifs dans au moins deux des domaines suivants : droit constitutionnel, droit administratif, droit parlementaire, droit du travail et de l’emploi, droit des contrats et des marchés publics, ou autres domaines du droit public;
Connaissance du rôle et du mandat du Sénat du Canada ainsi que du rôle du Bureau du légiste et conseiller parlementaire;
Connaissance approfondie du droit canadien et de ses théories, principes et concepts, et capacité de fournir des conseils juridiques et politiques stratégiques sur des questions diverses : emploi et travail, contrats et marchés publics, accès à l’information et protection de la vie privée, droits d’auteur, et autres questions juridiques;
Capacité de rédiger des avis juridiques et d’autres documents de nature juridique, dont des projets de loi et des amendements à des projets de loi;
Capacité d’effectuer des recherches juridiques, d’analyser des données factuelles variées et complexes, et d’interpréter la jurisprudence et les lois.
At Gowling WLG, our dedication to excellence and quality service begins with our people. As a global law firm with offices across Canada, the U.K., Europe, the Middle East and Asia, we pride ourselves on sourcing and retaining top talent who bring energy, passion and commitment to the delivery of outstanding client service.
Employee satisfaction is important to us. We work hard to ensure that our people are motivated, engaged and empowered. We are guided by our firm’s Core Values - The Power of Teamwork, Always Striving to be Better, We all Bring Something Different - in all that we do.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion are an integral part of our firm’s core values. We are always striving to build a more equitable, engaging and rewarding workplace by attracting and retaining talented people from a diverse range of backgrounds, cultures and experiences. Our aim is to help everyone reach their full potential and achieve their personal and professional goals.
Our diverse group of legal professionals, law students, law clerks, paralegals, legal administrative assistants and business services team members work together, and are respected and valued for their individual contributions.
Working within our Advocacy group with a focus on commercial litigation, the Legal Administrative Assistant will perform full legal administrative responsibilities in a confidential nature for one or more professionals.
Organizing and expediting the flow of work through the professional's practice, initiating any follow-up action as appropriate.
Working proactively in the day-to-day support of the professional's practice.
Accurately preparing legal documents and correspondence with minimal direction.
Transcribing and typing legal documents and correspondence.
Liaising between the legal professionals and various internal and external individuals and clients.
Managing the professional’s calendar, including travel arrangements.
Preparing expense reports.
Preparing and organizing meeting and briefing materials for the professional.
Preparing litigation documents, including Books of Authorities, Compendium of Argument.
Supporting the practice group in monitoring billing matters and undertaking of administrative tasks
Any other duties as required.
Relevant post secondary education (such as Administrative Assistant or Legal Administrative Assistant Diploma) coupled with a minimum of three years in a legal environment. Experience in civil litigation is an asset.
Knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite.
Knowledge of Litigation management programs is an asset.
Experience with the Ontario Superior Court, the Information Privacy Commissioner, the Human Rights Tribunal and/or any health colleges would be an asset.
Ability to multi-task in a fast paced environment.
Ability to communicate effectively with other Firm members, with the aptitude to take care of clients’ needs in a professional and courteous manner.
Capacity to work independently, as well as in a team environment.
Strong written, oral and verbal communication skills.
Strong organization and time management skills.
Bilingualism (French/English) is an asset.
Gowling WLG employees benefit from a hybrid work structure.
Not sure if you meet all the requirements? If you are excited about this opportunity but your experience does not align perfectly with every qualification in the job description, we encourage you to apply anyway. You may be just the right candidate for this or other roles.
Gowling WLG is dedicated to building a diverse and inclusive workplace. If you have a disability or special need that requires accommodation at any time during the recruitment process, please let us know.
While we appreciate all applications received, only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.
Dec 19, 2023
Full time
At Gowling WLG, our dedication to excellence and quality service begins with our people. As a global law firm with offices across Canada, the U.K., Europe, the Middle East and Asia, we pride ourselves on sourcing and retaining top talent who bring energy, passion and commitment to the delivery of outstanding client service.
Employee satisfaction is important to us. We work hard to ensure that our people are motivated, engaged and empowered. We are guided by our firm’s Core Values - The Power of Teamwork, Always Striving to be Better, We all Bring Something Different - in all that we do.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion are an integral part of our firm’s core values. We are always striving to build a more equitable, engaging and rewarding workplace by attracting and retaining talented people from a diverse range of backgrounds, cultures and experiences. Our aim is to help everyone reach their full potential and achieve their personal and professional goals.
Our diverse group of legal professionals, law students, law clerks, paralegals, legal administrative assistants and business services team members work together, and are respected and valued for their individual contributions.
Working within our Advocacy group with a focus on commercial litigation, the Legal Administrative Assistant will perform full legal administrative responsibilities in a confidential nature for one or more professionals.
Organizing and expediting the flow of work through the professional's practice, initiating any follow-up action as appropriate.
Working proactively in the day-to-day support of the professional's practice.
Accurately preparing legal documents and correspondence with minimal direction.
Transcribing and typing legal documents and correspondence.
Liaising between the legal professionals and various internal and external individuals and clients.
Managing the professional’s calendar, including travel arrangements.
Preparing expense reports.
Preparing and organizing meeting and briefing materials for the professional.
Preparing litigation documents, including Books of Authorities, Compendium of Argument.
Supporting the practice group in monitoring billing matters and undertaking of administrative tasks
Any other duties as required.
Relevant post secondary education (such as Administrative Assistant or Legal Administrative Assistant Diploma) coupled with a minimum of three years in a legal environment. Experience in civil litigation is an asset.
Knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite.
Knowledge of Litigation management programs is an asset.
Experience with the Ontario Superior Court, the Information Privacy Commissioner, the Human Rights Tribunal and/or any health colleges would be an asset.
Ability to multi-task in a fast paced environment.
Ability to communicate effectively with other Firm members, with the aptitude to take care of clients’ needs in a professional and courteous manner.
Capacity to work independently, as well as in a team environment.
Strong written, oral and verbal communication skills.
Strong organization and time management skills.
Bilingualism (French/English) is an asset.
Gowling WLG employees benefit from a hybrid work structure.
Not sure if you meet all the requirements? If you are excited about this opportunity but your experience does not align perfectly with every qualification in the job description, we encourage you to apply anyway. You may be just the right candidate for this or other roles.
Gowling WLG is dedicated to building a diverse and inclusive workplace. If you have a disability or special need that requires accommodation at any time during the recruitment process, please let us know.
While we appreciate all applications received, only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.
We’re one of Canada’s largest pension investment managers, with CAD$243.7 billion of net assets as at March 31, 2023.
We invest funds for the pension plans of the federal public service, the Canadian Forces, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Reserve Force. Headquartered in Ottawa, PSP Investments has its principal business office in Montréal and offices in New York, London and Hong Kong.
Capturing and leading complex global investments requires us to work as one to seize valuable opportunities, in close collaboration with some of the world’s top companies. At PSP, you’ll join a team of motivated and engaged professionals, dedicated to propelling our organization further than ever before.
At PSP, we encourage our employees to grow, forge powerful relationships, contribute and fuel inspired investment launchpads. We are committed to a culture that fosters collaboration and allows us to think beyond, in an interconnected way. We advocate for our employees to speak-up, learn, experiment, share, and be part of an
inclusive work environment
where diversity is embraced.
As a member of PSP Investments’ Legal Affairs department, the incumbent will, under the direction of the Senior Director, Legal Affairs and in collaboration with the other Access to Information and Privacy (“ATIP") professionals, be responsible for activities relating to PSP’s compliance with the Access to Information Act (Canada) and privacy laws and data protection obligations applicable to its operations in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom and Hong Kong.
As an Access to Information and Privacy Counsel, Legal Affairs, you’ll:
Accountable for processing and responding to access to information and privacy requests, investigations, complaints and consultations within delay prescribed by law.
Collaborate with, and obtain alignment from, other PSP teams in the context of ATIP requests, consultations, projects, assessments and investigations
Provide advice and recommendations on disclosure of information in accordance with ATIP Acts, policies and directives.
Support wholly-owned subsidiaries of PSP in the application of applicable ATIP laws.
Review and validate the monthly proactive disclosure reports prior to disclosure in accordance with the Access to Information Act.
Ongoing refinement and scaling of the ATIP program, based on the evolution of applicable ATIP laws and the growth of the organization advice and recommendations on disclosure of information in accordance with applicable privacy laws.
Monitor, report on and implement new requirements under applicable and ATIP laws and share relevant information with internal stakeholders.
Draft and update ATIP policies, procedures, guidelines, notices and other documentation.
Act as a mentor and/or train more junior members of the team.
Develop, compile and maintain KPIs and prepare periodic reports for various internal teams.
Oversee preparation of internal and external ATIP reports.
Develop and maintain networks internally and externally in the ATIP community.
Attend ATIP meetings and training, as appropriate, and share knowledge of relevant learnings with the ATIP team and other stakeholders.
Oversee preparation of information to be included in InfoSource on an annual basis
Develop and deliver in-house ATIP training programs for employees/consultants customized to the needs of different stakeholders.
Implement and coordinate corporate awareness activities related to ATIP.
Contribute to furthering the status of the ATIP office as an effective and valued business partner within PSP.
Review, draft and negotiate data protection addendums, data transfer agreements and privacy and security contractual terms for suppliers, on an as needed basis.
Provide advice and recommendations on privacy requirements for projects involving personal information on an as-needed basis.
Perform Privacy Impact Assessments, as required by the Privacy Act (Canada), the GDPR and other privacy laws, on an as-needed basis.
Called to the bar in at least one Province in Canada (ideally)
IAPP or other privacy professional certification will be considered an asset
Minimum of 7+ years related experience within Access to Information, preferably in a government institution
Privacy experience is considered an asset. (an interest in privacy and training will be mandatory for those without experience).
Trusted subject-matter expert in ATIP
Deep knowledge of Canadian ATIP laws
Expertise in international privacy laws impacting PSP’s operations, including the General Data Protection Regulation, is considered an asset
Clear understanding of Canadian government organizations
Sound business judgment, adaptability, and demonstrated ability to identify, prioritize, and resolve issues quickly and effectively
Strong interpersonal, written and verbal communication skills
Ability to collaborate with, challenge and influence people at various levels and with various perspectives
Ability to simplify complex issues and provide practical advice that can be operationalized
Ability to work independently and with minimal supervision
Ability to independently set priorities and follow up with relevant parties to meet strict deadlines, while managing steady workload
Bilingual, written and oral (English and French)
Strong technical skills with Microsoft Office and similar tools
Existing network in ATIP community will be considered an asset
We offer a tailored employee experience and competitive total rewards and benefits package* designed to attract and retain global diverse talent, reward performance, and reinforce business strategies and priorities. Beyond salary and incentive pay eligibility, you have access to:
A flexible hybrid work model with a mix of in-office and remote days based on business groups, teams, and roles
A hybrid allowance to support any hybrid related needs
Competitive pension plans
Comprehensive group insurance plans
Unlimited access to virtual healthcare services and wellness programs
Generous and inclusive paid family leave
Vacation days available on day one with additional days on milestone service anniversaries, and summer Friday afternoons off
Investment in career development
Benefits package may vary based on your employee type.
At PSP, we aim to provide an inclusive workplace where we leverage diversity and where everyone feels valued, safe, respected and empowered to grow. As part of this leadership commitment, we strongly encourage applications from all qualified applicants and strive to offer an inclusive and accessible candidate experience. If you require any accommodation for any part of the recruitment process, please let us know.
Please note that this position can be located in our offices in Montreal or Ottawa. If located in Ottawa, some travel to Montreal will be required.
Visit us on
Nov 28, 2023
Full time
We’re one of Canada’s largest pension investment managers, with CAD$243.7 billion of net assets as at March 31, 2023.
We invest funds for the pension plans of the federal public service, the Canadian Forces, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Reserve Force. Headquartered in Ottawa, PSP Investments has its principal business office in Montréal and offices in New York, London and Hong Kong.
Capturing and leading complex global investments requires us to work as one to seize valuable opportunities, in close collaboration with some of the world’s top companies. At PSP, you’ll join a team of motivated and engaged professionals, dedicated to propelling our organization further than ever before.
At PSP, we encourage our employees to grow, forge powerful relationships, contribute and fuel inspired investment launchpads. We are committed to a culture that fosters collaboration and allows us to think beyond, in an interconnected way. We advocate for our employees to speak-up, learn, experiment, share, and be part of an
inclusive work environment
where diversity is embraced.
As a member of PSP Investments’ Legal Affairs department, the incumbent will, under the direction of the Senior Director, Legal Affairs and in collaboration with the other Access to Information and Privacy (“ATIP") professionals, be responsible for activities relating to PSP’s compliance with the Access to Information Act (Canada) and privacy laws and data protection obligations applicable to its operations in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom and Hong Kong.
As an Access to Information and Privacy Counsel, Legal Affairs, you’ll:
Accountable for processing and responding to access to information and privacy requests, investigations, complaints and consultations within delay prescribed by law.
Collaborate with, and obtain alignment from, other PSP teams in the context of ATIP requests, consultations, projects, assessments and investigations
Provide advice and recommendations on disclosure of information in accordance with ATIP Acts, policies and directives.
Support wholly-owned subsidiaries of PSP in the application of applicable ATIP laws.
Review and validate the monthly proactive disclosure reports prior to disclosure in accordance with the Access to Information Act.
Ongoing refinement and scaling of the ATIP program, based on the evolution of applicable ATIP laws and the growth of the organization advice and recommendations on disclosure of information in accordance with applicable privacy laws.
Monitor, report on and implement new requirements under applicable and ATIP laws and share relevant information with internal stakeholders.
Draft and update ATIP policies, procedures, guidelines, notices and other documentation.
Act as a mentor and/or train more junior members of the team.
Develop, compile and maintain KPIs and prepare periodic reports for various internal teams.
Oversee preparation of internal and external ATIP reports.
Develop and maintain networks internally and externally in the ATIP community.
Attend ATIP meetings and training, as appropriate, and share knowledge of relevant learnings with the ATIP team and other stakeholders.
Oversee preparation of information to be included in InfoSource on an annual basis
Develop and deliver in-house ATIP training programs for employees/consultants customized to the needs of different stakeholders.
Implement and coordinate corporate awareness activities related to ATIP.
Contribute to furthering the status of the ATIP office as an effective and valued business partner within PSP.
Review, draft and negotiate data protection addendums, data transfer agreements and privacy and security contractual terms for suppliers, on an as needed basis.
Provide advice and recommendations on privacy requirements for projects involving personal information on an as-needed basis.
Perform Privacy Impact Assessments, as required by the Privacy Act (Canada), the GDPR and other privacy laws, on an as-needed basis.
Called to the bar in at least one Province in Canada (ideally)
IAPP or other privacy professional certification will be considered an asset
Minimum of 7+ years related experience within Access to Information, preferably in a government institution
Privacy experience is considered an asset. (an interest in privacy and training will be mandatory for those without experience).
Trusted subject-matter expert in ATIP
Deep knowledge of Canadian ATIP laws
Expertise in international privacy laws impacting PSP’s operations, including the General Data Protection Regulation, is considered an asset
Clear understanding of Canadian government organizations
Sound business judgment, adaptability, and demonstrated ability to identify, prioritize, and resolve issues quickly and effectively
Strong interpersonal, written and verbal communication skills
Ability to collaborate with, challenge and influence people at various levels and with various perspectives
Ability to simplify complex issues and provide practical advice that can be operationalized
Ability to work independently and with minimal supervision
Ability to independently set priorities and follow up with relevant parties to meet strict deadlines, while managing steady workload
Bilingual, written and oral (English and French)
Strong technical skills with Microsoft Office and similar tools
Existing network in ATIP community will be considered an asset
We offer a tailored employee experience and competitive total rewards and benefits package* designed to attract and retain global diverse talent, reward performance, and reinforce business strategies and priorities. Beyond salary and incentive pay eligibility, you have access to:
A flexible hybrid work model with a mix of in-office and remote days based on business groups, teams, and roles
A hybrid allowance to support any hybrid related needs
Competitive pension plans
Comprehensive group insurance plans
Unlimited access to virtual healthcare services and wellness programs
Generous and inclusive paid family leave
Vacation days available on day one with additional days on milestone service anniversaries, and summer Friday afternoons off
Investment in career development
Benefits package may vary based on your employee type.
At PSP, we aim to provide an inclusive workplace where we leverage diversity and where everyone feels valued, safe, respected and empowered to grow. As part of this leadership commitment, we strongly encourage applications from all qualified applicants and strive to offer an inclusive and accessible candidate experience. If you require any accommodation for any part of the recruitment process, please let us know.
Please note that this position can be located in our offices in Montreal or Ottawa. If located in Ottawa, some travel to Montreal will be required.
Visit us on
At Gowling WLG, our dedication to excellence and quality service begins with our people. As a global law firm with offices across Canada, the U.K., Europe, the Middle East and Asia, we pride ourselves on sourcing and retaining top talent who bring energy, passion and commitment to the delivery of outstanding client service.
Employee satisfaction is important to us. We work hard to ensure that our people are motivated, engaged and empowered. We are guided by our firm’s Core Values - The Power of Teamwork, Always Striving to be Better, We all Bring Something Different - in all that we do.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion are an integral part of our firm’s core values. We are always striving to build a more equitable, engaging and rewarding workplace by attracting and retaining talented people from a diverse range of backgrounds, cultures and experiences. Our aim is to help everyone reach their full potential and achieve their personal and professional goals.
Our diverse group of legal professionals, law students, law clerks, paralegals, legal administrative assistants and business services team members work together, and are respected and valued for their individual contributions.
Working within our Advocacy group the Legal Administrative Assistant will perform full legal administrative responsibilities in a confidential nature for one or more professionals.
Organizing and expediting the flow of work through the professional's practice, initiating any follow-up action as appropriate.
Working proactively in the day-to-day support of the professional's practice.
Accurately preparing legal documents and correspondence with minimal direction.
Transcribing and typing legal documents and correspondence.
Liaising between the legal professionals and various internal and external individuals and clients.
Managing the professional’s calendar, including travel arrangements.
Preparing expense reports.
Preparing and organizing meeting and briefing materials for the professional.
Preparing litigation documents, including Books of Authorities, Compendium of Argument.
Supporting the practice group in monitoring billing matters and undertaking of administrative tasks
Any other duties as required.
Relevant post secondary education (such as Administrative Assistant or Legal Administrative Assistant Diploma) coupled with a minimum of three years in a legal environment. Experience in litigation is an asset.
Knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite.
Knowledge of the Quebec court system is required.
Knowledge of Litigation management programs is an asset.
Ability to multi-task in a fast paced environment.
Ability to communicate effectively with other Firm members, with the aptitude to take care of clients’ needs in a professional and courteous manner.
Capacity to work independently, as well as in a team environment.
Strong written, oral and verbal communication skills.
Strong organization and time management skills.
Bilingualism (French/English) is an asset.
Gowling WLG employees benefit from a hybrid work structure.
Not sure if you meet all the requirements? If you are excited about this opportunity but your experience does not align perfectly with every qualification in the job description, we encourage you to apply anyway. You may be just the right candidate for this or other roles.
Gowling WLG is dedicated to building a diverse and inclusive workplace. If you have a disability or special need that requires accommodation at any time during the recruitment process, please let us know.
While we appreciate all applications received, only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.
Nov 14, 2023
Full time
At Gowling WLG, our dedication to excellence and quality service begins with our people. As a global law firm with offices across Canada, the U.K., Europe, the Middle East and Asia, we pride ourselves on sourcing and retaining top talent who bring energy, passion and commitment to the delivery of outstanding client service.
Employee satisfaction is important to us. We work hard to ensure that our people are motivated, engaged and empowered. We are guided by our firm’s Core Values - The Power of Teamwork, Always Striving to be Better, We all Bring Something Different - in all that we do.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion are an integral part of our firm’s core values. We are always striving to build a more equitable, engaging and rewarding workplace by attracting and retaining talented people from a diverse range of backgrounds, cultures and experiences. Our aim is to help everyone reach their full potential and achieve their personal and professional goals.
Our diverse group of legal professionals, law students, law clerks, paralegals, legal administrative assistants and business services team members work together, and are respected and valued for their individual contributions.
Working within our Advocacy group the Legal Administrative Assistant will perform full legal administrative responsibilities in a confidential nature for one or more professionals.
Organizing and expediting the flow of work through the professional's practice, initiating any follow-up action as appropriate.
Working proactively in the day-to-day support of the professional's practice.
Accurately preparing legal documents and correspondence with minimal direction.
Transcribing and typing legal documents and correspondence.
Liaising between the legal professionals and various internal and external individuals and clients.
Managing the professional’s calendar, including travel arrangements.
Preparing expense reports.
Preparing and organizing meeting and briefing materials for the professional.
Preparing litigation documents, including Books of Authorities, Compendium of Argument.
Supporting the practice group in monitoring billing matters and undertaking of administrative tasks
Any other duties as required.
Relevant post secondary education (such as Administrative Assistant or Legal Administrative Assistant Diploma) coupled with a minimum of three years in a legal environment. Experience in litigation is an asset.
Knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite.
Knowledge of the Quebec court system is required.
Knowledge of Litigation management programs is an asset.
Ability to multi-task in a fast paced environment.
Ability to communicate effectively with other Firm members, with the aptitude to take care of clients’ needs in a professional and courteous manner.
Capacity to work independently, as well as in a team environment.
Strong written, oral and verbal communication skills.
Strong organization and time management skills.
Bilingualism (French/English) is an asset.
Gowling WLG employees benefit from a hybrid work structure.
Not sure if you meet all the requirements? If you are excited about this opportunity but your experience does not align perfectly with every qualification in the job description, we encourage you to apply anyway. You may be just the right candidate for this or other roles.
Gowling WLG is dedicated to building a diverse and inclusive workplace. If you have a disability or special need that requires accommodation at any time during the recruitment process, please let us know.
While we appreciate all applications received, only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.
We are Pomerleau. And you could be too. At Pomerleau, we fully understand that our mission is not only to create infrastructure or erect buildings, but to build communities. As a leader in the construction industry for nearly 60 years, we always aim to make a positive impact on the lives of the people we serve across Canada. To do this, we do everything we can to listen to their needs, to never lose sight of the realities of tomorrow and to innovate in a more committed, more collaborative and more sustainable way. Together, this is how we redefine our practice - for the good of our profession and of future generations. What YOU Will Do
Supporting Pomerleau’s project teams through project execution in respect of contract administration, and providing solution-oriented advice to resolve course-of-construction issues with project owners, subcontractors, suppliers and consultants
Drafting and negotiating complex project contracts with project owners, including in the context of DBFOM, DBF, PDBF, PDB, DB and all manner of CCDC contracts
Drafting and negotiating subcontracts, supply and consulting agreements
Advising on the structuring of, and drafting and negotiating agreements governing, relationships with project partners, including joint ventures, general and limited partnerships and bidding consortia arrangements
Advising Pomerleau’s project finance team in respect of project financing matters
Supporting Pomerleau’s bid teams, advising on procurement and tendering matters (public and private), bid compliance, and negotiation, including leading and/or participating in commercially confidential meetings
Working with the legal and commercial teams to develop, update and improve Pomerleau’s standard contracting processes and precedents
Retaining, coordinating and collaborating with external legal counsel
Any other associated tasks relating to the operations of the Pomerleau and its subsidiaries
What YOU Will Bring
Hold a juris doctorate, or bachelor’s degree in law, and be a member of the Law Society of Ontario
Have 4-5+ years of experience in corporate and commercial law
Demonstrate relevant experience with PPP-type contractual arrangements
Excellent negotiation and legal argumentation skills, both verbally and in writing
You thrive working in a collaborative and team environment
You are a self-starter and not afraid to be resourceful and ask questions
Ability to travel to various regions in Canada where work representation may be required
Bonus If You Also Have
Working knowledge of the construction industry
Fluently bilingual in both official languages, both written and oral
Why Choose Pomerleau
Competitive salary
4 weeks’ vacation
Group insurance (including a health spending account!)
Group RRSP
Employer paid monthly public transit pass
Fitness Membership or Activity Reimbursement
Employee assistance program
Exciting training opportunities
Dynamic culture
Exciting career opportunities
Summer hours all year long
Access to telemedecine platform Diaolgue for free
New work from home policy
What are you waiting for? Let's build something extraordinary together. Apply now to join the team. We want to hear from you! We thank all applicants on the clear legal job board, but only those selected for further consideration will be contacted. Be sure to join our Talent Network to stay informed about all job opportunities at Pomerleau. Pomerleau Inc. is an equal opportunity employer. We are committed to providing employment accommodation in accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. During any stage of the recruitment and hiring process, accommodation for applicants with disabilities are available upon request.
Nov 05, 2023
We are Pomerleau. And you could be too. At Pomerleau, we fully understand that our mission is not only to create infrastructure or erect buildings, but to build communities. As a leader in the construction industry for nearly 60 years, we always aim to make a positive impact on the lives of the people we serve across Canada. To do this, we do everything we can to listen to their needs, to never lose sight of the realities of tomorrow and to innovate in a more committed, more collaborative and more sustainable way. Together, this is how we redefine our practice - for the good of our profession and of future generations. What YOU Will Do
Supporting Pomerleau’s project teams through project execution in respect of contract administration, and providing solution-oriented advice to resolve course-of-construction issues with project owners, subcontractors, suppliers and consultants
Drafting and negotiating complex project contracts with project owners, including in the context of DBFOM, DBF, PDBF, PDB, DB and all manner of CCDC contracts
Drafting and negotiating subcontracts, supply and consulting agreements
Advising on the structuring of, and drafting and negotiating agreements governing, relationships with project partners, including joint ventures, general and limited partnerships and bidding consortia arrangements
Advising Pomerleau’s project finance team in respect of project financing matters
Supporting Pomerleau’s bid teams, advising on procurement and tendering matters (public and private), bid compliance, and negotiation, including leading and/or participating in commercially confidential meetings
Working with the legal and commercial teams to develop, update and improve Pomerleau’s standard contracting processes and precedents
Retaining, coordinating and collaborating with external legal counsel
Any other associated tasks relating to the operations of the Pomerleau and its subsidiaries
What YOU Will Bring
Hold a juris doctorate, or bachelor’s degree in law, and be a member of the Law Society of Ontario
Have 4-5+ years of experience in corporate and commercial law
Demonstrate relevant experience with PPP-type contractual arrangements
Excellent negotiation and legal argumentation skills, both verbally and in writing
You thrive working in a collaborative and team environment
You are a self-starter and not afraid to be resourceful and ask questions
Ability to travel to various regions in Canada where work representation may be required
Bonus If You Also Have
Working knowledge of the construction industry
Fluently bilingual in both official languages, both written and oral
Why Choose Pomerleau
Competitive salary
4 weeks’ vacation
Group insurance (including a health spending account!)
Group RRSP
Employer paid monthly public transit pass
Fitness Membership or Activity Reimbursement
Employee assistance program
Exciting training opportunities
Dynamic culture
Exciting career opportunities
Summer hours all year long
Access to telemedecine platform Diaolgue for free
New work from home policy
What are you waiting for? Let's build something extraordinary together. Apply now to join the team. We want to hear from you! We thank all applicants on the clear legal job board, but only those selected for further consideration will be contacted. Be sure to join our Talent Network to stay informed about all job opportunities at Pomerleau. Pomerleau Inc. is an equal opportunity employer. We are committed to providing employment accommodation in accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. During any stage of the recruitment and hiring process, accommodation for applicants with disabilities are available upon request.
Location: Ottawa
Office Requirement: hybrid - 2 days/week in office
Hours: 35 Weekly
Salary: $63,672.25 Year
Reports to: Managing Lawyer - Atlantic Region
Timeline : application closes November 13th
About Us
As Canada's largest environmental law charity, our mission is using the law to defend nature, combat the climate crisis, and fight for a healthy environment for all. To achieve this, Ecojustice does three things:
We go to court- Our lawyers represent citizens, environmental organizations, Indigenous leaders, organizations, and communities, sustainable businesses, labour organizations, and any other groups that share our mission.
We push for better laws- Our experts testify in front of committees and make recommendations to strengthen environmental legislation.
We engage the public - Our work highlights environmental issues and changes the conversation, forcing our leaders to sit up and listen.
Our team recognizes that this planet is our most treasured inheritance, and it is our imperative to be good stewards for the generations who follow us. We believe in protecting the environment while having enough time off to enjoy it.
About the Role
Supporting the Managing Lawyer, the Legal Administrative Assistant and Clinic Administrator will support our litigators in Ottawa, collaborating across Canada when needed. This role will provide specific guidance and carry out a variety of day-to-day functions to assist staff lawyers and other team members with their everyday practice management.
Ecojustice also has a partnership with the University of Ottawa, jointly running the University of Ottawa-Ecojustice Environmental Law Clinic. This role will provide administrative support to the functions of the Environmental Law Clinic and the Ottawa Office.
The Legal Administrative Assistant and Clinic Administrator will provide legal administrative support to the Managing Lawyer and our litigation team in Ottawa, collaborating across Canada when needed. They will provide specific guidance and carry out a variety of day-to-day functions to assist staff lawyers and other team members with their everyday practice management.
In addition, Ecojustice has a partnership with the University of Ottawa, jointly running the University of Ottawa-Ecojustice Environmental Law Clinic. This role will provide administrative support to the functions of the Environmental Law Clinic and the Ottawa Office.
As a key member of our Ottawa team, you will be responsible for:
Litigation support including drafting legal documents, serving, filing, and submitting court and tribunal filings
Record keeping including maintaining litigation records, library and filing systems.
Coordinate people and projects including summer and articling students, program and office communications
Administration for classes at the University of Ottawa – Ecojustice Environmental Law Clinic, including online course work administration, communication, coordination with students, booking guest speakers, etc.
Ensuring smooth operations of the Ottawa office including management of facilities, mail, equipment, and office supplies
Role Success
Typically, we find that people who succeed in this role bring:
Legal Administrative Assistant Certificate or an equivalent combination of training, education, and experience.
5 years of direct experience in administration preferably as a Clerk or Legal Administrative Assistant, including experience in drafting court documents and assisting with court procedures (serving, filing).
1 year of litigation support experience
Experience with Outlook email and calendar management
Experience with Adobe and Microsoft Office Suite – Word and Excel
Direct experience supporting an office, preferably in a legal/law office; general office administration experience.
Professional written and verbal communication in English
Bilingual in French and English is an asset but not a requirement
Our Commitment To Justice, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (JEDI-R)
We are committed to embedding our commitment to justice, equity, diversity, inclusion, and reconciliation into all aspects of our organization. We value candidates who enjoy building meaningful, collaborative partnerships with equity-deserving groups and operationalizing JEDI-R values in day-to-day practices and operations.
We encourage applications from people with relevant job-related skills and who come from communities that have been structurally marginalized based on race, religion, nationality, social or ethnic origin, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression.
Members belonging to equity deserving communities can self-identify during the application process if they choose to do so.
Great Reasons To Join Us
Recognized as one of Canada’s Top 100 charities by Charity Intelligence.
Hybrid, remote, or full office setup including a $125 stipend for green transportation if you select hybrid.
3 weeks of vacation increasing every two years of service up to 6 weeks
Annual winter break
5% salary RRSP contribution after 1 year
13 public holidays (including National Day for Truth and Reconciliation) and two additional floater days
4 hours per month of paid personal life organization time
Additional flexible leave policies that accommodate physical and mental health leave, caregiving responsibilities, volunteering, and other life events.
100% employer-paid extended health benefits package, including up to $1500 per year of mental health coverage and employee and family assistance program
$500 per year wellness spending account
Parental leave top-up for birthing and non-birthing parents.
Colleagues dedicated to environmental impact through their work at Ecojustice (99% mission alignment rating from internal surveys).
A culture of collaboration where employees are fostered by their managers (97% manager relationship rating from internal surveys).
Learning opportunities to further our strategic commitment towards justice, equity, diversity, inclusion, and reconciliation.
Our Commitment to Transparency and Workplace Accessibility
As a charity, our value proposition is that of a mission-based organization, offering high-value benefits and perks. We are consistently benchmarking base pay to the non-profit industry and relevant areas of expertise to ensure we are both competitive and fair. Transparency, as well as diversity, equity, and inclusion are important to us. We post predetermined salaries to ensure that the hiring process and compensation are equitable for all.
Ecojustice strives to ensure that our online application system and recruitment process are accessible to individuals with different abilities and encourages candidates to contact careers@ecojustice.ca for any accommodation requests.
Oct 20, 2023
Full time
Location: Ottawa
Office Requirement: hybrid - 2 days/week in office
Hours: 35 Weekly
Salary: $63,672.25 Year
Reports to: Managing Lawyer - Atlantic Region
Timeline : application closes November 13th
About Us
As Canada's largest environmental law charity, our mission is using the law to defend nature, combat the climate crisis, and fight for a healthy environment for all. To achieve this, Ecojustice does three things:
We go to court- Our lawyers represent citizens, environmental organizations, Indigenous leaders, organizations, and communities, sustainable businesses, labour organizations, and any other groups that share our mission.
We push for better laws- Our experts testify in front of committees and make recommendations to strengthen environmental legislation.
We engage the public - Our work highlights environmental issues and changes the conversation, forcing our leaders to sit up and listen.
Our team recognizes that this planet is our most treasured inheritance, and it is our imperative to be good stewards for the generations who follow us. We believe in protecting the environment while having enough time off to enjoy it.
About the Role
Supporting the Managing Lawyer, the Legal Administrative Assistant and Clinic Administrator will support our litigators in Ottawa, collaborating across Canada when needed. This role will provide specific guidance and carry out a variety of day-to-day functions to assist staff lawyers and other team members with their everyday practice management.
Ecojustice also has a partnership with the University of Ottawa, jointly running the University of Ottawa-Ecojustice Environmental Law Clinic. This role will provide administrative support to the functions of the Environmental Law Clinic and the Ottawa Office.
The Legal Administrative Assistant and Clinic Administrator will provide legal administrative support to the Managing Lawyer and our litigation team in Ottawa, collaborating across Canada when needed. They will provide specific guidance and carry out a variety of day-to-day functions to assist staff lawyers and other team members with their everyday practice management.
In addition, Ecojustice has a partnership with the University of Ottawa, jointly running the University of Ottawa-Ecojustice Environmental Law Clinic. This role will provide administrative support to the functions of the Environmental Law Clinic and the Ottawa Office.
As a key member of our Ottawa team, you will be responsible for:
Litigation support including drafting legal documents, serving, filing, and submitting court and tribunal filings
Record keeping including maintaining litigation records, library and filing systems.
Coordinate people and projects including summer and articling students, program and office communications
Administration for classes at the University of Ottawa – Ecojustice Environmental Law Clinic, including online course work administration, communication, coordination with students, booking guest speakers, etc.
Ensuring smooth operations of the Ottawa office including management of facilities, mail, equipment, and office supplies
Role Success
Typically, we find that people who succeed in this role bring:
Legal Administrative Assistant Certificate or an equivalent combination of training, education, and experience.
5 years of direct experience in administration preferably as a Clerk or Legal Administrative Assistant, including experience in drafting court documents and assisting with court procedures (serving, filing).
1 year of litigation support experience
Experience with Outlook email and calendar management
Experience with Adobe and Microsoft Office Suite – Word and Excel
Direct experience supporting an office, preferably in a legal/law office; general office administration experience.
Professional written and verbal communication in English
Bilingual in French and English is an asset but not a requirement
Our Commitment To Justice, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (JEDI-R)
We are committed to embedding our commitment to justice, equity, diversity, inclusion, and reconciliation into all aspects of our organization. We value candidates who enjoy building meaningful, collaborative partnerships with equity-deserving groups and operationalizing JEDI-R values in day-to-day practices and operations.
We encourage applications from people with relevant job-related skills and who come from communities that have been structurally marginalized based on race, religion, nationality, social or ethnic origin, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression.
Members belonging to equity deserving communities can self-identify during the application process if they choose to do so.
Great Reasons To Join Us
Recognized as one of Canada’s Top 100 charities by Charity Intelligence.
Hybrid, remote, or full office setup including a $125 stipend for green transportation if you select hybrid.
3 weeks of vacation increasing every two years of service up to 6 weeks
Annual winter break
5% salary RRSP contribution after 1 year
13 public holidays (including National Day for Truth and Reconciliation) and two additional floater days
4 hours per month of paid personal life organization time
Additional flexible leave policies that accommodate physical and mental health leave, caregiving responsibilities, volunteering, and other life events.
100% employer-paid extended health benefits package, including up to $1500 per year of mental health coverage and employee and family assistance program
$500 per year wellness spending account
Parental leave top-up for birthing and non-birthing parents.
Colleagues dedicated to environmental impact through their work at Ecojustice (99% mission alignment rating from internal surveys).
A culture of collaboration where employees are fostered by their managers (97% manager relationship rating from internal surveys).
Learning opportunities to further our strategic commitment towards justice, equity, diversity, inclusion, and reconciliation.
Our Commitment to Transparency and Workplace Accessibility
As a charity, our value proposition is that of a mission-based organization, offering high-value benefits and perks. We are consistently benchmarking base pay to the non-profit industry and relevant areas of expertise to ensure we are both competitive and fair. Transparency, as well as diversity, equity, and inclusion are important to us. We post predetermined salaries to ensure that the hiring process and compensation are equitable for all.
Ecojustice strives to ensure that our online application system and recruitment process are accessible to individuals with different abilities and encourages candidates to contact careers@ecojustice.ca for any accommodation requests.
About Gowling Wlg
At Gowling WLG, our dedication to excellence and quality service begins with our people. As a global law firm with offices across Canada, the U.K., Europe, the Middle East and Asia, we pride ourselves on sourcing and retaining top talent who bring energy, passion and commitment to the delivery of outstanding client service.
When it comes to diversity, we not only accept it — we celebrate it, support it and thrive on it. To create an engaging and rewarding place to work, we seek to attract talented people from a diverse range of backgrounds and cultures. Our aim is to help everyone reach their full potential and achieve their personal and professional goals.
Employee satisfaction is important to us. We work hard to ensure that our people are motivated, engaged and empowered. We are guided by our firm’s Core Values - The Power of Teamwork, Always Striving to be Better, We all Bring Something Different - in all that we do.
Our diverse group of legal professionals, law students, law clerks/paralegals, legal administrative assistants and business support services team work together, and are respected and valued for their individual contributions.
Gowling WLG’s Ottawa office is currently seeking a motivated Trademark Lawyer to join its dynamic Intellectual Property Group. The Intellectual Property Department provides a variety of legal services with respect to the usage, protection and enforcement of intellectual property.
The ideal candidate should have at least 3 to 5 years trademark prosecution and trademark enforcement experience. The candidate must also have experience drafting domain name complaints and be comfortable with online enforcement matters. The candidate must have excellent writing and communication skills and be prepared to work in a fast-paced team environment.
Interested candidates should forward their resumes, including academic records, in confidence via the career page on our website.
Gowling WLG employees benefit from a hybrid work environment.
Not sure if you meet all the requirements? If you are excited about this opportunity but your experience does not align perfectly with every qualification in the job description, we encourage you to apply anyway. You may be just the right candidate for this or other roles.
Gowling WLG is dedicated to building a diverse and inclusive workplace. If you have a disability or special need that requires accommodation at any time during the recruitment process, please let us know.
While we appreciate all applications received, only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted via the legal job board.
Sep 27, 2023
Full time
About Gowling Wlg
At Gowling WLG, our dedication to excellence and quality service begins with our people. As a global law firm with offices across Canada, the U.K., Europe, the Middle East and Asia, we pride ourselves on sourcing and retaining top talent who bring energy, passion and commitment to the delivery of outstanding client service.
When it comes to diversity, we not only accept it — we celebrate it, support it and thrive on it. To create an engaging and rewarding place to work, we seek to attract talented people from a diverse range of backgrounds and cultures. Our aim is to help everyone reach their full potential and achieve their personal and professional goals.
Employee satisfaction is important to us. We work hard to ensure that our people are motivated, engaged and empowered. We are guided by our firm’s Core Values - The Power of Teamwork, Always Striving to be Better, We all Bring Something Different - in all that we do.
Our diverse group of legal professionals, law students, law clerks/paralegals, legal administrative assistants and business support services team work together, and are respected and valued for their individual contributions.
Gowling WLG’s Ottawa office is currently seeking a motivated Trademark Lawyer to join its dynamic Intellectual Property Group. The Intellectual Property Department provides a variety of legal services with respect to the usage, protection and enforcement of intellectual property.
The ideal candidate should have at least 3 to 5 years trademark prosecution and trademark enforcement experience. The candidate must also have experience drafting domain name complaints and be comfortable with online enforcement matters. The candidate must have excellent writing and communication skills and be prepared to work in a fast-paced team environment.
Interested candidates should forward their resumes, including academic records, in confidence via the career page on our website.
Gowling WLG employees benefit from a hybrid work environment.
Not sure if you meet all the requirements? If you are excited about this opportunity but your experience does not align perfectly with every qualification in the job description, we encourage you to apply anyway. You may be just the right candidate for this or other roles.
Gowling WLG is dedicated to building a diverse and inclusive workplace. If you have a disability or special need that requires accommodation at any time during the recruitment process, please let us know.
While we appreciate all applications received, only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted via the legal job board.